Overwatch is so fucking fun now

overwatch is so fucking fun now

go play it

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actually, that's false


nice try blizz shill

your mediocre game is still alive solely because of gambling addicted waifufags


literally uninstalling it now

I am not reinstalling it you blizzard shill
TF2 died for your sins

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I got banned because I muted the entire team.
They got salty I wouldn't listen to their callouts so I muted them and let them know in chat ( so they would only focus on giving advice to the other players and not me) despite this they kept yelling at me in chat and when I logged in the next day I had been banned.
I suppose it's for the best, now I don't feel bad about playing dwarf fort more often (I feel bad because I spelt $60 on overwatch and $0 on DF).

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The game sucks. An FPS MOBA hybrid....WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!

that never happened.

there's nothing wrong with muting people and you can't get banned from it

you're witholding the part where u sperged out and were abusive towards them

it's a shit game with no progression at all. fun for 30-60mins first time playing, then its just shit and boring

If you're a blinded Blizzard fan maybe.

Otherwise it hasn't been good since they introduced that hamster.

I was banned for being toxic my dude.
This translates into "we decided you were throwing the game so we got you banned".
I think the fact that I only play Lucio might have added to it. I was asked be Rein but mentioned that while I was a "decent Rein I'm still gonna play Lucio".
I think part if it is that I never play like I'm in a team despite being there the whole time.


The frequency of these threads make it seem like those people saying companies pay for people to advertise their games are on to something

There's more to the story. What you''re describing is normal- if someone wants to be more introvert, you're describing, there's no problem.

you did some stupid shit that you're not telling us, or sperged out and were argumentative and abusive. fuck off trying to be a victim

>You must be at fault
>We are the majority! That means we're right!
OW should've had a map that caters to the 24/7 2fort type of players. Change my mind.

yeah, you're at fault if you get banned. own up to it and fuck off. when people get reported, blizzard checks the chat logs. and probably found you saying some assholish shit.

You sound like you're completely deluded of your own shitty behaviour, you must be fucking unsufferable in real life.

The report system is 100% automated. It TELLS YOU THIS when you get warned or banned. You can get banned for absolutely anything as long as players report you for it.

you can report your team after every game for random reasons and you'll log in to be greeted by the message thanking you for getting people banned, it's great


>when people get reported, blizzard checks the chat logs.
This is just wrong. I got banned for "abusive chat" for playing Torbjorn (back when he was hot garbage) and saying nothing in teamchat at any point in the match.

Fuck off blizzard shill

literally nothing changed in the past 6 months
the fuck are you on about

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Just post porn, nobody gives a shit about anything else

>fags crying because they got banned for not controlling their tantrums

Here is a Symmetra player getting banned for playing Symmetra. This happened dozens of times until Blizzard placed an amnesty flag specifically on his account to make him immune to reports.

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>OW should've had a map that caters to the 24/7 2fort type of players.
how would that help? you'd still be put into a random map when you wanted to play and you'd still be playing a 6v6 in a very badly designed game

>Symmetra player getting banned for playing Symmetra.

The report system is automatic. Are you braindead?

>after analysis of the evidence
its not fucking automated. they actually check this shit. and you can appeal if you're that fucking certain they made a mistake

But what the fuck happened there, the reports was from enemy team or his own
That sandnigger can 1vs6 games

I believe what this user is really suggesting is that instead of random matchmaking, where casuals get queued with people who've sunk hundreds of hours into the game, there should be servers catered to the different types of players. They did add this later on but it should be the default.

It is 100% automated. The "analysis of evidence" thing is bullshit. I am telling you as someone who has player Overwatch longer and more frequently than you, you literally have no idea what you're talking about. I have seem dozens of onetricks get banned for automated reports when they factually commited no wrong.

> when they factually commited no wrong.
Right, so you have access to 100% of their activity. Moreso than Blizzard


Are you underage or just extremely naive?

No I'm just fucking calling you out on your bullshit conspiracy theory and thinking you're a victim

Fucking grow up


Hey look, another onetrick getting banned thanks to the 100% automated support system (onetricking is not against the rules)

You're underage.
No more attention.

