So did nintendo really think this was going to happen?

So did nintendo really think this was going to happen?

Attached: Nintendo_Switch_2.0.0.jpg (1310x873, 121K)

it does user, get some friends

Have you never seen an advertisement in your entire life?

I had a pretty comfy time sitting in some dudes truck when my massive work function got rained on. All thanks to Mario Kart and the switch.

I did this at a restaurant.

God I wish that were me

Some people actually go outside for reasons other than going to work


>Arabs and Asians and Blacks standing next to white women all having a good time

Naw, never

bing wahoo

Where's the 1UP?

Uh, ok twink boy, sure. Get that ass plowed.

i love not having a job but i will likely an hero once my parents are gone and the savings dry up, unless welfare gives me enough of course


Attached: aWOmoNZ_700b.jpg (600x829, 78K)

>He doesn't gather around with his group of diverse multi-cultural friends every night ontop his trendy downtown Seattle apartment to drink local hoppy IPA's and gather around to all play on a single 6.2 inch nintendo switch screen

lmao at your life incel

Does anyone else think its really weird how literally every switch commercial, be it hardware or software, tries to sell the 'experience' rather than the switch/game?

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But it does happen user.

Attached: Cult of Nintendo.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

>people having a good time

hahaha look at those loosers

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no it was to trick friendless virgins on Yea Forums into thinking that if they bought a switch they could have friends.


That woman is a gift, even if 90% of her is photoshop, makeup, angles and lighting. She has a pretty nose and nice tits, and really makes the most of them.

delet tshi

This happens; you just suck at making and keeping friends.

sometimes I brought mine to college and play with friends

Why do you faggot defend shitendo so much what did nintendo do for you?

they don't crowd around a tiny fucking switch like this though

No, not really.
How could they sell the console/game when all they've been doing for the last 40 years is rehash literally the same fucking gimmicks over and over again?
All this faggots who whine about CoD, AssCancereed and sports games being identical yearly releases, would have a stroke if they know how fucking many games with Mario exist alone.

Wait, it doesn't?

Retarded or baiting?

Can you rebind the sick left and right motion on a console?

Go to any college communal area and you do see people playing together like this.


>that weight & length of the original switch

The light is really a nice change from people who thought it was pretty big because from this webm it's massive

Attached: Switch Lite.png (1024x686, 452K)

mfw I realized they are actually celebrating the Switch's birthday and not a kid's birthday

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you should be able to

I did this last week only without any women

OP doesn't know how advertisements work.

Yes user and seeing how you actually think things like OPs pic happen, you definitely aren't one of those people.


I've done exactly that at work several times.


>t. hillbilly redneck

So did GameFreak really think this was going to happen?

Attached: Lets Go.jpg (1920x1080, 804K)

A guy brought his Switch to work when Smash came out and we’d rotate matches on breaks

what do you do for work

what do you do for work

What is the intention here? Fuck the women that are drinking? Show off your disposable income? Alienate everyone you know? I’m the fucking definition of tendie and this would embarrass me.

In Japan it probably did, they just have to put in white people for advertising.

I see people playing like this at college.

black guys

Simulation Development

black guy dating sim development

>I’m the fucking definition of tendie
>Didn't celebrate the one-year release anniversary of a revolutionary device such as the Switch
embarrassing indeed

answer you dumb nigger

the bugmen meme is real holy shit

It does happen IRL. Pic related.

Attached: 2425f.jpg (1024x768, 142K)

The point of the Switch reveal trailer wasn't to be realistic, it was to show hip and cool adults playing on the system to show that Nintendo was hip and cool with adults. There's not a single child in that goddamn trailer.

Nintendo wanted to crush the "NINTENDO IS FOR KIDS" stigma really badly for the launch of their new console. Since the people who go out an buy consoles on launch days are all "cool adult people such as myself".

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