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what's the problem?
they don't really care, the game probably profitted hard by now
is ranked out yet? I know they got a few guys working on it, but after playing the same 5 maps over and over again, it becomes pretty stale.
Sadly, a multiplayer game needs to be competive for it stay alive, and for a game to be competitive it needs monthly updates.
This, they have all the money already.
yea, another small dev team kickstarter kikery
Quite glorious
Wow how did it die so fast?
Obviously because they didn't make the game exclusive to ebin game store
>this is who Yea Forumsirgins are calling "BASED AND REDPILLED"
the main gamemode sucks, there are barely any maps, nobody cares about having this gametype except a bunch of larping brits
game needs new decent maps
I blame this entirely on the new map.
Literally what were they thinking?
they weren't, just like with the other maps
>they will keep this game stuck in 14th century Germany, the most boring shit imaginable
>this is who Yea Forumsirgins are calling "BASED AND REDPILLED"
That's actually the Satisfactory dev who has their game exclusive on Epic Store
Why would they not include samurai? The weeb market is enormous and everyone likes katanas.
oh is he mentioned because chiv 2 is gonna be epic exclusive? man that game is DOA, wont break 40k on release
They need to take some of that cash trhey banked and start hiring more people to work on the game. The gaming zeitgeist of today demands regular updates. The game will be dead by next month if they don't release one soon.
Because it's a Chivalry clone, not a For Honor clone.
>die so fast
It retained its playerbase better than 99% of new games.
>wont break 40k on release
What is with the Steam drone cope?
they should have copied the game with the decent player count it sounds like
About that...
>offer special sale for a game nobody gives a shit about
>eh this game is x% off here, guess ill try it
steam is DRM cuckery but if you think chiv2's dogshit casual pandering will do well you're delusional
>uplay game on steam
Not enough maps, Frontlines is garbage, and balance is fucking awful especially in Frontlines where the meta is Zweihander, Halberd, Spear, or Messer and Bloodlust
The market of "competitive multiplayer melee combat game" is far, far too small to make divisions like "We're only going to have european stuff in our game"
He's also extremely gay and extremely disgusting.
bloodlust is such baby shit, dodge is more fun and better
The lack of maps and modes is what has killed the game. The same 5 maps (only 4 at release) for Frontline, which is a shit gamemode, is pretty unacceptable.
Devs already confirmed that the game peaked at 70k concurrent players across all platforms, and flat out stated that it was evenly split across all 3 platforms.
>Karch added that at its peak, World War Z had 70,000 people playing concurrently across all platforms during its launch week.
So the PC version likely peaked at sub-25k concurrent.
Compared to Mordhau's roughly 60k peak on PC alone.
Which is sad considering the former had actual TV ads and a major publisher.
every time
why the fuck does it even have 7k players its a niche as fuck genre I guess retards will buy anything they see twitch streamers play
mod support when, I want proper PvE
yea those twitch streamers playing like...forsen...once...for a tournament where you have to play the game they pick
Game is still fun but they need hella new maps
10K seems like plenty of people.
I'm disgusted, but also amused. It took 1 generation to turn sandniggers into blue haired faggots. Sweden YES!
But Mordhau sold over 1,000,000 copies on Steam. But retards didn't realize that Mordhau had been in alpha for FOUR YEARS and has basically had most of the content the whole time. If they did they should have known that these dudes are not fast at making new content which is why their game is losing so many players.
I remember doing some quick numbers when that old 'ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD' article came out, I got to about 8-12 million of raw revenue , after taxes, steam and including servers and salaries for the next 4 years. That's a lot considering the team is like 8 people working from their homes.
The secrete meta is all heavy armor with blood lust. You don't start with any weapons but that's fine because they're laying all over the place.
The game is definitely not dead, considering a Frontline match is like 48-64 players. I play with my friends most evenings and we have no problem with finding full servers. It doesn't need 100k players, but it is very disappointing that they are squandering so much potential with the lack of content updates.
>reddit starts hating your game
>it dies
>game has thousands and thousands of players
>retards act like its "dead"
sub 80 iq
I agree on that, some updates would be nice.
Their's zero incentive for them to push out any new content since they dont do microtransactions. They made the lion's share of their money. The only thing that will bring in more players is a massive update, probably with the Crusades content
No shit, you can start with an arming sword btw
It's not that it's dead, it's that it's dying. Chivalry was basically the same way, and guess what fanbase this game attracted. You can't blame them for being skeptical
>Mordhau is something all Journos seem to love and write about how funny it is, posting le ebin video of a guy with a pan killing people
>China's Tencent's Epic Games Store's Exlusive Tornbanner's Chivalry II is announced
>thinking this unironically
Valve drones are pretty insane
its literally not though
It is an awfully strange coincidence that multiple hit pieces on Mordhau came out soon after Chivalry II was announced. I'm not even anti epic games store (I have it installed right now for The Division II and Dauntless, and I grabbed Sub-Nautica for free), but the timing is amazing.
>and for a game to be competitive it needs monthly updates
What kind of idiot logic is that?
