7th Stand User Thread

I've had the game crash by dividing by 0 two times in a row on the boss rush because I used "....." on the J. Geil fight
So, how have your playthroughs been?

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Joykiller is shit M to L stands all day fucking long.

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I have Mr. Big and everyone was talking about how cool their personality is but I haven't really noticed my character do anything and there haven't been any like side quests or anything with them yet. Just got to Varanasi, do I become cool later or something?

Post Shorty being the absolute cutest little evil old man hunting bitch ever.

What about stands that have a fair amount of (M) ranged moves like Napalm Death and Specials?

For me it's Destinctive Girl with Mr. Big being a tomboy bitch but slowly falling in love with Jotaro and giving birth to Jolyne!

Funny you mention that, i was looking into the skills the barrels use (dynamite, hand grenade and knife throw) and all of them had their hit chance set to 0, my theory it's supposed to make it so it always hits, making the game loose it's shit by trying to calculate the outcome between a move that doesn't miss and a status that makes you miss, either way i changed the values of those moves so give me a minute to see if that was the problem

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This game is so fucking retarded. I'm stuck at Polnareff's second fight because fucking bitch keeps spamming heath items that heals all his health.

you mean discount kira and naruto?

Bring your friends, user. It's not called Stardust Crusader.

Sounds like him

Yeah, also Deep Purple is basically discount Shikamaru.

That's pussy shit name 1 ONE times they ganged up on another stand user. Because we all know they never do and are the strongest.

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Then you must be a pussy for not doing what Abdul can do alone.

Steely Dan. Honestly they would have ganged up on him harder if he didn't have Joseph as a hostage. Also they planned to do it to Dio.

>Deep Purple
Wrong it's discount ceasar from one piece they are even both purple

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What is Mr. BIG?

nigger i am avdol
it was heavy sarcasm

Then burn that fucker.

Well it wasn't the hit chance value, let me adjust a few other things and i'll tell you what worked out

Short bunny girl is fun to play as, next run I plan to do a short pervert wearing a jockstrap

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Sorry dude, but you asked a question and I answered it. Forgive this autist.

Also I'm ready to go for chaos mode, now I just need it to come out.

>mfw i can't stop thinking about the idea of a short autistic girl with miracles that has weak constitution, can't swim, and is afraid of heights, getting demolished by kakyoin's cock
based on my current "kakyoin ending" run, of course

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I need you to come out.... of the closet

Tell your parents about us james

Gotta stop one hole from getting fisted to get another one fisted.

It's a shame that I can't play a pervert bunny girl constantly trying to climb Joseph like a tree.

My names not James though.

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Should I start playing now (in which case download please) or should I wait for that update that y'all've been hyping up to come out

>played the game years ago & did a run on Kakyoin route
>thought it was a bit sloggy & grindy at parts, but it was a cute little JoJo fangame
>Yea Forums thread literally every goddamn day for no reason & it makes me want to replay it
>every time I try to start the game up on my new computer it crashes & hard-resets 5 minutes in
>constantly repeating the intro section over & over just for a crash right as I’m about to save
Guess I’ll just stick to bringing All Star Battle over to my bud’s house on the weekends.

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Do it now, you can only get the new stuff from maxed out gold and 5 playthroughs completed.


just play the current one you can download, we don't really have evidence that the user who claims he's working on a translation is actually working on it

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Been pooping alot of blood for a little while now. Going to the hospital tomorrow and gonna play this game to keep my nerves down.

Whats the stand that will give me the most fun of times?

So i can relax and forget i may have a life threatening disease and may never have children with the woman i love.



No the joke is that Chuck seems out of place since it doesn’t rhyme the same way that Sneed does. Ya simp.

Is it worth leveling Polnareff or should he just stay useless lvl19 speed stand forever?

Can I have a link to whatever version I should be playing right now?

post more cocksleeve whoops i mean shortie

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so I installed the english RTP and RPG Maker 2000, but it still says I need to intall the english RTP when trying to launch RPG Maker. am I doing something wrong?

Play it on your phone

LOL look at her shit stand

Which one you want
Normal version
Colored (Without combination attacks, but you can bear Darby)
Fixed Colored version
Non-colored version with new moves added

Are you trying to edit the game?


Fixed colored please I'm black but i went to college

>he doesn't know that short girl tops kak

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Get well faggot

I think its this one files.catbox.moe/2zk43o.7z
Haven't tried it myself


Do any of these work? I haven't tried to edit the game at all so I wouldn't know.

nigga really?

Why does Kakyoin get all the KINO moments?
No other crusader can compete also please tell me I can actually kill the baby

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that happens later when she can't go every few hours without kakyoin's gamer cock

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What is this, a stand for ants?

You can in chaos mode.

Better than ants for a stand.

Abdul has some good moments too
Abdul's ending in the Dio fight is great too


To be fair it's not just ants, it's all kinds of bugs.

You can technically leave him to die if you have Carpenters. You just ignore Mannish Boy entirely and fly away in a repaired plane.

I hope you are telling the truth because I want to use my wolf to maul that shitter, I don't care if he is 11 months old the shitskin killed a dog

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So un-relevant he doesn't even make the list

The wolf is named after a nigger i bet you regret choosing him now huh?

Can someone tell me how to get maxed Joy killer from the quiz?

It's a pain to figure out
Thank you.

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Nigga, what do you think dogs are, dog?

Pick Mingling and Trust, then take the option that sends you to G, then the one to H, then I, then A, etc.
It SHOULD get you maxed out Joykiller. But an user last thread got Sanders for some reason.

There are some cool niggers, and he even reminds me of a poo in loo that only makes me angrier

Read the wiki dumb dumb

I don't feel like it

it's a bit confusing at first because there's a lot of text, but it's simple once you understand it, there's also a comment that simplifies it a lot, and i'll also specify for joy killer

each stand has a main letter and a sub letter, for joy killer it's F/G
so you will have to pick the two options that make F during the first two questions (mingling and trust)
if you want MAX stats, you may have to reset until you get the "are you a quiet person?" question, but you can still loop if you don't
now, choose the option that goes to G, since that's the sub letter, please pay attention if you don't want to mess it up
now continue going that direction in the A-I alphabet until the quiz ends

also, i should mention that just because you get a letter from the first two questions does not mean that will always be your main letter, you can get D, go to C, and go back and forth between C and B to get mr. big

Does Kakyoin really have that level of constitution? Could he really keep up with a tiny autist onahole?

