ITT: games that Yea Forums told you was bad but ended up being bretty decent

ITT: games that Yea Forums told you was bad but ended up being bretty decent

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Different tastes for different folks. I loved all 4 Batman Arkham games but had to force myself to finish Marvel's Spider-Man. I just found it really boring.

I'm sure it's very good if you haven't played any other AAA game released between 2009 and today

pic not related?

im a batmanfag but those games never did it for me desu. combat was a snoozefest. spidey felt like dmc on training wheels which was fun

zelda botw

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I'll tell ya the real difference.

God I love this game

Not really. As I played all the Batman games on PS3 and PS4. And Arkham Origins dipped to like 20fps a lot of times.

It's not bad. It's simply derivative which is an even bigger crime for some folks.

Fucking yuck. Kill yourself you poor fucking faggot

Great one liner user, you can now leave this thread content with the fact that you're a shitter who actively makes this board a terrible place to try and discuss videogames

I should add I replayed all of them on PC at 60FPS a few years afterwards. I just wanted to make a point that the frame rate was nothing to do with why I liked them.

meh it had good swinging good combat good bosses n a decent story. all i wanted in a good spiderman game

I liked how the different suits had extra powers and details instead of just being skins

I still haven't completed it. Defeated 2 guardians, did a shit load of shrines, and got so bored I dropped it.


You're not debating why he's wrong though you're simply shitposting due to being mad as fuck that someone talked shit about a game you like. You're literally part of the problem yourself.

>Make vapid shitpost without any thoughtful criticism or even a tiny shred of basic factual argument
>Get sarcastic response

yeah, no
Fuck off back to Yea Forums, you'll find more likeminded people there

>Make vapid shitpost without any thoughtful criticism or even a tiny shred of basic factual argument
You mean like this one?

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So instead of being the better man and elevating above the shitposting to give your thread some credibility you decided to just shitpost right back like some base faggot? well now we know the type of person who enjoys PS4-Man now don't we?

It was shit N64 Spidey was better in every way.


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>playing the worse version
Lol no. Get the DC version for maximum Spider action.

except its actually shit

Literally every game, Yea Forums hates everything.


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First week?

>Suit powers are unlocked with each suit
>Their uses aren't explicitly tied to each suit (you can mix up the powers with the suits (Battle Focus with Classic, Quad Damage with Advanced, etc))
The latter point so feels like something they would have saved for a sequel. I'm very happy they didn't.

Beenox tried that with TASM2. It wasn’t good.

did they get the swinging right in this game? Please tell me they did

There has never been a Spider-Man game better than a Batman game.

Anime nerd opinions don't count, kys virgin

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It's the best since SM2, but it's still not SM2. It likes to hold your hand resulting in stress-free swinging instead of feeling 100% in control.


This, it might be better than Arkham Knight though better to be mediocre than disappointing

What are the chances of a GOTY edition for this game? It's relatively cheap now but I don't want to fuck myself over by buying the DLCs separately

Its not BAD It's the fact that it's so easy to beat on the hardest diffuculty and you can make it even easier. I'm surprised there aren't speedruns on it INCLUDING the side quests. Story is good but that's all it has in the end. The only reason you shouldn't look at the cutscenes only is because you do have to experience the web swinging.

With next gen happening next year and Sony specifically using PS4-Man to demonstrate its power they're probably holding off a GoTY edition for the PS5 with a few extras to get people to double dip.

if they make it 60fps, ill double dip

If the demonstration is anything to go by then it probably will be along with next no no loading times, and possibly even a boost to swinging speed as it was slowed down for PS4 because the city couldn't load fast enough, an issue that isn't a thing on PS5.

The dlc is not even good to wait for a GOTY edition

The stories are short as fuck and you're basically for new taskmasker challenges and mindless collectaton shit

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No not taskmaster even worse. Speedball internet challenges without being able to mute her


can you elaborate a bit on what u mean with hand holding

im more excited to see what theyd do for the sequel on the ps5 with the added power. im sure sony also gunna increase their budget a fuckton based on how succesful spiderman 1 was

haha ebin \v\ro, ebin
we trolled him

borderlands 2

>moving in that direction before the web has attached to a building
>speed and momentup cap (falling from the highest tower in the game has no difference in speed)
>if you're falling very close to the ground and try to make an impossible swing it will work. instead of just falling to the ground spiderman will actually levitate slightly to allow for the swing
There's no skill requirement. If you've played a video game before then from the moment you start the game you'll already be pretty good at it, and you'll only get better from that point on.
It feels pretty good though but definitely more of swinging system for casuals

No one said it was bad. It's just another mediocre open world spider man game, we've had like ten of them already

Yea Forums still seathes over one of the best games of last year.

Sorry it doesn't have any lollis or dick girls for you subhumans to get off too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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not him, but after playing a lot of it, it seems like you have to still put in a good amount of work and fineese to traverse stylyshly and using all the moves in your arsenal. just basic movement doesnt require skill

Not this one.


I want to love Spiderman PS4 but all the cliche AAA mechanics were holding it back from truly being a classic.

I agree with u but how would you go about doing the side missions n shit in a spiderman game

>from the moment you start the game you'll already be pretty good at it, and you'll only get better from that point on
I already said that, user.

Contrar/v/ians head honcho

>Trusting Yea Forums's opinion
>On anything

Spider-Man doesn’t wear a cape

Also Yea Forums: Man, I love that blue-haired chick from Life is Strange who literally says that men need to check their privilege!

You're right. Speedball would have been cool