What went fucking wrong?

What went fucking wrong?

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Constantly removing emergent strategies for the single one strategy they decided was the best.
Also gold advantage in the early game always translates to an exponentially bigger gold advantage as the game goes on and every hero scales very hard with gold.

The company wants you to play based around a meta that they want, not the meta that you make

So much fun and not boring at all

Too much focus on summoners rift when 3v3 and dominion were way more fun.
Heavy handed "balancing"
Completely remaking characters

The first big downer for me was when they started making effects not stack like sunfire cloak shenanigans

So the only way you can enjoy a game is by abusing its flaws?

Not the only way but.... Still a pretty damn fun way to play

Why does it have to be a flaw.
They also removed things like dodge or gangplanks ability to deny last hits

I honestly cannot understand how some people can have fun by breaking the tools they're given

It's better than Dota

They banned Dunkey...

I dont understand how people enjoy the slog of summoners rift either but they murdered dominion and the only chance of me picking the game back up despite owning just shy of 100 of the roster when I quit

not really

They removed aatrox from the game and replaced him with a #relatable meme spouting meathead

too micro-focused to allow more strategies than "more mechanically skilled team wins" vast majority of the time
restricting the roles a champ can take due to above design philosophy, meaning that there are fewer niches a character can fill, meaning a large amount of the cast is obsoleted by characters that van outperform them in their niche

>Appealing to muh e-sports
>Gimping movement
>Releasing characters that cheats said restraint
>Forced meta

>too micro-focused to allow more strategies than "more mechanically skilled team wins" vast majority of the time
I'm not defending League, it's a shit game, but are you actually goddamn retarded? How is "The more skilled team always wins" a fucking drawback? That's how competitive games should work.

They removed scion and replaced him with garrosh hellscream instead of based schwarzenegger zombie
Trollbro became a cold faggot

>oh its okay bros you don't have to play meta thats fine with us
>goes ahead and bans people who play unconventional builds anyway
fuck this stupid fucking company.

Nothing, they made a fuckton of money.

They have no idea of how to balance the game.

I've been playing for two years so I don't know how it used to be. But I love the game, and it's very balanced. I play a horrible champion by most standards in Wukong (PLZ dont rework him) and have a 78% winrate and climb consistently in solo queue. If you are good enough with your champion, you can climb, and the game is far more balanced than people think. The thing is, however, the game is not friendly to new comers. To be good at the game, and really win consistently, you have to know what every champions abilities are, general idea of their ability cool downs so you can trade in lane around them, minion wave management, back timings, when to all in, when and where to ward, which items to build based on enemy team composition and your own team composition, item power spikes (ALL of them and for every champion) when to force baron, when to force dragon, when to split push, when to group, the list goes on and on. I've moved up the ladder so now everyone in my Elo generally knows these things compared to silver/gold, but even then there are still disagreements, and even when I watch challengers stream even they still fight over macro decision making. What I'm getting at is that to really climb and be good at the game you have to know most of these things. The biggest thing is knowing enemy champ abilities, can't stress that enough. Learning when to trade around those is everything in lane. But as to your question 'what went wrong', I think it's that it isn't friendly to newcomers.

"reworking" characters by removing them from the game instead of fixing their problems

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banning people for saying mean words and releasing new champs and reworks way too often instead of focusing on the problems with the overall game and summoner's rift as a map

You ignored the part where he said “mechanically skilled” as in the champions are designed such that overloaded kits will always beat basic ones, no matter how good at the fundamentals you are

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>and its very balanced
stopped reading there

Literally what other skill is there in a MOBA, than mechanical skill? Beyond the barebones basics, like knowing how to farm efficiently, or jungle rotations or whatever?

What about the game is unbalanced exactly?

Did they destroy nippleman?
He was like the second character I got back in 2011

>reading comprehension
He said mechanically skilled. There should be more to it than that in a team based strategy game.

Nothing, the game was always trash.

The company was propped up by F2P and underhanded marketing when it launched, the game was utter trash and didn't become competitively viable until the second, arguably third 'season'

The company itself was a fucking joke, Guinsoo couldn't develop a game if he had a billion dollars and the top developers in the world behind him, because he's a hack, the only reason why he has any namesake in the genre is because he created DotA-Allstars, which in itself was just copy pasting heroes from other dota spinoff mods, and everyone called him out for his bullshit then, he quit because he couldn't make money from dota and the two people who came after actually make the game competitive and playable.

Even League of Legends stole its first 50 hero concepts from dota-allstars.com hero suggestion forums, but because the website was shut down (And turned into a league advertisement) no one could possibly call him out on their bullshit because the only place to do so would be riots forums.

But the game has always been about its marketing and f2p model, and would probably never have gotten anywhere if DotA 2 came out 3 years sooner.

Nothing went wrong. Time passed and they are no longer#1. You can't stay on top forever. Time will dethrone us all

>only two viable adcs per patch
>one person decides the game for you
>characters either do no damage or one shot everyone
he got replaced by generic bruiser #32 2 years ago

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That's the issue. The game is too easy, so the faster ms brain wins. Entertaining to watch in fighting games, not in a 5v5 strategy game.

