Which one is comfier?
Which one is comfier?
Alliance has better starting zones, if you don't count NElf area.
depends. Alliance is comfier in general but standing on top of the bank in Org its top tier
I would say alliance but I am a bit biased because I have played alliance a lot more. Elwynn, Stormwind, Iron forge, dun morogh, loch modan, wetlands, redridge mountains, duskwood, and darkshore are all super comfy.
>civilized humans or niggers in mudhuts
hmm tough choice
I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf
I want to seduce your night elf wife to cheat with me.
NElf is kind of boring until you see you were standing on a gigantic tree
>Humans: Regal cities and comfy forests
>Dorf n Gnomes: Comfy mountains and the GOAT mountain city
>Nelfs: Song of Elune, darkshore, ashenvale
>Orcs/trolls: Orange stained rocks as far as the eye can see. Literal mudhuts
>Tauren: Wide open plains with nothing in them. A cliff you have to take a long fucking elevator or fall off and die
>Undead: Live in garbage and literally a stinky sewer full of piss, shit, and aids
IDK, which one is more comfy OP?
Alliance 100%
Why would one want to be mud hut dwelling nigger?
To resist stuns
theyre both the same dogshit factions played by the same dogshit players that only take fights they know they can win
>alliance full of streamers/zoomers/beta males
>Yea Forums almost unanimously votes Alliance as better/more comfy
really makes you think
Hmhm mister buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut
80% most popular classic streamers were Horde.
Only Asmond and Esdand were alliance and swifty
so yeah dude
Modern Horde is fucked. They're 100% evil, but not even 'fun' evil. It's 'you should feel bad for existing' evil.
>retailcuck thinks this is a retail thread
it's classic
I lost my erp virginity on alliance so horde because they have less degenerates
Buddy, you're subbed to retail if you play Classic.
Classic IS "retail"
Nobody has gone to a store to buy a WoW expansion on CDs since Cata.
Horde because of Blood Elves and their leveling zones, Tauren is pretty chill too.
If you didn't run into Belfs cybering in Silvermoon you were not playing BC
nah real Horde stands with Thrall and Saurfang.
Could you fuck off to the Horde, you sound insufferable.
well in my battle ground match making horde always wins at pvp
i have gotten 60 honor tokens in a week playing as horde
also horde has better racial traits
>whocaresmoon city
>bluegoat city
easy pickings imo
Alliance has paladins.
so does horde
I want a Blood Elf wife
Not in the non-dead version of the game
Wow only had 1.7mil by the end of Vanilla Bean. It didnt reach its peak for 2 expansions, both of which had Blood Elves.
>Wow only had 1.7mil by the end of Vanilla Bean
Where'd you get that number?
>classic streamers
Back when they were good, yeh?
All nustreamers, the ones on Twitch, are alliance faggots
Like you
>game was more alive in TBC and Wrath
Man the game got better over time, I cant wait for TBC and Wrath servers
Alliance has objectively better everything, except players.
Alliance full of poltards, so horde.
thats weird alliance always wins premades and most top guilds play alliance
The Tauren starting area is the comfiest area, don't even @ me.
Horde bros
both are really good but horde has the best RPG elements to it and better quests etc, i think its because they had to put in extra effort into making it more fantastical, as humans/alliance have a more developed history to draw upon.
alliance are weebs, tryhards and malignant narcissists
horde are stoners, asperger social rejects, failed normies and furries
so take your pick
Vanilla Horde is easily the best
Alliance is for normalfags who like cleaning up their own mess
>most top guilds play alliance
in vanilla yes
but once horde got paladins and blizzard ignored the OP racials for years they all switched to horde and for years it's been a drain on the alliance while blizzard reaped transfer bux
why are the horde so thematically perfect
I normally play Alliance, but Mulgore is awesome. The worst part about it is how little time you get to spend there.
