Both have never had a good entry.
Starts thread with the post that ends it.
Good post OP.
Final Fantasy X was radically different than all the previous games. Final Fantasy X is the Breath of the Wild of Zelda games.
They are both the best games in their respective series.
So what's the Zelda equivalent to FFX-2, 12, 13-2, etc.? I know 11 & 14 are MMOs, but still.
I have literally never played a single final fantasy game. Look faggy as fuck. What's so special about them?
>FFX is my favourite FF
>TP is my favourite 3D Zelda
Well then.
You have to be 18 to post here.
FFX (mostly) retained traditional aspects of FF was actually good though.
Shouldn't FFXII be paired with TP instead?
Is IX worth getting?It seems childish and the gameplay doesnt seem the praise it gets
FF9 is my favorite Final Fnatasy game and Wind Waker is my favorite Zelda game.
Both released around 2000 eh? Good batch of years.
I see what you are saying, but I dunno.
FF15 didn't look as good as BoTW as a game but see what you are going for. FF6 and FF7 are much closer in quality and game depending what you like in the game than Link to the Past and OoT. OoT being 3D shifted a lot of what the game was to something different where the 3D in FF7 really doesn't make a difference.
FF8 and MM that is spot on. Quarky games of neat ideas but overall not nearly as good as their fans would suggest.
WW and FF9 seems a little unfair maybe. I guess they are both kinda cute games, but FF9 I think people just remember its high points and forgot the many issues in it. Then again that is the original WW not the HD one so I guess maybe that does balance out since it has the old sailling.
Its got the best aesthetic by far and is just generally comfy, when its not being melancholy.
Its a lot closer to the likes of 6 and 5 then 7 or 8.
>Final Fantasy X was radically different than all the previous games
It continued the trend towards cinematographic camera throughout the game that previous Kitase games had (VII, VIII). It did have a major change in combat system and character progression, but not enough to warrant it to be "radically different".
>Final Fantasy X is the Breath of the Wild of Zelda games.
Breath of the Wild is (and was meant to be) a return to the original Zelda, not something radically different from the series. It's just radical.
Depends on what you like. Its a throw back to early FF games. It has some likeable core characters, but some of the best supporting characters never get enough time and many of your normal party selection are just there to fill a slot and could easily be written out of the story.
Combat and skill leveling is neat, but you can break it entirely before the end of the first disc to become immortal. Some people like that in FF though.
Game sorta out stays its welcome and loses steam later in its runtime and gets a little too power of friendship for what I was after at the time.
Anyone that played it as a kid though I can see why they would nostalgia hard for it because its good parts are rather good and it has that charm like the fair in Chrono Trigger.
>It seems childish
he said unironically on a vidya board
FF7 - Ocarina: Those who marked the story in their sagas.
FFXV - BOTW: open world
FFIX - Wind Waker: The undervalued
FFVIII - Majoras Mask: for many people, the best of their sagas
FFXIII - Skyward sword: the worst of the saga
Did you really compare A Link to the Past with the worst mainline FF?
don't forget both Wind Waker and IX came out while the series was going darker and were the exact opposite tonally
DaS2 is shit and Wind Waker is the best, therefore your image is wrong
Somewhat amusing as OOT and MM are my favourite Zelda games and FF7 and FF8 are my favourite Final Fantasy games. Born in 1990 btw.
>Its got the best aesthetic by far
Amarant sticks out like a sore thumb from that roster, I never end up using him.
Steiner is fucking peak character desgin though, Freya is a close second.