It didn't deserve the nerfs

It didn't deserve the nerfs.

Attached: RedBonk.png (500x500, 101K)

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It was unusable garbage before and it's unusable garbage now.

ambassador didn't deserve the nerf
dead ringer didn't need the speed boost
sandman didn't deserve the nerf
caber didn't deserve the nerf
what else?

It's still pretty damn good.

I only care about hats

Deadringer needs to just provide immunity from all effects which could give you away, as well as having no shimmer, but no damage resistance.

Neither did the BFB
I used both all the time and it was so fuckin fun with the shit I got away with

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Bring back day 1 sticky bombs.

sticky jumper

just revert it back to the old old one, where you had a shit ton of damage res but no speed boost and could still pick up halved ammo packs to refill it whenever it's used

short circuit
eviction notice
righteous bison


that would be your mother

you have 2 dads LOl

i bet my dads can beat up your dads

Is there no better feeling than dominating some lime-paint, unusual wearing, furry avatar fag and their medic girlfriend?

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we know you just get rekted by them and come here to cry about it

that's great and all but imagine the opposite
imagine if the furry abomination got 3 assists on you by shooting a single bullet at you and then random critted you, gaining a domination

its time to change your diaper zoofag

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Get fucked
Lime paint is literally SHIT

Sandman was incredibly obnoxious

Here's something that I bet very few of you know about Bonk and I'm only going to share it because I like you guys

Bonk has a very interesting "First Strike" quirk to it. While invulnerable, point your crosshair at an enemy and hold Mouse1. On the very frame when Bonk invulnerability ends, and the camera is zooming back to first person view, if you're holding Mouse1 you will fire your scattergun on that first frame that you're vulnerable again. You can potentially meatshot somebody before they have a chance to shoot you back.

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ur face is incredibly obnoxious bro

Intredasting, I will try that next time I play

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>sandman didn't deserve the nerf
>stuns somehow belong in a good fps game
Kill yourself.

peepee poopoo?

My favorite is using bonk around a corner and preferably in a tight hallway and immediately start a sandman kill-taunt where you expect someone to come after you. By standing still the bonk effects are hardly visible and you'll do the killing blow before the effects wear off so people trying to kill you before that in melee tend to eat your bat.

List of things that didnt deserve nerfs:
Dead Ringer
Quick Fix
Short Circuit
Eviction Notice
Black Box
That shotgun that does damage in the air.

>dude flank for free lmao

>That shotgun that does damage in the air.
Should get a buff but be made Soldier-only.
Then make a flare gun that does a bit more damage than stock and crits on airblasted enemies instead of burning ones.

the fucking shields
why, WHY
and the bison too

righteous bison nerf got reverted

Because melee reg in TF2 is retarded and shield charge is so fast it gives demo several extra feet of range. Demoknight shouldn't exist to begin with.

I never play spy so I don't know if it did, but now it's nigh useless outside 2-shotting stationary Snipers and Engies at close range, which the Enforcer and (essentially) Diamondback also do. If anything, the Diamondback needed the nerf hammer more.
>Dead Ringer
The Dead Ringer wouldn't even need to have its ability to recharge on ammo taken away if the speed boost and afterburn immunity weren't there. A vanilla DR with 75-66% damage resistance instead of 90% would've been just fine instead of the litany of patches it got.
Because putting a stun on the fastest projectile in the game and giving it to the class that could abuse it the most was a good idea? It is useless now, but the old Sandman needed the nerf.
The only nerf it needed was the slower deploy speed; pre-nerf caber erased people pushing into your face too easily.

>If anything, the Diamondback needed the nerf hammer more.
>The Dead Ringer wouldn't even need to have its ability to recharge on ammo taken away if the speed boost and afterburn immunity weren't there. A vanilla DR with 75-66% damage resistance instead of 90% would've been just fine instead of the litany of patches it got.
see, this nigga gets it

>Demoknight shouldn't exist to begin with.
My fucking man. Fuck Knights

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Demoknight is fun and requires skill to play at a pubstomper level and Demoknight gets fucked by a million things in this game, so he is completely fair.

