Give me one good reason why I should tip you asshats that I’ll never see again and not spend that extra money on vidya

Give me one good reason why I should tip you asshats that I’ll never see again and not spend that extra money on vidya

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They went out of there way to brought you food because youre too much of a lazy fatass

Because we're all humans so we should do our best to distribute all of our money evenly.

>never see again
if you never do see them again then sure fuck tipping but I wouldn't suggest ever ordering from the same pizza place to that address ever again

based communist

>ptetend to be grill
>tell someone to buy me pizza and beer to make me gassy
>perverts buy me food

Because their employer likely pays them less than minimum wage.

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>They went out of there way to brought you food
It's literally their fucking job to do that. They signed up for this shit

They get paid to do it. I'm already providing them with work, why should I also provide them with bonus pay?

if youre too poor to tip then you shouldn't order delivery anyways

but I do, what now?

Because in a lot of states employees who earn income from a job that receives tips as a wage supplement make absurdly low minimum wages. Educate yourself you mongoloid.

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make more money

I make 80k and I will never tip kek

its customary to do it in the states and if you dont do it youll look like an asshole. if you wanna look like an ass then thats up to you, but don't expect excellent service on subsequent deliveries because theyll remember (Source former delivery boy)

So the employer should pay them more not me

Except if they don't make at least min wage with tips then the employer has to make the difference you dumbass redditor simp.


>My wife makes 60k and I get paid 20k slinging retail product at Walmart or Gamestop while Tyrone and my wife's son get to go out for nice dining while I sit at home and shitpost on Yea Forums

FTFY user.

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do you not tip at restaurants either?


is this mindblowing to you americans lmao

Because they'll fuck with your food if you don't.

well if you arent american you obviously dont tip then
thats just how it is here though

You're not fooling anyone Cletus, we know you're at home in your white trash trailer park somewhere in the south with meth mouth.

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