

Attached: DzTTaq6WoAAY18K.jpg (1080x1080, 163K)

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>learning life from GTA

this dude jacking cars or what

How do you learn English from Polish devs?


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This kid obviously is failing school and will kill himself in the future.
Real life is not a video game and video games are not real life.

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Fucking kek

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what is a life teacher

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A teacher that teaches you how to FUCK

So fucking true bro

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no kurwa po ludzku niedorozwoju

succesful people are sociopaths, government is corrupt, blacks are dumb, women are whores, marriage & kids is a waste of time and money

should've said "business" but what do you expect from instagram

No, he's a cuck who adopted a black kid.

he meant he lives in front of his computer, user

Kill all zoomers.

daje do myślenia

english should be the planescape tournament guy

With great difficulty and persistence

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I'm a gamer not because I don't have a life....but because I choose to have many....

This but un-ironically.
Fuck them all right in the pussy.

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so what you are saying is that your real teachers were the writers of those games, people who are basically so bad at their jobs that they had to do video game plots instead of actual literature

uruchomiło me migdałki


Attached: i-am-a-gamer-not-because-i-dont-have-alife-15207229.png (500x406, 64K)

agree with everything except the women part, women are as whores as men, they are just able to exercise that more often and more easily than men do

/r/ the women and minorities original

And then you wonder why the society is getting more and more retarded

No thread like this is complete without this:

Always loved how the faggot who did this shit got so butthurt he deleted the original.