Why haven't you stopped smoking Yea Forums? Gears 5 doesn't want it, and Vito says it's bad for you and uncool...

Why haven't you stopped smoking Yea Forums? Gears 5 doesn't want it, and Vito says it's bad for you and uncool. So why smoke?

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I love smoking a cigar with a nice glass of whiskey when when I hang out with my friends and catch up.

Game is targeted at grown ass men. Do they think this will make them stop smoking?

I only smoke weed, not tobacco

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Stopping the glorification of violence is the next step.

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I honestly don't remember smoking being a thing in Gears

why does my main form of entertainment have to always be attacked by stupid shit.


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>Inhaling cigar smoke

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Hey, Vito. Wow, making posts about yourself on Yea Forums is really helping to boost your Twitter views, huh?

The Goddess Elixir has arrived

>that ending
My fucking sides.

>pizza emojis on twitter
>pretends he cares about health
>looks fat in his twitter avatar

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>ew cigars are too masculine

>Watched many movies with smoking
>Played games with smoking
>never lit a cigarette in my entire life

Do you realize how stupid this is?

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fag probably thinks tar means road tar too

His picture is literally him holding Belle Delphine bath water while doing that dumb open mouth smile.

Getting chainsawed in half by people is also super bad for your health. (You can chainsaw PEOPLE in multiplayer.)

This is top notch holy shit

>Game is targeted at grown ass men
It's really funny that you think that.

>Why haven't you stopped smoking Yea Forums?

I never started

I like the aroma of tobacco, also perks me up if i'm sleepy

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I mean girls dont play video games. Who else play this? Kids cant buy and play rated M games. Thats illegal.


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Marlboro red/Camel 99's/American spirits/marlboro southern cut/camel royal's

These are great

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the only thing I smoke is meth and I literally don't understand why more people don't do it, it's fucking amazing, especially when gaming

I played 1+2 and don't remember if there were any cigars in them

Maybe I'm getting old or something, but I'm not sure why this specific story has gotten so much traction on here. Who the fuck smokes anymore anyway? And who cares if someone doesn't want smoking in their game? Its bad for you and only old people and poor, low class people do it anyway.

Why is videogames the medium in which faggots fight their morality war?
Can't they do it somewhere else?

Too much chocolate. You will die early.

How come the cigarettes look like they have the Nazi winged symbol on the box

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Fucking lmao

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So many women on social media say smoking is disgusting, but if you look like you make money every single cunt smiles at you even when you stand somewere and spit while smoking

all cunts are whores

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>fat jew who admits to starting threads about himself
>gets buttmad all day on twitter

Of course, no one smoked in Gears in the first place...

>cigarettes look like they have the Nazi winged symbol

Blacks can't afford this brand, they're 9 bucks a pack

> I'm not sure why this specific story has gotten so much traction on here.
Because it's fucking retarded. The devs are acting like it's morally indefensible to have smoking in a game where you frequently blow people into small chunks or slowly cut them in half.

Then again, you seem to be one of the "think of the children!" retards from the 90s given this had to be spelt out for you, so I imagine you're fine with it regardless of how foolish it is.

they've done it in hollywood, it was bound to happen in video games; but the fact that you faggots are perpetuating a publisher's press squirt is more obnoxious. get over it god dang

they have like 50x more chemicals and additives than rolls

This isn't about smoking folks, it's just another example of a more fundamental, complete apolitical divide: people who can separate fiction from reality firmly and people who can't. It's not different then those who complain about anything in a game or fictional media (loli would be a good Yea Forums example). The basic point is IT'S FICTION. What we do there does not, in fact, mean we'll immediately be doing it IRL.

Smoking is in fact bad, all else being equal. But context matters. Plenty of military people around the world could smoke and indulge in other stuff with bad long term effects too on the quite reasonable assumption that they are unlikely to live long enough to have any issues there anyway.

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I agree smoking is unhealthy, fuck pot smokers at least cigars smell nice.


Nobody cares what you think, Vito. Go back to eating your pizza, you fucking ginzo

fructose causes fatty liver disease. be careful. the other shit is unhealthy too I just felt like bringing something up that you probably didn't know.

It's not wrong though. Smoking means you fell for the dumbass peer pressure trap. Smoking characters in video games are like Birdie in SFV in the way his vice is eating too much trash, but at least food still has a purpose.

I think the officer who wore the fatigue cap smoked them, might be misremembering though

>hey have like 50x more chemicals

Maybe that's why i enjoy them, toxic but satisfactory. Also Djarum black with the spice shit is great

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imagine actually making this

Don't you think it's morally presumptuous for people to make decisions of what you can and cannot see in movies, television and games?

Not that I care for smoking, but it's sorta hypocritical of the dude tweeting that because I can tell he's got no neck, and probably weighs 2-3x what he should.

007 is going to be a nigger.

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He drank bath water from a patreon whore

I wanted to be outraged, but who the fuck cares?
Did ANYONE in the trilogy even smoke?

>I'm more than okay with this.
Says the fat sack of shit clogging his arteries.

I don't smoke, but that's because I am not cool enough for it. Cool people know that slowly killing yourself is the coolest thing you can do.

I switched to vaping, but nicotine has genuine benefits if you have to take antipsychotics.

It lessens the side effects and is a major reason why so many bipolar people like me an schizophrenics smoke, aside from general self-hatred of course.

It also aids the recall of learned motor skills, while inhibiting the learning of new ones.

So the fact he vapes makes him an idiot?

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>I would never knowingly increase my risk for cancer by smoking
>I also own a smartphone and keep it directly next to my testicles for 10 hours every day
what did all of you mean by this?

>It's not wrong though. Smoking means you fell for the dumbass peer pressure trap. Smoking characters in video games are like Birdie in SFV in the way his vice is eating too much trash, but at least food still has a purpose.
It is wrong though, because it's a military postapoc total shitshow setting. Life is cheap. It's completely reasonable that just like IRL there'd be a lot of potential nicotine users in the military because there is a legit need to keep nerves in a situation like that and dying of lung cancer at 60+ would count as a pretty damn good end for a ground pounder.

That's even ignoring the more advanced technological aspects. If biomimic or cybernetic lung replacements or whatever become readily available, our standards of harm will naturally change (though I wouldn't be surprised if smoking in many places remains considered rude, just because someone could have a lung replacement doesn't mean they want the expense forced on them unnecessarily).

I mean yeah, IRL smoking in the First World is bad and deserves to be massively taxed. But this isn't IRL.

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>Only discussion Gears gets on Yea Forums is this shit or WAH FEMINISTS
fug, and they just finally started actually showing Versus gameplay and the beta is just around the corner.

I still don't understand how exactly smoking is bad for you, I get why it's bad. But how does tar and all that other poisons shit end up in a plant?

The more insulting thing is that an M-rated game, supposedly made for adults, thinks its audience is so fucking stupid that they'll be brainwashed into smoking because the game shows characters doing it.


>Too much chocolate
>fructose causes fatty liver disease

I'm 24, neet, no responsibilities & nothing to lose

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Smoking is a coping mechanism to stave off boredom

I don't smoke at all.

Smoking is for literal retards.