After changing the oil drum's attacks to something else i realized it wasn't those specific skills that crash the game if missed but the fight itself crashes the game if you use a move that decreases chance of being hit for some reason, to my knowledge it's the only fight in the game that does this and for the life of me i could not tell you why, it's most likely a case of spaghetti code, since this motherfucking boss fights has try different versions on the game's data, i will try to find a fix for the problem but i would suggest avoiding the fight in general

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How much stuff is from Clayman and how much is taken from SaGa?

he would have to in order to stop the chisel-jawed chad polnareff from stealing the only girl that he finally has a chance with

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>in the illusion room, when the MC is dead, there's a chance for your mother to appear and she blames her bloodline for what happened to you
zeppelli confirmed

>heirophant green has tentacles
you tell me bro

Also, when I fought the Singapore Ebony Devil on this same run, his name was "Ebony Devil 2", is there anything like that in the files?

I've enjoyed my hc of femc and kakyoin using Ripple wine to heal from DIO's initial punch, getting drunk from said wine, then spending the rest of the final fight firing the UV Lasers at DIO from atop a building until the he gets defeated, not even bothering to use their stands for anything outside of defense.
Then drunken celebratory sex

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When does MC's mom die?

>Stealing a woman
He can't even stay alive properly because of his bad luck in life, do you think he would be able to stay with any woman for more than 30 minutes?

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She doesn't.

Oh yeah but that is intended to happen because of the whole grudge evolution gimmick, i tried looking at the code under hanged man's boss fight and all it does is confirm which stand you have and scenarios for team attacks, nothing about dodging conditions, i'm trying to see if maybe the oildrums are too resilient to lowered accuracy now, i'm basically guessing what the problem is at this point

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Which version of femc is the most of an onahole?

>Follow guide for getting maxed stand perfectly
>Get Joykiller instead of Sanders
What the fuck? I went through all the damn questions. I started on F, on the first question. I went to E for my first answer. Why am I ending up with Joykiller?

>thinking turtleman could get a girl
the dog has a better chance than him

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would kakyoin know that? he would see this tall man hitting on girls left and right, only to finally be assured that polnareff is just some toilet licking loser, and have a massive confidence boost

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Well fuck me it wasn't that either, both versions are weak as fuck to nosenses so it can't be that either and i'm out of ideas by now, if any other user with better knowledge of rpgmaker would like to give it a try i would appreciate it

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There are barrels on the submarine route, maybe if I went there I could test if those barrels crash the game
Time to go to the debug room

Post jew birbs

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OK, nevermind, apparently I don't have Cars' Right Arm anymore, and Joseph isn't leveled enough to spam True S.Y. Overdrive because of Deep Pass

They are a little higher up on the list, they look exactly the same as the one i posted but with lower stats, to my knowledge nothing else in the game crashes the game when it misses an attack, it pisses me off even more because the regular j.geil fight doesn't have this problem, polnareff can afflict him with outrun and sand attack and the game doesn't fucking crash when he misses there

The original J. Geil fight doesn't have a barrel, he's just out in the open, while the boss rush definitely considers the identical oil drums separate from J. Geil
But now that I'm reading this, the crash might be because the oil drums ARE identical

Holy shit the joy killer i made with this method has a bit more power than my level 15 on what the actual fuck? ?

Well fuck me i just tested a fight against a single (submarine route) barrel and the motherfucker crashed the game after being desensitized, so i'm genuinely lost here, i'm not sure if it's something with the barrels, something with j.geil being hidden in one of the barrels, or some fuckery that i don't even know about yet anymore

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If it happens with submarine route barrels, it definitely has to do with the barrels themselves, and not because of my explanation
Also, what is it about this bug that you're interested in, are you the "chaos mode user"?
If you're trying to fix it, you might just have to make it so that they can't be desensitized

Oh no, i'm not the chaos user, i just happened to come across the same problem you did around the same time, i'm kust trying to figure out a solution for the sake of closure, according to the wiki the barrel in which j.geil is is randomized everytime, maybe clayman overlooked this detail and made it so every barrel on the game might have j.geil, so whenever it misses it duplicates the miss and puts a value that shouldn't be at zero at zero, i'm just making bullshit up at this point, i think i'll just make it immune to no senses and extremely weak to other shit because fuck this guy

>Using Touhou MIDI soundfont
Now we're talkin

which one, if I may ask?

The difference is remarkable

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I remember rolling Mr.Big and getting kind of disinterested with it, what are some of the unique events that can happen with it?

Oh, alright then
But I will remind you that the error message says that the game "div by 0" so that's what desensitizing the barrel must do

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How do I put on the bunny suit?

Other than hol horse mentioning your stand is a gun, not much really

Be FeMC, not large, ALONE, and keep trying until she puts it on.

i know that you have to not have anybody on your team, but you might have to be away from any NPCs, i also think the femc just straight up refuses even if you meet these requirements
you can help out with the geb fight, i don't exactly what mr. big does, but iggy will get +2 FP afterwards

I tested can't find, predict and distracted, and out of the 4 only predict and nosenses seem to be crashing the game on miss so i don't even know, but i digress here's a version where he SHOULD be inmune to nosenses and predict also mindread just in case but i made him weak to a bunch of stuns, confusion and berserk to compensate, you just have to move whatever savefile you have to this folder

>purposely answer the quiz like an asshole
>get red garland

Why is the bunny suit so important? It doesn't look like it really affects anything

It changes a decent amount of dialogue
also it is cute

it changes dialogue with NPCs as well as story
also, it's somewhat rare if you don't go to don cherry's mansion

i just finished the game and had badges how do i use ng+

did you get to the dev room?

