Is there no way to unlock vanity items aside from paying real money?

Is there no way to unlock vanity items aside from paying real money?

Whats the point of playing then?

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you can trade

Trade for plat, retard.

any real answers?

Suicide is always an option, especially for Warframe players.

you can, except for the tennogen items

Look on th wiki and see if there is. Otherwise there is not. The items that have a steam logo and cash value next to it you have to pay for. (they are player made)

Baro gets vanity items every two weeks.
You can get vanity items from event alerts.
You can get vanity items from each syndicate.
You can trade for plat.

Your stupidity has no excuse, OP.

thanks for nothing assholes

Np poorfag

you trade for it

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Yes, trade for plat is a real answer. You dumb cunt.

>do void missions till you get a full pirme set
>go on and post an ad for the set you have
>someone trades you play for it
congratz not you can buy the "vanity" items

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i don't know what that means

Why have the Jews at DE still not added an auction house? Do they think people enjoy having to be online all the time to sell rivens?

>selling rivens

you trade
items you get from mission
to plat (in game currency that other people buy with money)

Better than farming prime parts for pennies


basically what said
you do relic missions to get prime parts. then once you get a full prime set, you trade it to another player, and they will buy it from you with platinum. that way you can get the shit thats locked behind plat.
theres a whole economy in the game around this. and if you want to make it easier, you use that website linked to get buyers faster.

Why are you here then if you dont know whats going on

People only really need like maybe 9 rivens for a few core weapons.

this, warframe sucks

trolled us good bro hahaha xD

please get banned and fuck off

how new are you to warframe?
you can trade

Stay poor.

typical warframe player

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typical 4channeller

Says the guy who can't sell rivens and sells prime parts for pocket change

Typical warframe 4channer with a side of reddit and buzzwords.

have sex

Your failed rivens are also pocket change.

have fun on an endless loot grind
have fun running through corridors
have fun doing missions like a bunch of robots
have fun skipping half the level
have fun running on a fake open world
have fun going afk and letting others do the mission for you
have fun running
have fun essentially being DE's puppets

i don't even play the game anymore retard
have fun seething about it though

>Cant do everything solo
Shit gaem

hey bro, if its fun its fun.

>comes into a thread about a game he doesn't like
>starts screaming at everyone that the game he doesn't like sucks
>calls everyone who disagree with him a child
>"how could you possibly enjoy something I don't?! "

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Look at all the triggered warframe tards

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you are pissing people off by being a dumbass

You know deep down inside warframe is a shit game and defines whats wrong with modern gaming

OP here why do new warframes cost $200?


trade for plat is actually very easy specially if you can trade with valuable Rivens .

>Whats the point of playing then?
How about the rest of the fucking game?

>which is absolutely nothing

Don’t remember the prices since I don’t buy, but mostly for whales too lazy/impatient to play the game for the drops. A byproduct of it being F2P.