I've never smoked a cigarette in my life since I'm not a retard who cant manage anxiety like le cool guys

>not smoking Benson and Hedges

Fucking poorfags.

Imagine being so reflexively contrarian that you're shilling for smoking.

What state you in they cost like 13 here in ny

Smartphones don't emit ionizing radiation you fucking retard. Nor do they cause the slightest significant heating since they operate on fractions of milliwatts. Whereas the chemical carcinogenic effects of tobacco smoke are well studied and observed. This shit isn't isn't magic.

If you want to smoke on your own property and deal with everything that results (not only health, but just plain tar coating stuff and getting into electronics and you generally having a bad smell that's hard to get rid of) whatever, just don't deceive yourself about it.

you look like a snake

Yeah, I vape. So what?

How did a macho game series about giant dudes in giant suits with giant guns become a series about a lesbian with emotions and PTSD who avoids smoking and drinking?

I don't even like or care about Gears, but it is quite an amazing transformation. It would be like if they made John Wick 4 and it is a romantic comedy about him trying to find a new wife, but he gets into a wacky predicament when he accidentally schedules two dates on the same night!

Theres no way you eat that much shit, smoke and still look like that fuck off ya larper

>all these smarmy cunts who decry smoking are the same fags who drink heavily each day and never fucking exercise
Straight edge for life

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If you're an adult, you should be able to do what you want regardless of how harmful it may be. Gears is an M rated game, therefore only adults should be playing it.
Why are video games trying to be people's fucking parents? Especially to grown ass men?

why is this mutt spamming pictures of his cigarettes and pizza

>pizza emoji
Why would I care what a pedophile thinks

why do (((they))) hate smoking so much

Underrated post

if you think that the majority of the people on the planet aren't influenced by the media they consume (including you and me friend) you're actually fucking retarded

That's what you get with modern leftists and feminists.
They want to keep everyone 'healthy' so that they can be a more useful cog in the system.

Smoking is what separates men from soibois

I think because unlike alcohol and weed, it doesn't really "do" much to your state of mind. It's just obviously shit for your health.

Are we really going to fucking defend smoking. Fuck that shit. It smells awful, it makes your teeth look disgusting, and it just shoves ash everywhere

Jesus fuck, just fuck off if you are so fucking butthurt about inflicting lung cancer on yourself and other people

Smoking in a video game you stupid fucking coon. It doesn't harm anyone.

Honestly if someone hits their late teens or above and they're influenced to start smoking because of some piece of entertainment they deserve to lose tons of money, smell like shit and get lung cancer. How fucking dumb do you have to be in the current year when everybody was raised being told how bad smoking is for you since they were toddlers yet you still pick it up? And not even in early teenage years when you're at peak stupid and get influenced by peer pressure but later in life when you see it in a video game? Some people should really just suffer and die.

Because smoke fags die faster?

>I want to willfully accept smoking propaganda

Is that the new quentin lmao

This. Smoking is cool and nothing will change that. I won't smoke because I don't want to ruin my health, but I acknowledge that I am less cool.
That being said, smoking in certain ways can be uncool.

First of all, I don't believe there are enough Xbox faithful on Yea Forums to even warrant this much attention for Gears 5. Second, I think it's the same guy making this thread about a non-issue as a way to advertise the game. *puts on tinfoil hat*

Correction: Smoking is cool if the character smoking is cool. Watching a badass detective/police officer/whatever lighting up a cigarette is awesome. However, a random loser doing it is not awesome.

I don't even smoke lmao fucking invalid.

>he doesn't know how much the smoking industry helped produce James Bond movies to give the image of smoking being cool

Better than WOKE propaganda

Unlike alcohol and weed, nicotine temporarily improves certain motor and executive functions while inhibiting learning for the same period.

It also may help with nerve pain and suppress parkinson-like side effects from neuroleptic medication.

You still shouldn't smoke. Lozenges, sprays or even vaping achieve the same without the drawbacks of smoking.

So many people defending smoking on here really nails in the fact how many sheeple post here that only care about having the opposite stance as something 'bad'

>Theres no way you eat that much shit, smoke and still look like that

I use a vita for strength training, in combo with nicotine and caffeine - melts the fat off

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Remove smokers!

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fucking incredible

Lmao no it's not. If someone is a tranny and goes and fucking kills themselves sure whatever just do that. I don't want to smell your smoke or walk into a cloud of ash on the street.

>being a weak-willed faggot who does things because his favorite movie character does them

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>Guns are fine
>Enjoying a cig is bad
American values are so fucked.

>I don't believe propaganda works or has ever worked and the media and government has spent billions for literally no reason

Can we shame fat people like we shame smokers? We don't want to glorify unhealthy eating

>people respecting trannies is worse than throwing money away to give yourself cancer
Are you retarded user?

I don't really even think about smoking when I'm sober. Tried smoking sober once and it was shit. But whenever I go drinking, I'll also buy a pack of smokes and burn through the entire thing during the night. I don't know what it is, as soon as I have a couple beers, smoking feels great

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>falling for propaganda
Yeah, you're a weak faggot.

>fat shaming
>smoker shaming

>smoking used to be cool as fuck in america and smoking companies advertised the shit out of their products
>nu-males and such are now hating the fuck out of them and bully people into their garbage

Looks like Vito is a faggot, potentially a pedo

why should people encourage others to cut their cocks or tits off? dilate, faggot.

False equivalence. There’s no such thing as second-hand fat. But there does exist second hand smoking which is dangerous to especially infants and those around you

>Correction: Smoking is cool if the character smoking is cool. Watching a badass detective/police officer/whatever lighting up a cigarette is awesome. However, a random loser doing it is not awesome.
I think though that's again partly due to context. A badass detective/police officer, like a soldier, is a physically high risk and also high stress position. The odds of an early death are high, and the risks of screwing something up are high too. We recognize they're doing a nasty job well and admire that, and smoking is one way they might cope. That it's bad for them is really part of the point, it's another sacrifice they're making to get their jobs done.

Someone just trying to smoke to ape that look is simply retarded. So is
>"oh my 9 to 5 safe office job is just SOO tough just like a detective dealing with their second multiple homicide of the week ung so difficult"
no you little shit no your life is not so tough it justifies that.

based methanon


Please buy and use cigarettes if you're NOT a cuck. Preferably regularly and you know Malboro makes the best!

I don't smoke, but I also don't understand why smoking is demonized so much now and essentially banned from advertising in the United States, while alcohol is fine and dandy. Alcohol objectively ruins more lives than smoking.

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People in the military still smoke, mostly as a social thing. It's also a good reason to take breaks often. Although the military will readily provide resources to quit.
t. veteran

>There’s no such thing as second-hand fat
I'd argue there is. Fat parents push their bad habits on their children.

WOKE shit has a habit to killing entire franchises like how they turn this one it into feminist propaganda

>cigar smoke putting anything in your lungs

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Because America has tried to ban alcohol once and it was disastrous.

Smoking, specially 2nd hand smoke has a higher death count than alcohol and guns.
I'm still not against smoking though because I believe in giving the freedom to people, but 2nd hand smoke is shit.

>tfw they used to blast all those anti smoking truth ads back when I was in highschool
>instead of making kids stop smoking it made them smoke more
Am i retarded or is the true goal of these adverts by playing off of the inherent rebellious/contrarian nature of kids to actually get them to smoke?

