Lmao look at that fucking loser

lmao look at that fucking loser

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"Democracy over market" is called.

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How about you try making more money if you want to make a difference?

It doesn't work anyway. For the longest time I refused to buy any DLC but it turns out it doesn't matter when one guy refuses when several million willingly bought season passes and shit like that. I still don't buy some things like MCU shit but I know it doesn't matter, people are consumerist whores that will buy what they're told to buy and there's nothing we can do about it now.

We've reached a point where the counter-culture has become mainstream in itself. There's no longer meaning in belonging.
On the upside, now that group-identity is no longer of meaning, one can fully divulge into finding oneself on a truly personal level no longer inhibited by label and group-think.

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I'm still not going to buy garbage games no matter how many other people do

Voting with your wallet doesn't work for the same reason actual voting doesn't work.
The more inclusive the democratic system, whether it's politics or season passes, the more likely the minority of principled/thoughtful voters are to be drowned out by the sea of sub 100 IQ shitters who don't give a fuck and do as they're told.

The only way to even put a dent in these systems is to make hatred of the status quo insanely mainstream, like with battlefront 2. Even then, it might chip away like 3-7% of the sales. Generally won't exceed 10% losses.

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Everyone in that picture is voting with their wallet. Nobody who withholds a purchase thinks it makes a difference. They're spending their money elsewhere. That's the point. Their money isn't being wasted on something they don't like. It's being spent on something they do like.

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The problem isn't the voting with your wallet or not voting with your wallet it simply the inability to accept that you're the minority. Not saying I like it or agree with it but that's what it is. If the majority of people are willing to accept a system and you're not then the system isnt meant for you anymore. If that doesn't make any sense to you then your view of your importance in this world is extremely warped.

>implying there isn't a majority of people who think they're some kind of hero who can manipulate fate's grand scheme of things to their favor with their choices
>implying there isn't a majority of people who would rather bank on that than creating a slightly less shitty life for themselves by focusing on their own happiness

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This picture is stupid purely because it implies you should still purchase a product if you disagree with practices or content because everyone else purchased it.

>Make more money
>Doesn't matter because your "vote" only counts if you're one of the retards buying microlootbox passes
Wow, that really helped!

>simply the inability to accept that you're the minority
literally the biggest problem plaguing nuchan
>late 2000's: yeah we're social outcast nerds lol oh well these games are fun
what the fuck went wrong?

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>what the fuck went wrong?
Fags like you started showing up.


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Oh look, it's another "here comes user with le epic insight and perfect 1000 years knowledge" episode

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Oh look, it's another "shitty post with a frog picture attached" episode

just accept it guys, democracy is shit and doomed to fail
voting just makes simpletons think their opinion matters

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Oh look

Why did he stop writing?

The only way to get rich in this world is to be unethical, and if you were unethical you wouldn't care about making a positive difference.

The point is voting doesn't fucking make things better because people don't know the right way to 'vote'.

IE fucking EVERYBODY complains about the state of the videogame industry these days, but they still spend fucking money on it anyway because they're complete fucking morons.
An unregulated free market just exists to allow companies to gull stupid consumers out of their money.

>with your wallet it simply the inability to accept that you're the minority
m8, whales who spend money on microtransactions are the absolute minority
they just spend a lot of fucking cash.

There are posts ITT that might actually fall under that description. Despite that, you choose to quote three posts that are all factually correct, retard.

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remember when we would laugh at the screenshots of kids disowning their parents for the wrong color iPhone?
they're here now.

I literally just said that nobody thinks it makes a difference and here you are telling me that it doesn't make a difference like you just fucking disagreed with what I said. You're not going to stop people from spending money where they want to spend money. Sounds to me like you're the one complaining about the state of the industry by acting like people are morons when they spend their own money in a way you find displeasing.

Illiterate hypocrite. Don't fucking reply to me again, cocksucker.

but those people that play those games with them are not. If it was just whales, the whales wouldn't even be there so it's not just the whales accepting this system.