>Being "put" into a map
To add to this OW needs a lobby where you can create and select from a list because "matchmaking" is shit.
Even Titanfall 2 has a 24/7 map and it's great to just join and chill out for hours at a time instead of this low attention span matchmaking meta.

His own teammates reported him for being a Symmetra only player. Since he wasn't flexible and never swapped heroes, he was reported en masse leading to an automatic suspension. Has also happened with a high ranking Torbjorn player as well.

So from what I gather, you fucking onetrick cunts are purposely playing like fucking assholes and staying silent on chat, or abusing other members into submitting to your shitty selfish behaviour. Staying on character select until your character becomes available, overly-choosing your sweetheart hero even if you're losing and would benefit from a healer, NEVER be healer (or other roles that benmefit the team). You're just playing as selfishly as possible.

You get reported, blizzard confirm you're an asshole, and ban you.

Then you come here crying about it

You deserve to be banned for being a cunt


Um... yikes. Maybe find something a little more relevant to complain about.

But i did play it,
3 years ago,
and from what i gather not much has changed since then.

>Fail quote
>You're underage


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All that changed since that is they started placing "streamer flags" on streamer onetricks' accounts that render them immune to reports.

Based retard

Your anger is misdirected, friendo. Blame Blizzard for creating a game where players are punished for playing how they want to play and designing a game completely disregarding basic player psychology. Also consider that you would never hate on an Ana OTP or any other "on-meta" hero and you'll realize that most OTPs are victims of Blizzard's shit design.

Overwatch was forced so hard to be an eSport and has Rankings on everything, a large portion of retarded shits that play it thinks that they are MLGPRO and expects everyone to play "the meta". If you don't, they will reee at you and want to speak to the manager of Blizzard to get rid of you for raping their personal space.

Besides that, Blizzard is retarded for attempting to police player behavior to the extent they have, let alone at all. They are unable to actually get people to look over issues and have instead automated the whole thing, meaning it is absurdly easy to abuse. Just get a handful of accounts to report one guy in a single day with the same dropdown box option and the system kills him without a thought.

It is automated. Even most appeals are processed automatically and usually discarded with a "upon further review..." if it is a temporary suspension.
Unless you have some of that "influence" with your own little cadre of screeching people to batter Blizzard into lifting the suspension, it will stick. A random nobody could have all the evidence in the world and it would only be met by a robot through the system and the generation that believes Guilty Before Proven Innocent through the forums. You have to forcefully find and shove that shit in a live person's face with a bunch of people behind you to get actual results. The number of reports are overwhelming, even a team of hundreds hired exclusively to handle the Reporting system could barely sift through a single percent of all reports.

This wouldn't happen if all of the heroes were't pigeonholed into "roles" like it were an MMO. They should all have a big arsenal, be self-sufficient and flexible. Then more than five characters would be useful.

fuck off shill, your game is trash

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yeah that, or, you onetricks get so fucking asshurt you cant play dwarf that you sperg out against other team members and shout abusive shit like "OMG FUCKING HEAL ME"

> when they factually commited no wrong.
Like I said, you don't have access to their chatlogs, whereas blizzard do. Maybe these e-celebs you pander so much to aren't being as nice as you think

Enjoy your fucking bans and conspiracy theories, selfish fucking loser

fpbp. its so shallow and soulless its not even funny

>This wouldn't happen if all of the heroes were't pigeonholed into "roles" like it were an MMO.
Agreed, friend. Got really boring always playing on-meta when I just wanted to play a builder.

Not even a OTP, friend. Looks like my point went over your head though. Not surprising of someone who takes comp seriously.

onetrick cunt here, never been banned, but get a thank u from blizz every single day from people like you who sperg out about it lmao


>shitty selfish behaviour
You mean the "meta" players who demand everyone play meta characters or else they'll report you until you are banned?
Who exactly is the "one-trick" around here, the person who excels at one character and can win with them, or the ones who demand you use THIS one character that the composition is missing OR ELSE?