>smoking used to be cool as fuck in america

It's still cool as fuck, 90% of cunts give a warm smile when i'm smoking. They may say it's disgusting online, but flirt with smokers irl

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the funny part is people are now using vapes which are even more dangerous to the user

>if you think that the majority of the people on the planet aren't influenced by the media they consume (including you and me friend) you're actually fucking retarded
Um, no user, most of us aren't. Or we may be "influenced" but we also have the self control and sufficient theory of mind that we can distinguish that what is done in fantasy should not necessarily be done in reality. This isn't a drugs thing or a sex thing it's EVERYTHING. Like, one of the most classic action movie tropes, someone jumps through a standard glass window. In hollywood land these are made from crystalized sugar and someone jumps through and looks cool.

In real land heavy sheets of glass with a near monomolecular edge immediately fall down and slice the person to shreds and they die horribly.

This sort of shit is why japs refer to "8th grader disease" yeah sure plenty of people imagine themselves as the badass fiction whatever at one point. But normal people GROW OUT OF IT.

As someone who works in a computer repair shop, fuck smokers. You guys smell like shit 99% of the time. And I have no desire to fix your craptops when you bring them into the store if you smoke. Because I know I'm going to find TONS of cigarette ash in there

>implying I trust a chunk study

>False equivalence
Except you know, you can't get second hand smoke from a video game. They are arguing that they don't want to glorify smoking

You're spot on, it was legislation that forced SMOKING COMPANIES to make ANTI-SMOKING ads. So obviously they weren't retarded, they purposefully made either bad anti-smoking ads or smoking ads disguised as anti-smoking.

>fruit BAD
what do you eat, you fucking retard? vegetables and water?

>Smoking bad
>Raping a berserker good

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>tar in your lungs
>inhaling cigar smoke
All soibois deserve to be shot.

>smoking bad!!!!!

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also same faggot replier here
>if you think that the majority of the people on the planet aren't influenced by the media they consume (including you and me friend) you're actually fucking retarded
This is basically an argument against all video games user. Like many others have said murdering people is bad. As is like 3/4 of the shit protags get up to in vidya (when was the last time your MC obeyed all relevant rules and regulations and had proper liability insurance and...). So like are you arguing to ban all vidya except the most ultra E-for-everyone stuff? Is that you Jack Thompson? Because if so welcome to Yea Forums now please fuck off and kill yourself.

You aren't supposed to inhale it but you're a dumbass if you think zero smoke is going to get in your lungs.

Daily reminder Yea Forums is a straight edge board. Smoking, drugs, alcohol and Nintendo are for fucking losers.

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Looking at his profile picture, apparently grease is ok

What does a vita have to do with strength training

I can't believe I met a retard today who believes that propaganda doesn't work

>while doing the basedboy smile

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Two ugly white ladies in their late forties-early fifties walked out of an indian place I was walking past and asked my group "so which one of you has a smoke for us" as if they were fucking cock of the walk. Like, even if anyone under the age of 40 still smoked cigarettes I sure as hell wouldn't let your wrinkled ass bum one. It was like 3 PM too, I don't know if they were drunk or what.

fuck off lol

I quit smoking in December, actually and smoking is unequivocally a trick to keep poor people poor, just like lotto tickets, cheap beer, soda, fast food etc. are.

Never smoked anything in my life str8edgefag, but i fucking love when characters are smoking in videogames - it can be a source of fun gameplay shit (like Vanquish or MGS series) and i love the smoke look from both technical and aesthetic pov (smoke in Dishonored series still not beaten shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?)

haha gears of war. chainsaw machine gun. hahahahaha cliffy

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>Can we shame fat people like we shame smokers?

Shame smokers where, online? I've been smoking for 3 years now and never got shit about it

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You can't abuse Prozac, dumbass. Unless you enjoy anorgasmia or other sexual dysfunction.

>Another Dr. pizza tier literally who holding a jar of tapwater that some e-thot claims touched her ass once tells people what to think rerun

How long before he's pinched trying to buy a 9 year old to fuck.

Can you address something without first applying invented subtext headcanons to help you avoid the actual discussion taking place? Thaaaaanks.

Cigars don't go in your lungs.

banning smoking is an attack on masculine characters

there has never once been a good strong male character who didn't smoke

>Smoking bad
>IT'S A GIANT WORM!!! good.

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But doing Prozac is still doing drugs

Gun deaths are non comparable to smoking or booze, or even obesity

>implying that stops retarded parents who just want to keep the child entertained so they don't have to raise them themselves

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>I can't believe I met a retard today who believes that propaganda doesn't work
I'd like to say I can't believe I met someone on Yea Forums today who is an unironic chuuni manbaby and thinks vidya should be banned because IT MIGHT INFLUENCE SOMEONE when we had this shit fought out like 16 years ago and it was a joke then too. But I can believe it because it's Yea Forums and I know it's full of autistic self inserters. Doesn't mean your kind isn't retarded though.

>being this fucking reddit
kys retard


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Did that old man die?

people who haven't enjoyed a marlboro red early in the morning are missing out

it's like never having a pizza, or a big mac, or sex

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Must depend on your region, I absolute shame smokers and we ban it both at work and at my apartments and I tell contractors not to do it on my property either. Mostly because you fags LEAVE YOUR FUCKING BUTTS FUCKING EVERYWHERE and then you always lie "oh no we'd never do that" but gee where did all these fucking cigarette butts in my lawn materialize from you lying shits.

Or I guess maybe not "lying" but only because it's unconscious, you just finish the thing and fling it without the slightest thought. But that doesn't make it any better and even if some of you behave well enough don't that you deserve to be told to fuck off to your own property.

This is a fact. Yea Forums has really become a caricature of itself. People see an article and take whatever stance they believe a Yea Forums poster should have on the matter.

>Smoking bad
>Suicide because MUH WIFE, MARCUS! good

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No, they aren't. Cigarettes taste like shit when you first start smoking. You know why? Because they taste like shit. You know why? Because they are.

t. smoked for 14 years before quitting

It's more like people are defending the freedom to smoke and not smoking itself, but I guess I shouldn't have expected any different responses from yes men idiots like you.

look at this fag and tell me he doesn't look cool as fuck, come on

Duh? Sadly not a new thing one bit, people have been pointing out "popular is always bad" is just as retarded or more as bandwagoning forever.

I love Yea Forums

>Kids cant buy and play rated M games. Thats illegal.
You clearly don't live in the real world, user

>I absolute shame smokers
i would love to see your scrawny onions ass shame a smoker just so theyd put you through the ground so sic of this i'soffended culture

I smoke. Suck my dick you morbidly obese borderline diabetic faggot. I hope you get dysentery from that chick's shit-speckled asswater.

People still smoke?

>I'll just ignore all the stuff in the thread that directly contradicts this statement tee hee
why? There's a guy like 5 posts ahead of you glorifying smoking as some life affirming experience. lol

>Cigarettes taste like shit

Cheap ones do, for example "usa golds", they taste like piss. Marlboros and camels are good

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They'll be out of breath before they can actually stand up.

