
Goodnight, sweet prince(ss)

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Man, just heard about the news. That blows.


not really, it was a long painful death and I'm glad it's finally over

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what happened?

good fucking riddance
>bought their products because I believed in them
never again. if anyone should ever bring up funcom again, just no. look at these fuckers, doing the same shit twice. it definitely wasn't funcoms fault this time

>jump on the royale bandwagon
>"n-no guys it's totally our passion!"

what happened

never really played it just fapped to the deer

No surprise, this was long overdue.

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trips of truth.
Some guy described the development of the game as "you have something precious and throw it against the wall again and again until it finally breaks".

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not even that, not having both in the same client was downright insanely risky as fucking fuck

imagine having an indie game doing poorly in terms of player retention only to release another game to get in the latest trend and hope people give the original a try

I unironically think the game could've taken off if BR Royale was just a new mode in the original client

I see you didn't play at that time when they went silent for several months and suddenly announced UI redesign, MOBA mode(not separate first time) and Xbox port (lmao)

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Honestly, deer pussy was the only notable thing that came from this and I sure don't need a battlepass to jerk to that.

game was actually super fun and unique, it was not only about deer puss

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BR vs SLS previous game BLC

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>make an arena MOBA and a BR behind a paywall when the market was already dominated by F2P games with more polish and content

Color me surprised.

They didn't believe in Arena at all, BRBR was just the last cashgrab.
That ride was one of the worst I've seen. Fuck SLS and fuck swedes

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>you will never breed her so hard that her belly plumps up from your seed alone.

>nobody likes Destiny
it's fine I guess...

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literally soul vs soulless
metal warden and inhibitor were perfect concepts both in design and gameplay and they somehow made both infinitely worse

Battlerite had better designs on most of them.