Evo reg numbers
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tekken btfo
>SF5 at #2
Yea Forums, /tekgen/, /dbfz/ and Kappa BTFO
Didn't CTB have close to 2k last year? What the fuck happened.
SamSho beating MK is hilarious
It's fine, the trend is what matters
SFV numbers down 500 from last year, Tekken 7 up 300
CTB is shit. Animetards only played it because of the UNiBst characters.
>1191 is a smaller number than 1156
quick maffs
No, 1.1k last year
>implying more than half will show up
So for sure, BBTAG/SC6 are getting slashed next year?
Right, all those people would gladly spend money registering and just skip out anyway.
I like how Smash is about 80% larger than the 2nd largest registration
K Boon
GBVS has pretty much a guaranteed spot next year due to cygames sponsor/prize money
I can see SC6 getting another year at evo, even more if Bamco is generous and releases a next wave of DLC and patches
BBtag gone for sure
why not just play uni then, it has all the uni characters and it doesn't suck like tag
Doesnt Cygames basically own EVO at this point
>smash once again with the highest numbers by far
fighting game cuckmmunity absolutely blown the fuck out
What's surprising about Ultimate is that i've seen some of my melee diehard friends convert into being Ultimate mains
If it’s there next year it’s getting Friday finals
What went wrong Yea Forums? I'm being serious I don't follow any of these things
It's not as technically demanding, but it is competitive, and not boring or frustrating at a igh level like the previous two entries. Melee's old. It's great but it's old.
>smash once again with the highest numbers by far
This is the first time a smash game has the highest numbers though
Catherine is at EVO too, but this alone doesn't make it a fighting game you fucking retard
muh tshirts
W-Where's king of fighters and DoA 6?
I dropped Melee for Ultimate. The game is good and its easier to find people to play with and have fun. Melee's scene is dying despite what they'd like you to think. People aren't showing up to tournaments and most of the regular tournaments in my region have stopped doing weeklies or even monthlies for Melee. The game will get people watching it, but Twitch viewership doesn't help tournaments pay the bills.
no, catherine is at AnimEVO, the shitty fake evo where all the trannies hang out
Are they giving free shirts to SF5 attendance again?
DOA6 does not reflect FGC core values, user
It's likely
Because the game was not main event at EVO until 2019
Seething ASWcuck
it has consistently dominated everything besides sf5 and only gets bigger every year
deal with it fgcuck
ultimate is what smash 4 was supposed to be, a middle ground between brawl and melee instead of brawl with better recoveries, no edgeguarding and less interesting top tiers. a month into smash wii u the writing was on the wall, the top tiers in that game were essentially locked into place until the DLC came out. ultimate's meta has been more diverse in less than a year already
little support from Arcsys, generally its not even as good as the games that make it up
why is a party game at the top for a fighting game tournament
>smash Ultimate isn’t a fighter, but Melee is
ftfy, zoomer
if you add the melee and tr4sh numbers it's #1
Melee players unironically don’t play anything besides Melee. Combined every FG game beats out Ultimate anyhow
Last year both Smash games got less entrants than T7 tho
Are they the same community though? Even in this thread you can see there's a divide between the two autismo camps
>soul calibur 6
what went wrong?
Dang. SC6 is easily the best game in the series and a super solid fighter, but bamco really dropped the ball supporting it competitively. Fucking DOA6 got a world tour announcement before the game even released.
Sorry FGCfags, EVO is a Smash colony now
>and only gets bigger every year
>has had decreasing numbers since 2016
Katsuhiro Harada, for the second time
capcom carrying the FGC as usual
>BBTAG still higher than the last time GG was there despite the massive drop
Get fucked, GG niggers.
>Nintendo party fighter ultimate - 3492
>Shitty big name FGC standard - 1929
>Good big name FGC standard - 1885
>Grassroots hype game that will be popular for its first year- 1719
>Normalfag garbage - 1567
>Quality anime fight - 1156
>Tekken but cucked - 742
>OHNONONONO (Paid for by Arcsys) - 640
The numbers seem to check out
tekken sucks
I thought people finally realized SFV was irredeemable shit, what happened?
>DoA 6 added a lewd minimization mode in the hopes they would that people wouldn't freak out over the lewd stuff and giving people a less lewd option for tournaments.
>Still not let into Evo because the FGC are a bunch of prudes.
>Disemboweling people and extreme violence is fine though, since Mortal Kombat is in.
What a bunch of fags.
>tekkenfag hates everything
seems to check out
this is a good Aris fan parody
Fighting games are niche so no wonder Smash got so many entrants
do you guys think smash will have the last finals spot
Iirc they mostly got asshurt about some presentation where they had some gravure model grab another's tits while talking about the jiggle physics.
Harada didn't work on the game dude, stop seething about him no putting Kunimitsu or whatever character you want in tekken already
literally no one has mentioned anything about GG up until your post. Yet you are seething at your big sister for some reason
rent free
Muslim Kommies officially BTFO
Being released in the fall, the week in between cawadooty and RDR2, probably didn't help. The game is good and the support has been at least decent, but it hasn't been getting much from bamco tournament-wise.
Will fighterz make it through another year?
What will replace the bottom two/three out of current/upcoming releases?
Poor SC6, never bought it but it didn't deserve the lack of attention that bamco gave it. It looks fun as hell.
People who actually play games and go to tourneys (aka not Yea Forums) realized that capcom addressed most problems it got at launch and now they are playing it.
Everyone hopes they will. Unless it’s filled with rushdownmonkies it’s gonna be about 3 hours.
Doesn't matter for me since I'll probably watch BBTAG and maybe Tekken 7 if they don't put that second to last.
>FGC is prudes
Nigga have you seen the average anime player's Twitter?
>Harada didn't work on the game dude
He's Bandai Namco general producer fucking retard, he's the one that gets the money for the game and markets them, he completely ignored SoulCalibur 6, except for the reveal and never even posted about the game again
Samurai Showdown is gonna be dead by next year.
Awful release date. If they waited and shipped with 2B the game would be in a much better place.
>Harada didn't work on the game dude
Why is there so much infighting in the fighting game community?