>"freedom" to smoke
This is total shit though user without a lot more qualifications. You only get total freedom right up until you start interfering with other people's freedoms. There isn't any danger of smoking being banned, particularly when the overall trend is precisely "drugs in general should be decriminalized, and the bad effects minimized other ways as much as possible", so there is "freedom to smoke". But smokers tend to also not want people to socially disapprove of their filthy disgusting sick habit or try to tax it to deal with the negative health effects it imposes on the general system or hate the litter or whatever. All of which impinges on other people's freedoms.

>Yea Forums is one person

Being a smoker doesn't make you magically tough, user. It actually makes you physically weaker which is funny since you seem to value physical altercations as a form of communication. It would seem you've now entered a state of cognitive dissonance.

>all these seething "smokers" coming out of the woodwork
Are tobacco companies shilling on Yea Forums as well now? What even is this board anymore.

The only time I’ve wanted to smoke is when I’m standing around an entrance somewhere waiting for someone because it would make me look less weird just standing around.

>muh bogus years
Have fun dying alone at a retirement home at 106

>I can speak for Yea Forums when I am defending my positions by saying "It's pretty much all what I say it is!" despite the evidence to the contrary
>If you point this out as incorrect, I will then tell YOU that Yea Forums isn't one person

Jesus, user. Get it together.

You're just splitting hairs at this point. You know damn well when someone says they don't do drugs they're talking about recreational drugs for the sole purpose of getting high

It's not from the plant. It's from all the chemical that make the cigarette itself. Tobacco still fucks with you though as evidenced by any retard who chews it constantly.

Imagine being such a weak willed bitch you have to avoid media with smoking so it won't make you smoke.

I don't drink or smoke

>haha they'll commit physical aggravated assault over being shamed in public or being told to not do it in my areas or they'll be fired
>not like anyone in America has weapons precisely for self defense against physical assault either
Sure thing kid.

>the government taxes it excessively to deal with health implications
>in this imaginary scenario they will impinge upon my freedom
Shut the fuck up you self righteous pseudo-moralfaggot boot licking retard.

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How do I get my mom to stop smoking? I don't want her to get cancer.

Maybe difficulty breath from all the smoking is reducing oxygen to his brain right now? Don't rush him user.

This really sucks doesnt it? Our whole lives we are told to be healthy to live long but when you do its just suffering.

>smoke addictive substances to make some faggot Jewish poison salesmen rich
oh my god, this is funny.

I don't understand, are you suggesting ultra sugary shit shouldn't be taxed too? Because I'd be fine with that. Oh, did that knock down your silly little bit of whataboutism?

Have your autism fit somewhere else

>stand at the entrance of my work during break time
>blow fat clouds of smoke out onto the busy sidewalk
if i'm getting cancer your fucks are coming with me

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Just let her get cancer so that she'll regret her life decisions and end up on all those no smoking campaigns. You'll get rich off of donations.

What a piece of shit

Tax is theft.

Fuck you bitch, you choose to get cancer like the dipshit that you are. Just insert cancer cells in your balls you brainwashed goy.

ITT: smokers seething over the fact that they got addicted to some edgy teenager meme

>not freaking black and milds for that sweet gangsta cred.

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Then why oh why would you want to smoke a highly addictive substance that is conveniently taxed through the roof? Abstaining is quite literally the best thing you could do.

>Tax is theft.

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Why do you think there are advertisements on tv?

my first thought, tubby would do well to trade the burgers for a smoke once in a while

He would do well to drink a cup of water and exercise. If he "trades" for a smoke, he'll just be a fat fuck who smokes instead of just a fat fuck.

>smokers seething over the fact that they got addicted

Addiction doesn't ruin the pleasure for me

Attached: cigs_good_yea.jpg (1702x2160, 625K)

Nothing's more disgusting than a fatty who smells like their own shit and cigarette smoke

We've already talked about this Jack. You were disbarred in 2008. Your litigation against GTA went nowhere. It's time to go back to bed, it's very late and you're not as young as you used to be.

>that South park episode about fat fucks saying cigarettes are the worst thing in human history while he eats junk food like a pig
makes you go hmmmm

I've never smoked because I'm not a retard who's influenced by that basic of a trope.

Speaking of vidya, anyone ever worked tech and seen the inside of a typical smoker's PC or console? Holy shit. Then imagine it's an example of their lungs.

>I'm not a retard who's influenced by that basic of a trope

Anita teach you that word, soiboi?

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imagine being that disgusting

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I don’t smoke, cigs cost money and I hate spending money

>cool guy who smokes cigar

yes because "cool guy who drinks onions milk from his starwars sippy cup while tyrone fucks his wife" is so much better

>smelly smoker goy who's also ESL
Should've known this thread was filled with third worlders.

>only drink coffee occasionally, and 1 ibuprofen when I have a headache
What do I win?

Are there commercial cigarettes you can buy that have nothing but pure tobacco in them or did (((big tobacco))) make sure that's impossible.

Fucking weeb

>defending the rampant socially-accepted abuse of SSRIs/permanently mind-altering drugs with comparisons to coffee and nyquil


Right, because people do and buy shit they see people do. Otherwise nobody would bother buying ad time, right?

>assmad smoker who genuinely thought they would be cool if they started smoking
You always smell like shit btw.

>guy who claimed he tasted Belle Delphine's gamer girl pee also is okay with no more cigars
oho boy what a fucking SHILL thread

>Because one thing is bad the other is better

Maybe don't be either like a moron?

murder and assault are uncool in real life but i am smart enough to enjoy doing those things in a video game

Why are smokers so easily offended? Is it the chemicals?

I've never even heard of most of these. They're also from a quick lookup pretty radically different in risk profile and abuse potential, plus everyone who speaks English as a first language knows what is meant by "doing drugs" friend-o.

Abuse is still abuse however. Even caffeine is bad to overdo and yeah you should be careful about that. Alcoholism is definitely widely known and condemned, like for millennia. Nothing is cool about being a washed liquorhead no matter the type.

So again you want every depiction of law breaking in vidya banned? Yes or no? You're claiming that if someone murders somebody in a vidya they'll go out and do it IRL after all.

They experiencing withdrawals from their tenth attempt at trying to quit. Give them a break.

It's typical defensive behavior over knowing something is bad but not wanting to admit it.

or maybe this though in that case I legit wouldn't mock them, trying to quit for real and failing has to be sucky. Maybe #11 would do the trick.

>shaming people for trying to quit drugs

(big yikes)

The only thing I smoke is man meat.

We already shame fat people all the time, but when you say anything bad about smoking enraged addicts come out of the woodwork to cry and write this exact post

Not my fault they're retarded enough to start in the first place. This isn't the 1950s anymore.

for real though most people trying to quit but failing are still quite honest about it being bad and the frustration of falling back into the rut they don't deny it. don't think any of the defenders in this thread are like that. if so then no way won't mock that one bit.

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Withdrawals? It's okay, my grandma got cranky too when she had to quit because of lung cancer.

Fuck smokers and all their subtypes (dudebros, stoners, middle aged unattractive men who think it makes them attractive, rednecks etc..)

Never started smoking

The only thing I don't get from smokers is that it completely and utterly ruins any form of taste that you have. Food, drink, flowers, nothing smells or tastes the same anymore.