Go to the vending machines.

Has a chance of stunning you or the enemy, that by itself is pretty fun

Finish your LP already Woolie.

I just took some darbitol to raise my intelligence +5, but I still can't find where I even see my intelligence stat.

It's cute

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I'm pretty sure he quit at this point, it's been months

the vending machine on the very left, but it starts NG+ instantly
if you have 6 badges, you should get star platinum: the world for 5 badges
also, the very right vending machine has a bunch of good (but expensive) items in it

It's the 'Spirit' stat.

how does it look like on shorty?

It doesn't work for Sanders. I get Joykiller with this method for some reason. I think I'd have to cut it off early for it to work.

you should be able to do it by replacing "G" with E, and going I-A instead

That's what I did. I did it three times. I went F-E-D-C, etc. I did it three times, I got Joykiller three times.

>tfw a girl will never be able to top me like this
It's bullshit.

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You just have to pretend to resist.

Look at her go

i just did it and got joy killer as well
strange. did you get joy killer after the quiet person question or after any question after the first two? i got quiet person

Post nurses

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Makes sense
>changes story
Pls tell me how wtf

oh sorry, i meant it changes story dialogue

>Alessi turns me into a kid along with Polnareff
>don't have a stand as kid since only recently got it
>we just shoot him to death with handguns
if only the Crusaders had concealed carried in part 3... so many problems would be solved

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I restarted the game until I got quiet person, for optimal stats. I'm thinking of cutting it off early with the final round of questions. When it gets to E's 4th question, just send it back to F.
It won't be optimal stats, but fuck the game is giving me the wrong stand anyway.

it just shows the credits then the game title screen is it the vending machine in japan?

Thank you, my friend
you didn't get a qualifying ending
which end did you get?

did you fight vins after dio?

looks like an alien

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how much FP do you have with everyone dude

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But a sexy yandere alien.

just the normal one, where kakyion abdul and iggy die, i tried to have kakyion the highest and go with him but I got no option to fight with him at dio

i have 12 14 and 1, do the negatives count against?

Probably. You need at least 30 to access an ending that leads to the dev room and NG+ and all that.

all this suspicious shit for sale in Calcutta

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even if the negatives were 0 you still wouldn't have enough to get an ending you can access NG+ with
hope you like grinding overdrives with iggy

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You should spend all your money there. Great deals. Trust me.

Just beat Polnareff with a level 13 joykiller, first try too. You'd have to be some kind of retard to not handle this, I can't imagine how much of a dipshit would fail to kill him at level 16.

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i mean if he has capenter's

being fat gives you extra HP

Well, you are literally dipshit and still got him

10HP is nothing, he didn't even get me down to half health the entire fight. Cleared all of his afterimages on the first turn with Iai slash and could take them all down with a regular attack afterwards. But it doesn't matter because I extorted Freu for experience tablets anyways.


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As legit of an option that is, I still feel dirty for using it. On the flip side you showed that it WAS possible to beat him in the first run so good shit user.

It's literally intended by Clayman, he's right next to the ghost house for a reason and says the specific number of times you extorted him when you next meet him.

How many did you get from him? How long did it take?

That's fair, you're right. Still kinda weird how Freu just becomes willing to give you more after you exit the ghost house and not anywhere else.

>Freu just becomes willing to give you more after you exit the ghost house
Wait, what? Does the ghost house force him to give more experience tablets?

It resets the trigger.

It took about 45 minutes of grinding. I don't know the exact number of tablets, but probably somewhere around 20.
What I did was pretty simple. While grinding to level 13, I'd start in the bottom left of the map by the ghost house. I exited the ghost house, took the experience tablet, then went around the map counter-clockwise killing every enemy. Then I went back in the ghost house to respawn everything and stock up on water bottles.
It is weird, but Clayman works in mysterious ways.

Yeah, entering and exiting the ghost house gets him to give you more drugs. Guess he gets spooked by it and gives you more.

Anyone having a little trouble with the flaming skull enemies? I'm level 10 and it takes like three basic attacks to defeat them, and they do a lot of damage to me.

the spirits are little faggots

Have you tried using your skills? What stand are you?

I wanna save my SP, and yes I'm aware that I have infinite water thanks to the ghost room I'm just weird about conserving resources, and Pharaoh Sanders.

Does static do any good damage to them? also get lots of tea, tea is great in this game.

I hadn't tried it, I will when I get back to the game. And thanks for the advice on tea.

Thank you. Now people can stop bullying us Joykillerchads because of that one retard.

Should everyone in my party be up to level 30 for Egypt? Is 24-26 fine?

Something I find hilarious is that those bootleg pills actually kinda work. The Experients Tablet and Exroesterol (i think) just restore your HP/SP slightly, but the rest of them give you a fairly decent buff to the given stat when used in battle.

You can also get SP from restaurants.

Depends on what ending you are getting.

What are the ending difficulties?

Polnareff without Brainstorm > Iggy > Kakyoin > Joseph > Jotaro > Abdul > Joseph with special ending
Assuming you are on your first playthrough and want to get NG+

I believe you have to have an your overall FP 30 and over to get special endings.

am I not supposed to grind? I'm in calcutta and just casually one shotting enemies as wildhearts with unleashed, I'm level 30 I just wanted the rest of the party to be about the same level.

jotaro is the easiest though

So how does gaining FP actually work? I know you get more of it from doing events with a party member, and maybe also beating bosses alongside them, but are those the only ways? Like, can you get more from just general fighting/leveling up or something?

Generally speaking it's a good idea to have everyone get 1 or 2 levels if you can.

Nope, you either fight bosses or do events with em. Except Iggy, you can grind and he has a chance of gaining fp with you.

Eh, it's still a fight with just 2 party members, the other easier endings have at least 3.

