ITT: bro tier party members

post those party members you try to always have in your party

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lol look at this dude

Frog is my favorite thing about Chrono Trigger

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This glorious motherfucking aniki

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frog is the absolute bro of all time
fuck off double nigger

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frog was seriously so godlike.


Steiner is not a bro. He is a fucking bitch and stays a bitch for almost entire game.

absolute shit taste, Frog is one of the prime examples of a bro party member.

Frog is naturally a bro-tier member, but don't pretend his top-tier designation isn't based on his Entrance theme.

You know your day is about to brighten when he comes hopping down to this beat

What's a good rpg I can play on my pc Yea Forumsros?

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>no character as cool as frog in the last 5 years

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He is cool

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the last character I remember liking as much as frog was zeke in infamous 2, and that was fucking forever ago

no but really

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If Frog isn't your de facto party leader after Crono dies, you are a poor roleplayer.

No, it has to be Marle or Lucca or you are a poor roleplayer. Frog is not one of the Big Three

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>literally responsible for recruiting Magus and by extension bringing Chrono back
he's just as important as the others

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I'm not saying he isn't important, I'm saying he is not one of the big three

Marle and Lucca are not leaders. I'd accept Ayla as party leader through aggression before those two. Being one of the main characters doesn't give you leadership qualities.

Isn't he always in the party because you cannot remove him ? The game has only 4 playable characters

>Not a leader

Nigga she's the one who motivates the group to go kill Lavos in the first place

The girl with the tits. It doestn matter the game there is always one.

Both of these are bro-tier characters

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Steiner is a cool dude, you're a bitch

Not sure if you can consider companions as party members but whatever

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Bitch disappears cause she won't tell people she ain't Leene. She's an airhead boy.

I like Rikku as a character, but she's dogshit battle-wise compared to other characters.

Whenever that bitch yoohoo made fun of this guy I got so mad. Same with Yukari making fun of Junpei in P3.

his theme song is one of the most intense pieces of music in video games

The thing is yoohoo was the worst character with the worst route.
Who did she think she was?

You're not using her right, then. Top party is her, Tidus and Wakka, with Yuna as spellcasting alt.

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No she doesn't, she's ripped through a timestream and as soon as she finds people that she knows wont lock her away for being insane she changes back into her other clothes and rescues the real Lenne

She's easily the best leader of the group after Crono. Frog was always the sidekick, that's literally part of his story

For as long as he takes to come around to the rest of the party and stop being an ass, I always liked how he got along with Vivi quickly and was the first to run out to help him fight Black Waltz No.3.

Chrono Trigger doesn't have a single bad choice in party members. No matter what you choose I can respect it.

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Robo and Frog were my dudes

No magus

Sorry but Robo is pretty shit

I can't wait for the remake.

Hell yeah.

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Did you mean to post Boone? Or ED-E? Or both?


>call the weapon Masamune
>it's actually a traditional european 1-handed sword

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His specials are weak

It's called the Grandleon in japanese. The localizers were just weebs.

Chrono Trigger is a pretty easy game. What makes you think I'm talking about minmaxing?

You're young. I guarantee it.

the only people who like eridan, are eridan

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He's kind of a selfish dick
>complains about having to tag along
>says fuck it because hes lazy
>"you want me to be the leader? WELL OF COURSE YOU DO"

But why have a character in your party if there is a better alternative? The only time Robo is in my party is for story purposes

Because you like the character.

>I want to know more about these HU-MAN emotions beep boop

>no magus in the photo

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Don't you mean "no spoilers in the photo"?

Brb carrying the entire game

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Him and MAYBE Cartman were the only two worth using.

>nobody said robo
you monsters

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Use all of your capsules on robo and he becomes the strongest character in the game.

Oji-sans are great party members

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>literally too angry to die until he has made sure to beat the everlasting shit out of Exdeath

Galuf was absolutely based.

>ethics department will remove his cigarettes

You can't be stronger than Luminaire

>Worst character
>When Midori exists
Yeah no

People who say otherwise never actually played the game.

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At least she's easily ignorable and not a total selfish bitch.

Pretty sure Robo's Electrocute does the same amount of damage and costs 3 points less to use.

If Electrocute did the same amount of damage as Luminaire I'd have know about it by the 20th time I've played that game

They’re so good in NG+

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Sera's a dumb bint that thinks making other people's lives worse will make the world a better place, though.

I like to keep Melia in the party too.