Its been fun ever since the introduction of Orisa ad Bridgitte, 2 of the most fun characters in the game

TF2 died the same way horses died once cars were invented

Its outdated, its garbage, its out

I am personally willing to bet my life savings this didnt happen. Even Blizzard dont ban for muting people. You called them niggers or faggots didnt you?

Shit like this is unironically why I went back to Dota after two years of what i thought was me quitting the game for good.

The map design being generally mediocre alongside dumbfuck game decisions like arbitrarily locking deathmatch to one map every other week didn't help either.

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>Get into a game
>Blizzard's matchmaker puts me in a game with 3 mercy mains and a lucio one trick in the same team
>Go Rein because braindead team can't play main tank
>They fill but no one can play DPS properly
>Switch off Rein and go Hammond because it's my best character and the team is too shit to play and follow my calls as Rein
>Team decides that it's my fault that we are losing since I got off main tank
>Even when I'm gold damage and kills
>They all report me
>Get banned
A shame a fun character like Hammond is stuck in this shit game

>Who exactly is the "one-trick" around here, the person who excels at one character and can win with them, or the ones who demand you use THIS one character that the composition is missing OR ELSE?

this is really obvious... you're being a fucking idiot. the "one-trick" is the character that "Can win with them". And, they're usually too fucking up their own ass to acceptr that MAYBE, someone else on their team is better at that hero than them. "I can win with this hero!!!" is not a valid excuse, because it is based on an unhealthy, egotistical opinion

and please tell us the part where you sperged out and started saying abusive shit in chat

or would that contradict your "Oh woe is me" victim story?

If you're playing Overwatch to """win""" you're not playing it right

And what i you're actually bad at that character? But you want to play Hanzo beause you like Hanzo, so you dont do anything all game. Then you do the exact same thing the next game

>unhealthy, egotistical opinion
How is playing to your strengths being egotistical?

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I do this all the time and never been banned. What part did you leave out or lie about?

Protip: use voice, not text chat
I say nigger in the voice constantly and call girl gamers fucking useless thots and I have never been banned

Imagine you get matched with a dude a d you're both in ELO hell.
He picks Lucio right off the bat and doesn't change throughout the entire game.
He doesn't listen to callouts at all, ever. Or use his mic either.
Then you match with him in the next map and he types in chat "hey I'm muting you guys, dont use the mic to talk to me".
He does fairly badly the entire game and refuses to support the team by switching to anything aside from Lucio so you accuse him of throwing the game. After 2 losses in a row that could at least partially be attributed to that Lucio you feel it's right to report him because he will just continue to ruin everyones game he comes into contact with.

because you hold the belief you are BETTER THAN EVERYONE at that hero- and absolutely refuse to switch to another role that would benefit the team (e.g. if you saw you had no healer, you refuse to switch to healer because you fundamentally believe you are better than every other DPS person in the world).

How it is NOT egotistical?

Notice the similar typing style?
I'll pretend it's just some kid who had a bad day and not a Blizzard shill, because if he were a Blizzard shill then he's not gonna get paid for all this sloppy work.

Are you going to ban me for being egotistical?

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>I'll pretend it's just some kid who had a bad day and not a Blizzard shill
I hope so, imagine being a Blizzard shill in 2019

I'm better sure it's more based on the belief that you are better on that hero than you are with other heroes. This is assuming we're talking about an honest OTP playing to their strengths. There are also smurfs who have OTP accounts who could fit your criteria but I'd consider that an exception.

How can one see someone's "typing style" via an image board?

I didn't say that faggot, I just added it as a bonus part- the fact that you eat your own shit for breakfast and are a disgusting human being

>people still believe "you can get banned for X" without any fucking evidence at all to back that up
Is it just retardation or have you been seething for three years straight?
Every time someone new tries to prove it, someone else has a video of them calling teammates niggers and trying to take the game hostage when they dont get their way

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and the part about not switching to healer when you don't see any healer? Thats not "playing to your strengths"

Haha, quite!
Now bend over and watch as I one-trick my way to a sure loss while everyone yells at me for not switching and I have fun playing on my main.

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Not solely that players responsibility. Anyone can switch.

