Game references *chan

>game references *chan

Attached: CzvedgDW8AE0Tew.jpg (1200x675, 114K)

Kurisu and Suzuha were the best girls. Mayuri was okay. Moeka and Faris are shit. Don't (You) me.

Excuse me sir its 4channel now, say 'chan' again and we mods will have to split the website again.

I'd selfcest myself tbqh

Mayuri was the best girl

>no wojaks and pepes
>no loli and furry dumps
>no niggerniggernigger posts
>no cringe and bluepilled posts

>Liking literal retards

>what is a text board

I thought Faris a shit too but replaying S;G and playing 0 (which was bad) gave me appreciation for her.

>no triangles


That's 2ch not 2chan you braindead faggot.

Yea Forums isn't the only -chan site

>game has too many plot twists

Attached: baby.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

It's always the juice behind this shit

took me minute

Attached: 1485671056217.jpg (480x360, 23K)

>ywn have a Kurisu gf

Attached: f65054.jpg (382x247, 42K)

jesus that was a fucking ride

Who danger/u/ here?

Attached: 1545279256204.png (363x141, 1K)

cringe and bluepilled

>The absolute state of Germany

Attached: 1562781465919.jpg (475x356, 29K)

What did this have to do with juice

what anime?

WAIT is useless

Everybody laugh at the newfag

Attached: screenshot0001.png (1488x837, 1.75M)

steins gate? I never watched/read it, so I dont know

Kino twist, tbqhwyfam

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go back to neppit

Lite Germany

It's Sweden-lite, retard.

Attached: 1469101396500.png (378x163, 3K)

>you will never have an #chan hat.

Attached: anonymous x.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

what game is this
also whats the difference

The goal of the ad is to be mostly irrelevant except for their logo at the end so people think it's so absurd that they have to show someone else how absurd it is.
I think subway did a similar ad.

Attached: PicsArt_07-15-03.23.03.png (1080x1080, 471K)

Attached: 1390417941217.png (355x362, 255K)

Unironically true

Attached: 1555767705756.jpg (585x486, 41K)


fuck off fag


Attached: music_01.png (97x220, 39K)


god damn took like 4 different turns

holy macaroni, i haven't been this blown away by a twist ending since finding out that the planet of the apes was actually earth, bravo juice company, bravo

Attached: dog.jpg (1080x1060, 108K)

Attached: girl.png (373x361, 241K)

Zoomers don't know about text boards, and they wouldn't care about them since they can't post their wojak edits

>also whats the difference
2ch is a textboard, 2chan is a imageboard that inspired Yea Forums

Almost every game (every game that I'm aware of) bases their legally-distinct -chan forum on 2chan, not Yea Forums.

Dead (Yea Forums's are, anyway)