It really is just a watered down fighting game with top down view now. No alternate strategies allowed

"mechanically skilled" user
as in the team with the better micro-play will nearly always beat the team with the worse micro-play, no matter the two's macro-play (unless there's an obviously massive difference, but that's not happening at the pro level)
there's an image i can't find that explains the concept better than me, the one that's a forum post from around 2010 and talks about how blitzcrank and janna are some of the few characters that can turn a game around, and are getting nerfed for it

the hard decline was around season 4/5 when lytes "policing" and shitty reworks started. items got nerfed to shit, adc became annoying as fuck to play since you now needed 4 items minimum to deal damage. changes to gold made it a lot harder to solo carry a game, but insanely easy for one person to solo lose you the game. who the fuck wants to try hard in ranked when one person can ruin the game for everyone else?

They had this strange obsession with reducing game time and preventing comebacks, and this led to a series of strange design decisions that eventually boils down to the game being essentially over after the first round of lane ganks.

literal cuckold

>only two viable ADC's per patch

This season alone I have had every ADC in the game carry me at least multiple times, yes including Kalista

>one person decides the game for you

Who? The ADC? The AP mage? I have seen every role carry multiple times as well this season. The amount of feeding ADC's and Mids I've carried as top lane Wukong this season numbers in the 40's. I think you missed the point of my post. If you are good enough with your champ and have the knowledge of champion kits and basic macro you will climb! And that's as balanced as anyone can ask for

post your opgg

most of the characters are absolutely unfun and toxic to play against, and it's no coincidence than they are all designed by the same retard, CertainlyT


and he fucking reworked Akali (who needed several nerf and became unplayable) and mordekaiser who is literally a character than can go 0/10 and still one-shot you

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post op.gg so we know if you are even playing the game or not

>and he fucking reworked Akali (who needed several nerf and became unplayable) and mordekaiser who is literally a character than can go 0/10 and still one-shot you
If you were actually around in S1 you would realize that you perfectly described the old champs too.

Imagine having your TP on a 3 minute cooldown
Imagine not having fort
Imagine no courier
Imagine no neutral stacking
Imagine not being able to pull the wave
Imagine not being able to die
Imagine standing in a bush
Imagine playing the exact 5 same roles every game

Macro play, DotA used to have superb macro play, being able to set up ganks, denying gold and farm through pressure and using different strategies to get ahead of your opponent, either by shutting them down or outricing them

Both games are stuck in this limbo of farm and teamfight, because farm and teamfight is esports friendly, as someone who used to play early game gankers/roamers I can't fucking stand dota in its current state as there is way too much ezmode shit on the field that it feels like im playing apem every fucking game now.

League on the other hand was always single digit IQ, it was all about outfarming your opponent and just snowballing, this has been the number 1 complaint about the game since it launched, and has been the forced meta of the game every since they banned that one team for trilaning.

>posting anecdotes

As someone who's played dota since 2006 neutral stacking has gotten out of hand, I fucking hate the chink meta it creates I miss the gank meta where most of your gold advantage came from last hits/deny and ganks, not fucking having a stacking bitch stack the jungle for 3 minutes for the carry to farm

im so happy i only wasted like 6h on LoL and realized it was trash there and then as opposed to realizing it after a four digit amount of hours. it must be so soul crushingly painful to imagine all those different games you could have played in all that time. i feel really sorry for people who "grew up" with LoL.

>What went fucking wrong?
cooldown reduction. the game turned into URF. unless you're playing an autoattacker, having under 30% CDR is basically trolling at this point

I was, so? the game has always been a clusterfuck of balance and toxicness, but the new champions kick it up one notch mate

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It really is the problem too many items have cdr now that it's hard to to hit cap unless you build the few tank items that don't have it. This much cdr is why riven is bullshit in top and sylas can ult 5 times in one team fight.

Infected by SJWs

I'm gonna say something completely different (and a lot more gay) compared to all the other posters: Lore-wise, I don't think Piltover, Zaun, and Bandle City fits well in the setting. The first two because they're so incredibly technologically advanced compared to the other nations, the last one because I don't think they've come up with a cohesive idea of what they want the place/Yordles to be like, aesthetically and so-on.

S2 was pinnacle

If you kept playing league after they nerfed the move speed debuff with red aura then your opinion doesn't count.

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>guy that spent like 5 posts stating that the game was balanced and was climbing with a borderline shitpicked fucked off as soon as op.gg was mentioned
hilarious how often this happens

Each time they release a new champion, 10 old champs are made obsolete. They were going to buff wukong then just stopped for some reason. His Q now is pathetic.

Tanks built tank items to do damage, but they're still squishy as fuck

Everyone else builds armor pen or magic pen to pretty much do true damage to everyone else

Jungle has to be funneled EXP, or even CS from lane in order to maintain relevance throughout the game, so much so that most just camp top for 10 minutes and will still stay ahead of the enemy jungler who is full clearing jungle.

Tenacity and Thorns are terrible passive mechanics

very simple

every single character has a 'gap closer'

something they can use to dash over walls making the walls in the game completely meaningless. Characters are never punished for positioning mistakes anymore.

Git gud.
Nothing CertainlyT has created is even close to release version of Icefrog finest creations

This nigga is probably gold and is talking big. Reminder majority if the playerbase are silver and gold. Even Diamond is a daycare nursery. This game is far from fucking balanced.