>like you just fucking disagreed with what I said.

>It's being spent on something they do like.

>group-identity is no longer of meaning
What world do you live in where this is true?

>lol just vote with your wallet
>implying voting with your ballot isn't even less effective

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So you're retarded as well. You seem to think you should be the one to dictate what other people enjoy. You don't need to broadcast how fucking stupid you are. We get it. Message received.

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>what other people enjoy.
Motherfucker, you don't understand the normalfag mindset. People continue to buy the same trash and watch the same movies year after year because their friends are buying the same trash and watching the same movies.

Whenever I talk shit about these movies or games, they agree with me. They tell me they don't really enjoy them, but they play them anyway because it's an excuse to hang out with their friends. PEOPLE ARE SHILLING OUT MONEY ON GARBAGE SIMPLY BECAUSE IT'S MASS MARKETED TO THEM.

>game is shit
>don't buy it
>don't have to deal with the game being shit
If you're playing modern day western AAA games just have better taste.

I don't think it has disappeared. It's just changing. We used to find a collective identity through those physically around us but now people are finding it through their own niche interests and hobbies through the internet. These niche groups still exhibit the same hivemind-like behavior as any other culture.

>People continue to buy the same trash and watch the same movies year after year because their friends are buying the same trash and watching the same movies.
And? What's the problem with that? Humans are social creatures: don't forget you're on a website built to serve the needs of rejects

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>game is good
>publisher buys developer
>publisher changes game to make it more profitable
>game is now bad
>complain about changes to game
>suggest ways to make game better
>people reply "lol if you don't like it just don't buy it"
>do just that
>game sales drop after each installment
>publisher closes developer
>no more game

How hoe DO we protest bullshit in gaming? Violent insurrection?

It shouldn't be about voting in some contest to get the content you want made. It should be a personal choice to not consume things you view as trash, even if that isn't the prevailing sentiment.

Fortnite is extremely popular but I think it's poopoo so I don't play it. That's all.

Of course, jihad my fellow kekistani

>And? What's the problem with that?
What the fuck do you think?
We would all be enjoying ourselves more if we literally sat in a dark fucking room and just talked to one another. We could be doing literally fucking anything else and having a better time. But we have to go see the latest capeshit because that's what other people are seeing we have to play fucking overwatch because that's what other people are playing.

And when I say, nah I'll pass, I don't really enjoy that stuff, I'M THE ASSHOLE.

By playing the games you want and not playing the games that don't interest you.
Alternatively, stop playing triple A games.

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So far it seems they only react with Steam review bombing.

Bye toreto

And people who disagree spending their money differently is perfectly fine. Get off your fucking soap box, or out from behind your pulpit, doomer. You seem to think there's a problem. There isn't. People can spend their own money however the fuck they please, and if they enjoy it then there's no regrets. YOU seem to believe that because these normans are spending money on things you don't like that it's negatively affecting you. It isn't. You're not entitled to anything. You're not entitled to entertainment curated to suit your tastes. Nobody is.

How fucking dare you try to tell me shit like
>IE fucking EVERYBODY complains about the state of the videogame industry these days
>but they still spend fucking money on it anyway because they're complete fucking morons.
When clearly you are the most vocal people complaining about the industry and you're evidently still upset about it because you're still spending money on it. You describe this as an unregulated free market. You're insane. You don't know what the words you're parroting mean.

Shut the fuck up, faggot. I'm not here to listen to you whinge. I said my piece. Tell your story walking.

>later losers!

No user, you're not an asshole because you don't like Marvel movies or Overwatch. You're an asshole because you build this fake sense of superiority for not liking those things and put other people down for liking them.

t. teenager

>Do we protest not getting the movie we want with riots?

Do you realize how stupid you sound saying this shit?