>Gets one hype Evo and never comes back, but is remembered eternally
>MK, DBZ and BB stay and stagnate, getting more boring every year
Team Ninja can remove all the lewd things of DoA 6 and make all the female characters wear burkas, but this franchise will never be at EVO because the series simply sucks at a competitive level.
there really isn't, tekkenfags just love to instigate and pick fights, they have a massive chip on their shoulders
>uhh it realized during a few pointandshootyshooty games for normies, so now it is invisible for everyone forever
>wait, what do you mean more people play tekken and unist now than the last year? release date is all that matters, stop lying
>bottom two/three
Will two games even be replaced? I'm sure gbfv will replace bbtag, but I don't know of anything coming out to replace calibur.
I hope there isn't desu, sc6 is breddy gud and it's the only game on that list where NA, EU, and Asia are on roughly the same level, which makes international majors really fun.
>He's Bandai Namco general producer fucking retard
yea, a promotion he only got very recently. SC6 was already pulling low numbers way before that
>1156 is greater than 1191
It's almost always Tekken and Smash fans vs everyone, the other part is Capcom fans vs anime fans
>but this franchise will never be at EVO because the series simply sucks at a competitive level.
>Everyone hopes they will.
Only smashtards hoped for that, the FGC wanted Tekken 7 but now Capshit is our last hope
>but is remembered eternally
Samurai Showdown doesn't exist. Samurai Shodown however is an objective success.
>Already made back money on pre orders alone
>Sold out of copies in the country of Japan twice
>Have two seasons worth of content planned, the first one being completely free
>Devs listen to complaints and patch them ASAP
This. Along with the fact that's it completely embarrassing to have "DOA Champion" in your fighting game resume, DOA will never be on EVO's mainstage because of how boring it is.
see his Chief Producer promotion was waaaaaay after SC6 release
>Basically tweets about all fighting games without exception from other franchises
>Never ever said a thing about SoulCalibur, a franchise from his own company
>He totally didn't fucked the project like he did it with 5 bro
>literally no one has mentioned anything about GG up until your post
If it wasn't me mentioning it first, it would be GG nigger with their typical whining against BB. Just beating the arrogant cucks to the punch.
>for some reason
So constant "HURRR DURRR FUCK BB! GG SHOULD BE THERE INSTEAD!!" posting is no reason to speak up? I guess GG niggers should be let free shitting up fighting game threads with their constant "PLAY GUILTY GEAR!! THE SUPERIOR GAME!!! FUCK SFV/BB/TEKKEN/ANY OTHER FG!" shilling faggotry, but if anyone dares to speak up against them, it's "rent free", huh?
You fucks ditched Melee, your MONEY MAKER, for some nico nico nii kawaii no one ever heard about
>Aris sub seething that Kekken got put in its place
Chadcom always wins baby
It didn't have a strong launch, because it released between two huge games, and it also was released at a time were there was no huge tournaments to show the game off.
I think a lot of it really just comes from people wanting other people to see and appreciate the cool shit in their favorite game so they attempt to debase the others. People gotta learn every game has cool shit in it AND that not every game appeals to everyone
The only FG I've ever loved was Street Fighter and I have almost no interest in other FGs but I take a very live, let live approach to it all.
>All the top 5 games have more entrants than Melee had last year
Take a shower Juan
90% is r/kappa and /fgg/
It was probably 1091 since dbfz was last to break 1k
Funny, because you’re editing the pic of him WINNING EVO 2018
I see it as the next DBFZ
I hope I am wrong, but I just don't see it lasting to next year. I just want this game to be a huge success so that SNK can bring back Metal Slug
But Leffen won 2018.
But this is the most registered entrants EVO has ever had.
SNK is already bringing back Metal Slug though, a new game is being developed for PS4 and Switch.
sorry dude your game is garbage and nobody will ever play it seriously
SFV's numbers are down.
KEK. Talk about karma for Meleefags throwing a shitfit over Samsho earlier this year.
You are ready to EMBRACE DEATH, right Yea Forums?
Incredibly obvious false flag
Shame on you retards
Is samurai shodown more popular than kof? I dun rmb kof getting big numbers
>a new game is being developed for PS4 and Switch.
I sleep
What did you want it to be developed for, the fucking Dreamcast?
No, KoF is very popular in LATAM and Asia
Like 90% of tekken arguments are started by someone talking shit about tekken. Most of the time tekken is content to do it's own thing. Which makes sense considering it has literally no competition in it's sub genre.
Xbox and PC
The Neo-Neo-Geo
Still better than everything that isn’t smash in its 4th year AND still holds the entrant record despite its complete disaster release. Honestly, if SF6 releases in a similar state to SFV AE they’ll crack 5k first year pretty easily.
literally everyone who has ever engaged in the FGC knows this post is a lie, so I don't know why you even bothered typing it up desu
It's probably going to PC later. No clue about Xbox but since Samsho did it's possible.
Wait a minute, where's Killer Instinct????
you guys told me nobody gives a shit about mortal kombat 11 and it was dead what is that
>Like 90% of tekken arguments are started by someone talking shit about tekken.
>Implying FGC """"influencers"""" like Jiyuna, MajinObama, Tasty Steve, Aris and Markman don't deliberately start shit with people over Tekken so they can play victim when they get clapped back.
They can't hear you over them porting VF5 to Yakuza/Judgement
what the fuck am I even reading. You are complaining about Harada not making tweets about SC6 as if it killed it for some fucking reason?
look on the bright side, Bamco has already said in the past that they were happy with how SC6 performed. Pat yourself on the back cause it at least won't go on hiatus again like 5 did for the series
>he trusted Yea Forums with fighting games
Yeah man, Tekken fans are pretty tame and not always hated especially by other 3D fighting game players
>Smashchads carrying the FGC on their back again
You're welcome, we'll keep your tournaments alive as long as you keep paying us.
>"it doesn't matter because Smash isn't a fighting game and SFV sucks"
>kappa shortly afterwards
>"Tekken has more than SFV - this is definitive proof that it's shit"
>kappa mere days later
what a pathetic lie
Post an example. Aris is the only one I would say is super hostile towards SFV.
Did sega put you know who in charge of virtua fighter or something?
What other 3d fighting game players?
the only reason people play dead or alive is for the boobs even then not a lot of people play it
Based SF and Smash running the show. Vappa gonna vappa.
>first year beaten by samsho
its fucking dead
There isn't. If you actually go to an event everyone is generally chill and will at the very least watch other games that they don't play to support them.