You have to literally be retarded to start smoking in [current year]

damn this turned out to be some really good advertisement for gears 5

Oxhorn fuck off

gay quentin wannabe

>it completely and utterly ruins any form of taste that you have. Food, drink, flowers

False about food & drinks, don't know who the fuck sniffs flowers though

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10/10, good job Yea Forums

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>Has Pizza emojis in his name
>complains about how people who put bad things in their bodies are idiots

>shitskin with pube beard thinking he's cool because he sucks on fags that only give him cancer
Don't know what's worse, you having this picture at the ready, or you going out of your way to take it

Attached: 1563068585845.jpg (1125x2097, 185K)

I don't know who or what any of this is.

I sell weed, got all kinds of pictures for ya, including white girls sucking my balls

Attached: IMG_0303.jpg (952x736, 175K)

>trying too hard
>fotm memes (e.g. "have sex") to fill in lack of originality
>you look like this lol
3/10 for the effort, but is this basic bitch mspaint comic really the best nu-tv can come up with?

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Smokers don't have any problem bitching about fatties, though, they do it all the time. Why should the kindness only go one way?

Only women sniff flowers so you know the person you're talking too should be busy making food.


>girls sucking my balls
my ex used to do that and it was always really awkward since it never real did anything other than feeling weird


Oh wow you got stoners sucking your dick for free pot.
Real admirable. Do they have dreads too?
I think you having pics of yourself smoking the in the event that someone calls out fags for smoking fags to somehow prove us non-cancer ridden people how cool you are is worse than going out of your way to take them. Pre-seething, if you will.

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Why do jews suddenly hate tobacco? Is it because it increases test?

Well women are retards, they hear some man say "leek mai bolls babie" in a porno and think men like that

Attached: backup_tools_when_selling_pot.jpg (2160x2160, 715K)


>Oh wow you got stoners sucking your dick for free pot.

I never said they get pot. I get sucked off by adventurous girls who think i'm "cool"

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Big pot is going to be the next big tobacco. All the miracle effects of it are a scam and it's going to be the next leech treatment in 20 years time.

>such a sissy he's scared for his life when selling pot to 15 year olds

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I was given a disposable vape pen with CBD and I found I actually enjoy the sensation. I know it's faggy as hell but I'm tempted to become a vaping fedora tipper now. Made it half way through my 30's without smoking and now this.

Jews are the ones selling you tobacco, why do you think they're shilling in this thread so hard?

who tf inhales cigar smoke? these journo tards know nothing

I can't believe people actually fall for this scam.

yeah that's the right phrasing I guess. Show me more pics of your bitch tits.

which faggo is vito now?

They will target the "glorification" of violence, alcohol, and certain foods next. Give them an inch and they will take a mile.

Also, that fat retard has no merit talking about glorifying bad habits with his pizza emotes.

Oh and I don't smoke but I have tried cigars, cigarettes, and marijuana in the past. I also rarely drink alcohol these days. I just hate when developers and publishers think they are doing a service by altering fictional activities as if a fictional character smoking truly promotes smoking.

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Cutting your enemies open with a literal chainsaw is aight but smoking is bad mmmkay.

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Bost dick with timestamp

You first, let's get banned together

no bro, you go first, bro
Also put a cigarette out on your dick with the timestamp written on the fag.

Like any smoker would give a fuck about what some stuttering Yea Forumsirgin has to say

Failing to motivate me, make it a challenge, if you got a massive cock i might feel pressured to show mine in order to dominate the thread

Attached: lets_see_it.jpg (959x609, 141K)

I am confused, do smokers get enraged every time they see a piece of media where no one is smoking?

your grandma was a loser

>Man who consumes nothing but fast food, smokes pot, and spends all day in a seated position informs others that smoking is bad.

Smoking is for faggots.

Thank god it's not just me, I thought it was weird.
Mildly related, but I swear the older I get the more a lot of dirty talk is canned and performative, like they googled "big sexy porno" and just memorized all the lines from Brazzers this week or whatever and just repeat the frequently most used ones. Really takes me out of it when In hear a different woman use the same line with the same inflection as another, you know? Makes it all feel disingenuous.

it's an M rated game, let me pretend to smoke

Y'know second hand smoke isn't really a thing, right? Smoking, in general, isn't really that fucking dangerous; what has been actually giving people lung cancer is air pollution. I mean, for example, break pads until the 90's had asbestos in them. And where does all that dust go when you break? Into the fucking air.

How come less people are smoking yet the rates of lung cancer are still going up?

>pizza emojis

Attached: ravioli patroli.jpg (300x168, 10K)

All i read was the last panel and looked at the pictures and i lol’d
good one

I quit smoking 2 years ago and while I agree it's a filthy habit I think the cigar smoking tough guy trope is based as fuck. That said I don't care if they removed it from a game I have no intention to play and op is a faggot.

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>the more a lot of dirty talk is canned

"i've been dying to fuck you, harder daddy, you're cock's huge"

Retards, one cunt bit my hand while scratching my back, i was shitting myself about that. I wore fucking condom and this idiot gets her saliva in my blood, no infections found though

Attached: dumb_cunt.jpg (2048x1536, 567K)

fucking onions

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No. It's annoying tho when smoking is shown as bad while they are getting drunk

>cigar smoking tough guy trope is based as fuck

Fuck yea it's based, bravo six, going dark

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Nah, just beer

Attached: beer_n_cigs_good.jpg (1288x1261, 265K)

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Do characters get drunk in Gears of War?

Rod Ferguson is almost as big of a bitch as Cliffy B is and the Gears of War games have become a successful franchise IN SPITE of him and his ideas.

If those schmucks had it their way, the multiplayer would be slow as molasses because everyone spends 10 minutes ducking behind cover and briefly peaking over it to shoot a few times at someone who is also hiding behind cover and nobody has the balls to move in.

Yes. People have been intoxicated, usually the stranded. Marcus Fenix, for example, was drinking in his first appearance in Gears 4. Oscar Diaz was also hungover to the point he was still drunk in the first mission you play in Gears 4. Michael Barrick smoked a cigar in Gears 3 and I believe hes the only character that has smoked in Gears, despite Dizzy's concept art portraying him with a cigarette.

Ultimately, when you ban ridiculous things, you make a less unbelievable world because great characters are just as fallible as their creators.

Quit trying to tie loli pedo junk with this smoking situation, dumb weeb

Meanwhile, the Chad SmokeStation:

Attached: D7-iOlFUEAAJFli.jpg (1200x675, 62K)

Smoking is cool and nothing you lemmings say will ever change that fact.

Attached: IS00619-10-Famous-People-From-History-Who-Smoked-Weed-Thumbnail-image-no-logo-16X9-.jpg (1920x1080, 1.02M)

tfw can't escape your addictions
it was supposed to be as simple as "just stop bro". I was mislead! my brain really thinks it needs drugs and I can't stop bros. I didn't know I was this weak, if I knew, I'd never have touched a drug ever

this fat fuck sticks his head into everything, quit shilling this retard

How much of this is really about cutting corners with not wanting to cigar/smoke animation versus making a statement?