No. The only ways to gain FP outside of events, some boss fights and sometimes dialogue in cutscenes are to grind the boss rush for the chance for your FP to go up.
Unless it's Iggy. He joins so late you can, rarely, gain FP just from fighting random encounters with him.
The game is trying to trick you. You don't need to be at level 50 to beat the game, but you should still grind some. The very last stretch of the game is kind of a difficulty spike and the trash enemies don't become that much harder overall.

not that but you can cutscene the canon way through and the 1v1 jotaro vs dio fight is the easiest dio fight

Yeah, but I'm counting the endings as doing them legit, and even if it's the easiest Dio it's still a 1v1 so there is a mild sense of danger, Abdul and Joseph's routes are just a gangrape on Dio.

What's the earliest ending you can get that sends you to the Developers Room?

>game is too big to run on my 3Ds
well at least I can use it on my vita, too bad I can't change the soundfont

Average feMC looks like she fucks avdols

all of those are after you kill dio

I just wanna hurry up and get my remaining 2 playthroughs over with.

Well comparatively i'd say Kakyoin's or Jotaro's could be the quickest. That or going through the debug room.

So on my first run trying to grind up characters for DIO, the best spot to grind evil ripple warriors is the one outside the evil church right?

t. City slicker with German car

Yep, grinding the ripple warriors or doing the boss rush is the way to go.

What's good to prepare for the boss rush? I tried it once just to see and got cockblocked by Rubber Soul fuck that faggot

Make sure you have plenty of replenishing and recovery items, i'd recommend things like ripple wine, champagne and maybe a few phantom bloods if you can afford it. What stand do ya got?

The shitty ants, but good advice I'll stock up on the good shit the zombie doctor has.

>Submarine route
>Fight Sevendust
>"(You) learned Brainstorm!"
Huh. And here I was expecting Brainstorm to only be used in normal story fights for you to do the canon thing.

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>bua bua ur actually fake and not real
shut up radio cuck i just wanna bang hol horse

that's only true in the josuke route tho

You get free Phantom Bloods from the boss rush though.

That's true, but better safe than sorry.

don't change what i wanna do

Who do each of the FeMC's fuck on the regular? And what are the most fitting stands for each body type?

Then stop bullying Steel you piece of shit and go burn the diary already, I did nothing wrong and just wants to help

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is doing ani's boss rush the best way to grind fp late game?

>Mr. Big

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I was kind of afraid of that but oh well. The Debug room is one of the few places Garland shines in this game as I could beat this shitter without Cars arm by my 3rd playthrough. It's just an annoying fight that takes a long time but eh...

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Grind the Evil ripple users, specifically the ones that jump around

Does Joseph ever notice that you can learn ripple moves?

oh nice
I just realized I can beat the Creator,go back to Hong Kong,buy 5 of the Stat boost items in the Secret shop,then go to The Harbor and beat the creator again so I can keep purchasing the item boosters

Fight probably just got immensely easy

Only if you have a stand that can use it, or in chaos mode. Also i've said this before but WHY can't Deep Purple use the ripple?

Aint deep purple a Jar that emits some funky punch ghost smoke? That's probably why

Which stands can use it?

Yeah but Deep Purple can manipulate the air. He can make fire, lightning, ice, poison, why can't he use hamon in any shape or form?

Sonic Youth, Ocean Blue, and Quicksilver .

Reminder if you're not playing shorty as an evil little insatiable thot you're not playing her right

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Honestly the averages look more like the evil types

Average dude, yeah. Average chick, not so much.

Shorty has that meme magic

While constantly kicking the ass of the creator to get back to Hong Kong i'm still mad that Jotaro outdamages my ass on these stats.
The World + his Double attack leads to some fucked up damage since The World boosts his crit rate or something and he winds up hitting that Creator fucker for like 450~ damage a hit. In the face of that Garlands STR stat is almost meaningless since it seems like the crit multiplier is higher than the Skill multiplier.

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Red Garland's power doesn't come from brute force, it comes from Requiem being god-tier for DOT-ing bosses to death.
just feed all your statboosters to Jotaro, he's basically the endgame superboss meta

Are the guys doing the games for parts 4,5 and 6 also using rpgmaker?

>do first playthrough with Miracles
>almost never have to deal with assassins, horse riders, or roof niggers
>for another playthrough with Mr. Big
>spending the whole time wishing I still had Miracles

Which guy would you recommend playing?

short girl with Miracles for maximum cute

average male in japanese clothing permanantly
pure kino

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Do you mean guy as in gender or character? Average has that above beta but somewhat below alpha feel for both genders. Girl Shorty is cuter than boy shorty, chubs deserve to die on both sides, and you can wear bunny suits with average and smoll chars.


>have a long range stand
>don't know how to deal with long range enemies
>he didn't get the gun skill books
mr. BIG is pretty much objectively bad, even though he's one of my favorite Stands

I meant character.
What about distinctive? You didn't mention that for either gender.

It's not that they're hard to deal with, it's that they show up so fucking frequently

>he actually used the encounter lowering skill
imagine being such a chicken even the game calls you out on it

>hating on fatchads
lol stfu average playing femanon roastie bitch

Should I for Submarine route as Miracles? I remember the enemies being really tough last time I played.

You can be Josuke or you can be Jolyne. It's nothing special.

>Submarine route
Ugh, garbage route that tries to brainwash you into becoming a libtard reloaded my save this time after getting shot told Joseph to return me to Japan, don't need any leftie brainwashing from a woman's mind straying from the story for her agenda, just wanted to go on an adventure with based /pol/nareff

>tfw no Jolene route

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>want to do Josuke mode
>Josuke mode doesn't have NG+
>can't save in the NG+ room

you can though, after like 8ish ng+ runs. it needs a badge of honour thou

>go into NG+
>make new save
>return to previous save in Cairo
>optional step: donate 100k to the evil church to see what your personality's evil-flavored dialogue is before opening the coffin if you're afraid of tedium
>beat DIO again, enter NG+ room
>activate Josuke NG+ mode
>make other new save for Josuke
>play game
have fun

did they add another clothing item?