It's all that you CAN notice. You big baka.
I don't need to switch to anything. I'm going to play the hero i feel like playing and you can't do anything about it big boi.

That's still an overreach by the devs. People should be able to play the game they bought,and since most developers don't care about private servers to let their customers enjoy the mechanics they already paid to enjoy, allowing those players to use the non-ranked playlists is the only option. If you're playing non-ranked with randoms, there is absolutely no defensible reason that he cannot play the way he wants to. Maybe you're okay with being forced into metas, but not everyone is, and a good multiplayer game would do it's best to appeal to all of it's players, not penalize them permanently for something so insignificant as two online games out of the thousands occuring.

dont forget to make new thread here when you're sat crying about being banned for "no reason"

>I don't need to switch to anything. I'm going to play the hero i feel like playing and you can't do anything about it big boi.

Can't wait till you start crying about being banned for no reason


I don't get it. If you can't witness someone actually typing you don't know their typing style.

>Lootbox game
into the trash bin like this thread.

yes, but NEVER switching is assholish. And probably something Blizzard looks at when they get reports about cunts. Oh wait but "MUH-AUTOOMATEDD SYSTEMMM"

you didn't get banned for no reaosn, you got banned for being a selfish prick

Probably better to be angry at Blizz for the lack of a role queue system as opposed to players playing how they want.

t.Flex player that doesn't expect anyone to flex

>be angry at a lack of babysitting
no? how about you just become an adult and manage your behaviour

Shut the fuck up, retard
Nobody, and i repeat nobody, has ever been banned for not switching to a "role". The retards you're forced to play with dont get to make the rules of what you can and cannot play, you will never get banned for playing something they dont want.
The last time someone cried about "getting banned for only playing torb?" there were multiple videos of him refusing to pick anything and avoiding the AFK detection, intentionally throwing the match because someone else was playing torb.
You're fucking retarded, i dont know if this is some sort of falseflag post but good god shut the fuck up.

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im on your side dickhead, im calling out cunts who said they're getting banned for no reason

You're on nobodys side because you're claiming they were doing something "wrong" by refusing to play something they didnt want to play, which is blatantly false and absolutely retarded.
Fuck you for spouting that shit, nobody gets banned for nothing and not swapping NEVER has and NEVER will be a reason for punishment

you literally just fucking posted:
> intentionally throwing the match because someone else was playing torb.

That's the kinda shit im talking about?

It's kinda shocking that blizzdrones still even exist with how much poorly hidden contempt that company has for it's consumers

>yes, but NEVER switching is assholish. And probably something Blizzard looks at when they get reports about cunts.
Has absolutely nothing to do with a person refusing to play the game because of a teammate that was playing the character he wanted to.

I just wish it wasnt third person

What's the point of grinding for those customization stuff and having great waifu characters if you cant fucking see your character?

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>Paladins adds more cute characters
>Overwatch adds fags and niggers
Both are shit games tho

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It completely relates to the point of selfish behaviour and "throwing the match" if they can CLEARLY SEE the team needs a healer, and maybe the teammates are too low-level-newb to understand this, so it becomes their experienced responsibility to switch- otherwise they will definitely lose. this was just a small part of a bigger, main point about assholish behaviour like you posted
>there were multiple videos of him refusing to pick anything and avoiding the AFK detection, intentionally throwing the match because someone else was playing torb.

stop being a nitpicking fucking retard and understand im trying to talk sense into these stupid fucking cunts who think they got "banned for no reason", or does your stupid fucking mind only work in 1 dimension?

>overwatch is fun

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>It completely relates to the point of selfish behaviour and "throwing the match" if they can CLEARLY SEE the team needs a healer
It doesnt relate at all, you dumb faggot.
One is someone refusing to play the match at all
The other is someone playing the game they fucking paid for the way they want to.

Nobody is ever going to be forced to play something they dont want to, its not "assholish", its not anything. They're playing the fucking game, you typing and screaming in chat about how they picked something you dont like makes you the fucking retard in this scenario because while you're standing still typing out a fucking essay trying to defend your shitty ideas, they're actually trying to win.