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>Violence is an a-okay concept.
>Suicide is an a-okay concept.
>Torturing is an a-okay concept.
>Kidnapping is an a-okay concept.
>Bullying is an a-okay concept.
>Foul language is an a-okay concept.
>Drinking is an a-okay concept.
>PTSD is an a-okay concept.
>Sexual harassment is an a-okay concept.
>Classism is an a-okay concept.
>Vandalism is an a-okay concept.
>Smokig is not allowed.

Gears of War began life as the Lovecraftian inspired horror title that aimed to bring the horrors of war to life as a third person shooter, using gratuitous language and violence in a world ran by fascist governments; with Gothic and Classical architecture sprawling every level. Now, with Gears 5, you honestly couldn't tell it was even Gears.

I don't understand why the tobacco companies are putting so much effort into having their shills complain about this, it seems minor desu.

it was a cash grab for frat boys with cool concept art. imagine being a zoomer who pretends that gears was deep for gamer cred. lmao


i mean, i get it, you literally don't know your head from your ass, and as such, you expect everyone to have a simplistic view of life, but that literally isn't the case. furthermore, your use of cash grab and zoomer make literally no sense; since a new ip can't be a cash grab and zoomers weren't even around yet. and gamer cred? really? we're on an anonymous image board.

No, you go first sweaty. You weren't afraid to post all those other pictures weren't you?

>it makes you an idiot
Well a lot greatest people who human history were smokers.
>black and white teenager tier way of thinking
>grown adult man
What the fuck?

Are you 14 yo?

Attached: Sigmund_Freud,_by_Max_Halberstadt_(cropped).jpg (1647x2240, 1.21M)

ur alll just joshing about smoking right? u know its bad for u

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"Smoking being retarded" is a correct statement. However, I will blacken my fucking lungs out of spite against this literally who thinking he knows better than me.

tar in the smoking sense means partially burnt organic matter residue, not the shit fossils are found in

>ur alll just joshing about smoking right? u know its bad for u

Attached: 502CBF8F-2001-4B05-8FD2-EBF2233D68DD.jpg (1024x967, 83K)

>sweaty. You weren't afraid to post all those other pictures

That's the point, posted old pics that weren't requested

Attached: weed_money.jpg (2519x1606, 849K)

based chad living in the fast lane upsetting all these water and vegetables only hypochondriacs

Smoking IS cool. But what's cooler is knowing smoking is cool and resisting the urge anyways.


That probably wasn't even her bathwater.

Smoking is bad tho
I smoke, and feel like shit afterwards, sometimes for days
But i'm already addicted. It's a shit vice. Like using drugs without the drug rush. Smoking weed is actually less harmful than an average cigar, at least tastes a shitton better.

It's a whatever topic, though. As long as there's tits, ass, gibs i'm ok.

>A tobacco funded study says tobacco is good
>Dr. Li Xinping

Trustworthy alright


So scary

you are incorrect. the concept of second-hand smoke has been thoroughly discredited by scientific research

Attached: bc3.png (636x773, 8K)

>smoking bad
>blood and murder is fine though :^)
Can't make this shit up. Fucking burgershots

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how is taking prozac to feel good any different from smoking a cigarette to feel good?

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that will never happen because the army will always need recruits.

Its canada

nowadays you have phones for that.

I never started smoking because I am not a idiot cuck. Imagine being a cuck to a fucking plant. Holy shit how fucking pathetic.

I rather have gears of war replace every white character with sjw cliche than see a smoking cuck.

When will they ban junk food from vidya since junkfood lead to obesity and obesity related diseases?

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it will hurt ur lungs user

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how quit?

Never, fat shaming is not allowed people are free to eat what they want and you shouldnt body shame. Smokers are sickly scum and they should be forced to quit they stink like shit

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look at how much fun they're having :/

alt f4

what the fuck did I just read

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kids dont give a shit about gears tho
think of one person above the age of 22 you know IRL that's played a gears game

>Shilling tobacco products for free
Consider your life choices.

in case you're being for real, gears is trash. it was always trash, and it was never actually good. it hinted at having interesting lore, but it was absolutely intended to milk the frat bro audience for every dime they had. and now dumb zoomers like you are coming in to white knight a game just because it was old. lovecraftian, suck my fucking dick lol.

Ground control to major kek

>Everyone I disagree with is a Zoomer: a guide for posting on Yea Forums.

Doesn't this dipshit vape?
99% of all vapes still include nicotine you brainlet fuck

post your drivers license

is it weird to not have a drivers license at 24?

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>unhealthy fat fuck with pizzas in his name tells us that its idiotic to do unhealthy stuff

Fuck off China

>tar in lungs

Attached: 1355119576308.jpg (396x500, 28K)

Nicotine isn't what fucks your lungs up (mostly) my man.

Yes, get it as quickly as possible.

So when are people going to use this logic to stop promoting 'body positive' stuff?

0.00001 bitcoin has been deposited into your bank account

Nicotine is attacked because it inhibits estrogen and increases Testosterone. They don't care about being healthy, they only care about not having (((problematic))) testosterone levels.

He's correct. It's not manly or cool or anything but fucking retarded to smoke. It is disgusting and shouldn't be glorified, this isn't the 70s.
If you smoke you're basically retarded.


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Retard. I didn't say Nicotine is good for you, or that cigarettes are good for you. They're not. I'm saying it's not the nicotine in cigarettes that fucks your lungs up.

not really, it's more common than you think. anyway i been yellin that gears is bad and nobody has disagreed too hard. it's really bad though. don't let anyone say it is good.

>Smoking, in general, isn't really that fucking dangerous; what has been actually giving people lung cancer is air pollution. I mean, for example, break pads until the 90's had asbestos in them. And where does all that dust go when you break? Into the fucking air.
Forget bullshit about break pad dust air pollution. Want to know why lung cancer is so prevalent even amongst non-smokers? It's because of radon. Radon is a tasteless, odorless radioactive gas that exists naturally in our atmosphere and always has. We inhale that shit all day, every day. Dangerous radiation directly into our lungs. That's the main case of lung cancer, which existed before smoking or any sort of modern human manufacturing, but nobody wants to hear it because we can't do a fucking thing about. Also, smoking is really fucking dangerous. It's messes up your cardio-vascular system pretty badly.

I had no idea about radon or its existence until I bought a home.

Perhaps no one wants to argue against you because they know it's pointless and no matter what anyone says, you'll just continue to say it's bad?

>Be against smoking
>Can't recall a single time a video game character smoked since forever
I'm glad this doesn't affect me at all.


Smoking is actually good for you, antismoking propaganda is a jewish plot. Think about it, are there any jew-owned tobacco companies? Does israel have a national tobacco company? Fuck no.
Is it a coincidence that with smoking rates falling, mental illness rates are skyrocketing? Of fucking course not.

What the literal fuck are you even rambling about

venom vapes though

Because I'm addicted and I use smoking to justify the rest of the misery.
-10/10, kids don't pick it up. Smoking has got to go.

Just a reminder that VITO shills his own twittter here.
Literally. Whenever see a twitter post about something, it's always that soiboi.

kike shill trying to destroy the mental and physical health of straight white males

Duke Nukem, Solid Snake, Big Boss, Adam Jensen, Bigby Wolf, Sgt. Johnson, McCree, Sam from Vanquish, Tychus, Big Smoke, York from Deadly Premonition.