>short girl big gun end with Jotaro
>shoot him in the back of the head whenever he acts up
>realfeel polnareff end as short bro
>ends with you and him running into Doppio

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>Just Do Ten Runs, Worked For Me. :)

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been in the game for quite a while

please explain
am brainlet that did one run back in 2016-17 and never played again

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Makes me wonder if the guys doing part 5 will take normal part 3's end as canon or if they will have the 7SU mc or even Avdul making a cameo along with Polnareff.

male only wearable item that's pretty rare. it prevents 1hkos if i remember correctly

They confirmed in the discord there's an Easter egg you can find where abdul is having sex with average feMC



>Feed all your stat boosters to Jotaro

Nah. You should still pump your Speed and STR stat boosters into Red Garlands user since its regularly slow as fuck and also because the amount of damage you (would if they're out of range) do with it is equal to how big the stat debuff is. At 999 STR with Garland on the Creator that's like 200 stats off a hit and since it works about 3 times that's like fucking away half of the guys maxed out stats
Jotaro is probably the best attacker in the game but still it's easier to just invest in Garland.

but how are you going to time stop spam ult. kars to death if you do that?

Where do you get the color patch?

Anything good in the Polnaref ending?

you get to fight and get crippled by diavolo ten year's after, have fun

>Blasting all the soldiers in the terrorist base with my bros
Using three missile launchers in a row is simply cathartic. Why doesn't anyone learn anything from Stroheim? UV technology would be nice to use by Caravan or Specials.

That doesn‘t sound fun... what about the fight with Dio? Does anything change or is it just the regular fight with Pols perspective?

basically remember the bit where dio is ambushed by pol and is stabbed in the head? you join in during that point it's the hardest dio fight too. oh yeah and you have to fight vanilla ice

What's worse, getting crippled together with Polnareff or having your character get killed by Diavolo saving Polnareff so he has to watch another person he cares about die to save him again?

and fear

what about polnareff dying to save (you) and having red garland/ howling wolf/ ocean blue/ the joykiller/ sonic youth/ wildhearts/ deep purple/ pixies/ Miracles/ napalm death/ carpenters/ quicksilver/ cardigans/ mr. big/ specials/ pharoah sanders/ adam ant requiem and then living the rest of your life as a turtle

and seed

>Amber and her Stand exploded!
>The party took 1204 damage!

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I've noticed that Caravans doesn't try to learn new skills when you have someone in party. Is that intentional?

There are some skills you learn with certain party members, but I think it's that the event prioritizes things involving the crusaders instead of learning skills yourself.

Shit. Should have sae-scummed in SPW Foundation Camp. Now the chance of learning Talwar is close to nil.

Do you really think that some crummy old stand could learn glorious GERMAN TECHNOLOGY?

Well, that crummy old stand can learn how to make nuclear missiles and swords of a finest blacksmith unlike any other, so... Maybe?

short-chan got a crummy stand why couldn't she get a pokémon creature instead.

Should I roll a guy with my name/appearance, answer the quiz truthfully, and try to immerse myself? Or roll a girl, pick whatever I want, and just play the game?

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I literally had the worst Joykiller stats and no one explained to me how the PQ worked before hand.

I was trying to kill him with 34 str that's less than someone level 5 who used the guide

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Either way dude. There's no real way of doing it wrong unless you suck at the battles. But most people say to stick with the stand you got by being honest.

answer it truthfully at the very least

there's always NG+, you should probably self-insert on the first run

There literally is a way to do it wrong if you don't try to max out stats with the PQ guide you might end up with a very weak stand.

I don't understand why this is not mentioned more often.

I'd say answer truthfully then reset and follow the guide to get the maxed version of that stand.

If you need to follow a maxed out guide to get all the stats you can instead of just playing the game, you're a chump.

>babby Polnareff against Alessi sequence
>Suddenly timed puzzle(?) sequence
>Never watched/read that far into part 3, so I have no idea what happens there
I guess I deserve this for not coming into this game without the proper experience.

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Yea fucking right before i knew this i was walking around with a stand that literally had the str of a level 5 person with the same stand and thats fucked up.

No one wants a stand with stats that low

Cardigans was fun to use for my first run, although at times it felt like Anthem was just a placebo. It'd be nice if it got more usage/dialogue changes in the story since it's the healing stand.

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Hide from the pedo stand user one, right? The correct way out is take cane, take ball, take mirror, hide in fish tank.

>males play women for some perverted reason
ewww eww ew all incels should leave and stop ruining /our/ comfy jojo threads

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Them's just the facts pal. If you can't make do with what you got you're a scub.

You just got mad that Polnareff wiped the floor with you in a fight that wasn't expected to work out with your stand.

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It works out if you have him with the right stats. The only thing holding me back along with some others was the lack of dmg which is solved with the PQ test.

which is why i thought sonic youth was so much better. Why would anyone do the whole game with literally the worst stats unless they did not know this?

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But The Joykiller is expected to not win that, just like how Miracles isn't or Mr.Big, or Red Garland, or Caravan. People give Howlin' Wolf shit for being and unga bung stand, but Joykiller is one of the most unga to ever bunga at close range, so obviously anything outside (S) is gonna give him a hassle unless you grind/use a little cheese.

Some trouble yes but it's a fight that can be won with proper strat if you don't have such low stats.

It's an issue if you back him into a corner and you simply don't have enough dmg to kill him. Not only that but with lowest stats joykiller cant even ones hot level 1 murder dolls at level 15 which is insane.

This makes grinding take way longer and you stay underwhelming for most of the game. Pot is one thing but struggling to quickly take out mobs that are easily cleared at low levels is another

ok, miracles

Me after killing 300 freezes

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Post tits or get the F out.

Are you a girl? You know the rules of four chan. Tits and time stamp.

>admit i don't know how to play poker after challenging barbie myself
>tfw i was answering honestly

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Even so, to expect that you NEED to max out your stats in the quiz when the reality is that some stands are going to have a shit time at some things is folly. Just because you can't whoop everyone's ass the first time around doesn't mean you can't get by in the game. Again, the only way of doing it wrong is if you suck at battles. Not your stand, you. Apart of not sucking at battles is picking your fights that you can be expected to win.

fuck bros my cock is so musky

Is there a dialogue difference between Male Distinctive and Average?

user there is a difference between a disadvantage and not being able to clear level one mobs because your stats are fucked by something you wouldn't even be aware of without a guide.

