Sound....the retreat

Sound....the retreat

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This guy was justified until he put out an arrest warrant for me

should I play this game? The DLC? The sequels?

^This. What a faggot, honestly. Short-sighted too, considering Grey Wardens are necessary for defeating the Darkspawn blight. I agree about the Orlesians though, they can go fuck themselves.

>should I play this game?
>The DLC?
>The sequels?

Play Origins and it's DLC.
Stay far, far away from the sequels.


>Short-sighted too, considering Grey Wardens are necessary for defeating the Darkspawn blight.
To be fair, no one outside of grey wardens know why.

I thought it was at least known that Grey Warden involvement in the defeat of blights was known, especially by nobleman and kings. Those treaties are so goddamn powerful that anyone in charge of a given kingdom immediately recognizes its importance.

I'm bored now, replaying this shit for like 6-7 times now. Are there any other game out there like this that is not sequels?

pillars of eternity

Get the ultimate edition you can ignore the sequels they feel totally different

Neverwinter Nights 2 if you can stomach the aged visuals.

Star Wars Kotor 1 and 2 are the closest thing

>spare Loghain
>turn him into a Grey Warden
>marry his daughter
>in Awakening he visits me and tells me he wants grandkids
Best father-in-law

Wtf was his plan? Apart from making literal hitler his right hand man.

>tells me he wants grandkids

Was this the last good Bioware game?

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Win the civil war, consolidate his armies then engage the darkspawn in a more strategically viable battlefield than Ostagar

One of them. Bioware slowly decayed over the years following as EA devoured their soul. Now they are a husk, serving the reapers.

Seconding this


Ostagar was pretty goddamn viable actually. That chokepoint below the bridge and the flank Loghain was going to do. I think Loghain just knew that if the battle was won, all the glory would go to king Cailan and he along with the Grey Wardens would be so revered by Ferelden, that any attempt at taking the throne by Loghain would be met with overwhelming resistance. Everyone would be too loyal to king Cailan. So I guess he wanted to deprive Cailan of that status for obvious reasons.

It's the last one that feels like the old bioware before EA. The only influence EA had was with some DLC bullshit in game but it's not really an issue at this point.


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In his defense the last blight was 400 years ago, I don't think anyone took the grey wardens seriously anymore.

Cast him in

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>I thought it was at least known that Grey Warden involvement in the defeat of blights was known
It was seen in game that it had passed more into myth than any particular truth on the matter.

Engaging them in the field while you have a literal fortress behind you was retarded. Maybe hitting them in the flank would’ve worked, maybe it wouldn’t. But if Cailan was smart he would’ve let the darkspawn pass through Ostagar, and hit the horde in the rear like Gaius Marius against the Teutones.

thirding this

>Ostagar was pretty goddamn viable actually.
>Actually being a Cailan apologist
His entire strategy was completely retarded, and all based around having a heroic battle, rather than actually winning the fucking thing.

this, it's not anything groundbreaking but it's a solid experience

Holding a chokepoint while flanking them from the side and using the fortress to launch artillery/archer fire is actually pretty good. The charge that they made was retarded though, they should've held the line at the chokepoint. Minimize casualties and prevent darkspawn from leaking through.

>Those treaties are so goddamn powerful that anyone in charge of a given kingdom immediately recognizes its importance.
If the treaties were so important, why were they locked away in some swamp hut? And why does every single community make you go through their story arc before even acquiescing to them?

imagine the smell

>reee blood mages and apostates are the worst things in the world and we have an entire order dedicated to the few ones who are running around
>MC uses blood magic every single battle and no one cares

>locked away in some swamp hut
they were in the ruins that you go into in the prologue, they were just in the hut because Flemeth and Morrigan saved them
now as to why they were in some forest ruins in the first place, I think the answer here is "something something world going to shit"

TL;DR me the stolen throne

he was .... based i guess? I kill him every LP.

The restrictions are waived for them.
It really should have been more powerful and had more consequences to using it however.

>every LP.
do zoomers really grow up with so many LPs that they think LP just means "playthrough" now?

>I kill him every LP.
What did he mean by this?

We all know the Origins system was great, and we also all know that Arcane Warrior is objectively the best specialization
But do you think locking specialization unlocks behind pretty much unrelated story choices was a good idea?

Remind me because it's been a while since I did DA:O, can't you unlock specializations by purchasing books that teach them to you? I thought this was an alternative to buttering up to someone in your camp or something like that.

