>oh man an Elder Dragon?
>it must be some big ass powerful lizard that breaths lasers or someth-
Oh man an Elder Dragon?
Kirin's a majestic mother fucker you pleb
>lizard scales
>lightning is nature's laser beam
Only thing that's missing here is size.
>Being disappointed devs don't have basic bitch imagination.
Elder dragon in mh is defined as anything that can fuck up an ecosystem by itself
What the fuck
I'm more impressed at the pin point timing to throw Kirin off.
Kirin definitely is an elder because how unfun he is to fight.
Kirin is unironically among the best monsters in the franchise.
Less big more energy.
val is a hikki tho
>Be Elder Dragon
>Ancient, powerful force of nature. Nier godlike being
>Get beat to death by a dude who just ate a giant slab of meat using an over sized horn like it's a hammer
Why are Hunting Horn mains so powerful and based?
I like it.
so what are hunters classified as, ancient dragons?
>Nerg doesn't go after him
What's his secret?
I have felt your pain.
horse cock
He's pretty small for Nerg's standards. Kirin is basically the chicken nugget of elder dragons to him.
They're genetically engineered bioweapons from the age of myth
fuck ponies
Kirin can be pretty big.
staying in the coral highlands neighborhood and carrying a stun gun
>"Elder Dragon" is just for condecoration.
This said it still will Fuck your shit up if you go unprepared
Also never fight this thing whit full Ratian armor...
>lung dragon
shouldn't it be long dragon in reference to long meaning dragon in chinese?
what the fuck frontier how the hell are you supposed to reach its head
Frontier has a length mechanic for a fair share of melee weapons, and still has 2nd gen pellet magnets.
Plenty of frontier weapons are xbox hueg. Frontier greatswords are longer than world's lances.
The best GS in the game for a long time that's very long also had one of the best designs, though. Abiorugu's folding pocket knife is #1. Very long lances if anything are by far the most ridiculous, to the point that they're so inaccurate they have to have more raw on them for any real incentive.
Lung and Long are just different spellings
I mean it has scales I guess so it's not really a horse either
I'm so sorry, user.
except that's exactly what deviljho does and it's only a brute wyvern.
best Elder dragon
Are Elder Dragons also not classifiable by the guild?
Elder Dragons are just really rare monsters with strange ecologies which prevent them from being specifically categorized.
Fuck, I wanted them to salvage the tonfas with the closure of frontier, but with insect staff also flying in World there's absolutely no chance now.
His fight is boring as fuck. At least Lao lets you use the dragonator.
Is this the most out there monster in the franchise? I read that it's from Dos, but I was too casual to reach the end playing offline on PS2, though I enjoyed how seasons changed the map, why did they remove it?
no he doesn't if you know what you're doing, you can easily kill him before he even touches the fort
Never fear, glam rock Anjanath is here.
That's why I said "lets", the option is there.
>seasons changed the map
Wait what, that sounds great.
yeah but deviljho can fall into holes
and it's worthless
slowly going up the ladder, activating it and going back down is a waste of time when you could just keep wailing on him like you've been doing for the past 20 minutes
lao is a complete fucking chore and while yama is bad, i'm not sure how you could think he's worse than lao-shit lung in any way other than the music
Yeah, that's a commonly noted inconsistency with the classification. This is further reenforced in world where his "turf wars" with the monsters considered to be top of the food chain are usually very one sided in Jho's favor. Hell, the Bazelgeuse turf war is just Jho throwing the thing around and accidentally setting off the explosive scales.
>This baffles the Hammergrug
>lao is a complete fucking chore and while yama is bad, i'm not sure how you could think he's worse than lao-shit lung in any way other than the music
My point is that Yama's fight sucks just as much, but unlike Lao it doesn't have the impact.
It's Frontier, so a Hammer can use Lv4-5 charges (that involve a leap or flip in the air before slamming down) and a Hammer with longer lengths for a dislocated hitbox.