Nobody gives a shit that you don't enjoy things. It's nobody's problem but yours. Stop trying to make other people take responsibility for your unhappiness.

those people don't like those things either tho

>negatively affecting you. It isn't. You're not entitled to anything. You're not entitled to entertainment curated to suit your tastes. Nobody is.

People riot when their soccer game goes wrong so I don't see the problem with protesting when my vydia goes bad

That's enough out of you, urchin.

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The entrepreneurs behind the megacorporations also voted with their wallets when initially building the foundation for them.

Being unable to comprehend someone liking something you don't is a sign of autism.

>people tearing themselves apart to be a special snowflake

Incredibly based.

Nice sarcasm detection.

Get out of your house bucko and take a good look at the world. Deranged leftists screeching about tranny rights, does not a group make.
Back in the day, when you talked group-identity, it mean people with common interests and idiosyncrasies flocking together to protect themselves from the norm, because who they were was different enough to warrant hostility from others. Whether it was bad or good is irrelevant. It's just how things were. Educate yourself.

Nowadays, it's all about labels and fitting in. Delusional psychopaths fellating each other; the world has turned social-media like wankfests to real life group-identity.

You're partly correct. Difference being, you mocked dinosaur nerds and called it a day. Now, mock a gay, pedophilic shit-eating diaper furry and you'll go to prison.

>people say "X is awful"
>user on Yea Forums ACTUALLY they totally love that thing, you're just an autist

Let me rephrase:
Now that everything's gone to utter shit, there's nothing of worth to cloud your judgement in your pursuit of one's self.

>ITT: Yea Forums defends NPCs

>Now that everything's gone to utter shit
Yeah there's no war, economy is good, but because people are telling each other to kill themselves on twitter the world is GoInG tO ShIt

Vote with your wallet doesn't mean you get to decide for everyone else.

Why should anyone care about nu/pol/ rhetoric? I have more respect for the average soulless normalfag than a /pol/ tourist and his newfag memes. Kill yourself.

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Y'all are wrong. You need to watch more youtube videos titled "The Truth About X" or "Why X is Dead" like me.

people said that 20 years ago and yet here we are again

But my vote should count at least double because I'm an intellectual with refined tastes!

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>economy is good
The economy could be and has been a lot worse, but jesus fucking christ it sure as shit isn't good.
Not only that, but automation is putting us on the edge of a fucking cliff.

i should've fucking known better. Welp, blame's on me. Get cancer and die please.

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what would you expect from a board who just parrots reddit/facebook/twitter memes?

>user on Yea Forums: "actually my small group of friends say they hate X, so EVERYONE secretly hates X"

This but unironically.
People will eat dogshit if you market it to them correctly.

Welcome to to the video game market.

What did people say 20 years ago, my autistic friend? Can you even fucking read?

lol you got fucking brain damage from Yea Forums and twitter

If you want your vote to count twice you're gonna have to spend twice as much money.

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Shit thread, post Shad

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>now just name calling
are you an adult or a child?

Not him but you're fucking stupid. People have been exclaiming that society has been turning to shit for hundreds of years. Every generation has a new perspective and that perspective is that it's always shittier than it used to be.

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should we have big daddy government make it illegal to make the bad game?

>average soulless normalfag than a /pol/ tourist and his newfag memes
that's redundant

go outside user lmao

I don't have twice as much money.
However, I promise to bankroll good projects if I ever make it big.

It's ok, normie pissant. One day your soapbox will run dry, it's only a matter of time.

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>economy is good

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user im blind stop being insensitive

Your view of the world is through a fucking keyhole based off spam on an anime imageboard

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Why should you vote when you know you'll lose?

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>I don't mind people stepping on my balls so long as it isn't the governmnet

You promised you'd bankroll by dick but this thing is still crooked and tiny. You don't honor your promises. Your word is not your bond.