There is a huge difference I think you realized that already and just want to keep your stance. No it does not need to be maxed but you def don't want to be struggling with basic shit because of something like that.

too bad the game doesn't let you play actual poker without obi cheating
>mfw i learned how to play poker by playing mario 64 ds

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>tfw lost my progress after my computer shit the bed
I hate these threads, they keep tempting me to pick it back up so I can finally beat the game.

>Saving polnareff from justice while wearing the bunny suit
Tch Tch

Nah, it's all just visual.

And you saying that you're not able to deal with level one mobs is disingenuous since they shouldn't be a problem for anyone no matter what you got on the quiz. Except maybe on hard mode.

I guess we can't really see eye to eye on this, maybe we should stop before it devolves into shit-flinging territory.

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Oh shit my bad, always mistake these two

user I'm telling you if you fuck up the quiz you will not beable to kill level 1 murder doll in one shot and this makes the grind so much longer,
You have to use skills to kill the hornets without getting fucked up, your sp pool is lower.

It's basically an artificial hard mode I literally got to level 13 in like an hour compared to taking over 2 with the lowest stats. The difference is huge i promise you im not lying please try it out for your self. Aim for joykiller and only answer g then answer f back and forth for lowest stats and you will see what i mean.

So i was chilling with Freu in Hong Kong and found a "ghost house" what do i do here?

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So, what happened to that part 4 game in development?

Imagine a stand like Miracles in the hands of a fujoshi.

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Is there any diference playing regular girl or fat girl?
I was thinking of going fat girl because I don't know any other game that has that option.

The released a demo a year ago, then nothing happened, then a week ago the released a new demo which is nearly exactly the same except they added on battle

You can get infinite water bottles, talk to the dead in the door on the left, and do a dickish maze on the right after finding Dio's manor. This is also how you can get loads of hp increase's from Freu by exiting and entering the ghost house.

Kinda in Development hell. The stands look cool though.

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You get unique dialogue from Jotaro who reveals his bbw fetish subtly

>is a marine biologist
>is into whales

based fujo, don't let these misogynists keep you down

Welp after simply doing the PQ quiz again and fixing my stats i fucked Pot up but im wondering if its worth to extort Freu for health or if it will ruin the game.

What stand should I get that has overworld events but doesn't suck at combat?

Sonic youth

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Wow... He is literally me!

>no love for adam ant
Bug bros where we at?

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>hang out with joseph
>headcanon that i learn ripple breathing by copying him and bust it out clutch in the Don Cherry fight
At least hamon techniques got passed on to another generation, kind of.

Unironically Miracles.

>E rank Potential

>Mr. Big user
>pic related

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>Can't use Laugh
>Can't use Bluff
>Can't use Loud Yell
>Can't use Cry
>Can't use HP-JP-NP

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Sneed wagon

What is he saying?

>running through the boss rush with each of the crusaders
>getting nearly 10 levels each for them each run
>end up hitting 50 with protag on the way
shame it doesn't give money but at least it's a kinda fun way to grind

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>First time playing
>Originally plan on trying to befriend Joseph
>By pure chance end up going on a bunch of misadventures with Kakyoin instead, most of them involving us trying to get some tail abroad which always backfires in one way or another.
>We’ve basically become the Butabi brothers

This is great.
I hear there’s a way to prevent his death. Anything special I have to do besides having high FP with him?

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I love you

sometimes you can get 50000G

Nama jefvf

haven't had that happen yet, unless you're saying i should sell the occasional item drop i get
not that money is a problem, the cairo enemies basically bleed cash anyway

The guy who had issues here I beat him level 13 after fixing his stats in PQ which literally no one mentioned until the end of other thread and i did it with out having to exploit exp tablets

>the joykiller requiem
>fucker appears in the skipped time behind diavolo as he gets ready to make donuts
>Last thing he hears is a witty one liner before joy reenacts all Friday the 13th movies on him

you keep offering to heal people in cutscenes and they keep declining because apparently healing them requires shooting them in the face with a gun

Would this game be fun if I didn’t know much about JJBA?

you'd be missing out on a lot of fanservice but it could also convince you if it's a series you'd wanna get into
it's free so it's worth a try either way

I'd say you should probably at least check out parts 1 and 2 first, or at least just part 2. I came into this without having seen much of part 3+ and I've been having a pretty good time thus far.

>tfw me and my jojo bros think someone in the thread is a woman and endlessly harass them

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I just like bullying the retarded. I’m not a misogynist. I just hate the mentally impaired

nah, i got 50000G as the reward

I would say so as long as you have a grasp of the basic premise.

For maximum FUN I would read jojo parts 1 and 2 (they’re pretty short) and then play. That way you know the lore but you’re not spoiled for the story in any way.

The voice clip that started the whole thing in case you were wondering. literal thirsty apes mistaking this for a mating call.


Which stand would shortie be able to use to rape a man the easiest? I think it’d be miracles or red garland

it would be kinda fun, but it's definitely more fun if you're into jojo already. The prologue at least sets up the basic plotline of part 3, the part the game covers(dio is an immortal vampire who stole joseph's grandfather's body and has returned after 100 years and placed a curse on the bloodline, you have to go to egypt and beat his ass in 50 days).

fuck women
take the homopill

This monkey is a Stand user!

it's definitely specials

you're not a real jojo fan if you don't hate women

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>the best girl in the series isn't even a woman, but a bunch of plankton

No the best woman in the series only exists in 7th stand user

Tru you can just literally use abdul and its piss easy

>the second best girl in the series becomes a man

but FF isn't yasuho

Why do people keep trying to steal the other crusaders moments?
Don't you people feel dirty?

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>muh shortie bros hey bros have I told you about shorty she's my le waifu, yes i choose to play as women characters despite being a man.. I I'm not gay or anything it's just my waifu haha I love shorty le shawty xD shortie chan

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because fuck Pot and his faggot ass


At least make the face hoop theme’d

>A real live human being somewhere in the world typed this out

>best girl is a zombie

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I actually agree i think it's gay as fuck how you fags like to role play as women in bunny outfits because you are so sexually starved you wish you a woman because then at least SOMEONE would want you.