What you're seeing here is just twitch zoomers playing tribalism.
>Not mentioning /ssbg/ because you know you got bodied
keep telling yourself that bro
imagine thinking Yea Forums and twitch chat are the actual fighting game community
Imagine spending your whole life training in the arcades only for Smash to come out of nowhere and steal your girl
>Using Persona to shit on the FGC
P5 is not even on Switch and the series already have 3 fighting games, you could have choosed a better Smash character to shitpost you stupid retard.
And your mascots
>Has to seethe at my choice of reaction image because he can't dispute the facts
Virtua Fighter players and SoulCalibur players
>pic is from 2016
FighterZ really fucking collapsed huh. Is this because of Bamco's fuckery, or has it just fallen out of favor anyway?
why are you biting this bait ?
I wish I was good at fighting games so I could do this.
Tekken sucks and the fact that Tekkucks still lost after all the shilling is hilarious. SFV didn't even have to release anything this year to beat your sorry asses.
Also from my understanding it is pretty well liked in france as well
>Tekken released a season of fan favorites and a hugely promoted guest character and had multiple commentators and streamers paid to shill it
>It still couldn't beat SF when all they released was a Ryu palette swap
both, kinda
It will happen the same thing as DBFZ, it will be dead over one year. At least I’m glad it sold a lot. I can’t wait for Garou 2
>FGCucks claim Smash isn't a fighting game
>They admit that their sad excuse for a """tournament""" needs the help of a party game to not go under
We don’t say that smash isn’t a fighting games because we don’t like smash (the fandom is cringe tho) but because it doesn’t have the fundamentals that every other fighting game have
holy fucking shit. smash is fucking dominating
>get kicked out because smash had the worst attendants of evo's entire history
>literally had to pay money to get back in
It sounds cliche but just keep playing them and eventually you'll get better.
But that's wrong
t.plays both Smash and SF
BBTAG really lost its momentum after all the microtransactions and less amount of characters to its roster from the different series. It's basically untapped potential hampered by shitty delays, excessive pricing and lack of diversity in getting more characters. Only when the datamine becoming true and pic related being part of the roster can it really make a comeback.
I don't see them admitting anything, I just see some very silent chumps with their tails inbetween their legs
>Ultimate is just flavor of the month, people will forget about it by next year
>Over half a year later and it kicks Melee's ass out of EVO, gets 3,500+ entries, and is claimed as one of the best entries in Smash up to date according to Yea Forums, /vg/, twitter, twitch, youtube, and every other normalfag on social media.
Funny how things turn out huh.
I want to rub wieners with Hideri.
>He thinks Ultimate wouldn't have showed up anyway
No user let me rephrase that. By saying Smash isn't a fighter, they admit that a party game has to save their scene from irrelevance even at its biggest tournament of the year.
This is actually what I read every time I see a image from a Nintendo character
BBTag has microtransactions?
>armada throws a massive tantrum about melee getting cut over SamSho
>SamSho ends up bigger than melee
>fighterz that low
What the fuck? How?
>There are probably more Ryu/Ken mains in Smash than total entrants for SF5
>The same thing will happen to Tekken if Heihachi is revealed for the Fighter Pass
Smash ken looks so much better than SFV
gamestyle + general decline + toei fuckery
Makes me wonder how another licensed anime fighter would survive in this day and age.
My my how embarrassing of them. Feels good to be on the winning team
>actually typing this
They have more than half the roster behind dlc. Screw that shit.
Agreed, but they made Ryu look too Japanese. He looks like Kryu and I can’t unsee.
Heihachi won’t happen since the voice actor died and Japan tends to retire characters when that happens. A Bamco rep would either be Devil Jin or Nightmare.
It's scary how much power Smash has. Once a character is revealed, they're not longer from their own series, they're from Smash. Pic related, Ryu has been claimed by Smash and there's nothing Capcux can do about it.
Cross tag battle is a joke and those low numbers just further prove that it was retarded for them to even include it. Games two decades ago would get higher numbers than that. I garuntee that GGxrd or normal Blazblue would have gotten twice that entrant number.
>Not even close to SFV's first year
Hilarious and pathetic
By being developed by Arcsys and published by Bandai Namco, anyone older than 18 years saw this coming from miles away
>tfw you still are more played that anime trash
It isn’t that bad
So do any of you guys even play fighting games or do you just like shitposting?
They just need to unsquish the top half of his head a little.
reminds me of this EXCLUSIVE Ryu tech in SSB4.
Based ESL faggot.
Cope lol. The matter of the fact is Smash Ultimate can't even beat SFV's first year record when Mr Wiz claimed it will when he first announced the games.
On second thought I don’t think I want Scorpion and Heihachi In smash anymore
It's like the infinity gauntlet unironically. The more third party reps Smash has, the more power it gets among other gaming communities and normalfags.
They should’ve gave this the SF2 or SF Alpha look since they were going for SF2 Ken.
>Only fighting game left that isn't tied to SJW fuckery
>Only fighting game that can appease both their casual and competitive fans
>Only fighting game that can carry an entire event for one game
Is there any question why Smash stays on top?
I play tekken and unist. Honestly I’m surprised that SFV isn’t that far from tekken’s entry numbers desu. Was it that bad?
You obviously don’t play smash and traditional games on anything more than a surface level. They have more in common than you think. Besides, games within the fighting genre have a lot of differences anyway.
Having the highest and most obvious amount of casual plebs isn't something you should brag about, especially when most of them are furfags
Your mario party game will always be look down on
FGC blown the fuck out by smelly smashies once again.
>just 8 more fucking players.
smashfags had ONE FUCKING JOB!!
SFV got no updates for 6 months straight, literally nothing, they'll announce something at this EVO though
>fighting game
keep coping
ok mad fag
>Smash gets a Tekken, MK, SNK and Arksys rep
>The rest of the FGC ceases to exist as we know it because Smash takes its rightful place as god
How are you gonna look down on us when we're so far up at the top?
That also leaves the roster too bloated. Cut some out and make room for First Parties, so we can fix some old movesets
Just learn English before coming here user.
are you a retard
Cope and get a shower
Where's Skullgirls?
Better luck next time sweetie
This, personally I enjoy both smash and other games very much. I would consider smash a fighting game, but not in the traditional sense like all the others.
