ITT: post characters who deserved to be in much better games

ITT: post characters who deserved to be in much better games

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Fang seems like the kind of person who smells bad.

>ywn be Fang
>ywn be in a relationship with Lightning and cheat on her with Vanille
why live


>the good kind of fit sweat and lesbian pheromones
What's the problem?

Nyx and Kaze from FE Fates

Snow too

Jihl too

They deserved better, it's deplorable they and snake are in such garbage pseudo fighting game

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I want her in soul calibur. Bamco please do.

She may be one of the most criminally wasted character designs of all time.

Remembuh me?

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Was he an actual character outside of that quote?

Sazh too, shit a lot of XIII characters were honestly fine

In short: everyone except Hope.

And Lightning.

Just generic cool bro

Jihl was also quite prevalent in the marketing for the game. Everyone thought she would be super important. Nope. And Galenth Dysley kills her. Not even a boss fight.

I remember the first screens shown here when we made names up for the characters because Square wouldn't release them

Good times

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She should have been introduced as an antagonist much much earlier in the game and then become a party member.

Snow deserves to die in gunfire fire after one of his "plans" fail.

Good question—maybe I should ask that myself. Remember me?

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You can't break FFs 3 girl routine.
You always need one hot, one bland and one loli.

FFXIII isn't as bad a game as you remember, it had one of the very best implementations of ATB, a good soundtrack and it looked phenomenal for a PS3 game
The thing everyone complains about, that is, straight line hallway progression was just as prevalent in FFX but nobody complains about that game. In some ways, FFX was worse than XIII.
XIII's 2 sequels blow X-2 out of the water, as well.

I'm trying to think of how this didn't happen in every game yet the more I think about it, it fucking did.

Hot: Faris
Bland: Lenna
Loli: Krile

Hot: Celes
Bland: Tera
Loli: Relm

Hot: Tifa
Bland: Aeris
Loli: Yuffie

Hot: Quistis
Bland: RInoa
Loli: Selphie

Hot: Freya
Bland: Garnet
Loli: Eiko

And so on.

Unpopular opinion: FF13 was a good game. Has some of the best bosses and music in the series

>Hot: Freya

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>Hot: Freya

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I'm playing FF13 right now and it is absolutely garbage. The battle system is dreadful and FFX shits on it for a number reasons even though both are "linear". On top of having an infinitely better combat system, FFX has infinitely better pacing, doesn't wait until you're 80% through the game to even have all the characters in the same place at the same time, lets you get invested in the world and makes you want to learn more about what's going on. I could go on further with complaints about more petty things like way the menus work too.

>Hot: Quina

Snow and Sazh should have gotten their own racing themed FF spin off.

Replace Freya with Beatrix

Hot: Fran
Bland: Ashe
Loli: Penelo

>Hot: Freya


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Hot: Fang
Bland: Lightning
(Better than) Loli: Vanille

This trend really works only with non-MMO non-sequel titles, though, so I'll skip ahead to XV.

Hot: Aranea
Bland: Luna/Even Stella herself, let's face it. Especially compared to these two--but her chemistry with Noctis would've been top-notch in vXIII.
Loli: Iris (Is she, though? She's just a spunky teen.)

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If you kept the visual designs and gave the story and gameplay design to competent devs, the 13 trilogy would be fine.

Aqua mostly,but marluxia,larxene,luxord,zexion,xemnas,siax,roxas,namine,riku,sora,and xion deserve much better.

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He got what he deserved

Loli Luna could count for XV. Make Cindy the bland choice.

I bet youve only played 1 and 2 you fowl smelling chimp boy.

>no xigbar

I'm sure you accidentally forgot to mention the best organization xiii member.

I never saw a thread I agreed more with.

LR had Lumina, if you're counting the sequels.

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Why is she so perfect?

Still weird that she was a boss in XIII-2 but not the original. Then again XIII-2 was a retry for all intents and purposes. It was a lot better so I’m not complaining.

Hot: Lightning
Bland: Serah
Loli: Lumina

Plus we got to play as the better sister so that was nice.

I love Kass!

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>barely any good porn of her
it's not fair

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Yeah actually i did. I wouldnt say he is the best but he does deserve to be in a better series.

i want to lick fang's armpits

Why would you want to lick her hairy,sweaty pits?