Smoking is actually more prevalent in Japanese titles than US ones.

Okay good morning guys.

I'm ready to talk

Video Games on a Video Games Fourm

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imagine being this brainwashed lol
don't believe jewish propaganda
because the jews fear the samurai
japs and chinks smoke way more than the west and have significantly lower cancer rates

>coming across OP sweet video games right? Let's take a peek..

Attached: IMG_20190715_030650~2.jpg (2356x1964, 352K)

Your hearts in the right place but the connection is wrong.
It’s the pill cocktails, ADHD medicine, and empty lifestyle that causes it. Check out how easy people are labeled depressed and given happy pills.

Smoking is bad but people should be educated on how it’s bad and not BAN BAN BAN BAN.
You ban or demonize something you get people who will do it for the sake of doing it.
For example like Satanism, Paganism, Smoking, Drinking, Drugs, Nazism, or Holocaust denial
Not saying those are all objectively wrong but there are people who grativate towards it because it’s taboo, shunned, or banned

>kike trying to derail the thread because he's been found out
have a smoke BITCH

>People in the 50's smoked 5 packs a day.
>Die in their late 80's & 90's.

>mfw reading this bread

Attached: IMG_20190715_030754~2.jpg (2379x2391, 421K)

smoking tobacco may fry your lungs, but at least it won't fry your brain like weed does

>Smoking is bad
prove it
my uncle lived until 104 and smoked since he was 12

>super outdated
Suck my dick.

>loose discs

You're a raging homosexual.

smoke both you fucking loser pussy bitch
>actually believing propaganda
your brain is already fried


CBD is aight if you're in pain. It tends to numb me. Buy a Giant Stiiizy battery and just get grams of Indica.

i used to be a full time pothead until i realized how retarded that shit made me so no thanks

>tfw I worked for the Civil Service and they had a ton of material bragging about how they essentially brainwashed people to be hostile towards smoking even when it's actually not as harmful as they think and treat it as a huge success in social engineering.

It's America. They'll censor literally EVERYTHING but that.

I don't think it was the weed that made you retarded lol.

Your anecdotal unverified evidence does not discount or even disprove the thousands of people affected directly or indirectly by smoking
For example, some lard ass 600lb monstrosity living to 97 on a diet of Hungry Man TV dinners does not mean that being fat is ok not is eating Hungry Man

what's the rationale for wanting to turn off people from smoking to begin with

if they can use it to excuse their love of murdering large groups of children on a monthly basis they'll do it

>For example, some lard ass 600lb monstrosity living to 97 on a diet of Hungry Man TV dinners does not mean that being fat is ok not is eating Hungry Man
This hasn't happened though, there are no obese 97 year olds.

i'm sure the amount of times you got dropped on your head didn't either

lol wow seems like i touched a nerve
maybe have a smoke and calm down

>shilling cancer just to be contrarian
Drink water and lift, fags.

>smoking is bad for you
>says the obese soi with pizza icons next to his name
top kuck

consider jumping into a noose in the near future

reminds me of action henk
good job

>yes goy, fill your body with fluoride and strengthen yourself like the good oxen you are
imagine being so fucking brainwashed you can't even question anything
lifting is objectively the gayest thing on the planet


i'm in awe of how upset you are lol, you have serious issues and it seems like you're blaming an innocent substance for them

These threads pretty much disprove the idea that smokers have more testoserone. They all whine like women.

>tears of onions

it's cool to have a couple of weights at home to keep yourself fit, but men should really be strong by doing physical labor on the homestead or at work. going to a place with a bunch of faggots and getting sweaty in front of one another is, indeed, pretty fucking gay.

smoking a cigar is exactly the same as sucking a dick

Suck on your vape you little queer *SSSSlluurrpp*

>waaaaaah im not gay you are waaaaaaah
ok 'tough guy'

i look forward to the day you decide to put down the bong for more than 5 minutes and realize how big of a slobbering retard you are

kike shill

I don't smoke lol, seethe more you screaming idiot. You have no right to talk shit to anyone since you literally self diagnosed as a retard earlier in the thread.

You are like the vegans of smokers

you have no right to post on this board to begin with when you type like a braindead 15 year old fresh off /r/Yea Forums

are you crying irl lol, this a very 'crying irl' type of post

Uh, you're not supposed to inhale cigars. If it's in your lungs, you're doing it wrong. Fucking idiot devs.

you're the one obsessively posting propaganda and uncritically believing what you were told to believe

i'm currently phoneposting on the shitter while imagining what it would be like to take a fat dump in your whore mouth

This is my third post, idiot. You have issues.

Because I want to die

i made you so mad you shit yourself? fucking lol

>don't include smoking
>make a point of it
>wonder why people go against your game
If these developers would only just quietly implement whatever they wanted there'd be less hassle.

I don't need to hid from my gsme devs like you

>"trying too hard"
>posts ultra chad tired meme

Any fresh memes going?

thanks for making it abundantly clear that you suffer from a mental disability, i'll be thinking of you the next i see someone taking the short bus

There's literally no reason for anyone except paid tobacco shills to go against the game for something like this though.

After seeing what happened to two of my relatives who were avid smokers, I swore that I would never touch a cigarette but if someone is retarded enough to start smoking simply because a video game character does it then he deserves what's coming for him.

Wow, blast from the past

Smokers lean on the trashy side typically, though not always.
Adamant anti-smokers on the other hand are almost universally autistic incels.

>Refusing to take a painkiller when you're in pain to prove a point
You're a gay

Diazapam and Prozac aren't shit you can just buy at your local pharmacy whenever you feel like it

The chainsaw kills the enemies, the smoking kills you, killing your self is suicide and suicide is bad, unlike killing your enemies which is "good", mmkay?

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What's the third one even eating?

Half of these aren't even remotely recreational

>kike shill trying to destroy the mental and physical health of straight white males
no, U

>People in this thread unironicly shill for t*bacco companies that use the cheapest shit in their products made with the most biohazard waste and charge a fortune on them
>And to top it all off they have the nerve to say that shit is good for them
explain yourselves

Attached: 54454.jpg (1919x917, 151K)

>tards don't know that you're not supposed to breathe in the smoke but taste the smoke

Source my dude

his twitter

Dude's gonna get pneumonia

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this isnt legislation banning smoking in games, its just one guy not liking smoking so he doesnt have it in his game. he has every right to put or not put what he wants in his game.
all you morons trying to equate this (non) issue with stuff like sony censorship are beyond retarded.
i smoked for 17 years before quitting this year. dumbest shit ever. harder to quit than any other drug, and they dont even do anything. it just looks cool.
>youre not supposed to inhale cigarettes
you fucking mongoloid dumb cunt

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Cigars aren't cigarettes you jack ass

If you disagree then change the rating for the game.

>some random irrelevant person doesn't want you to smoke so that means you should stop
How about you suck my dick if you want me to stop smoking so badly? I want you and your entertainment idol to convince me of your authenticity, to convince me that this is so important to you, to prove that you mean it when you imply that you care about my well-being by sucking my dick because nothing says you are honest like taking a sacrifice with your mouth for 30 slobbering seconds.