You are clearly fucking retarded if you're trying to equate someone refusing to play the game with someone refusing to play YOUR game. Are you retarded? If so, you should just come out and admit it and save us all the time.

This 100%. There's only one fag I know that's been banned and he's the kind of retard that spits in another dude's face and tries to start a fight and then gets pissy and whines to literally everyone when he gets hit with an assault charge. He also neglected to tell the full story when he also whined about getting banned from OW.

I like the move where she puts the opponent's face in her chest

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oh shut the fuck up you moron, it all contributes as evidence for a report/ban. grow a fucking brain

>I'm going to report you because you won't change characters when I ask
And you keep trying to tell me OW is a good game.

I want to fluff her tail

>Every game comes down to whoever has the better Widow
>Nanoblade is a free cap unless you have Grav/Shatter
>Fifty million CC abilities to ensure you have as little control over your character as possible
>Heroes that counter top tiers are nerfed into uselessness after bitching on the forums (See: Brig being the ONLY reliable Tracer/Genji counter at release)
>Comp is a joke since every single game has one or more smurfs on one or both sides AND THIS ISN'T AGAINST THE RULES, making an MMR system completely worthless
>Not enough varied Tank playstyles, meaning people are less likely to actually want to pick a Tank instead of a DPS or Healer
>Invisible walls INBOUNDS of the map
>Blizzard's awful map design ensures that Widow has hundred-meter sightlines in some areas, and on some maps that lead STRAIGHT INTO SPAWN
>Your character slides off of certain surfaces that they should not slide off of, like the lip on the balcony of Point B on Hanamura, making positioning for characters like Junkrat and Mei more difficult than it needs to be, and this was a conscious decision on Blizzard's part because it was not like this at release
>Reusing the same events every year for three years in a row, not even making new maps for the same mode. Junkenstein's Revenge on Numbani? Yeti Hunt on Lijang Tower? More than ONE Lucioball map? No, sorry.

I honestly do not know why I still play this game. The only way I can have fun anymore is if me and one of my friends go into looking for group, role lock as double DPS, then queue for comp. This game is so fucking shallow and I somehow am still surprised by just how little cool plays you can actually do.
t. Low masters Junkrat main with 2,000 hours

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No, I was playing in comp and just one-tricking Lucio with everyone elses mics off.
Playing non-ranked just brings out brainless fools and I want actual good people to play against.

by "play it", surely you mean "jerk off to the pornography of it", right?

otherwise you're not making any sense.

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>role queue
Not even fucking close. It's a basic feature to make your game function how it was intended which they failed to implement. You'd have to be a retard to expect people to happily fill when needed. This is why you're so angry at the game. You can't understand that players don't like being forced to do something they don't want.

No, you retarded faggot. Playing the characters you want to play, as long as you're actually playing them with the intention of winning, has never been and will never be any evidence for a report or ban. Nobody has or ever will be reported for playing the characters they want to play, and that will never change.
How are you so fucking stupid that you cannot grasp this? Nobody has a "responsibility" to switch, change what they're doing and how they want to play the game to suite your retarded idea of what the team "needs" or what a collection of retards thinks the team "needs".
Seriously, i really want to know how mentally fucked you are to think that this is "reportable" or "bannable" in any way?
If Overwatch launched with a team scoreboard, you would have been fucking banned within three weeks for intentionally throwing matches and rightfully so. You are THE epitome of the faggots that hide behind the fact that nobody can see how fucking poorly you're doing in the match so you try and blame your losses on someone not picking what you want them to pick despite them having five fucking golds while you're the weight of fifty anchors tied to their ankles.

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>Fifty million CC abilities to ensure you have as little control over your character as possible
christ, this. i stopped playing over a year ago because it was so unbearably exhausting to play at all, I spent most of my time either knocked in the air, stunned, slowed or CC'd in some way. I feel like a trash mob in WoW. the core gameplay could be fantastic but as long as this game has this much ridiculous CC i'll never come back

I know for a fact retards like you spam reports on people that arent playing the way you think it should be played, and why would they? You're clearly fucking braindamaged.