Why are female lancers/dragoons so much cooler than male ones?

People are still in the FF13 was bad phase?

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>generic lesbian number #274748484
No she belongs right where she is

the glasses lady in ff13 as well

I honestly liked all 6 of the main XIII characters, and I appreciated the character development everyone had. I just wish it was handled better, alongside adding content in the game that isn't just hallways.

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Where can I find all the games with generic lesbians like Tracer in them?

He deserved 3's ending for letting dead weight to join the final fight

Tracer isn't a lesbian.

she is in one of those movie shorts

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your game would've been shit
admit it or not, this is the best timeline


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i've played 6,7,9,10, and 15. What's the biggest problem with 13 and will I be able to look past it if I'm a fanboy? 15 made me actually angry

I will never not be mad


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Beatrix wasn't a permanent party member

>Yuffie and Selphie

They were both the youngest party member of their respective games.

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Neither was Aeris

it's not hairy you faggot

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It's hard to try and sum it up without going into a huge essay about JRPGs in general. I'll try to bullet point it.
>almost all JRPGs are linear to some degree, but they also usually break it up with towns, dungeons etc. and leave it somewhat up to you to figure out how you're supposed to advance even though there's only one way
>FF13 is literally just one long hallway that never ends, "shops" are just menus accessed through save points, NPCs do not even exist except for a few very brief moments early in the game so the entire game feels like this weird empty theme park ride you're constantly being rushed through
>only control one character in combat and the meat of the combat system is supposed to be that you can change your team's jobs during combat based on preset job combos, but the jobs are incredibly specific and can only do exactly one thing (nuker nukes, elemental nuker elemental nukes, buffer casts buffs, debuffer casts debuffs, healer heals, tank tanks) and since you only control one character you just queue up one command repeatedly and wait for combat to end
>even though the crux of the combat is based on setting up and swapping jobs for your team, you spend the first ~20 hours of the game with only 2 people in a party because the characters are all separated in groups of 2, which also severely limits character interaction narratively
>has monsters encounters on the field rather than random encounters, but the monster encounters are actually more annoying because rather than taking a few turns to kill once you figure out the optimum method, they take dozens of turns because almost every trash monster has 10x as much health as it should
>HP resets after every battle and there's no MP so the "attrition" aspect of subsequent combat encounters in JRPGs is also gone so combat is just a series of long chores between cutscenes

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All she deserves is a short drop and a sudden stop

That's not a videogame character, fuck off.

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I've never been able to find Nina hot. There's this weird grossness about her.

Sadly she was cut from her game for a generic piece of shit.

shame the DLC fucked his character

i loved this game and its probably my favorite game of all time

Kaze was an absolute bro I agree

this if 13 had a more open world to explore like 12 it would have been fantastic

my fellow user brother, that man is one of the neatest concepts/mechanical executions in my opinion

Holy shit, dude.

Nobody complains about X becuz "muh worldbuilding"

Weird how Youtube blocks Tifa from search auto complete but not her.

What is the point of that weird crotch clothing?


Replace loli with underage/jailbait

Draw's attention to her Vagina without showing anything.

I weep for you.

>delusional tabatashitters

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I still liked it but god it could have been so much better it could have been with good writers, good translation and less jewishness. I absolutely fucking love what they were -trying- to do. This goes for Corrin too.

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I think she had the same VA as Lulu too. What a waste.

Did they change the Malcolm McDowell guy too

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On the topic of both fighters and spear users.

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so how young are you guys? 15? 17? anyone with a fucking brain can tell the difference between the level design of 10 and 13. Nobody complains about X because there's actual pacing to the game and you can stop at towns and take part in minigames. 13 is literally just a dungeon for the whole game, I dont really care for either games but stop pretending that 10's design is the same. 13 has its strong points and so does 10 but 10 definitely has it beat when it comes to just walking around. There's close to 0 NPC's in 13 and that's a problem.

13-2 does shit on X-2 though

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Can we all just agree that most everyone in FFXV deserved to be in a better game?


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Bogan as fuck, but at least she doesn't make my ears bleed like fucking Vanille

We should agree that everything since the Square Enix merger should have been better.