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cid and barret for foul mouthed old man party

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Not really he hates himself the most

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> *is better than your protagonist*

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Rex, Tora, Zeke is the best party

>"My CLIENT... Says he is innocent of this crime... BUT! He is guilty of saying you suck eggs. ... Your wife's eggs."

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best character

>Yuna as spellcasting alt

Kimahri is literally the best caster in the game because he's a no horn bitch that has the best gear in the game to compensate.


AND Wrex

I see you posted the wrong pokemon lemme fix that

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Or you can max out Crono's magic instead for Luminaire, it is literally the most powerful move in the game that isn't even a question

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Robo is the tankiest character in the game along with the strongest heal and aoe tech damage if fed capsules. Crono is shit until late game.

Crono's absurd melee DPS more than makes up for not having Luminaire until endgame

That's why he's great

Crono doesn't get the Rainbow sword until late game

Are you telling me that you don't use him until you get Rainbow and Luminaire?

He's dead weight before rainbow sword and his techs are weaker than robo early and midgame.

This thread makes me want to replay Chrono Trigger so badly. It’s one of the few rpgs that’s ever really lived up to the hype to me.

>hates past self for selling DS port

nothing stopping you from emulating it in like 5 minutes, or buying it on Steam if you feel like spending $15

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You’re right user but that shit on handheld was so comfy

Still need to beat it, myself. Only got as far as recruiting Magus.

>likes Dekar and Lufia 2

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For me, it's Dunban and Zeke.

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I still miss him

>there are anons who actually thought Robo wasn't fucking crazy powerful
WHAT. I mean if you just didn't like his style as much as some of the others (you monster) fine, but if you're complaining about actual power level weakness get out of here.

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In CT everyone was a bro from the beginning, except for Magus. Frog and Robo are top though

Drachma and Gilder from SoA
Yangus in DQ8
Cid in FF4
Auron in FF10
Balthier in FF12
Mareg in Grandia 2

Robo was pure tank. Best team would be Crono, Ayla and Robo, but Frog was always an option because he is fucking Frog the Masamune user

>Robo was pure tank. Best team would be Crono, Ayla and Robo, but Frog was always an option because he is fucking Frog the Masamune user
well like, everyone was an option with the right equipment, people complain about easiness sometimes (which I don't agree overall with one major exception) but a good thing is that you really have freedom to go with whomever you like and think is cool or have synergies you want to exploit. charm is the only real thing that might sometimes upset that calculation a bit, but "steal" characters are often like that

Og CT had less equipment options though. DS had a lot more because of that shitty mountain with sidequests.
From every playthrough, even without trying much, Robo was one of the best with Ayla behind

I only ever played through SNES. I didn't like some of the DS alterations, which I recognize might well be nostalgia but I'm at peace with that. Even in the original though you could pretty easily win with anyone with highest tier stuff if you were ocd about getting it all (which I was). And charm was still pretty amazing in many cases, luckily I didn't know how much so back then. Not just tons more tabs but even extra prism kit.

The only real thing I felt was weak in the SNES one was Ocean Palace end, but that was somewhat just how cool I thought Zeal was evil queen aside and how much my young ass wanted to save Schala.

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That's the joke.

My fucking boy
Even though he's a dirty furfag who turns into a gay prettyboy NEET

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Aren't most of the characters in .hack NEETs?

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Kite is pretty active and productive since he likes soccer and building models
Piros is a programmer who loves his job and his happily married
Blackrose is an athlete
Balmung is an autist but he's also good looking and drives motorcyles

Poor Elk loses his waifu and does fucking nothing with his life by GU, only playing the World and sleeping and barely eating

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Lucca never left my party. She's great.

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Well, I guess when you get a cat lady waifu and then lose her, you run out of enthusiasm for anything else life might have pretty quickly.

Well fits the character model anyway given what went down in SIGN. Though I don't know how much that was autism vs physical abuse and total depression and escape from an awful reality and shit. Granted poor elk is arguably still worse since even Tsukasa manages to actually get a waifu turned into an irl girlfriend and seems much happier later despite the, extra handicap.

>Can't sweep the whole game like Swampert
you didn't get it

make me wonder if the Mia resurrection is even canon

I should watch //SIGN

ED-E aint even the best robot bro.
Codsworth remembers your name and doesn't want you to waste your life on drugs.

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that pussy whipped faggot is no bro

This. Akihiko for life

I love frogs theme ;_;

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>not Watt
>not Goombari-bro
>not Kooper
>not even fucking Lester
femdom waifufag detected, Bow is nigh useless against anything with a single defense point. Goombario is the true bro of 64 and one of the only characters you can actually solo the game with, I've done it.