I honestly think Deviljho isn't an elder dragon because he only fucks shit up when he's extremely hungry, the wiki even says that when he's hungry he can make nearby species extinct. This wiki page is really interesting monsterhunter.fandom.com
Well you can't capture an elder.
>and if Deviljho eats Rajangs when hungry
He does?
dude's hungry
It says attacking, not eating. A jaggi can attack a Fatalis, doesn't mean it will live to tell the tale.
But Jho is ALWAYS hungry
I will name her Autumn Blaze
Elder Dragon is a category retard
The entry reads "not even leaving when these monsters appear" clearly signifying the Devil Jho is outclassed. A hungry, desperate lion will attempt to hunt an elephant or hippo when nothing else is available, doesn't mean it will succeed, or even survive though. Rajang is a higher tier monster than Jho. Jho has never been Elder tier, while Rajang actually is, and does in fact hunt an elder (Kirin).
The wiki page includes Jho as an elder level monster, it would be perfectly reasonable to assume that Jho can kill both rajang and elders, especially when hungry, but we don't currently know the outcome for certain.
Unless... Rajang is added to world
They removed it, because his fight sucks dog shit. It's entirely arena dependant and he would be a joke in an open field. Also, climbing the tower is a fucking chore after the first time. Only good thing to come out of Yama is his great theme.
>it would be perfectly reasonable to assume that Jho can kill both rajang and elders
Head canon. Jho is the single most overrated monster in the franchise power wise. Theres a reason he's not classified as an elder, because the damage he does won't extend to humans or Elders. Rajang is in the same boat, except he actually does canonically best at least one elder, Kirin, which is the source of Rajang's thunder element.
Or maybe it doesn't because it wields the dragon element and is capable of taking down those beasts in an encounter. Rajang is only documented taking down Kirin, which is a glass canon when it comes to elders. Jho is stated to attack elders in general and I imagine there wouldn't be too many of them if they attacked things out of their weight class and lost all the time.
Why is his penis censored?
But how big is its horse cock?
Elders are EXTREMELY tiny in numbers. If foot soldiers like Jho took them down there wouldn't be any of them period. It's 100% safe to assume no elder is ever taken down by a none elder without exception, except the Rajang/Kirin relationship. Also, Kirin would be too fast for Jho to ever cartch, because Jho doesn't have Rajang's intellect or dexterity Judging a monste's strength by how hunter standards is meaningless, hunters are invincible gods.
Best armor ever
They made a mistake making it the first dragon players come across. Other games did a good job of making it seem like the doubly mythical beast it really was. It's not just a dragon but a unicorn too.
>Elders are EXTREMELY tiny in numbers
>except the Rajang/Kirin relationship
Well, there seem to be enough Kirin to sustain population of foot soldiers like Rajang.
I'm hoping he kicks Nerg's shit in somehow or at least does more to him than Teostra and Kush.
>Jho is the single most overrated monster in the franchise power wise.
Right after the regular Fatalis
this picture reminds me of this.
Rajangs are high tier illusive monsters, they're not numerous by any stretch. Meanwhile, even if Jho weren't high in numbers, they'll still be everywhere, because they have an appetite that demands constant travel and exposure, and by their very nature that would mean they run into each other all the time, which will no doubt lead to one of the Jho dying. Creatures with the propensity to die often or be overly combative tend to have high birth rates to compensate.
Maybe, but Fatalis is still the end game boss canonically, with White being the strongest entity in the MHverse.
Xeno'jiiva has likely taken that honor away as it was stated to be a threat to the world when it hatched and it hatched prematurely, it probably would be unstoppable if allowed to reach maturity.
Rajang also isn't classified as an elder, the most "non-headcanon" way of thinking is to assume that they are equal since they share the same status of elder tier monster. If you REALLY want to think about it, dragon element is exclusive to elders, the only monsters that have it aside from elders are Deviljho, Ebony Odo and Stygian Zin, who is given the element by bugs, so he doesn't count. Ebony Odogaron is a scavenger who gains abilities from kills, so it would be logical to think to that he could have eaten a dead vaal hazak. Deviljho is the only one without an explanation, its very reasonable to assume that he naturally produces it because he is elder-tier, while Raj isn't doesn't have dragon element, so imo its Jho qualifies for the elder category more than rajang does, even though I would still say that they could be equals.