I think it shares a lot of elements that fighters do, but much more emphasis on positioning and the stage rather than on only worrying about the spacing.
Neutral Block grab attack mixup triangle is there
mix ups on ledge grabs similar to knockdowns
FS bar added comeback mechanics like many fighters(wouldnt expect to see in any tourney)
Punishes when a move leaves character in minus.
The differences are obvious but at the end of the day there are some signs of similar fundamentals, just applied in a much different ways.
pk faker
>Smash changes one animation
>SF5 changes entire camera angles
>Samsho removes a fan favorite character
>MK redesigns its entire identity
The only Acrsys rep better be Kunio. I don’t want anymore VN tier characters in smash.
Since when smash have footsies? Or mix-up?
I don't want to be rosterfagging but I'm pretty sure the last two DLC characters will be doomguy and heihachi .
>the term “wake up DP” will get replaced with “mama mia”
did tekken do anything?
stay mad and coping
Is this bait? Smash has tons of mixups
>Snake downthrow 50/50
>Falcon knee setups
>Ganon side B setup
>Lucina tech chase shield breaker
>Tomahawk grab
>Baiting parries with delayed aerials
>Puts on black stockings on characters to hide their legs
>Decreases Samus' bust
Nintendo really fell for it.
Yea Forums doesn't play fighting games, there's a reason you see a hundred of smash threads everyday
The animation didn't even get changed, all they did was remove the feather while the animation is still referencing that one game. Smashchads always win
dear god. seriously?
Cope, smelly.
>Smash tones down Snake's ass and Samus's ass and tits
>also removes panty shots
I'm really excited to go to Evo and meet the UNI dev.
>Puts on black stockings on characters to hide their legs
that was cero not SJW's
>SF5 changes entire camera angles
From one/two characters
>Samsho removes a fan favorite character
Season two is gonna happen anyways and she is going to be in. Also SNK make a game about waifus before samsho
Tekken still let you dress women like whores
Smash, UNIST, and I used to play SG. It’s a tie between SG and Smash hour wise.
If it was any of those other companies they would have cut Samus and Snake outright and you know it.
Yes, all of those are true.
>Samsho removes a fan favorite character
>fan favorite
>room for first parties
There was room for first parties. We got the last lingering pre-21st century guys like K Rool and Ridley, popular 3DS era heroes like Chrom and Isabelle, and popular Switch era heroes like Spring Man and Rex debuted too late to make the roster but are a safe bet come next time. Third party heroes aren't taking away roster space for characters that weren't even in the discussion in the first place.
There's really not much left for older first parties outside of one-off Zelda characters, maybe more Mario characters and then dredging Nintendo wikis for D-list and F-list garbage.
thank god smash exists. i don't think the eastern world gives a fuck about politics
nor should they. thank god. just play and that's all
>still seething
scrape the cum off your body pillow
Smash is literally carrying the FGC and the scene isnt even supported by nintendo at all. Who'd have thought this day would come
Why so much hate here? All fighting games are great, pushing forward the community costs nothing
>Made second on the popularity poll
When will kekkens learn?
Cut out characters? Lol. This is some prime level cope. The matter of a fact is that they censored them.
>Every other fighting game is too busy reselling old characters as DLC while EVERYONE is already here in Smash
See Other companies are excluding entire characters for being "problematic" while based Sakurai just keeps adding more fanservice
Only Smashfags like you would actually enjaculate on their pillow
SING IT Yea Forums!
She's as popular as Vega in SF
Yea Forums doesn't even play fighting games, also putting other people down is fun.
Yeah, by retarded secondaries that don't even play the game you retard.
ok anitranny
>Only fighting game left that isn't tied to SJW fuckery
Show me a pro player playing her in Samsho 6, she's pretty popular, I'm sure a lot of people played her
>Smashfag, animefags, tekkenfags and capfags fight each other to death meanwhile NRSchads doesn’t care about that shit and their game
is the most sold out of 2019, and also is the only fighting game that doesn’t have shit netcode
It feels good to be the Khan
>FGCfags literally damage controlling SJW influence
>MK redesigns its entire identity
what are you talking about retard you still do fatalities
its blazblue. It's not that popular in America. It's not a new game anymore.
3rd party characters arent bloat, the bloat is having 4 Marths and 3 links.
That's not a fair comparison at all, people actually play and love Vega, retards just want Iroha for more bird maid porn.
SNK already gave into secondaries and added Shiki, we don't need more shitty characters like Mina and Iroha. Add more fan favorites and veterans like Gen An and Sieger.
Literally the one year SS6 was at SBO had two of her in top 8 and she was the only repeat character.
>RNG mashing party game got nr 1 spot
pathetic capcums
>this is what your average NRS cuck calls good "animation"
>This is what FGCucks hear in their nightmares
>people actually play and love Vega
You can't lie user, it's the same shit, people would complain about him missing in SFV if he was, but no one would play him, except for 2 guys
>reuse all the assets from last game
>sell it as new and use the “EVERYONE IS HERE” as an excuse
ok now what does this have to do with evo
You forgot the fact that the champion was playing her.
Yes, NRS animations suck ass. And despite that the make better games that the average nip.
>Samchad that high
Holy fuck, time to celebrate.
nothing, this entire thread is a dick measuring contest for people insecure about their favorite game's entrants numbers at evo
Wouldnt it be BINGBINGWAHOO because of coin jump?
>we have to have the discussion about how EVO is the mid year major for every circuit again
It's big, but it's been reduced to just another major for the majority of fighting games because of the year long circuits. EVO has become a normie tier convention in a lot of ways and it's been obvious ever since 2014.
Now that Tekken, SF, and even ArcSys have full year circuits with every event feeding into the World Championship tournaments at the end of the year EVO isn't the world championship for the major fighting games anymore.
Wizard has been salty about that ever since Capcom started the Capcom Cup. That's why he always tries to push that Evo is the world championship, even though it isn't for any major fighting game anymore. Hell, SF and Tekken both get more international players at EVO now because it's one of the 8 to 16 major tournaments in a year that has a guaranteed ticket into the final tournament.
How damaged is your brain from all the masturbation and paranoia if you think they're censoring the game when they never thought of including someone, and when they're putting a literal pedobait character as DLC
And yet it's the only fighter to bring back ALL the veterans in the base cast. Meanwhile Capcom made you pay for fucking GUILE AND AKUMA.