Wrath was fucking shit, the game took a shit with that expansion. The old and new devs were butting heads at that point which is when the devs that made Classic fucked off.
aaaand then they all transfer back at wotlk when alliance gets human racial
The original factions were shit. Undead shouldn't be playable, and the Horde should have had Ogres.
you mean blood elves in mudhuts.
horde is like 50% blood elves but dominated aesthetically by orc architecture.
Because they're all ugly outcasts who only have each other
Alliance is just humans + the rest
Dwarves + the rest*
It's actually 60% belves
Alliance is Soviet Gnomeregan
I wish this wasn't the case but it is. Either the Humans are doing something, or other races are doing things FOR the Humans in some fashion. They're all reigned in and sterilized to fit the Human mold. I think the Horde races are pretty individual at least, when spikes aren't being thrown everywhere.
>Play fantasy game
>Oh boy, I can't wait to play a Human!
Fucking WHY.
Heh yeah Human players are fags
>Rolls Undead while listening to Slipknot
Undead are dead humans, though.
Tirisfal and Mulgo are the best starting zones.Mulgore is ultra comfy and Tirisfal has the most flair.
Undead should never have been in the Horde
Replace them with goblins, add ogres instead of faggy elves in TBC
5 of the 8 races are basically human.
The original game would have been better off with the factions being:
High/Blood Elf
Undead shouldn't be playable and Night Elves and Tauren are better off as neutral parties.
I've said this for years and years, never understood it. Just seems so boring to me.
So basically Lord of the Rings? Even if they only added Blood Elves to Horde for population reasons, it was an interesting addition. Just like Worgen to the Alliance, if they hadn't been neutered.
>High/Blood Elf
Holy shit, you cucks never shut up about High elves.
it is kind of retarded the proud noble snarky race would hang around in nigger huts because 1 human btfo them like 20 years ago
High Elves still exist in enough numbers that there are more High Elf NPCs running around Alliance settlements every expansion than any Alliance race barring Humans. If they were on the same side itd be an eye color option and thats it.
Oh boy here we go again.
What the fuck are you on about? Go take your meds or whatever you're on.
its almost like they had to change lore to match an MMO setting!
Exaggeration doesn't help your case.
>1 human btfo them like 20 years ago
Why can't jews just get along with Nazi's and Muslims. The holocaust was almost 100 years ago!
Blood Elves with blue eyes are never going to happen, give it up.
>"This is how the factions should have been"
>"Its never happening give it up"
You have severe comprehension issues and need mental help.
You pick Horde if you like dictatorships.
You pick Alliance if you think monarchies suck but are at least better than unga bunga cave logic for leadership.
Please keep replying so I can post more pictures.
garithos had nothing to do with it, don't think he's even mentioned in wow at all. they added them to horde because the asian community was crying that their gfs didn't want to be ugly
Funny, given how everyone in the Alliance blindly follows the human king
>there are actually unironically "people" on this board who roll Alliance
y i k e s
>worgens used to be human
>night elves first alliance ally was a human mage
>Draenei’s first contact with the alliance was a crew who’s captain was human
I’d believe it
tirisfal is the best zone in the game
This, though not vanilla.
Why do we still have WoW threads?
Cute girls.
>Gigantic Stump*
>Heh yeah Human players are fags
>>Rolls Undead while listening to SoAD
Classic/vanilla horde is a bunch of outcasts, but they have eachother's back which makes the camraderie way stronger. Mostly, the tauren and low-tier orc architecture is the comfiest, with crossroads as comfiest town. On the other hand, Alliance are a bit better in terms of architecture and infrastructure, think of Ironforge and Dun morough, but socially, there isn't much going on. Tauren and orcs are bound by blood, forged by Cairne and Thrall.
I would pick either Tauren or Dwarf for top comfiness, followed by nelf.
They were originally mainly hanging around undead kingdom they used to be allies with, but blizzard couldn't maintain the "part of the faction but distant of it" element.
I play a human because I have a fetish for human on anthro fucking
>tfw returning to an elf free horde
>faggots pushing modern politics into a 2005 game
Back in the day you picked a race/faction because you liked it, not because of some stupid poltical shit, you faggot.