"Play our game the way WE want you to play it or else"

Flash exists, but the mere fact that every single character in the game except yuumi uses flash despite it being nerfed every few seasons should be indication of how problematic it is.

I'm not going to do that lol. I was silver season 8 and complained about a lot of the things you all are, but then I buckled down some in ranked, thought about the game more, found a champ I never get bored of and now I'm Plat 2, and if I'm lucky I'll hit diamond this season. If you are complaining about 'balancing' as the reason you can't climb, well, something is wrong with you! Not the game, sorry. I play a horrible champion by most everyone's estimation and I climbed this season. You have no excuses but yourself! Even asking for my opgg is an excuse so you can nitpick my games! That's why I won't post it. I know what I say is true so believe what you want to believe. I would have no other motivation to post this and to lie, I'm just trying to help you realize the only thing holding yo back is YOU! Not the game. Plenty of people climb in spite of the games seemingly endless 'fl

they just keep fucking with things that dont need fixing for the sake of keeping things "new and fresh". started up a new account recently and it literally takes 30-40 games with an 80% winrate just to fucking hit plat. used to 9-10 win placements and get put there. who the fuck was this supposed to help? the people that lost their placements deserved to be silver, the people that lose their placements now deserve to be silver. why should i have to trudge through gold where kids cry "SMURF ME UNLUCKY" for as long as fucking possible

>Complaining about Darius
You're just bad at the game stay away from my top lane bitch
t. Darius main

Easy, everything. Betfer question, what went right?

yeah no you are baiting. the exclamations marks with the bullshit positive attitude are easy give aways. nothing you say is believable

>i'm not doing to do that
>i was silver in season 8
>6 months ago
fuck off brainlet

And new heroes in Dota are banned from ladder until they get the kinks worked out for this exact reason. Riot throws the spaghetti against the wall and says "Fuck it, we'll fix it 2 years from now after we've finished reworking Ryze again and released some more teemo skins."

"I'm not going to backup my claims with extremely easy to provide evidence, just beleive me."

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waaa waaa they removed the shit clunky characters with close to no playerbase and remplaced them with something much better and popular while respecting the theme of old champs

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>weird man on yeti dispensing the cubes
>pedophile bait on top of some stupid goofy ass monster with disney ass abilities
>respecting the theme of the old champ
ok faggot weeb your opinion on literally anything matters

Yeah because when I thought about Urgot the first thing that came to mind was his SHOTGUN KNEES!! LOL XD

Why would he lie about being plat 2? Game is actually very balanced and people bitching about it probably don't even play. Riot patches the game like every 2 weeks and how the fuck would e-sports be a thing if the game was unbalanced.

Old Nunu had zero personality and a terribly underwhelming kit. I don’t understand how anyone can miss him.

I'm also definitely a different person and I also definitely agree ghere was no reason for me to lie, stop asking me to post my op.gg .

No one thought of urgot before the rework, for years he had something like a .1% pick rate. Cry more autist.

I play both dota and league because I got friends playing these games, I'm a gold/ancient shitter for reference (but still ranked higher than my friends even if I don't play even close as much as them).
Gotta say dota is by far the better game, league feels so watered down comparing to dota, there are dozens of interesting mechanics that are simply absent in lol for no reason at all, for example simple stuff like being able to read the description of the spells on any champion that isn't mine. Why the fuck do I have to alt tab to the fan made wikia to read info like that?
Champion design is a mess, too many gapclosers, too many self heals/shields, nukes are way too strong. In dota every hero feels extremely unique and different from any other, changing hero is like playing a completely different game, while in lol there are champs that feel really similar, few characters are truly unique.
That being said, league has better character design. I literally play Tristana each match because she makes my penis become harder than diamonds and I wish to impregnate her over and over again, it never stops, fuck I wish she was real.

>ap nunu
>1k damage cubes every 2 seconds
>racing around the map spamming w off cd giving yourself a free rabadons passive
>healing for 2k when you bit something
also i guess if you played nunu "correctly' you could be a huge asshole to the enemy jungler at literally all points of the game. people that say old nunu was bad probably played 3 shitty games as him and decided it was him and not themselves as a player that was shit.

>while respecting the theme of old champs
>old urgot was a disgusting abomination that shouldnt exist
>kit was long range artillery
>new urgot is bane with spider legs
>kit is melee bruiser
kill yourself

Based Riot

game is trash and waifus/husbandos were 100% why many of my friends seemed to like it

Failed to be Dota

"My point was idiotic and factually incorrect so I'm going to call you autistic and draw attention away from the flaws in my argument!"

Masterfully done, 10/10

People slowly got tired of needing to buy the latest 5 champions in order to be competitive.

I put autist at after my statement tho, retard.

Sincerely yes
That was the best shit
Running around as Willy E. Coyote and the gameplay that emerged from this was fun
Playing "nobody touch garen" was fun
Invisible glasscanon party murderers playing competitive hide and seek was fun

But akali, trist, aatrox, braum and gankplank have been in the game for years user


But Braum sucks right now.