If the team needs a healer/tank and because I'm playing a role that's already covered I'm asked to switch to a healer/tank.
Am I obliged to switch?
(I need someone who actually plays the game to answer me this)

I don't like healers/tanks, that's why i wasn't playing one at the start of the game. I'm not gonna switch just because some player thinks this game is SRS BSNS.

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I want to be Mei so badly.

No, and you never will be.
I played the game while it was relevant, i played strictly DPS and only played alternatives if i felt like it. This was entirely in ranked/competitive, if anybody has issues with what i was playing i told them to eat my cock which is why i got repeatedly silenced for well over a year. The claims of "you can get banned for not talking to teammates" is also bullshit as i literally could not communicate to other players at all as part of my """"punishment""""
It hasnt changed, it never will change.

>I know for a fact retards like you spam reports on people
i literally dont even play this shit game

Of course you're not obligated to switch, if you don't enjoy playing Healer/Tank, then you're likely going to be doing less as those roles than you are on a role you actually enjoy (and thus probably know how to play)
222 is a fucking joke that stupid people in trash ELOs think makes victory assured
I know this because I used to be one of those retards, until I realized that EVERY TIME I filled Tank, we lost the game, because I play Tanks like beefy DPSs instead of damage sponges for the team. I finally escaped Plat/Diamond when I stopped playing tank and basically became a Junkrat one trick that also sometimes plays Mei, Torb, and Lucio.

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Thanks for admitting you've been false flagging for no reason other than you're severly retarded.

When someone tells you to switch just ask why they won't switch 95% of the time it's a Genji or a Hanzo

I don't play it, but im allowed to teach people what assholeish behaviour is, and help them understand why they didnt "get banned for nothing", fucking idiot

Porn when

What's changed? I was a Diamond ranking Support/Tank main and I honestly started to hate it after a only a couple of years playing. I went back almost a year ago and tried it again and it was still boring, just with some reworks, new characters, and old mains of mine (Mercy/Moira) being trashed into shit chars.

You already admitted you dont know what the fuck you're talking about when you spouted that retarded shit in the first place.

But I was banned because everyone got salty that I didn't switch when my Lucio game was not on point that night.
This one is me btw

I've played it for like 5 hours, i dont play it anymore. when I did play, I didn't report anyone or say anything to anyone. You've already undermined yourself by assuming I spam report everyone as a "fact". grow a fucking brain

Then appeal your ban. It sounds like you’re assuming it was from this one match, when it could’ve been from others. Nobody has to play anything they don’t want to, but you sound like an idiot that doesn’t understand its a team game. Mid or feed.

>if you don't enjoy playing Healer/Tank
So accurate it hurts. I'm a healer/tank main just because we would lose games to REEing retards if nobody in the game was a support main, causing us to lose unless the other team was even more retarded. Often times it was a clusterfuck of toxicity and blame-game as we get steamrolled for not having teamwork or heals, meanwhile some retard in chat spams "GG REPORT Xx!"

Is it too late to get into this game? Always looked fun but none of my friends play it..

Imagine the smell

Bunker comps are the meta which constitutes sitting in one place keeping Bastion alive. Like prior metas, its shit.

No, you didnt. It's that simple.
Every single claim of "i got banned for nothing" has every single time been made by someone that was very clearly refusing to play the game.
Nobody, and i repeat, nobody has ever been banned for playing a character. Doesnt matter what character, doesnt matter how well they perform, what matters is that they're actually making an effort to win. They never have and they never will.
You want to know the reason i know you're full of shit? Its because ive intentionally deranked more than 2000 points to play with friends and i have never received a suspension that prevented me from playing the game, i spent hours intentionally walling off entire teams as Mei and was able to play for months after the fact and you want people to believe you were banned in a single night while actually trying to win matches?
No, im pretty accurate in what i said.
Either you dont play the game, and you have no clue what the fuck you're talking about
You do play the game, and you're a mass reporting shitter faggot
Or you're a false flagging shitposter trying to claim that "assholish" behavior is putting your enjoyment in front of the opinions of the 5 other mentally challenged wastes of oxygen you're forced to play with and claim that "behavior" such as this has ANY sway in Blizzards handling of in-game reports, which it doesnt AT ALL.