>Meleetards were shitting on SamSho
>SamSho managed to have more entrants than Melee had last year
It's like poetry
This entire thread have nothing to do with evo, we are just shitposting. Enjoy
Tekken bros... we got too cocky...
What’s Genjuro’s deal? Is he a bad guy, or just a rival?
Yeah SC6 everyone got into and over it already that aren't the ones that were going to stay. October to July is a long gap. That's honestly I think is the main reason it didn't break 1000 and Samsho did. Samsho also got announced for Evo before the release date so everyone signed up for it anyway cause they're hyped for the new game. If Samsho and SC swapped places then you would be looking at maybe 900 max for Samsho and SC breaking probably 1500 at least.
They completely changed his gameplay by making him a motion character, changed the claw mechanics to punish him much harder, and he's low tier at that.
Of course no one plays him when capcom neutered him that hard, the difference is vega has real fans that play his games and as him. Iroha is from a single game that is seen as shit by fans of the series.
*$0.10 have been deposited into your NRS Advertising Account*
>also our most entered evo ever
Feels good man
Did you ever played Mortal Kombat Armaggedon?
Youch Capcom is seriously making you pay for echo fighters?
>Cutting the big tiddy mommy waifu but bringing back pedoshit
Not helping your case. Leftists love pedoshit.
>And yet it's the only fighter to bring back ALL the veterans in the base cast.
I'll add I'm not trying to slam Samsho or anything because I genuinely like it, but the release dates were a big play into the numbers we got.
It still puts up more entrants than pretty much any other tournament for it's main stage games, those world championship tourneys only really matter to sponsored/high level players or stream monsters, not the average tourney entrant.
Go post Cham Cham in Resetera and say she's your favorite character
Yes, they sell you and old character with new model, new moves, new supper. Yet ultimate recycled all from sm4sh. That’s easy as fuck. Is Budokai Tenkaichi 3 levels of low effort
>l-l-l-look at this animations i have no argument
nice mad did your weeb not make a video of mk11 yet
You have to buy Sakura and Kage too! And Tekken makes you buy Armor King!
The source material makes for a roster of characters with very boring homogenous moveset. If they make a fighting game based on Hero Academia or One Piece, now that's a different story.
I hope a season 2 announcement can revitalize some competitive interest in sc6. It's really good and the tournaments are super entertaining, would hate to see it get dropped.
mortal kombat already did that
>season 2 announcement
Don't forget that based Nintendo took down leftist propaganda from stage builder while every other company reveled in it.
>And yet it's the only fighter to bring back ALL the veterans in the base cast.
It's already been datamined so it seems pretty likely
>not the updated version
Basically the Akuma of the series. Not a true villain but he is pretty evil as he enjoys the thrill of killing. His backstory is pretty fucked up though. His mom was a prostitute and he was an accident. One night while a customer tried to kill his mother he kill him. His mother grows angry at him and lashes out at him so he kills her as well.
Basically just your standard edgy rival.
R. Mika is still in SFV
And where are they at Evo?
Season 2 is all I can ask for. Then I won't care if we don't get anything SC ever again since it was a miracle to get SC6 in the first place. But we're likely to be just stuck with Cassandra. Can only hope it'll have a BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE with a season 2 tease.
Yes, because EVO has been a normie tier convention since 2014. Wizard spends most of the space for shilling now instead of setups for games. He keeps cutting the amount of games present so that more companies can put the shit they're selling in Evo, so they can do panels with devs, etc.
And most of the people that go to EVO aren't your average tournament player. Most of them don't go to locals or regional events. They're essentially there for the convention aspect of EVO.
>Akuma of samsho
But I thought that was Enja, with the whole demon rage thing.
yes mortal kombat is at evo
>Arcsys chose to fucking pander towards BBCTB even though it was fucking dead after the second month.
>Meanwhile GGXrd hasn't had a single fucking update in almost 2 years and it still has higher numbers than both BBCF and BBCTB.
You really have to fucking wonder what goes through these nippon's heads sometimes.
>nice mad did your weeb not make a video of mk11 yet
Oh, so it's some ESL faggot from a third world country, got it.
Will never forget Garireo vs Dogura.
easy money, also don't forget to pay 60 trumps for the next Under Night game that will have 2 more characters and a balance patch
You retards told me Ultimate was just flavor of the month. You lied to me.
>And most of the people that go to EVO aren't your average tournament player. Most of them don't go to locals or regional events
It's not my fault. I'd go to locals if I had them and I don't have the kind of time off or make enough to fly to regionals multiple times a year.
ok kid how mad are you post the rest so you can fuck off already
They were only a year in when switch came out. Arms and XB2 were early releases and you know sakurai would have had the inside track anyways if he really wanted them in. Notice the splatoon stage is from splatoon 2?
Spring man is better as assist, the whole point of arms is the retarded reach and it would break smash. The only other option would be to have him not represent his series well at all.
XB2 is all about fighting with 2 separate characters fighting together, just seems like too much trouble to make a 3rd character based off that concept.
SeeEat a dick.
Me too. Gimme S2 and better lobbies and I'm happy with the game.
>>Meanwhile GGXrd hasn't had a single fucking update in almost 2 years
don't use GG for your falseflagging you fucking faggot. There literally was a patch before last years EVO
>b-but literal who
>b-but 3d snk
>b-but muh melee
>b-but muh tekken
>b-but it's slow
>b-but ps2 graphics
>b-but 8 frames
>b-but no combos
>b-but no pc
>b-but dead game
>b-but muh iroha
How the FUCK does Samsho keep WINNING?
Enja is mostly a meaningless side character. In SSIV there was a option to pick a variation of your character, Enja and some other characters exist only to allow people in SSV to play as these alternate versions of characters. In Enja's case he is the alternate form of Kazuki.
>Making you pay for Nightwolf, Sindel and fucking SHEEVA
i'm happy for Samsho fans, probably SNK's most interesting FG
Why are you telling me this? I don't even like Arcsys games, especially GG
this fighting game had dlc wow
Suzuhime > Iroha
Back in your place spic, this is Smashchad country.
>will probably have to wait an extra 6 months for the PC version too
spics hate every fg that isn't KoF.
>Could have made them base roster
>Instead you get Evil Jax, Female Swamp Thing and Skinny Goro
Kill yourself Chazo, you have to be another level of autistic to write a wiki page on yourself.