>Q>e>w>pta prock> ult
>”First Blood!”
Get gud

>no first blood until 6
this is how i know you don't play league of legends

>standing in 'skillshots'

theme =/= previous gameplay
urgot has always been a mechanical spider and his new kit fits this theme way better than previous kit
>b-but what about old urgot i really liked him
he was garbage gameplay wise, had less people playing him than there are challengers and an overall meme champ due to how bad it was, you're an absolute buffon if you refuse to acknowledge that new urgot is objectively better than old in every single way.
The same can be said of swain, nunu, sion, aatrox, fiora and more

nothing, it's much better than dota 2

Nothing, its one of the most successful games ever made

It started with making skins with the same theme for different champions. Everything after that was just going downhill

>He’s engaging early
>level 3 gank meme
>probably fucks up wave manipulation
>in a day and age where pyke, lux, velkoz, xerath and brand are fucking supports
I play league, so you only play aram?

>he was garbage gameplay wise
>always been a mechanical spider
t. doesnt know what the fuck he's talking about. urgot was a disgusting flesh abomination retrofitted with mechanical parts because he could barely fucking move or breath after his resurrection. new urgot is a buff guy with big ECKS DEE SHOTGUN KNEES

Attached: i'm jarvan i'm helping.webm (1280x720, 1.23M)

>respecting the theme
>went from artisan of war using runeterra as his canvas to edgy miserable slave memelord

Any game with non clunky movement that makes boomers onions from the Warcraft 3 days.
>but it’s such in depth game play
Yeah, point and click abilities everywhere, valve balancing, woah you can’t recall but DUDE you just bought a courier! So based! And you have to take turns buying items, ya zoomers would never understand. I swear dota fags are the melee fags of assfaggots.

Every champion with a playrate over 2% across a ten patch period deserves to be removed form the game. You shouldnt go just for being fotm, but if youre a champion that a significant chunk of the community mains its probably because your mechanics are toxic to gameplay.

Not saying much when both games are at a low point.

2% is fine, the issue is that there's constantly 15 champions with play rates like this so if you dont ban them you'll see them every other game

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Actual dota invented things like courier to get around the problems of item collection in wc3 engine. Dota3 kept it around because theyre afraid of any game design thats isnt just numbers changes.

Old urgot was a mess,
yes his W and Q had a range capabilities
but his E and R was melee tank based skills.
Even his build was manamune into triniti into full on tank he was always a bruiser but since bruisers shouldnt be able to fight from a range longer than marksmans he got reworked into mid to close range

This is why riven is always a good ban if you catch the riven play odds are they cant play anything else. It's always noticeabe too.

>urgot was a disgusting flesh abomination retrofitted with mechanical parts because he could barely fucking move or breath after his resurrection.
>h-he just happen to have mechanical parts that made him look like a mechanical spider which was the thing most people were remembering from him but that doesn't count
ok otp retard

what champ are you even talking about

>low elo mad his champ has more counterplay

*It's better than dota 2

Urgots W was a personal shield and his E was a grenade with something like 1000 range.

>reddit discord and facebook invade Yea Forums
>loves lel now

>he was always a bruiser
>literally only ever saw fringe competitive relevance as a super long range safe adc with a targetted channeled stun if you got jumped on
Do you even play the game or do you just like to spout random bullshit?

Old Urgot was based and lane-pilled
>No farming allowed

>Can't even recognize swain from description
Why should I even take anything else you wrote seriously?

haha yeah man he wasnt a fleshy disgusting abomination at all, its not like all of his skins barring battlecast accentuated his ugliness like how he barely fucking resembled a human and had literal fucking stitches holding his flesh together but yeah XD legs!

>forgot why ap master yi was removed
>all these fags talking about old nunu like he was the shit
>most old fags that talk about league always talk about based boy champs, that are really brain dead toggle/point and click retards.

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not really

Yea Forums only stopped liking league after thr competitive changes made it shit to watch. We had regular tournament threads back when it was wcg iem and worlds, without this shitty 5 game a week 40 weeks a year garbage.

>mid to close range
nurgots auto attack range is lower than melee kled. he's just a generic fucking bruiser now and his identity as a long range poke champ was gutted

baesd and sneedpilled fellow channer!

I just miss locking on to people with tank gragas and shoving my fat face into them every 3.2 seconds until they eventually expired.

>went from noxus general to noxus general

>otp still asshurt his braindead adc pantheon is not part of the game anymore

Honestly Urgot's development history is literally a laundry list of Riot being inept shit-tier developers.

>Hey guys check out this new melee range bruiser champ we made!
>All of his attacks are ranged and he's made out of wet tissue, but he hits like a fucking semi.
>What, why are you using him as a long range AD nukebeast? Fuck you, we nerfed his damage play him right.
>We said stop that, play him the way we want, we nerfed his range AND damage stop having fun!
>You know what, fuck you all, here, we completely remade him so you can't do it anymore, so there!

Is there still any long range bruiser left in the game?

this game went to shit when designers started to think:
>can yasuo, riven, and lee dodge this skillshot? yes? then its fair enough, ship it.
fuck these 3-4 dashes per 5 second characters and fuck the people playing them and fuck riot for balancing the game around these characters.

there is no longer a champion that fills the disgusting abomination character archetype
there is no longer a long range lock on artillery kit
there is no longer a swaparoo ultimate
instead EX

Attached: EYE OF THE CRABGON.webm (1152x720, 1.99M)

GP has his stupid fucking barrels now

Gragas I can excuse, new big boy gragas players use electrocute. Then they q into place, r their enemy into the q, or he e’s then into the q this popping electrocute. What did old swain do? He used rylyze pops his r and laughs at you.