The whole fucking game is unplayable at this point, no one asked for all these nerfs

But its fun


based, demo was broken enough already

the old airblast was obnoxious and had really stupid interactions.

Yeah but at least it didn't send you flying across the map.

Ambassador did deserve its nerf. Anyone saying otherwise probably has really shit aim.

reworking it also made it so that you have no option other than flank+wm1 flank+wm1 flank+wm1

they did the same shit to spy by fucking over DR and amby, the least they could do was to delete razorback from the game


only kinda, it has a shitty hitbox now because they deleted the flame particle hitbox it used to use

Demoknight is literally the most honest playstyle in the game.

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>where you had a shit ton of damage res
Have to admit, invisibly blocking the door for enemy soldiers and seeing them blow themselves up was pretty damn funny.

>sandman didn’t deserve the nerf
Oh good it’s another sub 100 hour shitters pretending they know dick all about game design thread

Instead of whatever stupid bullshit neft the amby got, just make it minicrit on headshot instead.
Also make the Diamondback give minicrits instead of full crits
Make the Sandman ball mark you for death with an amount of time based on how far it flew and make the cleaver full crit on minicrits instead of whatever useless shit it is now.

>run away faster than anything in the game because something is going south

I enjoy playing demoknight and I like not having to rely on random crits when swinging around the eyelander and stuff, but I dislike having too much health and speed to be punished for my mistakes sometimes

I have 2k hours and I liked the sandman because I was ridiculously good at using it with the cleaver.

It was kind of bullshit but very fun

Marking for death is an underused condition.

I know that I should hate the old sandman stun out of principle, but those super long range sandman hits that would stun you for a long duration happened so few and far between and when it did happen the enemy Scout who stunned me would be so far away that he wouldn't even be able to kill me in time. I practically never died because of a Sandman stun.

This actually sounds pretty good.

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>ctrl+f "soda popper"
>0 results

Really? That gun became so useless after the change. Build up charge until right before max, switch weapons, approach enemy, switch back, and kill them. It was great

It needs damage now, right? How much? Maybe they could make it build up while it's put away like the Phlog's MMPH meter

Ambassador didn't deserve it's nerf and my aim is better than yours. It was simply fun to use and my fun for deagle spy is gone now.

The Ambassador was only ever good for situationally sniping an Engineer who is just mindlessly whacking their full health Lv3 Sentry

It's still good, that shit was OP when it gave you minicrits for fucking running around. The extra jumps let you shit all over soldiers and demos now.

Scout weapons have gotten a lot of nerfs but he had some of the most broken shit in the game. I mean the OG Soda Popper, Crit-a-cola, Sandman and holy shit the Baby Face blaster post buff was ungodly.

Sadly Valve can't balance for shit so they just nerf everything into the ground instead of making it viable.

Pocket Pistol is still too strong but it's not game breaking.

The Ambassador wasn't OP, it was a perfect example of a properly skill indexed weapon. If you couldn't aim it was worse than Stock, if you could aim it let you do things that Stock couldn't.

The problem wasn't the weapon itself but the class it was given to. Spy, the class that can position itself anywhere in the map and can see your exact health having the ability to headshot you for high damage from any unexpected angle and distance is extremely strong.

Snipers can instantly kill you from across the map without you being able to do anything but if you understand the map and sight lines you can position yourself so that the Sniper can't get to you. You can't do that with Spies.

Now I don't think it was that big of a deal, honestly the number of Spies that could properly utilize the Ambassador was very low, if they never nerfed it that would be fine. I do understand why Valve nerfed it though, frankly it let the Spy do things the class was never intended to do.

>melee hit registration with projectile hitboxes

They changed Pyro from a dynamic support/damage/chaos inducing class back to it's vanilla flank and W+M1 days. They ruined the best class and I no longer care to play.

Pyro was always a poorly designed piece of garbage that didn't do anything better than any other class other than counter the worst class in the game that could be countered just by turning around.

There's a reason why Pyro has had the most changes to his weapons, Valve has never known what to do with him.

console tf2 unironically looks better than current pc tf2