>I I'm not gay

Who said that? I want fuck Jotaro.

don't project
it just makes me hard, I don't self insert

You know, homos and trannies in the closest often lash out in denial. Have you ever thought of taking it in the ass user? No one would care if you did, do just step out of the closes, find a bear to love you

my boyfriend wants me

>No Kira route

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Should I go with the group or stay with my bruh, Kakyoin?

That Vins fight was fucking crazy.

>you're arachnophobic?
user, that's a shit argument
some people just don't like gays, even I don't like them

The arachnophobic argument doesn't hold weight when monster girls exist.

you wouldn't fuck a household spider

If you go with Kakyoin you skip Anubis, but the scene in the hospital is to make for the fact the original oingo boingo scene isnt in the game

Not with that attitude.

kira has a micropenis

Why isn't oingo boingo in?

Stands (formerly ghost hamon)

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>human being
I wouldn't go that far.

t. average boy nerd
bet you're an (S)let too

Just how broken is Endgame Miracles? I'm 1HKO'ing people like fucking crazy with Deep Purple. In my other game, Howlin' Wolf is a fucking beast in terms of damage and relentless against enemies at any range with his AOE howls.

Probably because your character has no real reason to he there, they show you if you go to the hospital though

Joey is an unredeemable monster. No man attacks/ ambushes two other men when they're just trying to get some exotic tail together. it just isn't done

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>mfw developer room zeppeli tells me that jotaro and speedwagon can learn ripple

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How do I learn how to ripple? Fuck vampires and fuck zombies.

>No part 8 Kira route

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buy the books, you reeeeheeehtard

The crew never realizes their existence in the manga

No, he's just full mast.

>accidentally start the DIO's mansion sequence without decent SP recovery
g-guess i'll just spam water bottles then

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What books and where do I get them?

The wiki tells you. you can buy them and get them in store stands in various maps but I can't be fucked to memorize each one.

yeah, secrets of a lost martial art are just sold next to kebab and curry

What’s the reccomended level for the party before going to the resturant in India?

Twenny wan

He gets nothing. Only like two-three scenes.

40 so after the submarine route they'll all have 50 so you don't have to grind

tell me more about game master
why does he wear the bandaid

3 books can be gotten free, one comes from an avdol event, and the other 2 are drops from enemies.

i don't know that much about anatomy, but where are his balls then?

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Just picked up specials after using adam ant. Am I in for more of the same?

wait, what? i know you can get ripple gale from ripple warriors, what is the other one?


You're in for special Ops.

He has no balls

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T. B. Overdrive from Shocking Blue

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That is way too freaking high, man.

the one in singapore or the one with mariska? or both?

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>he doesn't listen to his stand's band music while grinding
explain yourself, user

Based fujo

The fight with both the stand and the master.

Why is she so perfect?

Chaos user, any updates if you're around?

>the whole polnareff route supporting refugees waa muh Muslims are oppressed and killing terrorists is bad karma but healing them is good
>mariska is a mouthpiece insulting the Japanese brutally (the creators own people) while drooling over black Muslims
Is clayman a libtard bros?

god i want shortie to sit on my face and fart so bad

no, iggy will rip your hair out and be the one to fart on your face instead

vins had her house burned down by white supremacists

its a really cold bath

so, what are your catchprases? mine's EPIC......

an iggy is fine too

you can see the steam, his nuts should be hanging from the heat

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None of the Crusaders strike me as being far right
Mariska was more into his personality I think

You forgot /pol/nareff

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they're swung forward

mine's OOF

anyone got a link to the latest color version or whatever? would really like to get into this game, keep seeing threads about it. would highly prefer to play it in color.

I see...

>internally imagine the "AGENTS ARE...GO!" sound from EBA whenever I use specials
Do I have autism?

>Cardigans Requiem
>Everyone within a certain radius is knocked out
>Wake up in a hospital where the Colosseum should be
>People's illnesses and ailments are ramped up to where they can't function normally
>Stand user's illnesses are represented with their Stand
>Have to find your friends with the help of Head Nurse Cardigan and her pet turtle Isaji and help them gain control of their Stands again as Mista

Only people who get cardigans or miracles are autistic

fuck you there's absolutely nothing with getting miracles

Thats clearly mist, not steam

Why is Creator easier than Ultimate Lifeform Kars? Did the stone make him more powerful than god?

Post the song you imagine plays when your 7th stand user triumphs. it has to be from the band they get their name from or their song comes from.



>Howlin' Wolf Requiem
>It is basically Sit but with a arrow instead of a sword
>Anyone that gets too close has their souls blown off their bodies so Stand users lose their stands temporarily and have to find them
>The secret is you have to give it a soul in trade for the arrow
>Diavolo tries to sacrifice Doppio to get the arrow
>Bruno gives his own soul first

Kars has stupid regeneration. If he heals more than you can damage then you are screwed.


or for adam ant:

Attached: 1524928389202.png (326x420, 150K)

Sif* not Sit


good shit

Are status moves worthless? They never fucking work.

I was doing over 1k a turn until he evolved

They are very useful. Immensely so.

I've found HP-JP-NP to berserk even (mini?)bosses decently frequently.

I don't know about a victory theme, but this should be an attack name for Carpenters.

How do I beat double-bladed Polnareff? Motherfucker hits like a truck and avoids status effects like they're women.

Does the colored version work? I saw something yesterday about bugs.

play it if you don't mined being bugged if you catch my drift

What's a good tactic for specials?

NG+, max level Jotaro (preferably one that has been on steady diet of stats improving drugs), couple turns of Jotaro tapping into his hidden potential, and having enough SP and HP recovery items. That or brainstorm.

What stand are using? In my case I had Sonic Youth and Jotaro. Buff the party with Orchestra, debuff Pol with Recital, and spam Tornadoes and Jotaro's best moves.