>what champ are you even talking about
ofc you dont know what each champ's themes were, then you claim they respect their theme. genuinely kys you aderall monkey

Attached: 2019-07-14 15_43_29-The Aatrox rework wasn’t for his fans, but the rest of us - The Rift Herald.pn (748x276, 261K)

>auto attack range is lower than melee kled
Urgot's range: 350
Kled's: 125
Notably, Urgot also has a 450 range aoe blast on his passive that can trigger multiple times in a fight and a 2500 range ultimate

>what if we gave aatrox an aoe knockup that could crit and heals him that he can dash while casting? that sounds fair and balanced

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>duuur I miss lashing q
You can do that now, except you have to aim where it goes you invilid. You want a better long ranged bruiser? Play Jayce or Gnar.

actually its 250. yes i was still wrong but thats not exactly a big fucking difference

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Nothing, the game is a fucking decade old at this point and still reasonably popular. Even WoW lost 70% of it’s playerbase at that point, make that 95% recently.

daily fucking reminder the q was only lockon if you landed the fucking e, which was a skillshot
>playable in current patch
sincerely kill yourself

No they wholesale removed his q, the most interedting part of his kit, and "replaced" it with his e without the dot.

I played it somewhat recently, gave it 100 hours. It was fun for about half of them, especially when I completely carried the game with Darius but I hated playing for about half of the time. The majority of players are annoying and childish, you have to play a bunch before you're able to play ranked which I hated since I wanted to play ranked, also champions are annoyingly expensive and take a lot of time to unlock. The re-design feels soulless and after the hours I put into it it became really repetitive. Fucking everyone is a meta fag too, fuck off.

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Gnar is a shitty adc that turns into the worst tank in the game if he deals too much damage.
Jayce is a adc without a real ulti.

>tfw I have a crystal scar icon from playing dominion as often as I did

>Fewer than 0.5% of players actively play Dominion and we’re aware some number of even that small population is still bots.


Also the fact that nobody played dominion shows how autistic and pleb the playerbase is. Shit was fun.

Yeah the "all character attacks must be avoidable" garbage killed the game in the end and resulted in Nu LoL where in order to make anyone actually die they have to make every character have a setup skillshot that will result in a kill even on "tanks"

honestly this

shit was stupid, king of the hill with 5 fucking hills and no meta because no one played it because it was stupid as fuck dude.

They’re literally testing out removing his revive on the PBE. Good riddance.

>he can’t play fucking gnar
Imagine being a shitter not being able to play THE easier top pane in the game, next to garden ofcourse.
>lock on
His new ult is more interesting, lock on is for apes a simple reset on hit Munro q would be cool (if it went through minions). If you wanna mash buttons for “interesting gameplay” you know Mundo is still in the game..

>no meta
Confirmed 1000 elo queueing with bots

Oh boy, then literally no aspect of the original character design will remain and I can just pretend they wholesale removed him from the game.

>all of these different modes that actually make the game more enjoyable scrapped to cash in on fucking auto chess and esports
>riot said if they had a time machine twisted treeline wouldve been an rgm too
oh you're an esl. go back to fucking brazil monkey you aren't wanted here
and gnars winrate is dogshit right now

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>there is no longer a long range lock on artillery kit
and that's a good thing

>there is no longer a swaparoo ultimate
>I can't insec
beside the ult was so fucking useless using it like it was designed to was a death sentence for urgot, most of the time it was pretty much used as a cc spell

you're confusing lore for theme which is understandable given your one trick pony retardation. Beside to answer the pic you posted, the popularity of aatrox went from

Hey what did old Urgot's E do? I must be misremembering, can you exppain it to me?

Please elaborate on how "Turning into a giant bird" matches Swain's "Theme" of being a "Noxian General".

>a death sentence for urgot
yeah that explains the 50% damage reduction and fear it gave (granted the fear was added later) in addition to his 15% damage reduction passive
t. didn't play the fucking game
it was an armor shred dot aoe skillshot. if you hit someone with it your q would lock on for as long as the dot was on

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I’m not sure I’d call Gnar an adc, but you’re right about his transformation. The Mega-Gnar occurs at the worst time and suck except for his ult. Cooldowns are way too long.

That's only when he's dismounted, and he needs it because being dismounted has several drawbacks. It's also disingenuous to compare different champions like that because they work differently and have different kits and power budgets. Kled has entirely single target damage while Urgot has a lot of aoe and is a lot longer range without even his auto attack range.

Yasuo and Pyke

>all for one and snowdown showdown exist ONCE
>could make custom gamemodes, played all for one 10 lux's on aram
>release a new client
>"heh sorry new client cant support 90% of the features of the old one and bugs breaks constantly but look how pretty it is"
every step "forward" this company takes is actually 20 steps back

mad redditoid

>What went fucking wrong?
It doesn't matter how big the playerbase is, it doesnt matter how much money they make you, never EVER let koreans and chinese influence your game design.

>still trying to imply they kept anything from aatrox's theme other than being red
>unironically implying popular=good

nutrox's pickrate went even lower than oldtrox's pickrate the instant it stopped being a freelo retardproof champ. people only play it because of how fucking overpowered it is. god, nu lol players are retarded

Oh okay so his q required you to hit a skillshot first for it to lock on cool. Please explain how that makes it uninteracgive again? You seem to be contradicting yourself. Are skillshots good or bad?