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>Yea Forums before this Gears 5 controversy
>"Ew smoking bad, disgusting, ew"
>Yea Forums after Gears 5 controversy
>"Smoking manly hurr durr, I smoke 20 packs a day"
You fucking faggots kept getting offended by me posting my smoking waifu on VA-11 HALL-A threads and NOW you love smoking? Fuck off.

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I'm glad I never started smoking, otherwise I probably still would be. My parents, who both smoked, were never hammering me over the head with "It's bad for your health" but always talked about how expensive of an addiction it was.

Now I can use that money to feed my other addictions like enjoying the refreshing taste of Monsterâ„¢ Energy!

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>Yea Forums is one person

>I don't have to find a hide-out place like YOU hahaha!

Absolutely based!

They aren't. But weeks ago the majority opinion was literally that smoking is bad. Now the majority opinion is that smoking is manly.
This is either a case of retarded newfags changing their mind or one or two samefags that keeps spamming his retarded anti and/or pro-smoking agenda. I don't give a shit if a creator wants their character to smoke or not (Krinkles is celebrated on Yea Forums yet he pretty much kills off all smoking characters), but losing your shit over whether a character smokes or not is the most (S o y) thing I've ever seen Yea Forums do. There are far worse things to complain about (like pic related) and wasting one's breath on the fucking ethics of smoking in fictional vidya games is retarded, whether you're against it or for it. The point is spamming VA-11 threads about how much some anons hate the game because Jill smokes is retarded, and so is making Gears 5 threads about how some anons hate the game because the dev doesn't like smoking.
It's a cycle of stupidity.

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Blame the niggers who can't clean up after themselves, not everyone who smokes.

Women smoking is disgusting and unbased.

How is it disgusting compared to men? It's still ingesting fucking tobacco through your mouth and it still makes your throat filthy. If you wanna argue it's disgusting in general then it's disgusting, but to say it's only disgusting for one gender is a shit opinion and even people from the 1800s would look at you funny for saying that.

Furthermore had Gears 5 kept the smoking it would be the female protagonist who would've been smoking, so your argument here is still fucking shit.

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Fuck you I've always thought smoking LOOKED cool.
If it weren't for the health drawbacks, I'd do it all the fucking time.

Well then you and I are on the same boat then.
But I am complaining about the newfags that flipped their opinion on a switch and used to go on VA-11 threads to spam their retarded shit about how they dislike the game because "Jill smokes".

95% of military irl smoke or dip tobacco.


I hope everyone knows these threads are made by marketers using false flags to generate hype around fake issues

You are all completely fucking retarded, easily baited morons who should learn what sage is

The oldest person ever smoked until she was 117 years old so cearly it's a good thing and you're wrong

It's not even really about men, smoking is cool but only if the character/person doing it is already cool enough to pull it off.
The grizzled soldier, the hard-boiled detective, the intimidating Mafia Don. These are characters that can pull off smoking and make it cool. It's the same reason some lanky autist wearing a fedora is embarassing while Bogart wearing one isn't.
There's basically no female character archetypes that can pull off smoking in a way that's cool and not trashy except for like, a 1920s lounge singer with one of those long cigarette holders.
>Furthermore had Gears 5 kept the smoking it would be the female protagonist who would've been smoking
You do know there's characters other than the main character in the story, right? There's even gonna be some male characters!

This game is going to create so many smokers. Just from how it's getting people to think about smoking.

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Thanks for reminding me.

I hate news who get a buzz when they express the correct opinion. is it so fake. nobody gives a fuck a bout smoking, virtually nobody smokes anymore so who gives a shit. FUCK im angry i just hate the goody goody fakeness of this soi boy CUNT you can tell he is a liberal faggot. Probably uses codes of conduct and bureaucratic inanity as a shield and malicious cudgel. I want to beat him up so fucken basddddddd

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>It's not even really about men, smoking is cool but only if the character/person doing it is already cool enough to pull it off.
>There's basically no female character archetypes that can pull off smoking in a way that's cool and not trashy except for like, a 1920s lounge singer with one of those long cigarette holders.
I'd argue the Femme Fatale character pulls it off quite well, also Jill is a bartender and she also pulls it off even if it's not visible in-game (it's visible in concept arts), it gives an aura of mystery to certain female archetypes, and whilst it isn't as cool as when male archetypes use it, it does work in certain situations, you are correct there. It's a way better argument than just saying "ew disgusting", but I do agree with you there.
>You do know there's characters other than the main character in the story, right? There's even gonna be some male characters!
Yeah but you just KNOW that seeing how the dev is pandering to SJWs he'd probably make the main female lead be the one that smokes first and foremost, and as you pointed out, her style of smoking does not fit.

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Shame there are so many cracks on that bench top. Why don't you just buy a bag of crushed shit and resin? Christ. I only have pure Venetian marble 4 inches thick for my bench.

It's probably his kitchen, that cracked thing is actually an style in america

It's going to be hilarious when this shitshow of a game is a massive success cause of you faggots talking about it all the time.

There aren't any cracks

How do you go from a game about roided out dudes that fucking chainsaw jacked mutants in half to this gay shit about some whiny crying bitch.

"It's her turn."

his head exploded due to weed overdose though

Tropes aren't reality.

If you are going to use anecdotal evidence, pick some that's actually true.

bless you not-quentin

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As much as I hate smoketards and think smokers should be shot. Smoking does look cool as hell and can make some kino shots, I'm not even sure why its so cool

can you even get a high from paracetamol?

They are not wrong but the last thing I want is my videogame telling what I can and can't do.

smoking was never good, but pulling it from an "M" rated VIDEO GAME is pure soi. can we ban murdersticks next?

The OP was about cigars smooth brain

doubt it, cats are pretty cool. at least the ones that aren't bigger than you

Except no one looks cool standing around playing on their phone. I do enjoy a cigar once in a while, usually in the autumn since the weather is so nice

>Cutting off your penis

>hate the smell of cigs and weed
>for some fucking reason, love the fuck out of the smell of cigars and pipes

Me too.
Though in my case I know why I love the smell of pipe tobacco, my dad smoked the pipe when I was growing up
It's like a whiff of childhood.

Better not show drinking alcohol either. Alcohol has done far worse to society as a whole than smoking has. In fact, better not show anyone ever do anything not "good" as it glorifies doing not "good" things. It's just safer that way. All characters must be shown as paragons of all things good.

Cheap products v more enthusiast price points.

That's cigars, you idiot.

Do you also wear a fedora?

holy shit

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Why are you taking pictures of your snacks and your games? This is PEAK faggotry.

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you're a huge faggot

But I bet you're above that influence huh? KEK.

it feels good in my brain and stuff

What does the pizza emoji mean in Twitter usernames. Does it mean they believe in pizzagate?

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It's always the best thing in these threads when smokers try to look down on pot smokers, 10/10 shit my friends. Your cigars are rolled by kids in cuba and taste like trash.

these have gotten better
still no Quentin

>says the morbidly obese man who is so fat he actually has PIZZA in his twitter name


>Characters arent allowed to have vices and flaws because "think of the children"

Satan does a lot of cool stuff.

Mobile is ruining it, I cant read it.

military is literally full of retards and poor mexicans.