The group you belong to can be the deciding factor on whether or not you get a job or a promotion.
The group you belong to decides who you vote for.
The group you belong to decides how harsh your sentence for a crime will be.
The group you belong to decides what colleges you get into and what scholarships you're eligible for.
The group you belong to can get you jailed or killed in certain countries.
The group you belong to dictates your social circles.
The group you belong to can either be promoted or denigrated by mass media.
The group you belong to can make the President of the United States tell you over Twitter to go back to wherever you came from.
You're a fool for thinking people don't care about group-identity anymore.

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See you say that, but the Sword and Shield will do significantly worse than past mainline titles due to the controversy.

>i'll screech about the name calling and then do the old "you even mature?"
>it works every time in my subreddit!
Castrate all nintοddlers

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You can pretend to belong anywhere.

Fuck jesus

You think you know something

I don't think there's any guarantee it'll do better, worse or the same until the game's actually out. I could see it going any way really.

>I don't mind people stepping on my balls so long as it isn't the corporations

>I need the government to stop me from lying down and letting people step on my balls

Yeah, let me just pretend to have connections in politics and big business

You've been humiliated already. Scramble and squirm more, you fucking idiot. I've got no horse in this race.

No you can't. A pale Chinese man can't pretend to be a black woman.

It's literally what everybody does. You don't need to believe anything you say to ingratiate yourself into a group. You don't need to belong there legitimately in order to gain the benefits of people believing you belong there.

You're a fool for thinking people care for group-identity without a label.
Your view of the world is through your estrogen supplement pill bottle.

>"kids these/muh generation" rhetoric and irrelevant to discussion boogeyman
a child it is then, carry on.

This guy gets it and it's not even a "I'm smarter than everyone else!" thing.

He can pretend to be one. He probably won't be very successful but that doesn't change the fact that he can still do it. Especially anonymously.

Don't samefag so blatantly, retard.

Oh so now you're the arbiter of humiliation too now aren't you?
Good to know!

It works dumbass you just got outvoted.

>You're a fool for thinking people care for group-identity without a label.
What the fuck does that even mean? Humans have been labeling shit since they discovered they could make noises with their throats, it's called language. You can't separate identity and labels.

You cannot refute his post which is why you're defaulting to braindead shitposting. Now things are getting epic!

Everybody is compared to you since you're the one being humiliated. You embarrassed yourself by failing to read the shit you reply to and now you're flailing around trying to pretend like you didn't make a worthless mistake. Nobody gives a fuck. Just go "woops" and nobody would bother replying. But your ego is out of fucking control so you're mortified by the idea of admitting something that doesn't matter doesn't matter anonymously.

No! Everyone needs to stop liking what I don't like or I'm starting a communist revolution.

>vote with your wallet
>WTF there are more people who disagree with me?? nevermind

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Your strategy doesn't work here; there's nobody to pat you in the back nor upvote your comments ;)
I do however unironically suggest you visit a medical professional for your cognitive dissonance and dyslexia problems.

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Where's the goalpost then? If he does it but isn't successful does it mean he did it at all?

I'm not replying to that post. I'm replying to your samefaggotry. If you agree with something then put your own take on it, don't just give it a thumbs up and go "I agree hurr hurr". It's a waste of time.

It would make more sense if one of the fags on the right said
>Just vote with your wallet!

And that's why voting really doesn't matter

>Everybody is compared to you
lel I'm not reading your shit
best of luck next time

>Mark Fischer is dead.
>Nick Land lives in Neochina
>Moldbug disappeared.

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Nice blogpost kiddo

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It's your hypothetical scenario. You tell me. All I did was point out that you don't need to belong to a group in order to take advantage of the benefits that group can provide. You seem to think this is wrong because it's not completely all-encompassing. It's not meant to be an absolute statement that I'm going to defend tooth and nail. It's just an off-hand comment that points out that complaining that everybody needs to belong to groups to get ahead is rubbish whining.

It'll sell millions and you know it.

I already know you're ignorant, shit eating swine. I already know you're ashamed. I'm mocking your clear insecurity about it.

Needs an edit with a solitary whale dumping thousands with companies catering to his whims while the other crowd says vote with your wallet.