Nothing. It was never good.

Other than what the others user said, too many champs with easy ways out.

i'm not the person saying urgot wasnt interactive, i was just explaining what his e did because the other person thought it wasnt interactive

Yasuo is Yasuo.

But holy shit, Pyke is ridiculous. That ult is fucking stupid. Good luck winning an ARAM with him on the enemy team.

>yeah that explains the 50% damage reduction and fear it gave (granted the fear was added later) in addition to his 15% damage reduction passive
>65% temporary damage reduction means a lot when you're in the middle of the entire ennemy team as a caster with no built in survivability and mobility
want me to tell you how i know you're low elo

I hate this piece of shit game and I hate that I wasted so much time and money on it and I know exactly what's wrong with it but every argument I see on Yea Forums about it is completely retarded and erroneous and it's very obviously from people who either didn't play it or have no idea what they're talking about or any idea about game design.

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factually false, the pick rate for old aatrox was insignificant that there werent enough data to draw statistics in diamond+, new aatrox spawned a massive amount of otps and enthusiasts that plays him because they enjoyed his kit, even when he was shit his pick rate was still 2 times higher than the average top lane champion pick rate

i know diamond isnt exactly impressive and i'm very much hardstuck (for a number of reasons) but i know for god damned fucking sure that old urgots ult did a lot fucking more than you think it did, ESPECIALLY with the aoe fear added.

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His entire rage gimmick should be reworked to be like shyvana's.

because these nutella addicted ADD faggots simply dont understand that fight starts before the engage. these people only can comprehend the fight as interactive when they start spamming their skills on eachother. if you outskill them before that, they will cry toxic no counterplay uninteractive

I mean I hate Yasuo, because it's character that basically makes you spectator for the whole lanning phase, since he keeps spaming his faggot ass wind walls and you can't do shit as ranged character most of the time. But Pyke is honestly what made me stop playing this shit, I mean how can support character be played on mid and get so fed by a team so much that he can Insta kill you as adc or any other squishy character with ult when you have 70-80% of hp

>factually false, the pick rate for old aatrox was insignificant that there werent enough data to draw statistics in diamond+

this LITERALLY never happened, aatrox wasnt even in the top 5 least played champs, if you make the claim that it was like that at one point, the burden of proof is on you.

daily reminder that literally two patches before aatrox's official rework they gave him some buffs that made him not only viable but meta and then went ahead with the rework anyway. riot has NO fucking idea what theyre doing

There's nothing wrong with league. It just gets shitposted to hell and back by dotards because they're coping with their dead game

Dead AND clunky game

ARAM is the only fun mode.

change my mind (don't actually, i don't care about your opinions)

Post which login themes you anons think are the best

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everything, they removed a fucking mode because only 500k people play it, is this a fucking joke? Also too much focus on just some champs, the rest are in trash. Let retards like CertanlyT to make broken champs like Yasuo/Akali/Zoe. Focus more on garbage Esports and balance everything around it, because muh esport. Add new mods just for couple of weeks and after they are gone, so many fucking problems, but riot are retards and they will never fix them.

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Take it from a guy who first started playing around 2011 or 2012, the game has severely downgraded when it started focusing on e-sports, I remember legit playing 2-1-2 with no jungler, the forced meta now is 1-1-2 with jungler and maybe an assassin instead of mage on mid if you want freezy kills, like zed or yasuo or just whatever flavor of the decade character has a ton get away scot free cards
When chinks bought the game all it led to was karthus being reworked into a living corpse and some chinese splash-art being moved to the main game, which led to skin splash-arts that were way more rad than the skins themselves actually were
Remember how Thresh can give anyone a get away scot free card in case they fucked up or got ganked, invalidating a punishment or tactic?
Remember how they released several cutesy champions like Zoe and the chameleon and the cat for absolutely no reason and they all have the fucking pixar look
In the past the distribution of characters across factions was okay but lately they've had a boner for Shurima (and anywhere near Shurima) and Targon, outright retconning some characters
>Jax (Icathia)
>Icathia is the entry point for every void character
>Kai'sa (Icathia)
>Kassadin (Icathia)
>Malzahar (Icathia)
>Aurelion Sol
>Kayle and Morgana (IIRC)
I didn't play the game since Sylas was in beta testing so I might be spotty
New client is uselessly fancy, they don't put a lot of gamemodes in rotation because they want to keep it limited, but URF is a special case because the burnout caused after URF is disabled makes a lot more players leave

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Ahem *ting ting ting* play Smite

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i'd rather play paragon, it has actual graphics
i'm still mad

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>designed such that overloaded kits will always beat basic ones


something tells me you've never faced a Nasus,Garen(villain passive), Mordekaiser or semi-competent Tryndamere before.

linear champs will actually dump convoluted champs in most situations.Riot makes sure linear champions have enough power that they can brute force wins anyway so long as they arent too far behind. Mundo,Trundle,Rammus and Jax just have such good numbers going for them that you wont win no matter how well you play in a straight up 1v1

>everyone got free wards
>purchasable wards removed
>whole team locked in spawn at start of the game instead of being able to leave freely
>retarded jungle minigames
>dragon gives random effects instead of just gold
>rift herald
>potions removed
>"toxicity" rules
none of these changes were good

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Smite has better gameplay, and waifus and isn’t dead

>In the past the distribution of characters across factions was okay
It massively favored demacia, then ionia, then noxus, then freljord, then piltover.