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It's not fun to actually play it.

It's still at it's best with 5 other friends. I think you'll still have fun as a newbie but the magic will wear off due to the community and playing alone.

Me on the right

>Either you dont play the game, and you have no clue what the fuck you're talking about

I've played it for like 5 hours, i dont play it anymore. when I did play, I didn't report anyone or say anything to anyone. You've already undermined yourself by assuming I spam report everyone as a "fact". grow a fucking brain

>im a retard and im gay

Seethe harder

blizz autobans you if you get enough reports, there is no active moderation. my mate and i got banned for a season only queueing bastion+pre-patch torb nonstop in ranked, despite us actually trying every match. if you find a way to consistently get people salty you'll get banned. modern multiplayer games are carebear cancer.

You are 100% wrong, and its been proven multiple times.

so where would the game be if everyone behaved like you? everyone just queueing to play bastion/torb

you'd be complaining you cant find tank/healer

face the fucking fact that you're a detremental factor of online games if you only play 1 fucking retard thing

and before you spurt shit about pro's, youre not a pro

Stop posting, retard.

Any game that will ban you for typing "nigger" in the chat is not worth playing

Too bad the hitboxes in paladins are shit and made for blind people

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stop posting, retard

If he's not a pro, it doesn't fucking matter how he plays

Oh that's right, even AFTER this game fucking beheaded itself by adding Ranked to an Arcade shooter, they started banning everyone playing it.

Now you're asking for them back even though they can't come back. Oh I'm actually fucking dying.

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it happened to me and a mate
we complained at the time. nothing happened we just waited out the suspensions

Hello, you degenerate piece of shit. Don't mess with my mate, he grinded the fuck out of the game to get images for other people. BubblesAU is a god, nothing more, nothing less.
If I even see you talking shit about my mate, I will go full Liam Neeson on your ass.
You have been warned. Filth.

This thread is officially based.
Edit: thanks for the gold!

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>focuses and panders to esports
>community turns to shit and the game is forgotten by almost everyone
What other games did this? I know Dirty Bomb was one.

i dont believe you. overwatch was good the first few months until meta faggotry starting coming up from tryhards

>Play Overwatch
>The game is stale as fuck and content droughts last forever
>Play Paladins
>Stuck with third worlders of multiple flavours and hackers who never get banned

I think I'm fine with the hero shooter genre dying out.

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>being this easily triggered by a reddit link

He sounds like a jew

they get free loot boxes
wouldn't be surprised if this was true

Hey buddy, you posted it not me.
Try not linking to a post you deleted to as "proof" that you got banned unfairly, and remember to delete the rest of your post history next time to not make you look absolutely retarded.

Still the only Western game in China to permaban people for using sensitive language.

the only time i've been temp banned in a blizzard game was saying fuck in Alterac valley chat. and no the mature filter excuse doesn't work sadly.

>Battleborn died for this shit

And that's a good thing

>Battleborn died

For you my fellow pede!

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I remember when I played this game back in 2017 and I got banned for playing torb and using his hammer as my main weapon.
honestly piece of trash game with piece of trash community.

it was deleted by the mods.
you can obviously infer what the post was about by the replies anyway.
>How did you go from 3.2k to and end with 2.5k with just 10 placement matches?

>You lose, what, about 30 sr per match give or take. You would have had to lose over 20 matches. And you say you actually ended 200 sr lower, that means you had to lose about 30 matches. That takes dedication to lose that many matches. Sounds like you deserved the ban. Thank god for avoid as teammate. Sounds like you and your friend deserved the suspension. Staying Torb Bastion for the whole duration in a losing game and doing it 30 times is madness to me. You know what. give me your blizzard ID. i want to report you.


>Based on others past appeals, the GM's believe the mass reports mean everything, meaning they'll try to not remove the suspension no matter what. Even the people that had successful appeals had to appeal multiple times after getting copy and paste replies.

