What's the best designed city in a pre-modern openworld game? And why is it Saint Denis?

What's the best designed city in a pre-modern openworld game? And why is it Saint Denis?

Attached: SaintDenis.jpg (1454x1065, 322K)

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All the towns in Gothic and Khorinis in Gothic 2. They're small as fuck, but there is so much pure SOUL involved.

Florence AssCreed 2.

Alexandria AC Origins

rdr2 is map porn

Attached: RDR2map.jpg (3840x2889, 2.03M)

saint benis

saint denis was really great I just wish it had more different shops and enterable houses


Its big enough to have several distinct districts, but seems small enough to me to allow for most if not all buildings also be enterable depending on how big the map is.

Attached: The Town.jpg (2108x2108, 1.4M)


>this town is a hugs pain in the ass to navigate
>but the game acknowledges that it’s a pain in the ass, so that makes it good

I think most towns are shitty to navigate.

How is the game it self and why is it shitty to navigate?

when does RDR2 get good?
right now it feels like worst parts of GTA with more busywork halfway through chapter 2

I suggest you drop it now, considering your little zoomer mind can't appreciate it.

Oh it doesn't.
Just wait until chapter 5.

Attached: assmap.jpg (4651x4676, 3.2M)

>this town is a hugs pain in the ass to navigate
Maybe if you still need to pull up the map every five steps.

Shitty little town with 10 enterable buildings = the best?

Do you lack brain?

People like you are so gay.


Attached: AC2_Venice_Map.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)


Utter shit tier environment.

Like 90% of interactions there are something that gains negative attention, felt like walking on eggshells. OP is a fag.

Isn't it funny how the people who are the most hostile never have anything to contribute? Like they're too insecure to post their own favorites.

>beginning your sentence with like

dumb zoomer

Meanwhile I'm sitting over here with 80%+ positive reputation everywhere all the time. Try saying Howdy for once in your miserable life.

The most insecure ask people to ''post their favorites'' so they can judge others themselves to change the subject instead of facing up that their opinion is shit.

Why would I contribute to a thread with no good content? It's not my thread. Maybe you should have made a better thread.

It's not my thread either.

there is literally nothing to do or see in albarino and that shit takes 1/3 of arthur's playable map
same goes for the whole new austin

FPBP. I hope someday we'll see revival of Gothic-style open worlds.

Gothic is not open world.

how is it not open world

It is extremely linear and plays as more of a hubworld if anything.

Because you can’t appreciate quality. You jump on the hate bandwagon like so many other edgy sycophants

Dude chapter 5 is legitimately horseshit.
It nearly made me drop the game.
what the actual fuck are you even talking about.

Guarma wasn't quality at all
why did it need to be in the game instead of a standard prison break or something thematically close to the rest of the game

I would argue this is actually the worst city ever in an open world game. It's so unbearable to navigate around that I avoided it whenever possible, and I feel like most other people did the same, because I hear it a lot. It's not a good city when the simple thought of going there to use services feels like such a pain in the ass that you always avoid it.

> why is it shitty to navigate?
Those fences mostly. You often have to go around and take sort of illogical paths.

Are there really people so lazy-brained that even a small city like that is too hard to navigate through?

>120 years ago

Looks like a tumor


its a weird combination of your horse being unbearably slow while still too easy to run into people and get wanted. it just sucks.

Well I was trying to say that the city is a good size for what people meme about when they opine about wanting every building enterable.

It doesnt. Youre honestly in the best part of it currently

not hard to navigate. annoying to navigate. there's obviously no question of where to go, but actually getting there is more trouble than its worth. easier just to go to somewhere like valentine

Australia is younger than that


>try to jump on horse
>accidentally grab some slag by the throat

Saint Denis sucks dick. Its very aesthetically pleasing, but navigating it is shit.

>knock someone over on horse in very cramped streets
>instant $500 bounty, psychic cops instantly after you

its shit. but it is pretty ill give you that