>has better gameplay
maybe if you're only counting late monolith. early paragon and the first patch of monolith were fucking GOAT

>jungle mini games
Like what? Killing mobs?
>not being allowed out of spawn
It’s not that long and it’s so people are ready to begin at the same time.
Potions are still in the game, rift Gerald is an early incentive objective and each dragon has a specific buff the spawn of dragon besides elder is random you dumb cuck.

>>whole team locked in spawn at start of the game instead of being able to leave freely
Good cause who actually bothered to be punctual for when the loading screen finished? Most without a second screen probably just tapped out and even the ones with two monitors didn't care too much most of the time.

fuck, i miss late 2000s/early 10s internet

1. New champions with overloaded kits
2. Too much mobility
3. Too much damage
Which resulted in the death of any kind of strategy, teamfights do not exist any longer. Lol is closer to a pubg than an actual moba nowadays.

1. Horrible jungle changes (addition of useless elements)
2. Dragon not giving gold but buffs has been a disaster

Finally, honorable mention: the completely irrational, beyond terrible reworks of good old champions with a small but loyal fanbase. These reworks were never rational nor needed, they simply deliberatelty demolished champions that do not promote pubg style gameplay. Remember anivia?

T. S2-s5 anivia main

I going off of what I can play now, I played some ghost cowboy in paragon and it just felt weird. Smite just feels like WoW pvp but will less toolbar shit and more fundamental skills.

>revenant patch
so you only got to experience it after it was ruined. i'm so sorry user

>Anivia main
So you didn’t play the game at all

You're right, but the game is now filled with people that these kind of changes pander to.

I’m not, I doubt if I played on a specific autistic date that got you all baseded up, would make me change my mind

>jungle mini games
the stupid plants and crabs
the game was much better before them

>he didn't play league in .107

the revenant patch ruined items half the kits in the game and made farming piss baby mode easy. they also removed shit like momentum around then too so jumping made you slower


Take me the fuck back bros

RiotGames slapped Korean MMO level grind on a copy-paste Dota.
Then China bought it and turn it into a gachabox copy-paste of Dota.

It is also quite hilarious how much they coddled the fuck out of individual players so hard that there is no semblance of team strategy any more. Just blogs of units that play blob minigames once they are done PvEing.

>blast cone and vision plant
Dude, you can just break them. As for crab that’s for junglers so they don’t fall behind compared to actual laners. You guys are retarded or just looking through rose tinted glasses.

In smite jumping is cosmetic and silences you, so I don’t care. I don’t want to play an arena shooter.

>make shoddily programmed game of a ppular mod
>get lucky and it's a huge fucking hit
>cosmetic microtransaction system allows for insane profits for minimal effort
>smart developer businessman: "Hey, we should get a reasonably sized team together to update the software while we're pumping out these skins. While they're doing that, we should come up with our next game idea so that we can move developers off the project onto new ones and put League in sustainment until its lifecycle is over."
>Riot: "We should hire like 4,000 of our closest friends who aren't developers, keep scrapping and restarting projects, and pray that people never get tired of our breakout hit."

Not him but Darius is cancer against meeles so shut the fuck up nigga

you couldnt use moves with cast times while jumping in paragon either, only instant cast moves. paragon was just a moba with verticality

As an old aatrox main, expereicing his rework shows how much riot really cared about the aatrox mains and players:
I even tried my hardest to build AA aatrox again bros, it hurts
He's just male-riven with better team fighting.

Was a support tank main for years. The mastery and crazy damage changes made me switch to adc. Fuck this game really.

after riot butcherd aatrox for competitive play, that was like the last strike i had for league, i came back to play this season since it'll soon hit its 10th anniversary, having played the game since it release. But idk these changes in Riot and their balancing, really makes the game not fun anymore.

at least you can still do manamune on urgot even if its not the same and makes you useless until you get it

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i quit during tank meta.
it was insane when that shit meta started. i was like OH im sure there will be a hotfix in a few day max!
but that shit lasted over a year. what a degenerate company riot games is. and now you have the same shit but with burst die in 0.5 sec garbage. i literally regrett all the nerves i have grinded away on this shit game. never going back.

the rework was such a hackjob yet people dont care because "he was unpopular anyways". It genuinely fucking hurts.

they literally lost 700 million dollars in revenue last year.

i hate the fucking "unpopular = bad" argument that everyone uses for every context for every video game, league or not
i remember people always giving me shit for playing old poppy jungle and then shitting their pants when i hard carried every game. but yeah gotta replace her with haha fucking funny meme XD blonde hope im da hero hammer so egirls buy more skins and shes picked more often

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Nothing, it is still fun.

tencent was not happy with the numbers so now they are very desperate to get and keep casuals into the game. this is why lategame doesnt exist anymore, you can surr at 15 and evrything dies in 0.5 sec.
just get over with the shitty game so next time you can be on the winning side.

this game is a masochism exchange simulator that is training you to get cuckoled.
unironically. just look at the employees at riot games.

if only dota wasnt so fkn ulgy aesthetics wise i would have totally jumped into it.

