Voting with your wallet

Given all the censorship that Sony has been dishing out have you switched allegiances or plan to next console cycle? Personally I was PS4-only but stopped buying all games from them after all this news came to light and moved to another console that has much more sane policies such as relying on ESRB classification and parental controls.

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I still buy my ports on PS4 over Switch, If the game has no known censorship, there's no point to play in the mud and deal with worse graphics.

I only buy games on PC that 1. are not online only and 2. do not have any sort of microtransactions in them. Those are my minimum requirements to even be considered for a purchase. Censorship is pretty low on my list of priorities, but if it's a game that's supposed to feature cute girls and it's been censored and there's no way around it then I won't be buying it.

why would you use a console at all if you actually care about censorship?

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why would you go PC to also deal with post release censorship?

hows russia this time of year?

There is not one platform or console that isn't rampant with censorship.

Or just don't buy a console. That's an option, too.

>why would you go PC to also deal with post release censorship?
You're grasping. This basically never happens. Most of the games that it happens to are "HD remaster" cash grabs or old games no one even plays anymore.

>buy on PC for performance
>buy on Switch for convenience
I don't see the point in owning a PS4.

>Voting with your wallet
Haha If you think shit like that still works in this day and age you're honestly retarded. Just the existence of whales alone makes it redundant. And that's not even mentioning the fact that most devs nowadays have a giant stick that is sjw politics burrowed deep in their ass so even if people voted with their wallets most of the time they turn on their audience declaring them nazis or racists or whatever

Nobody said all votes are equal.

>TFW Xbox is so irrelevant that it's not even worth mentioning

Voting with your wallet is meaningless in the sense of denying a large corporation like Snoy your dollars. There's millions of normies that don't care one way or the other. Voting with your wallet to support smaller developers catering to your niche specifically can yield good results. This is how the indie horror scene happened, and it could happen again with lewd games.

I don't care about the censorship, it doesn't have an effect on the games I play.

i dont give a shit about your porn vn

That pic is what JUST voting with your wallet does. But it's fine as long as you're also actively trying to get other people to do the same and showing them there's a better alternative to whatever shit they're currently buying.


I just don't want to rebuy all the PS4 games I have on the PC that's why I'm keeping my PS4.

In the age of consumerism, it is impossible to "vote with your wallet" enough to make a company take a big enough hit to listen.

Sometimes you just have to be patient. Even if you make all the right arguments and do everything properly, it might still take people a while to realize you're right and stop just handing over their cash to shitty companies.

That's why you don't boycott a company or specific product. That shit's a trend that dies out after a month with no impact. You hit them by boycotting the shareholder and convincing others to live without products from said shareholder.

I legit fucking hope all of you get shot.

It means nothing because that individual person may be right for their particular cause, but considering how LARGE the market is, they'd have to actually start censoring games normalfags care about, tlou2, cod, or some other major release versus other platforms to see real blowback. More likely to happen, unless scarlett manages to totally stomp the PS5 out of existence, is that devs will just start creating games with the new guidelines in mind, and everyone will suffer, and nothing will be done, nor can it be done, because the PS5 will be such a massive market that they won't be able to ignore it. I'm sure a few devs will eventually start making games without having to deal with it, but not likely. It'll take a competitor to have that happen (see: nintendo's massive censorship spree totally keeping everyone under their boot until sony showed up with the PS1.

I've stopped caring at all what happens to this industry and I don't care if anything changes. I've already gone through the stages of fight the power and being contrarian but I've reached the point of such apathy, that I can't bring myself to care.

I wish for someone to break into my home and murder me every time before I go to bed.

If it's identical to PC (no censorship and PC version is framecapped to 60) I'll buy a physical copy on PS4. If the PC version is superior in any way (cut content kept, unlocked framerate) I'll get it there.

Well I always try to get more people to play VtMB which is my favorite game and it has a lot of boobies in it and other things that wouldn't be allowed today. If you can get people to play a really good game that has stuff that would be censored it might make them less likely to support it if they can compare to see how lifeless all the censored games really are.

Maybe supporting piracy so a few companies aren't almost entirely in control of what you have access to

Yeah but see, most people aren't retarded so the threat of "maybe this could be censored!" means absolutely nothing to them. Until shit ACTUALLY happens to the games THEY play, it won't sway them.

If all non SJW will stop buying games that pander to SJW. Companies will realize pandering to SJW audience is shit idea because SJW's don't buy any game, movie, etc. They just want to bring their bullshit politics into product and if they manage to do it, they simply move to complain about another one.

Companies like EA won't turn off audience declaring them as Nazis or racist because they don't give a shit about Political Correctness, they care about money.

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