It was quite the surprise to hear Simon Templeman's voice coming from him

>But do you think locking specialization unlocks behind pretty much unrelated story choices was a good idea?

Yes, but only for a few like Ranger.

I think Awakening added a mechanic like that, but not sure if it's for all specializations
>buttering up to someone in your camp
That's also only for a few of them
For the Arcane Warrior for example, you have to release the spirit from the phylactery in a side room in the werewolf dungeon and let him give you power in exchange
You can just reload your save afterwards cause specializations are permanently unlocked but it's still a silly mechanic IMO

>playing full complete playthrough of the game
>get to the part in Awakening where you get captured by the Architect
>Forget about the bug that deletes your equipment
>no saves less than 10 hours ago
And that's when I stopped playing.

>unironically being so underaged that you never quicksave because you're used to constant checkpointing and autosaves

>no saves less than 10 hours ago

but the game autosaves constantly

No user, I mean I forgot about the bug and quicksaved after.

I progressed far enough that it override them all.

No, it was the first bad one.

you played 10 hours without equipment?

Yes. Also some of them are related like having to deal with a demon for blood magic. It was stupid in DA2 you could just unlock it
The way DA:I did was infinitely worse though

There's multiple points in the cave where it autosaves, and I quicksaved
The earliest manual save prior to that was "10 hours" ago.
How is this so difficult to understand?

>The way DA:I did
I remember that there were trainers for every specialization and every one would give you a quest
Don't remember if it was just a stupid fetch quest or one where you had to kill random enemies though

It was random fetch for some, kill some enemies for some. The problem was they didn't tell you where those enemies/items were so you had to search the map inch by inch or just look it up on youtube
Stuff like having to poison a holy artifact, talking to an old spirit to learn an ancient art, having your friends teach you their specs were so much better than that imo

You could argue for Mass Effect 2.

COD-kids, I fucking swear

Oh right, I remember now. I went Assassin (actually thought the combat was kinda fun as an archer assassin because you could oneshot most of the damage sponge enemies) and it told me to gather some materials off groups of assassins that weren't marked at all on the map
Luckily I decided right away I wouldn't do any of the shitty open world in that game so I just looked it up and got it done

You only have to unlock them once it carries over to new playthroughs already unlocked

I already mentioned that, and that points to it being a shit idea anyway

Unlike ME2, it was largely finished before EA's influence. The influence is still obvious, but it's more in things like obvious DLC merchants rather than overhauled gameplay to appeal to casuals.

LP as in the singer or LP as in lumbar puncture?

He was a nationalist idiot who was willing to let the darkspawn destroy everything just to avoid taking help from Orlesians.

Also, I've been playing the game the last few days and the survival skill is fucking amazing. I detect enemies from a great distance and then I just cast a blizzard+storm combo and that kills most of them.

>LP as in the singer
you're just as much of a faggot as the guy who posted that
survival doesn't make a lick of difference, you can always post shit before you're within aggro range

I think survival increases the range at which you can detect them

How do I best roleplay as a filthy smelly forest knife-ear?

Pick the dialog options that shit on humans

gratuitously bring up how you hate humans even though your race is too shit to defend itself

Guilt-shame every non-elf you meet

>The plan was to retreat so a lot of our troups, including the king, dies and the enemy keeps advancing. What's next? Oh no, there is no next stage in the "plan". We will just stay around while the enemies destroys everything and then just die while blaming the wardens and the king for being "foolish".
I will never understand why they write this type of character

Call every city living flat-ear a shem loving cuck

He was pissed because he hates the orlesians and also because arl eamon was trying to get cailan to drop anora for younger fertile woman to make an heir

wasn't it more like he saw normal military tactics wouldn't work because the enemies are just mindless ghouls, plus there were way more of them than they thought?
basically he saved half the army instead of getting the entire army killed

He was still wasting troops fighting a small civil war he caused after that

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Also try playing on highest or second highest difficulty it really is worth it .

>He was a nationalist idiot who was willing to let the darkspawn destroy everything just to avoid taking help from Orlesians.
>Dude just let my foreign armies in, we promise we'll be nothing but allies
Caesar would've loved you.

aw thanks, that's nice of you to say :)

Be the most obnoxious cunt anyone has ever met. Not murderhobo'ing dick, just insufferable to be around for anyone that also isn't a dirtsniffing savage.