>not woke, got broke
It may not need monthly updates, but it sure as fuck needs more content than the game has. The amount of content it launched with was pitiful, and the ONE map they've added since release is actually the worst fucking map ever.
nobody cared until one hit piece
reminds me of Blockhead Joe Bernstein's work
What the FUCK Yea Forumsros how did WE let this happen to /OUR/ game?!?!
desu, the first "major" gaymer site that published an article about how autistic the mordhau community was pcgamer
the same folk that had a partnership with epic on their E3 show
such coincidence... its hard to not think about it that way
I mean I understand your point if it's to keep things fresh it'd need monthly updates, I'd say like every few months vs every month. But monthly updates is just asking for a consistently broken comp scene
Chivalry is dead.
If I saw an article praising Chivalry 2 for including women and minorities that would confirm it in my eyes. But until then I'm not getting on the conspiracy ride.
the very same show where chivalry 2 was announced btw
It's MORE likely that it's journos pushing their "blacks (no other races, just blacks) and women were important to medieval history!" agenda that they tried to punish Kingdom Come for rather than your blatant Valve fanboyism
wow its almost like buying a game because your favorite soi twitch streamer plays it leads you to playing shit you dont really like
whats an exciting medieval time period
>Valve fanboyism
Is that your only ammo? Assuming that I am a valve fanboy? Fuck Valve. Fuck Dota. Fuck Dota "Underlords". Fuck them for cancelling Half Life 3 the only thing I was looking forward to. I gave up on Valve the instant I knew HL3 was never coming.
You don't get multiple companies releasing strangely similar hit pieces all at the same time without some sort of agenda. You could be right and it could just be all of them want good goy brownie points from black people, but if that is so they would have done this at release. The whole "You can turn of womyn and blacks" was something that was said within the first week or two of release, yet there wasn't a torrent of articles about it until Chivalry II was announced. It could certainly be both (Chivalry II being announced is a great excuse to trash Mordhau for being waycis) or neither. However I am not going to ignore the strange coincidence.
This makes too much sense.
10th-11th, 13th (crusade),15th.
Even if it is just SJW nonsense it is pretty crazy that the same company that is partnered with Epic released the first hitpiece right after Chivalry II was announced as an Epic exclusive, when Mordhau is a Steam Exclusive. For my own take, I do think it is just now that they're done using the games initial success for clicks (Like when they made articles about builds, crazy characters people made, epic montages), they can now using its waning relevance to also get clicks.
It could be an attempt to make room for Chivalry 2, so Chivalry 2 can seem like the good guys when their game announces that they'll ban all da trolls - but we don't know if they'll actually do that or even include women and blacks (did they do that for Chivalry 1?), and again it just seems like a clear case of journalists pushing their cultural marxism again
It really didn't.
Looks like For Honor won, bros...
>but we don't know if they'll actually do that or even include women and blacks (did they do that for Chivalry 1?)
No, they didn't. They had very little in the way of customization. You couldn't even make your own character and loadouts like you can in Mordhau.
Not to mention the cosmetics were all DLC you had to buy, and they were entire sets for specific classes. Tornbanner did a lot of scummy shit.
>make chiv
>game sells well
>its popular
>game breaking exploit makes the combat super gay
>instead of fixing it they make a new game called chivalry deadliest warrior
>its just a commerical for that shitty show
>it sells terribly
>refuse to fix their game
>keep adding paywalled cosmetics
>make another game using all of chivs assets
>it dies right away
>they abandon chiv completely
No wonder they partnered with epic
Shit community. You knew it was doomed from the start because so many people killed lute players. When people start killing friendlies, the game is finished. When players don't respect the community, it's over.
Fuck I'm mad. Mordhau was one of my last few safe places away from sjws and faggots but now there will barely be anyone left for matches. Fucking lazy faggot devs.
Because the very small amount of new content it has is trash.
How fucking long does it take to make 1v1 or CTF or a 64 player coliseum, or a 64 player horse map or anything that isn't a 10 square meter firebomb zone?
Also, the further it gets from release, the harder it is for new players to not get raped by bullshit like drags.
They made their money up front, so don't expect much. They'll probably use it to develop a new game.
Why do faggots state their mental illnesses(that probably isn't real or diagnosed) as a badge of honor? "Lmao I'm bipolar/ocd so special"
That betrayed there core fan base by not dealing with the community
Because mental illness is now something that is celebrated/a status symbol. I am not even being edgy and talking about transgendered people. It's now chic and cool to be depressed, or bi-polar because it makes you "unique" and "different"
Oppression Olympics and virtue signalling.
because it isnt real mental illness, ive dealt with it first hand and felt the tendrils of madness and its not anything youd want to talk about or be proud of. if they got a real taste theyd be fucked.
Fuck off faggot, attention whores like you going around "lel guise look at me im so funny watch me play the same song with the bot" you're the equivalent of transmog addicts in MMO who sit in front of mailboxes yelling LOOK AT ME PLEASE
suck my cock, i kill lute faggots and "friendly" faggots on sight
Sounds like someone hates fun
fuck em for disabling family sharing. Assholes.
>ive dealt with it first hand and felt the tendrils of madness
>FOUR (+one) maps
Got tired after 40 hours. There's not enough variety to keep me in playing for hundreds of hours. Making weapons too homogenized was a mistake. At least in Chivalry I was excited about unlocking each new toy because they all felt differently. Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 was even better with its asymmetrical factions and threesome game modes. Mordhau needs a lot more maps and gimmicky game modes.