Just Cause 2 is a good game

Just Cause 2 is a good game.

Attached: mile_high_club.webm (860x484, 1.93M)

What the fuck happened with 3? I never finished it, but coming off of it after 2, one of my favourite games ever, was soulcrushing.
>Locking moves from JC2 behind upgrades, like aiming down the sights and sprinting/rolling
>The method of unlocking story missions requiring you to liberate entire areas, rather than just doing whatever you feel like and getting story missions that way
I barely remember that much of it, but maybe I'll give it another try down the line. I doubt it, though. Was 4 bad as well, by chance? I remember just saying"Oh, neat, hope it's good." when it was announced at E3, then it just kinda vanished off the face of the earth.

>sprinting is locked behind an upgrade
I never bought Just Cause 3, thank you for further cementing my choice.

I loved JC2, and I just finished 3. It feels like a downgrade in a lot of ways, though it does look pretty good. Driving in 3 is total ass, like every fucking car feels like you're fighting it to stay on the road. Missions and even liberating cities is boring. Plenty of fun to just fuck around with but ultimately not something I'd pay more than $10 for. Planes and helicopters are okay, and the wingsuit is fun. Of you get the DLC that gives you the jetpack wingsuit with the gun there's basically no reason to ever use a vehicle again because the gun and missiles on the wingsuit are more powerful than anything and the controls are tighter.
And as much variety as you get with vehicles, it feels like you take the same approach to blowing shit up every time kinda. Go to enemy area, shoot it up, then it's cleared and you move on to the next. Very brainless but kinda fun.
Only thing I wanted was a first person view, don't understand why they didn't include that. Doubt it's in 4 either.

JC4 is by far the worst AAA game I've ever played. It's a total insult to JC2, and doesn't even feel like the same franchise. Shitty story, shitty map and hardly anything to do. They basically took one hill and repeated it 84 times, making the map unnecessarily hugs yet bland. Basically DaS2 of JC.

Isn't 4's story super melodramatic, too?

Agree 100%.

Blowing up bridges, slightly more freedom/features with gadgets like the remote mines being rockets and all that...but everything else is a downgrade. It feels like the entire map is one sameish area.

I can't put my finger on why but I'd never 100% it where as I 99.97% JC2 or something like that.

Not even gonna look at JC4 unless I see it memed on here a lot.

>Shitty story, shitty map and hardly anything to do
So basically the same as Just Cause 2?

did she died

was she a commie.
geddit becoz le helicopter rides may may



>that one car locked away in a warehouse in the middle of nowhere
>that one speedboat so heavy it requires 8 tethers to carry it

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Amazing to think that JC2 even after all these years is still the best one. The multiplayer mod was pure autistic fun.

No. JC2 had many outposts and areas to experiment with, like the snowy mountain area. JC4 is, unequivocally, soulless.

Just Cause 2 is mindless fun but I'm not going to pretend it isn't one of the most lifeless open world games I've ever played.

>Snowy mountains
>Desert areas
>Enemy vehicles had camo jobs to match the areas they spawned in
>Secret old WWII jap base in the middle of nowhere
JC3 had none of that. Every area was just a variation of "Mediterranean coastal town". Even the biggest city was like 3 skyscrapers vs that huge city in 2 that spanned a small island chain.
Getting anywhere in 2 felt like an ordeal. Drive to the nearest base or airport, grab a plane, plan a huge trip. In 3 you can just teleport wherever you want.
Considering the story, you'd think maybe you'd get some cool customization options. Like make your own decals and colors for vehicles you order. But no, once you order a vehicle it's the same shitty blue paint and crappy rebels logo all over it. No options to change that.

Just Cause 2 had a good story because it was a cheesy, over-the-top, cliche-ridden action movie that came off as a funny parody without ever having to break the fourth wall outright.

i wish they didnt fuck up the graphics on jc4 on consoles so bad. it legitimately looks like a ps3 game at points. the map is super cool looking and all the mods they added for the grappling hood are really fun. say what you will about the progression, but i think its a more interesting game than jc3. it just looks like garbage half the time.

Attached: JC4-5.jpg (1920x1080, 296K)

But now it's a game about stunts instead of a game about explosions.

jc2 does have the most unique stuff, but it really plays like hot garbage. 3 and 4 play better. even though the objectives are bland.

I started JC2 but got bored pretty quickly. I enjoyed JC3 though.

its a game about messing around. there are more ways to mess around in 4. i do miss the simple objective of 2 of just blowing up a base to complete the goal.

oh fuck, I think I'm gonna reinstall it

Attached: jc2_the_needle.webm (720x405, 1.04M)

Is there any way to not get this game to crash after 10 minutes on Windows 10?

Been playing a lot of just cause 2 lately.

It is one of the best games to just dick around in, up there with the likes of Saints Row 2.
I'm going to boot it up again.

Attached: jimmyjohnsdelivery.webm (360x203, 2.85M)

zoom zoom

I'm still convinced the entire problem with JC3 is simply because it wasn't the original Avalanche team in stockholm that made it. Just Cause got passed off to a NYC studio they made so they could make Mad Max.

Why aren't you using Windows 7?

For whatever retarded reason, I had to upgrade because Windows 7 stopped working on my hardware.

I'm 28 but ok

>franchise with 4 games
>only 1 game is good

Attached: 2Q==.jpg (300x168, 14K)

100% true

i dont know why they never put the just cause team back on just cause. those guys made mad max and rage 2 instead.