>b-but muh iroha
This shit was the funniest thing I've ever read here, she's literally Baiken tier, except even funnier because she is a game that make MUGEN games the pinnacle of balance
sen = trash
Samsho would be 100% better if they cut the loading times. Holy hell are the load times so LONG.
>That Baikenfag in the Samsho Yea Forums threads trying to pretend this wasn't true
Nah, if we get anyone from Sen I want Golba. His design is pretty cool and I like the idea of a samurai whose a villain because he became american.
>doesn't have a circuit
Nice game NRS "chads"
So he’s the Kage of Samsho when Kaze can’t control the blade?
No one would deny that, though it had some good character designs.
>Dominates every other game in numbers without company support
Not helping your case
>only mortal kombat has stuff like this
It nailed the corner of the market that demanded honest footsies and hard reads in a market full of anime rushdown buttons in your face unga bunga. Street Fighter is supposed to be the footsies king for the new gen but look where we are now.
Sort of. His back story is that he was a human turned demon after betraying his master. In all honesty he was created more just for gameplay reasons then anything. Him and Suija have some minor importance, though Rasetsumaru and Rera are just about non canon since they're just alternate versions of Haohmaru and Nakoruru.
I wonder how Sakurai feels knowing not one but two of his games are so damn big they're dominating the FGC.
Sakurai is unironically a fightan fag himself. Before he rebooted his Twitter for Smash 4 development he posted photos of himself and the KIU team playing Tekken Tag 2. He also got the inspiration for Smash by playing KoF 95 at an arcade.
the man doesn't care, he wanted to stop making smash games after melee
just whiff punish
>Blazblue has the highest "last game" entrants since the last KI
Fuck it I'll take any victory I can get.
Very easy to pick up and play but punishing to learn. Any idiot can learn the basics of a character in a few days but fully incorporating your tactics, using advance tech, and managing your resources in a smart way is hard.
It's funny going online and seeing just how many newfags burst round one.
pls dont bully KI
no you need to go into training find something then cry about it like its a real match
you don't have to be good. There are some absolutely trash people who go to evo, and even register. You can go to evo and not register, or go for sidegames that have cheaper entry fees. I tend to play the third strike tournament that happens every single evo, and usually has 300+ players. There's also the anime suites which are in-room tournaments, usually 20 people playing stuff like aquapazza.
> increasing entrants numbers every year it was there
> was removed despite the game still being supported with updates and before the steam release increased its numbers
It had a good run but I really wonder how many people could have been the max if they kept bringing it back
>as soon as Chazo got exposed he stopped posting
Of course, what adumb faggot, he makes himself too obvious.
>big crossover game that brought together characters from earlier SNK fighters
Can see why, interesting fact.
Mr. Wizard isn't allowed to drop sc6 until EVO 2021
If he does I will destroy all the mcribs
*Smash players don't play anything besides Smash
isn't there a diagram of entrants at a tournament where Smash 4, Melee, and Netherealms games all exist in completely different circles with no overlap?
>tfw Ultimate is so popular and I seriously don't like it at all
It feels like my controls are sticky because of buffering. I keep recovering in the wrong direction, I keep air dodging when I don't want to.
Maybe I'm just a sloppy cunt and need to work on my inputs, but it's a serious downer.
>land ukyo super against yashamaru players every time I block spear throw
>they all still keep doing it
you just have to be super deliberate about not holding inputs unless its a jump out of a throw or something.
I like how melee granpas thought their game was important and irreplaceable
*steals your fighting game tournament*
What does that have to do with his post?
Any Yashamaru using his spear throw deserves it, that move is garbage.
His specials in general are terrible, only his qcf is good. I hope he gets buffed in the future, as he is now he's pretty bad. Not Kyoshiro or Shiki tier but I would say bottom three still.
Baikenfags amd waifufags who just image dump fanart of their waifus are annoying. But fighing a legit good Baiken is lots of fun, constant 3D chess if theyll azami or not.
Is Skullgirls not popular anymore?
Wasnt sonicfox top 8 in snags 4 one year? Or am I just getting that confused?
>CTB is stillborn then dies the second year
At least Xrd had a good run.
I don't think SG ever made it to EVO
They got tournaments and streams with giveaways.
I thought it had a significant side tournament presence for a few years
I don't think so, no. I could be wrong.
Not for some time, there are other anime fighters that people have latched on to like unist and babytag.
It almost made evo one year, there was a poll for what game to choose for the main stage and it came in second, being just beat by Melee.
Yes side tournaments but never main event
Not a fighting game
Doesnt count
Fuckin melee, of course
I tried looking it up but couldn't find shit, I thought he used bayo and was on main stage. I think I might be crazy.
Go shill your input-eating YRC kusoge somewhere else, Guilty Queer.
could have been number 1 but bandai tried to be the only tournament host or some shit and killed the game
Yeah, fans were pretty pissed since there was a lot of campaigns and such to get votes, the community tried hard to get it on the main stage only to just miss it to melee. To this day there are fans mad about, convinced the game would have been there for years and draw in a lot of players.
It was a fundraiser IIRC, Melee raised the most money.
It's just that Melee can be so tedious. 8min rounds in BO5s, jesus christ
I was obviously implying that smash 5 being this big meant that they were wrong
>fighting game
Smash isn't a fighting game, it's a platform brawler. If you're going to call Smash a fighting game then the term fighting game becomes an umbrella term which means you've got to call Street Fighter, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur, Blaze Blue, Guilty Gear, Samurai Shodown, Virtua Fighter and the hundreds of games that follow the same rules something else. Do you call wrestling games fighting games? No so stop calling Smash a fighting game you smelly fuck.
Bo5 is dumb as hell for EVO and I say this as someone who watches Melee
>falling for the bait
Isn't Bo5 used exclusively for top 8?
Was mixed up that was Salem, both black furries.
I think it would have improved the longevity, being around alongside peak MVC3 popularity. And it's certainly a more aesthetically pleasing game than Melee.
I always wonder how the timeline would look of SG won instead of Melee
>Smash wouldn't have started its gameplay shift towards being more competitive friendly
>SG would've either gotten a third revision or a full on new game by now
>would've been the western "Under Night" in terms of growth and fanbase before UNIST blew up
>Filia would've been added to Unib
>Mike Z would've stopped being a salty bitch by now
8min BO3s are also tedious
>this is what your average NRS cuck calls good "animation"
NRS don't give a shit because why should they when they don't have to due to the gang busters MK always sells at.