Deviljho is veeeeery rare, his special assignment gives the impression that there is only one in the entirety of the new world continent.
Jho isn't an elder because it dies too fast thanks to its specialized metabolism. And even then it only eats and uses a flame-thrower like attack, it doesn't affect entire places like many other elders.
>White Fatalis
Speculation through an unreliable narrator. Those people don't even know that Elders are sentient, let alone knowing of the old wars, and the fact that half of them are bio engineered super soliders. The only ones who know thi are the First Wyverians, and they don't share that info.
>Deviljho is veeeeery rare,
False, Jho are very numerous. Jho has an INSANELY fast metabolism. Their lifespan is very short. Before the first fleet showed up, there were 0 humans in the New World, that doesn't mean humans are rare or few in numbers, it just means there were no/few humans in the New World.
>big bad jho
>bullied by iguana
>very numerous
what makes you think that?
Him having a fast metabolism is ok since Jhos often make many species around them extinct.
If anything Rajang should be extinct since he mainly eat kirins, while Jho eats literally anything.
I'd say the immature bit is accurate, it gets less clumsy and adept at using it's body as the fight goes on, there's also the fact that Nergigante and the commission did wake the thing up early with the stunt they pulled with Zora. Xeno fed on the energy of the elders in the recess, Nergi chased them all out of the ER and the commission killed them outside the recess, so without the energy from the Zora that die there or the excess from the other elders, it woke up.
So what about anything specifically stated from the games?
>oh man an Elder Dragon?
>it must be some big ass powerful lizard that breaths lasers or someth-
>OP walks in on his GF getting plowed by electric horse cock.
>elders are sentient
Nah, we only know that fatalis pseudosentient, as far I know you have no proof to think that other elders are sentient
What are you specifically asking about? Jho's ingame description says that he hunts nearby species to extinction, that and the fact that he is dragon element is more than enough to classify him as a monster thats as strong/ stronger than elders
>That one dude who says Iceborne is too expensive
I'm asking for where the games specifically state that Deviljho is as strong as an elder and attacks/eats them on a frequent basis
Most of the final bosses are seen as worldending threat if left unchecked, having another new one doesnt mean much given how it turned out for the previous ones.
Wrong, Elder Dragon is a monster class where the monsters are able to perform natural phenomena without scientific explanation. For example, Rathians can shoot fire, but they also can be carved for monster parts that are used to produce said fire. Kirin doesn't have any organs that produce the lightning, so hunter's guild has no idea how the fuck they do it. Pickle is a Brute because he's a Brute. He doesn't cause unexplainable natural phenomena.
Velkhana and Amatsu are entirely scientific and Nergigante has no special powers whatsoever.
Tard rage can be a special power.
Nerg can grow his spikes out super fast somehow.
Oh, and Valstrax isn't supernatural either. He takes in massive amounts of oxygen through gills on his chest for some sort of dragon element fueled jet engines in his wings.
MHW is also the same game that made Teostra, a reportedly highly aggressive and territorial elder dragon, docile as kittens until attacked.
Nergigante's special power is an extremely advanced healing factor powered by absurd amounts of bioenergy, which is why he has to constantly feed on elder dragons.
In fact, his regeneration is so powerful that he reproduces by embedding spikes in other monsters that feed upon their bioenergy parasitically until they can regrow into a new Nergigante.
World Teostra just wants to sit in his rocking chair and fade away.
Doesn't have a carve list yet.
This is true, he has an organ for storing water.
Also true. This one fucks with me the most, and seems to be an Elder Dragon just for the sake of it.
