Can't see shit but somehow the enemy can see me

>can't see shit but somehow the enemy can see me
this is fucking bullshit
How do I get good in this game

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I just want to talk about video games

spot them first =^)

>Higher framerate increases weapon sway
>It's literally impossible to hit at long range on a modern PC
>Toaster niggers have literally zero, ZERO weapon sway
Do what I do, let someone else poke their head up first to aim
Then when they die I run away

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>walking though a field in Eastern Belarus
>sniper takes me out


Seriously though, welcome to warfare. Most people do to someone they can't see.

Do more looking and less moving, as in take your hand off of the mouse and look around the screen so you don't have an animation of swinging your rifle around happening, just kind of picture everyone in the game, yourself included, as a trex, you really only see things when they are moving.

This doesn't bother me nearly as much as the flinching does. I'm sick and tired of my soldier having a seizure every time a shot comes within fifty feet of him. ALWAYS happens at the worst time too. I spend a few moments lining up a shot and then just as I pull the trigger my aim twitches off to the side.

Step one: don't make yourself a big target. Crouch run and prone 24/7
Step two: learn where the enemy is or at least have a general idea of where they're going to be.
Step three: learn how to aim and get good at aiming

Another thing I'll add, bind a key on your keyboard to fire in addition to the mouse button, aim with the mouse and fire with the keyboard to avoid the slight mouse movement from clicking to shoot

>not playing RSV

shig digg

No one but Americans gives a shit about that war and you only have a complex about it because you lost it
Vietnam settings suck

>sneak behind point
>took a couple of high level fags
>but my kraut feels like SHOUTING AT FUCKING NOTHING
>everybody now knows where I am

The biggest load of shit I hate about this fucking game

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you don't know what you're talking about

Yells are client side so your guy might be yelling without you even knowing :^)

A: Learn the maps
B: Be aware of your silhouette
C: Remap your map key and check it often
D: Get a 4K monitor

>i need to make everything about my insane superiority complex revolving around americans
aussies and kiwis fought in vietnam too brainlet

RO2 > RS2
KF1 > KF2
This is a fact, Tripwire can't makes sequels and bastardizes them. This is even true going from RO1 to RO2

>client side
That explains alot. Im glad I dont play this piece of shit game anymore. Fuck TW for fucking Ostfront and KF

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stop playing it like CoD or BF.

cause the French didn't exist in the Vietnam war either

You actual brainlet

Not an argument

Aussies and Kiwi's never mention the fucking war yet Americans literally cannot stop engaging with a sub-par setting, it'd be like if the British kept making games and movies about the Zulu wars

Tripwire didn't make RS2

what are you talking about you fucking numbskull? its always non americans bringing up vietnam because of MUH EPIC RICE FARMERS WITH AKS meme. youre delusional

Name one French film about Vietnam

That's because Americans claim they are the best militairy in the world, it's to atagonize you brainlet
Like how Canada burned down the white house

clocked a few hundred in this, being good is more or less knowing choke points for maps and then completely avoiding them, instead picking off from a distance

you're just arguing with a strawman in your head that you've created man, i dont know what to tell you.

>film indicates real life

based retard

>can't see shit
bet you've never played a milsim lmao