Vega feels awful to play to SFV.
I think it depends.
*sets smashfags asses on fire*
Worst timeline
They're deliberately trying to emulate the janky look and feel of the actors from the original MK games. They can animate well when they want to.
that's at most 20 minutes, which is excessive but isn't nearly as long as Bo5.
my god jumping
>alex valle won with him
feels like people are exaggerating what is bad
8 x 3 = 24
>They're deliberately trying to emulate the janky look and feel
what the hell does this even mean
> but muh top player
he beat bonchan with hugo in a 7-3 matchup by memeing him. Player strength doesn't equate to character strength.
It fits much more nicely into the fighting super-genre than anywhere else, there's no need to get autistic about it.
they want the game to look like shit, user.
They really should cut it at 4min or at least 6.
Smash is the biggest it's ever been, if Fortnite was put up there that would have the most contestants by miles but that doesn't make it any more a fighting game.
The unnatural look and feel of the fighting that arose from how they used the actors in the original games. Fighters don't punch like they're slapping someone over fence, but they do in MK because that was what they ended up with from the technical limitations.
Does that make more sense?
you sound like a idiot the game looks fine
>They're deliberately trying to emulate the janky look and feel of the actors from the original MK games
Holy fuck, this is the definotion of a drone.
do you play the games or are you going off what some other guy told you
t. furry gaynig
Leave Wu out of this, she's too pure for shitposting here.
But I don't like NRS.
I'm sitting at 6000 points on ranked and I still sometimes ssen round 1. When I get bodied round 1 it just makes me really want to kill a nigga, plus I'd rather go into the next round with no rage with a 1-0 than 1-1.
I don't PLAY it, but I'm sure it plays fine. However, watching the Top 8 at CEO, I thought the character animations LOOKED weird and ugly. They don't really sell the motions as they rarely start from the legs and hips.
It is NEVER worth it to burn it round one, burning it roumd one is worse then taking a loss.
For the love of god Smash doesn't play like fighting games, I've already gave explained there a big difference between Smash and other fighting games, what left is for you lot to explain how Smash is similar to all other fighting games which you can't.
Jeeze. is soul calibur 6 THAT bad.
>DOA ended up DOA
It's only not worth it if you still lose
anyone getting together with friends to watch evo? pretty excited desu
ok whats ugly about them they look fine
How many would Melee have if it were at this Evo
It's the same difference as sumo and boxing. They're both combat sports but extremely different takes.
>Fighters don't punch like they're slapping someone over fence, but they do in MK because that was what they ended up with from the technical limitations
3D fighters before MK fence punching never suffered with it even on hardware a generation below it. MK has always had jank animation because NRS is shit at it. Everyone knows they are shit and they keep doing it. MK11 is an improvement but games that are already 10 years old outdo MK in the animation department.
>They don't really sell the motions as they rarely start from the legs and hips
Welcome to NRS games.
I just told you. They aren't animated to initiate or follow through with their motions like normal human beings. They don't put their hips into it and they stay rigid instead of moving to maintain balance.
They aren't. These issues evaporate in the cinematics. It's a deliberate stylistic choice, albeit one I don't like at all.
Makes me wish Sakurai got around to making a traditional fighting game at some point instead of endless meandering smash sequels. Would be some seriously slick shit.
so you are only going to post shit from that guys video and nothing original
>It's the same difference as sumo and boxing. They're both combat sports but extremely different takes.
Analogies are moot at this point of difference, again explain how Smash has the same rules as other fighters that have the same rules.
Or they repurpose them in some way. That's why Tag 2 Heihachi was younger: It was the first game released after his previous voice actor, Daisuke Gori, died. By Tekken 7, I guess Namco figured Ishizuka was a good enough fit for older Heihachi, but now that both the actor and the character are dead, now there's little chance for Heihachi to show up in anything, at least for a little while. Namco has to realize at this point that the role is cursed.
this sounds like a lot of nitpicking get the hell out of here
Meant for
>NRScucks are proud about MK
>a series that a literal furry niggerfaggot is good at
At least smashfags are more bearable than hearing him scream IM GAY and wearing a badge that says Im gay
Fuck Blazblue. GG easily would've gotten 1k.
>It's a deliberate stylistic choice
That's the funniest cope argument I've ever read.
Yes. I don't see how posting gifs from his video suddenly means NRS games don't have shitty animation.
looks like a whiff, game is super precise with frames
why are guys like you so mad at mortal kombat
It never did tho
To be fair, I think he's gotten worse and the other competitors don't let him get in their heads as much they did in the past. He's looking pretty mortal.
Probably somewhere between sf and mk.
Animation matters in fighting games. In a fighting game you should be able to feel your attack, if you can't it messes up your combos and such.
it's not nitpicking it's what makes the animation good
it's still way better than fucking Injustice 2 or the previous MKs
ok guy i dont get you guys how is the animashon bad all you are doing is posting and saying the same thing over and over again do you hate mortal kombat that much you will find anything to hate
this looks bad to you? show me a good jumping animation from your weeb game retard
It happened with DBFZ last year.
>Dem SamSho numbers
Never picked it up since I assumed lack of zoomer interest would make it fail. Is it really that good? Is SNK back baby? Can I still kill people in like 2 hits?
I think a lot of EVO audience will be disappointed with Ultimate. Game usually feels even slower and more boring than Smash 4 because it uses 3 stocks and has less gimps. At least it will be Bo3.
you dont know what you are talking about do you just saying anything at this point
The views will tell the story.
I'm sure it's a fine game, it's just that to many people, its animations fall into the uncanny valley
>how is the animashon bad
Try throwing a punch while standing in place.
I feel like that applies much more to you.
Unless if you think looks good.
>the animations are bad
>he didn't rotate his hips 360 degrees
I was mainly being a shitposting twat with that but yeah I've been noticing it as well. Tbqh I wasnt expecting cracks to show on him this soon but then again he pretty much oversaturated everything with his persona to where its not even giving him much mileage now. Not even I like seeing the shit he did from the game awards onwards despite me getting entertainment value out of people like him
Bad animation means gameplay suffers Are you too retarded to understand that?
