It's okay when Japan does it

>it's okay when Japan does it

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Yes, it is. What the issue?

Which one has 100+ hours of gameplay also? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm!


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sonyger btfo

that doesn't make sense

Last of Us is fucking gay.

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TLoU is a shitty stealth game with a few segments where you mash melee or shoot heads
Judgment at least has an involved melee combat system for beating the shit out of slanty eyed salarymen


That TLoU video includes the gameplay, the Judgement video does not. Literally fucking 19 hours of cutscenes. God damn.

holy fuck
i've never played tlou, but is there really only 4 hours of actual gameplay?

Judgement will be on PC within a few months

>includes the gameplay
Exposition walking scenes are not gameplay. They're closer to cutscenes or loading screens. Neither of which are gameplay


But onions-ny is japanese company

The actual gameplay parts of TLoU are pretty fun but 90% of the game is just walking and talking with "hurr Joel boost me up" bullshit "puzzles" while the characters meander around the generic paper thin plot.

Yes, especially if you play on Normal

judgement is a PS4 exclusive though...

Yakuza Kiwami 2

Sony Interactive Entertainment is a proud Californian company now

Not Judgement. Are you kidding? Game is 40 hours if you everything