Borderlands 2

I've sunk 15 hours into this game and I am bored out of my mind with it.

does it get better or is it just mindless grindquests in vast, empty open spaces?

It feels like a cheap knock off Fallout diablo clone with some ebin memes thrown in to make the reddit crowd happy.

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>don't like shoot and loot
>play shoot and loot

I like shooting and looting. But this game is incredibly boring.

you wont get any good loot by doing quests or opening chests.
the only viable weapons are legendaries which you have to grind for.
play the first one and suffer through the first couple of hours of it, there you can at least get viable non-legendaries.

>you wont get any good loot by doing quests or opening chests.
100% this. As far as loot progression goes, the game is hot garbage, with the character skills and trees being the only real fun aspect of the game unless you enjoy grinding the ever loving shit out of things just for the sake of grinding. Honestly just drop the game unless you're enjoying Handsome Jack. As someone that's replayed it recently with a sibling, it's honestly just not fucking worth it for what you get out of the game and all the things it does wrong compared to the handful of things/instances it does things right.

>he fell for the "only legendaries are good" meme
The best SMG and Sniper in the game are both blue rarity
Not only this, but many purples are better than legendaries. The Volcano vs the Maliwan Snider for example.

BL2 is the best shooter looter. If you don't like it you don't like the genre

>The best SMG and Sniper in the game are both blue rarity
you mean uniques? thats gearbox fuckery for mislabeling legendary guns

Their stats are based off of blues though and they both come from quests.

>BL2 is the best shooter looter. If you don't like it you don't like the genre

and just how many shooter looters are there apart from BL1?

Destiny? I don't know, never gave a damn about poorman's Borderlands games

it's really satisfying as a sniper build, albeit gunplay with shotguns or high RoF SMGs/Assault Rifles ain't too shabby either

playing on uvhm right now as gaige and i am fucking suffering
every god damn time ill rack up like 300 stacks of anarchy just to lose it all in some bullshit one hit ko, i only gave one weapon that is actually viable in my entire inventory , which is the ricochet fibber, and everything else is not even capable of killing anything in an efficient way

I find its only enjoyable with a friend

Very wrong

>poorman's Borderlands games
>borderlands collection for 5 dollars
>destiny 2
>40 dollar title

im sure you meant poor in content, but i'd say destiny has better quality content than any borderlands game

You're a fucking retard.


Destiny is absolute garbage.

>destiny better quality content
I'll say the game takes itself more seriously but I hesitate to say that it is better quality wise. They have always seemed the same to me.

Nigger, BL2 is not even best title in its own series.

Don't tell me you're a BL1cuck.

What about BL1 is superior to BL2 besides the loot system and how they handled legendaries/pearls in general?

OP, those games are boring as fuck. Play anything else, they're just not good games and only retards looking for a fix of colorful text and +numbers are going to like it.

i've only played the year 1 content of destiny 2, so the quality of the gameplay loop i got wasnt that good, but the gunplay did redeem it for the time i spent with it.
borderlands 2 however is bittersweet; its a core looter shooter, but its terribly balanced towards the lategame and the atrocious writing makes it unbearable to listen to.

you can spend more time in borderlands 2 than destiny 2, but i personally enjoyed my time in destiny 2 more.

Gearbox balancing more or less requires you to abuse health gating once you get up there, and Gaige doesn't have any way to abuse said health gating on her own. So you're 100% fucked unless you have co-op partners to play with.

>Borderlands thread
>Destinycucks bring up their shitty ripoff
They know their shitty series is dead when BL3 releases, lol

Just nortfleet bro

>BL3 releases
they made themselves irrelevant with their epic exclusivity.
why would i pay 60 dollars for bl3 when i can play destiny 2 for free?
>bl3 goes on steam in april 2020
when cyberpunk comes out.
randy made his game irrelevant before it came out.

>has no way to abuse health gating
grog nozzle, hail, rubi, kitten to name a few

>consoles, their main source of money, doesn't exist
As expected from a retarded subhuman destinyfag

no thanks

>stability lmao
Good game. Or you mean TPS, which is even worse due to absolutely awful pacing? We did 3 runs through BL2 and it was fun every time, we were not able to leave stating area of TPS due to how boring it is.

To be fair, the start of TPS is the worst part. From Red and Belly onwards is much better

The start of BL2 was bad too but BL2 wasn't as bad with backtracking. TPS had a lot of larger maps too with worse enemy design.

destiny 2 is literally f2p


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>destiny 2 is literally f2p
did they pop that already?
i dont keep track of what happens on blizzards client, im waiting for the f2p on steam

it was free during last blizzcon or some shit

>it was free
then its not f2p yet

Besides the things you listed, nothing

Destiny has a far superior aesthetic and visual design, it also has far superior music, much tighter gameplay and a writing that is nowhere near as cringe inducing as Borderland's.

I'll stick with Destiny.

>Destiny has a far superior
stopped reading right there

>stopped reading right there
stopped reading right there

>aesthetic and visual design
>superior music
nah they are both generic lol
>tighter gameplay
this is true only if you are talking about Normal/TVHM. UVHM OP10 is way more intense than Destiny.
Yeah pretty true although it is worth pointing out that besides Handsome Jack, it was clear that writing wasn't as big of a focus as the game takes itself less seriously.

I just started this and I hate everything about inventory and item management
You have to hold the button to loot all. You can't easily compare items of the same type. Your inventory is pathetically small.

I'm trying hard to like it but I can't.