>its animations fall into the uncanny valley
what the hell does this mean
>show me a good jumping animation
It's all about flow. MK doesn't have that, their animations have always been as stiff as a dead body.
Are you too underage to know the term uncanny valley?
>He looks like Kryu and I can’t unsee.
now i can't either, fuck you
>someone doesn't move realistically
>this is not a valid complaint
Unironically, people who pretend to play fighting games latched on to it, because it has the ArcSys logo on it.
But the past year has been the definition of unhype, legitimately half the roster was going to in the game's season pass, then we had complete radio silence after the first few DLC packs came out, then for some reason the new patch was exclusive to the arcade version of the game for a few months, followed by more radio silence.
it looks fine you spergs what the hell is up your ass
>doesn't know what uncanny valley means
It's not worth it user. NRS cucks are unable to process the idea that people need to bend their knees to jump and not just levitate off the ground.
>fighting games
what's the consensus on Granblue Fantasy Versus?
I think ceo did an amazing job of generating hyp for ultimate. Felt like the community was kind of stagnant and disinterested before ceo, now people are literally flooding my local card shop with tons of friendlies and tourneys. It's nice to see
He can't, because DoA is legitimate the best 3D fighter still being supported.
It's good, really captures the core appeal of the concept by cutting the fat and paring back the mechanics to be more like the 2nd game than V Sp or (lol) 6. Netcode is a bit shit though.
i know what the fuck it is idiots what is uncanny valley about how they move
Fatal counters ruined the game for a whole lot of fans, and allowing OCs to be played at online ranked killed the online community.
you wanna see spinning jumping characters you have a few in mk11, like frost or kung lao
If that looks fine to you then you admit you don't play fighting games.
Realism is necessary when gameplay matters. Ryu shouldn't just fly up in the air because you do a dp motion, you should see him do the motions of the move.
I'll probably just watch SamSho, the GG side tournament and maybe UNIST.
Ryu still moves like how a superhuman would move in a realistic scenario. He moves his body when he punches he squats when he jumps, he moves with his actions.
Darkseid in does none of those things.
General consensus is that it's overly simple with potential. It'll be at every EVO anyways.
>Grassroots hype game that will be popular for its first year-
I hate how so many people say that UNIST couldn't buy it's way into EVO, even though they're published by ArcSys.
Because no one in NRS games moves like a real person
>MK meme
I get it now, you started with MK11 and seeing any kind of criticism is too much for you.
you have to be baiting at this point come on man
People who don't play fighting games, but still want to feel like they fit in. (See the USFIV "revival")
>It's not worth it user. NRS cucks are unable to process the idea that people need to bend their knees to jump and not just levitate off the ground.
I know I know, I've tried so many times over the years to explain this and should get the hint at this point that they will defend shit even if it poisons them but I do want MK's animation to improve as a whole because it's personally aggravating seeing stiff jump animations as bad as MK's is this day in age.
>NRS animations have been criticized for years for being ugly, the Darkseid shit is constantly made fun of
>but no dude it's totally bait even though this is a pretty common opinion
Why are people responding to the nrsfag
He's completely retarded, there's no point trying to argue with him
You are gonna have to specify what exactly a fighting game is at a fundamental level, and how smash the way it's competitively played differs from a fighting game.
you really have to wonder why when nothing interesting happened at CEO
someone played Captain Falcon for a couple games I guess
so SFV got the top fighter spot afterall? I really thought T7 was gonna over take it this time. But I'm mostly suprised at Samsho being so popular even above MK11 and DBFZ, good for snk.
if you dont mind me asking whats realistic about this does he move like a real person
>reuse assets
All models are new, you slut. If they weren't Samus and Snake wouldn't be missing their asses.
Yall hype for the street fighter 5 t-shirts?
wow guys look how realistic street fighter 5 is they move like real people
Wonder if KOF 15 will be announced at the event.
>lol what if I totally misrepresent people's arguments
if you genuinely think shit like Darkseid or the fencepunching looks good you're delusional. Characters in SFV might not do things an actual human being would do, but they actually fucking move with their punches and don't fucking suddenly move in the air. Also, they usually don't keep their hands placed behind their back.
I played a friend on Melty Blood for about 3-5 hours straight Saturday. I've been too busy with Dokkan Battle to practice up on the stuff I was doing.
you fools will say anything to shit on mortal kombat
Does this look good to you?
>SamSho 1719
>Muslim Cuckbat 1567
Hahaha Nethershills soiboys eternally BTFO.
15 was already stated to begin development months ago. They might reveal a teaser during the Samsho section.
so you are going to ignore everything because you hate a jump you hate nrs games that much
>one angry incel
no thanks
The argument isn't even about whether or not NRS games are good or not, the argument is whether their animation is shit or not, and it absolutely is.
ok its shit now what
>the animations are bad because of a jump
the animations in mk11 are fine sperg stop crying
>ok its shit now what
Bend your fucking knees when jumping, crunch up your body when jumping, convey the flow of force against gravity.
>nothing, this entire thread is a dick measuring contest for people insecure about their favorite game's entrants numbers at evo
its amazing how many idiots get mad about this shit every year
>y-y-y-y-you need to bend your knees
ok kid
A very underrated game.
i need to tell others about the games i dont play
>Dreamcast making a surprise comeback
Yes please
>your balls need to kiss the ground when you jump
smash isn't a fighting game
Realism isn't the point because if it was then the characters in fighting games wouldn't be jumping straight up twice their height and besides, basketball players are reaching as high as they can so of course they're going to be stretched out as much as possible. Stop using realism as an argument because the animation criticism is about flow of the body in relation to what's going off on the screen.
You kidding? The early nairo upset that raped the bracket. Puppeh and kiwi scoring some solid upsets. Top players out early. Spargo and protobabham hype. Ally vs mass and Leo vs proto are in contention for the best sets in ultimate so far. Only downside was tweak absence. All of that combined with a super healthy looking top 16 and you've got a game that looks like it'll only mature and get better
tick tock Capbabs. the end is near
>because DoA is legitimate the best 3D fighter still being supported.
I mean, it's unironically no.2 behind Tekken.
It's just not at EVO because the sloths that run it are inherently biased against it and Koei Tecmo didn't bypass that by buying their way in
you idiots brought up Realism first fuck off