Fucking hell, really? I'm better of just brainstorming this, huh?

I did it on the first run through. So no the world or max level shit

How? He hits for a third of my health.

Okay, for some reason, I am in Kom Ombo, and Caravan outright doesn't do any events. At all. While he did them perfectly in japan and in SPW Foundation Camp. I am alone, too, so no party-member interactions take hold. What gives, shitty merchant bird?

Well I had joykiller, and I did take a few tries, I think four at most, but I did it. You using any items? what's your tactics and stand

Is Pharoah Sanders the only good swarm stand? Specials is crippled by its lack of range and Adam Ant is top kek.

what exactly does durability do?

First playthrough, at the Harbor. For activating the Assassins with Jotaro, do they spawn on the map, do they just trigger while walking, or do they attack the instant I leave a building?

>You using any items?
Got a fuck load of HP and SP restores.
>what's your tactics and stand
Normal and Deep Purple. I haven't figured out what's the most optimal for it yet.

Reduce damage taken.

It's basically your defense, and how much damage you take

Is Quicksilver what Mr. Big wishes it was? The rifle is a shit in comparison to the elemental arm cannon.

>insulting my bug stand
*unzips vampires 3*
*unzips army ants*
*unzips insect canon*
talk shit get hit

Just keeping trying at it, I probably had an easier time due to DOT. maybe burn a few guns or fighterlings

They activate when Jotaro is level 10 and are triggered by walking.

>God of Thunder
>Divine Wind
>Red Garland Requiem
You suck dick, man.

it was a hologram

I beat him on my first real try with Pharaoh Sanders... but I had leveled up to 40 earlier to fight King Joey and Jotaro was probably like 33 himself.
If you're going to bother, Brainstorm all the fights up until him so you don't waste items and health. You really want to status him or do something so he doesn't MEMORIZE YOUR MOVES all the time, because while it barely heals him, the stat boosts are pretty significant and can take Iai Slash from doing 100 to doing 180x2 and just killing someone. If you got the nuke from King Joey, use it, you might as well since it can inflict a shitload of status too on top of the high damage.
I also recommend at least having the chance to use a combination attack with Jotaro, because those do like 1000 damage and really speed things up.

>Fucking hell, really?

Polnareff+Dual Blade Polnareff have 6k health in total (if you include the previous 2 guys Anubis possessed Anubis' total health is around 18k), for comparison DIO has 4k HP and all bosses faced in Cairo's boss rush have 19k HP when combined.

Well, fuck. I just finished it and now I see how fucked things are going to get.

So do long range attacks have full effectiveness on everyone or are they only effective at long ranges? I'm kind of confused since long range stands hit like trucks even at close range.

Level 26 Joykiller with a level 20-22 party, can I beat Midler's teeth for a badge of honor or am I better off trying to fight her in the submarine?

L and M range attacks do fall off in terms of damage outside of their preferred ranges, but only by like 20 points at most, unlike S range attacks which are pretty useless beyond S range. That's why Joseph and Kak are great and Pol is the second worst party member most of the time.

i'd suggest just beating her on the sub if this is your first run, since her teeth won't be fucked up afterwards

>sister caught me playing this game as a female mc
didn't even notice until I felt being looked at don't even know how much she saw, what do I do bros?

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The teeth have like 1000 HP, ridiculous defense that pretty much requires piercing attacks, and you only have like 5 turns to burn through it all. But you don't game over from losing I think, so try it if you want.

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I mean I doubt she could see the sprites and tell what they are

pretend you're playing as diavolo

make her play the game and get her into jojo so i can have children with her


just say you can only play as a female in the game dingus

Why would she care?

>(You) lost sight of the enemy!

Who's the first?

How do I unlock crazy diamond?

>he can't hit a tiny gremlin looking stand


You buy it in the post-game room with badges of honor.

How can you be saying that with my Howlin' Wolf's knot up your ass?

Iggy. Prove me wrong, you can't.

Joseph is seriously great at the latter parts, Cunning Hermit carries him for all the annoying groups of zombies, and he even gets True Sunlight Yellow Overdrive for amazing S damage.

hah, look at you, you just got baited
the truth is that i wanted to get fucked by your howling wolf

I'm not going to since his mid-ranges are shit.

That's fine, it could use the relief.

So why did Dio go to Egypt? it's fucking hot there

Who are the Gun Technique books for?

Araki just wanted to reference the song.

How the FUCK do I fight second stage pol-pol with specials by myself?

I would assume Quicksilver and Mr. Big.

What level are you

just downloaded, what am I in for? and should I use a guide or no?

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Only for Mr.Big and Ocean Blue.

Get Agent 4 to shoot him.


>Where wouldn't the Joestars bother me?
>I'm pretty sure no one cares about Egypt
>Come sex sla...vanilla ice, we're moving

What do they do is the real question.

A fun time, a great game.
And the wait for chaos mode


You neurotic failure.

penetrating glare

fanservice the RPG
the wiki has a walkthrough if you wanna not miss events, but beware of spoilers. really you shouldn't have to worry about it unless you pick hard mode, since the FP reduction can prevent you from getting into NG+ if you don't explore enough with the crusaders
stick with the first stand you get, answer truthfully

They give you skills. Arm/leg shot (reduce enemy's strength/speed), one skill that pierces defense, and Headshot (damage + chance to instant kill).

don't know, but speedwagon can learn from them

>Silver Chariot (S) Dodges the attack!
>Silver Chariot (S) Dodges the attack!
>Silver Chariot (S) Dodges the attack!
>Silver Chariot (S) Dodges the attack!
>Polnareff (M) Dodges the attack!
>Silver Chariot (S) Dodges the attack!

Attached: 1515863906460.jpg (523x858, 96K)

A bizarre adventure. Familiar stuff and unfamiliar stuff. And no, you shouldn't use a guide for your first playthrough. Just make sure to rotate your save files, explore with all the crusaders and level them up. Make sure you fight optional bosses and find silly overworld events involving the crusaders. Press shift during the overworld to turn on the radio and get some useful options.
And read the readme,.