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I don't mean writing as in the general game story or lore, I mean just the dialogue you have to listen to while playing the game. Borderlands' is cancerous as fuck.

imagine being this retarded

only the base game - still have to pay for the expansions and by only getting the base game anons are locked out of some weekly stuff like strikes depending on the planet

the dlc packs are much better than the base game but yes the endgame is just re-running content over and over for better gear to re-run content over and over at higher levels/op levels better and faster.

No, it's really that boring

I just don't like how multilayer is basically forced upon you

>its fun with friends!
No its fucking not holy shit I played it coop and after an hour we were both so bored out of our minds we just uninstalled

I think it gets much better with the higher difficulty modes, but they chose to lock them behind a normal playthrough, so you have to waste time going through the piss easy mode to get to actual challenge (even then its pretty monotonous).

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I never thought I would say this, but after not touching this game for 10 years and then slogging through the tutorial, I honestly think Destiny would be a better game to play. Not because it has better loot or any of that shit, but because BL2 is so SLOOOOOOOW. You take 9 years to switch weapons, 8 years to reload, you float in the air for a decade, only the running is half-way satisfying, but the game is FULL of those classic unpassable knee-high ledges. I honestly believe the "length" of this game is entirely due to how long firefights take because of these slow-ass mechanics, because running to and from an objective takes no time at all. Definitely had rose-tinted nostalgia goggles on this game, I must have been a significantly shittier gamer back then.

>I just don't like how multilayer is basically forced upon you
What do you mean by that? Open lobbies are turned off by default.

You have to forgive some mechanics like this, as they were more fresh when the game was released and have been optimized by newer games. But I agree, early game looting with no extra backpack slots is a fucking slog.

Destiny is better mechanically, but I still find myself having more fun with friends in Borderlands at the moment. Maybe because there is no "grind" or "raid" for anyone to autismo over, just log in and shoot forward.

Not him, but the game is significantly less fun when you are playing solo. There are a few exceptions but for the most part you can tell the game was designed with the idea that you would be playing with at least one other player.

I'm playing through the Pre-Sequel right now. Why do people like the Lunar Launching Station? It was some of the worst enemy designs in the franchises' history mechanically, and for how much Zarpedon was built up, she was a total pushover.

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I only had my one playthrough of 2, in which I mostly played with other people. Sure some people's skill trees are made with Co-Op in mind, but inmultiplayer, they aren't considered optimal.

I started a week ago and I'm barely 3-4 hours into it. I feel exactly the same


Borderlands is objectively garbage. Even fans of the game know this.

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Is Anthony Birch still a writer? If so, the game is still cucked


I was tempted to buy this game but I knew my past experience with it after pirating is was boring as fuck. Glad I didn't waste any more time or money on it.

I know this is bait but damn you have to be pretty bad to think any enemy in Borderlands 2 is a bullet sponge. Most bosses can be pretty much be 1 shot by half the games cast with the right gear.

imagine being this bad at the game

>Imagine Yea Forums playing games

They never said they don't like shoot and loot. And they're right, this game is boring. I mean one of the early missions in BL2 is having you be forced to go through the entire starter area again. It completely diminishes any impact the boss characters had as you gotta rush through them again only after defeating them not even like 5 missions ago. The missions are extremely lazy and require lots of backtracking through areas you've already gone through.

It was boring, enemies were bullet sponges, didn't finish the game.

woah man. theyre using jesus imagery. thats like deep or something

I don't understand why people say enemies are bullet sponges. Maybe in UVHM, but certainly not in Normal or True

Because they actually play the games, and don't care about the series outside of Anthony Butch memes.

I am 10 hours in, lvl 14 gunzerker.

Game is alright, I am just disappointed with the low variation in guns, for a game that doesn't take itself serious, I expected something more wild, at least some basic shit like piercing projectiles mod, homing, plasma and energy weapons, until now the coolest and most fun thing is elemental and explosive projectiles and that is it.

>coolest and most fun thing is elemental and explosive projectiles and that is it.

Just like the first game, but even that had more variations on the weapons. Rocket launchers could have bouncing projectiles or fire like a grenade launcher and the Eirdian weapons were unique. The E-Tech guns in BL2 are just the generic guns but have an energy projectile instead.

>I don't like thing

Ok? I'll never understand why people like to be so vocal about not enjoying the Borderlands series.

I literally cannot enjoy Destiny no matter how hard I tried. I played through game with a friend and found myself bored out of my mind. I hear all the the that D2 is plague with a whole bunch of problems, but the one thing that is consistently good is the gunplay. I may even agree with this, but just about everything else in the game is completely fucking dull.

user what exactly do you think looting and shooting games are? Like what's your favorite?

Do you know where you are? You sure you aren't lost?

What enemy's in borderlands are bullet sponges? Super mega Goliaths?

Well, this is sad, so much lost potential.

Besides borderlands and destiny, what are some other loot and shoot games? I heard Fallout 4 had some fun random guns, but I am not big fan of neo fallout.

This. It's one of the actual problems with the series as a whole, they don't do anything fun with their guns. Why aren't there flamethrowers? Lightning cannons? Heat seaking quad missiles?

>does it get better
no, the finale to the main story was pretty tacky and made no sense
none of the DLC's are actually good, I kinda liked the D&D DLC at the beginning but it quickly lost its charm with the horrible writing
Uninstall if you can and get a refund if possible, never trust Gearbox, avoid Gearbox products

The game is basically a loot-a-thon fps and they make that abundantly clear very early

What were you expecting?

People hate when video games reference memes they never were apart of creating, and they also think anything with Anthony Butch's name on it is worthless, so they hate the series.