Hack or genius???

Hack or genius???

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A bit of both.


99% one and 1% the other. Which is which is up to you.

Love him or hate him, but you have to RESPECT him

Can I say both? The "technology!" aspects of his games are truly insane, but the stories of his games are mostly shit and interrupting your gameplay with 30 minute cut-scenes is absolutely awful.

genius hacker


More like a Geniack

The fact that he is where he is despite being a hack is nothing short of being genius

>MGS, Policenauts, and Zone of the Enders

Fuck off, he's great.

which one?

Attached: hideo vs kojima.jpg (592x394, 45K)

Genius hack

He's creative, his game have great atmospheres, I like how his games mess with the players too.

But he's not a good writer, and he's really full of himself.

He's not a hack but he's not a genius either. He's just very creative and lucky enough to be able to realise his vision.

Hasn't made a decent game since 2004. Death Stranding will be shit, just like everything he's made since Snake Eater

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Used to be good, now he takes himself too seriously and fucked up.



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He has a crazy imagination and some of the ideas he comes up with are genius, but he's a hack ago can't implement then in a satisfying way and it's getting more and more obvious that he wants to meld movie and game only because he can't let go of the interactivity aspect
So basically he's a genius at being a hack

pure hack

good game designer, bad writer

maybe has become a bad game designer

>Good games he's made
>Bad games he's made
Death Stranding
He's slowly tarnishing his legacu by continuing on

Bad person who uses others and then throws them away.

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I feel like Death Stranding is going to be the tipping point of people treating Kojima as either the artist that was squandered by Konami, or a hack fraud that got popular by running a mega franchise.

And honestly, with how much people hate "politics in gaming", Death Stranding's overt message that social media is killing human contact will probably push people to hate him, even though it's the most basic message you could possibly muster, because people who play videogames are babies who read everything as personal criticism.

his main issue is that he can't into subtlety

What do you guys think of Snatcher?

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But really, I think he just needs someone to rein in his shitty ideas.

He's such a genius he's gotten everyone thinking he's not a hack which he is.

I'm more of a Policenauts guy myself, but it's pretty cool.

Attached: policenauts_front.jpg (468x398, 67K)

I kind of appreciate Kojima's eccentricities in that regard, because at least he's constantly repeating themes like memes, terms that might need another explanation or two.
Compare that to other "auteur game directors" like David Cage, who either forgets entire plot points, hamfists awkwardly handled topics such as racism, or straight up don't understand the genre they're writing in. (David Cage thought that "My androids are almost human and relatable" was what set Detroit apart from Blade Runner, I fucking shit you not.)

>David Cage thought that "My androids are almost human and relatable" was what set Detroit apart from Blade Runner

I don't have a reaction image for this, somebody help me out here

I waiting on Death Stranding to decide.

Lets see...

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so he's both a hack and a slash? woah... how Yea Forums have the balls to defend him?

He has a good eye for gameplay.

>Kojima co-founded THQ
How the fuck does anyone have faith in this guy when he produced Homefront?

>Death Stranding's overt message that social media is killing human contact
Isn't it more like the Internet in general?

I don't know man, he managed to port FFXV to PS3 and convinced Sony to release Uncharted 4 and TLOU on the Xbox One and PC.
He's clearly something.

Hideo or Kojima?


Attached: WE PASSED UPON THE STAIRS.jpg (1200x900, 288K)

There is something fishy about Hideo, but I feel I can trust Kojima.

A little of column A, a little of column B


Here, you type something and it automatically completes it.

Pic related is the best one i've seen yet.

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Death Stranding isn't even out you cunt.