But if you go through the entire old backlog of Elder Dragons you can see that what I said lines up. There are a few goofs, but that may be just because the devs keep changing and so it's impossible to keep the classifications coherent. Either way, my explanation is the original intent of Elder Dragon, not including a few oddballs here and there.
will they add Tower in World?
Elder Dragons are walking natural disasters with powers that far outpace most other monsters.
They can go to a town and raze it with ease.
Yeah, but then Lunastra ends up being the psycho bitch that doesn't hesitate in attacking you.
>Doesn't have a carve list yet.
They explained that Velkhana's ice powers are actually it producing some kind of liquid that flash freezes into ice or something.
his infinite growing spikes aint enough?
Old man with a big inheritance for her kids but Teo won't bite so she's crotchety.
They link pic related as their sources. Irregardless of whether the wiki is wrong, Jho is 100% elder tier, in world the handler iirc says that he poses a threat greater than or equal to an elder, that and his having dragon element makes you irrational if you were to deny his status as an elder level.
There's also this page monsterhunter.fandom.com
>Those people don't even know that Elders are sentient, let alone knowing of the old wars, and the fact that half of them are bio engineered super soliders.
None of that shit is canon.
Nerg's healing factor is so ridiculously strong, the spikes its shed can regenerate the rest of the body, resulting in a new Nergigante. That's how they reproduce, since they're reproduce asexually (furry barafags btfo).
Sounds like Shagaru Magala. The disease it spreads are actually its reproduction cells that when it infects a monster it slowly grows inside it until it pops out of the monster.
If it works like that, thats OP.
But stupid because its like perfect cell. If any cell of his could remake him whole, he could scratch some off and create an army of himself but it never happens.
and where is this in game?
or is this more faggots trying to push their shitty fetish as canon?
the spikes need an energy source to do it.
Being able to use the dragon element doesn't automatically make a monster an elder or an elder tier monster.
I'm asking for specific sources from specific games, and you just keep throwing wiki articles at me. Tri and 3u, for instance, never state anything that those articles say, yet they're listed as sources. Where, in World. Does the handler say this by the way?
Info like this shit are typically in magazines like famitsu or in the monster design books.
>muh Jho
>muh Rajang
Ukanlos and Akantor would murder both of them.
reminder they both kill and eat elder dragons on the norm.
They're extremophiles and never leave their territories, so nobody cares.
But I like chicken nugget
>dragon dragon
I bet an american did this shit
The los angeles angels shit
Jho's special assignment or the his first optional quest, I'm positive I heard something like this.
Do you think I wrote the article? The artbook provides some info but not about the attacking elders part, you don't need that bit of info to justify that he's as strong as elders as I've justified 20 times before. If you want to find that piece of info then you're on your own, ask the wiki members, I have no idea and its not relevant to my argument.
Based anons posting headcanon like fact and then getting pissy when called out.
>Implying horny boy wont catch him out of orbital drop and suplex him.
Based user not letting have anyone have fun discussing a game and theories
>tfw MH has no superior MediaWiki alternative
>gives you time to escape
what is this easy mode game?
That's in high rank, the same attack in G-Rank doesn't give you a pause.
It's not that much different than Bazelgeuse infinitely dropping explosive scales.
It's because a Kirin was a second hand misinterpretation of a giraffe (back before accurate illustrations existed for them in China) that saw them as a sort of dragon horse with horns. This idea was re-interpreted as a unicorn.
I want big boomerang weapon in MHW.
You have to be mentally ill to even care about crowns. Seek professional help.
There's no explanation on how Amastu can fly.
It's the deconstruction of dragons.
I'm poor, please gift me a steam key of world
>furry barafags btfo
You think that's going to stop me?
I swear I remember something about his "element" being his physical strength
What cool Master Rank armors can I expect from the current old Elders in World?
just give me g rank male barioth and i won't change it
fuck stats
explain the dragon breath then. Dragon element is usually something only elders wield but Jho spews dragon energy with reckless abandon and yet nothing you carve or obtain from him explains it.
Never heard of dragonberries?
>riding ponies when you could be taking The Barb
This looks fucking badass