>TL;DR Just wait out the suspension.

so basically you have several people ITT and from my link (and plenty others on overwatch forums if you take any time to look) saying you can get banned for nothing/mass reports vs (you) who says we're wrong based on nothing other than personal experience. it's many vs one at this point.

cute weiss

I'll think about playing it when they bring back Scatter Arrow

fuck off actiblizzard tranny shill

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I just want to rescue Tracer and Brig and take them to a better game somewhere.

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I can infer from your post history and your retarded claims in this thread that you intentionally threw matches and had no clear intention on winning, you got caught and banned and like every other retard you want to claim it was for no reason at all.
I dont care about the other retards in this thread, i dont care about the other retards in your link, i dont care about the other retards on fourms and i dont care about the other retards in game, you can never be banned for playing legitimately no matter what you pick and that will never be the case.
>he's still falling for the bait post

Why are mods not removing these shill threads? They have to fucking pay for a adbanner. stop being subhuman retards mods

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this is a discussion about a video game on a video game board


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Overwatch became fun again when I started playing only arcade modes

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Who the fuck is playing Overwatch in the current year + 0?

kill yourself pathetic blizzard shill
lying piece of excrement

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fuck off casual blizzniggers! your company is dead to every gamer!

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Prove me wrong faggot, give me a single piece of evidence that mass reports equal punishments of any kind. You'd think it'd be pretty easy for a big youtuber or streamer to prove this one way or another by purchasing a fresh, new account and having people report him for absolutely no reason.

I will, right after I dilate

Slit your throat subhuman tranny animal

lmao faggot

you're the true retard here if you're honestly just going to ignore everything else and "1v1 me in Yea Forums bro". the hundreds of people that read these posts are clearly realizing that there are multiple people saying you can get banned for being mass-reported is more likely true than not. Especially when the only argument one guy has said in opposition is
>You are 100% wrong, and its been proven multiple times.

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Nice Jizzard damage control

No, nu blizzard.
I don't have a pc nor a console.

>the hundreds of people that read these posts are clearly realizing that there are multiple people saying you can get banned for being mass-reported is more likely true than not.
If they want to believe shit without any sort of evidence, they're free to do so but they're mentally challenged and nobody will ever take what they say about the matter seriously, like what im doing with you right now.

>n*gger hand

absolutely cringe

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It's not fun at all.

T-Then how do you play videogames?

Catering to overly sensitive sjws, comp players and exports fags killed the game. If blizzard catered solely to normal people who only played casual then overwatch would still be a wildly popular game.

Don't bother proving me wrong. You can't.

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>2017: If you 1-trick, you deserve to be banned
>2019: Waaaahh, please come back and play my game.

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>Despite Randy's twitter pandering there a more fags and trannies on Overwatch than Battleborn

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imagine if how quickly TF2 would have died if it tried to balance all the classes for esports

Yeah, you tend to have more freaks in a game with multiple million players in comparison to a game with 10.
But are you honestly trying to say that the people that still play Battleborn arent just as mentally fucked up as fags and trannies?

I would be playing it right now if Tracer wasn't a fucking lesbian.

>Yeah we're infested with trannies and faggots, but your game doesn't have 6 gorillion players
>Playing a dead game is the same as being a mentally ill tranny

Lesbians are ok. Soldier fucking 76 being a fag isn't.

He's not even really shilling. He's just saying, statistically speaking, Overwatch is bound to have more.

Making waifus lesbians out of nowhere is not ok.

>Playing a dead game is the same as being a mentally ill tranny
Yeah pretty much

Somebody post the BLEACHED edits already.

God imagine the smell

It was fun but after they added Moira it started to fall apart

It's less of a problem because there's no such thing as a 'lesbian' who wouldn't take the right dick.

>fake ultrawide support
Enjoy playing your dead game

What changed

Not him but
>doesn’t know about not giving someone (You)’s
I fucking hate children posers like you, I want you to leave this site and quietly slit your wrists


Been playing since launch. Great game to play with friends and solo in comp. Dont play with friends in comp.


This, but brown and blue feet.