>literally removes classic Final Fantasy spell names because they don't consider English speakers intelligent enough to understand them
is this one of the worst localizations of an AAA game?
Literally removes classic Final Fantasy spell names because they don't consider English speakers intelligent enough to...
Fire 2 and 3 are the classic spell names.
No, they happened because of word count limitations. The FF names have been a thing in the Japanese since the start.
WoL is a fucking beta male virgin cuck never get his dick wet never fuck any women
you don't know that
well yeah, WoL is female after all
Prove me wrong I want be wrong because beta male virgin cucks aren't heroes but that's how the fucking sissydick japs write WoL they fucking have npcs steal WoL's waifus WoL never get his fucking dick wet
If that's how you roleplay your character then I'm not gonna judge.
who in the fuck cares
>implying it's just about the spell names
presumably there are other things changed and altered for American sensibilities that are less apparent
That not how I roleplay my character show me where the fuck WoL fuck any women the fucking dirty jap cuckolds gave Yshtola lion faggot boyfriend I didn't write that shit because I'm not a dirty sissydick jap cuck if WoL get his fucking dick wet show me where because I fucked more women than WoL lmao I'm more alpha than the fucking WoL some hero lmao
>I understand completely that there is also that factor of legacy terminology, and this is why I was on the fence for so long on this issue. Other than FFXI, most of the old FFs use the JP suffixes, so they have that nostalgia factor. It is what they have always been. It would be like changing Phoenix Down to the ‘proper’ translation ‘Phoenix Tail Feather’ (‘feather didn’t fit in the UI back in the day, so they had to make it down, and that stuck). Nobody would get away with that, no matter how good their intentions. In this case, however, we felt that with the current way the spells are set up by the battle team (LOC has no say over the effects of individual spells, only the EN, FR, and DE names) that a little deviation might help bring some rhyme to the battle team’s reason. It was a gamble, and the decision was made to pull the trigger. In 1.0, the JP followed the EN and used I, II, III. In 2.0, the JP decided to go back to the suffixes, EN decided to remain the same.
Who the fuck care what the sissydick jap bastards do
fuck off have your NTR fantasy about the catgirl somewhere else
WoL is female and she is really happy with the Exarch cute cat dick, cope harder poo ingesting pajeet
I don't get it. So it wasn't in their control to begin with?
Fuck you I don't have ntr fantasy retard I'm fighting the fucking ntr cuck menace fucking tinydick jap cuck devs
>First off, the decision to go with the numerical naming conventions for spells was NOT because we think American gamers are irreparably dimwitted or somehow less skilled than their Japanese counterparts. There was a time when an ‘easy’ version of a certain FINAL FANTASY was released because it was believed the American market couldn’t handle the JRPG difficulty level. That age is long behind us. There is no hidden agenda to rub mud in the face western players in general. The LOC team is made up almost completely of westerners, and if anyone tried to do that here at SQEX, we would be the first in their faces.
If the decision the EN team made on this particular issue has led some players to believe they are being slighted, then for that I apologize. That was never our intention.
>This also wasn’t an attempt to cater the game specifically to WoW players, Rift players, Star Wars players, Mabinogi playaz, etc. Our fearless producer has stated in the past that we are not targeting a single player base. We are targeting everyone. We want FINAL FANTASY XIV to be enjoyed by as many people as possible.
>The decision to go with the I, II, III system was merely an attempt by the EN team to make the naming system a bit more intuitive so that it might better achieve that goal.
I don't really see how letters is more intuitive than numbers.
Prove me wrong bitch
Didn't 11 have both 2 and 3 along with -ra and -aga to differentiated from single target and multiple target spells?
>to make the naming system a bit more intuitive
>lost count of how many times I ran into WHMs spamming Cure 3 or BLM spamming Fire 3 back in 2.0 dungeons.
>source: my ass
The Japanese games have always used the spell names. This is common knowledge.
Must've not been American enough.
Are you illiterate or just shitposting?
Here's a wiki link.
If this really isn't enough I'll fucking scour footage for a screenshot.
I'm actually retarded and I misread you from the start, I thought you were the other user
It's cool.