Riot removed late game because chinese players and their long sweatshop work hours didn't give enough time to play more than 2 or 3 games a night. Now chinkoids can play 4-5 since the game is over after 10 minutes.

Odyssey was removed because it was a game mode tied to an event though. Of course when the event ends the game mode would too.

>overloaded kits, super mobility and cheesy abilities
>remade every old character and removed nostalgia
>forced metas


>trist braum and GP in solo Q

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Urgot was actually meta in pro play just before his rework. Aatrox too. Of course, they got gutted to artificially reduce their play time in tournaments to "justify" the coming rework.

Didn't even work for Aatrox, who kept on getting picked by pro teams until the rework changed him and they were forced to stop plaing him.

>He can’t carry with gankplank
freelo faggot

>this game is a masochism exchange simulator that is training you to get cuckoled.
100% agree with this.

its a shame so few people knew how good urgot was once they added thunderlords and the fear on his ult. he couldve avoided the rework entirely if people actually looked at him sooner

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DotA actually has a healthy meta.

When was the last time every LoL character was picked at a major event?

>he play in gold/platin

pretty sure this literally never happened in past 6 years or so, probably longer

Riot killed strategy in season 3/4.
Then they killed tactics in season 5/6.
Then they killed any reason to bother playing this hot garbage in 7/8.

>illaio stuck under turret farming minions
>half hp jungler rushes in like a stupid nigger
fucking hell when this happens it's just best to afk farm the rest of the game I guess

I understand your sentiment, but poopy jungle's still good

It went from "simplified strategy game" to "simplified fighting game". You can tell by the fact that everybody is just playing Yasuo, Riven, Zed, Talon or other assassins. Instead of "who can play the map better" it turned into "who can press his buttons better".
This got only more enforced by the "streamer culture" over the past years, where every streamer keeps saying "you have to 1v9 or you wont climb", which ironically lead to an influx of "0-12" yasuo cunts who think they are the carry.

Did LoL ever have soul?

riot is fucking retarded and removed the game modes because they're "not popular" enough. riot forgets that their main game mode is fucking 5v5 summoners rift, so of course that shit is going to have the most players. the reason they removed nexus blitz from a permanent mode was because once everyone had burnt out on missions they went back to the main game mode. nexus blitz is the best game mode they've made in years. i am mad they removed it.

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reasons why KD/A was a thing, who do you think that panders to
>koreaboos, weebs, chinks

absolutely, early lore and designs were soul incarnate, even though kits were stolen from dota

Everyone who wasn't around for it shits on it, but AoE/CC meta was a thing of dreams.

It had soul up until Camille's release. Everything after that has been soulless.

Earlier, Thresh was the beginning of soul extraction when they started designing by committee. A champion that was literally 2.5 supports in 1.

>It had soul up until Camille's release.
You misspelled Renekton

The bilgewater event, Tahm Kench, Kled, Jhin and Shurima event were massively soulful, though. It's only after Camille that designs went completely down the gutter in every way, as well as the new lore.

it did before 2014

god i remember how busted she was on release and for a while, she still is but god fucking damn it evry champion now has to have a gimmick......they need a new right click champ there is no harm in that.

What was wrong with Swain that they had to fucking rework him?

Nothing, they just really needed to cash in on GoT hype as soon as possible and had other champion releases slotted already

>Got hype

Game of Thrones was hot shit before the final season made everyone realize it was just actual shit and Riot made Swain into their own version of Tywin (and made a got actor voice him)

of course, but not anymore, they now suck the cooks of chinks/ reddit etc.

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No, just shallow as fuck popculture references.

Honestly it's one of the most toxic gaming communities there is. Every game of 5v5 has at least two people on each team who pretty much ruin the chat for everyone else. Unless you have four other friends who you can play with every day and talk through discord, the game is more annoying than fun.


Yes, rotting troll martyr is the same as sexy ice troll king.

Unironically, if you're good, you'll go through gold and plat really fast, barring a few int games. It should take 30 game for you to hit diamond.

Qiyana a cute

Lane swaps, counter picks, itemization, when to push or attract attention, any sort of rotation (not just jungle), when to roam and where, ward placement / avoidance all come to mind.

Listening to forums/reddit too much early on when it comes to balance. If reddit bitched about something long enough it got nerfed. Also having a forced meta of 1-1-1-2 instead of letting shit work itself out naturally makes it boring.

It was fun like 8 years ago but its been shit a long time now.

I loved old Trundle but everyone gets this one wrong. He didn't sacrifice himself out of the goodness of his heart, he did it to be accepted, and he still wasn't. The summoners then told them that the ritual that cured them also removed their regeneration abilities and that they were going to die off completely without them, and offered to reverse the ritual and his curse. He declined and doomed them in the end.

I agree, but Riot's been fucking over the lore for years now. What is canon one day is changed the next.

Also they've stated before that they want to keep the lore and game separate - somehow.

>Listening to forums/reddit too much early on when it comes to balance.
This. The forums and reddit are a fucking mess.

Ok, you got me there -- it's been a bit. It's still not remotely the same theme. He used to have such a good story and they just gutted it to fight some ice folk.

I agree. I actually liked new Trundle a lot too and still do, and I was hoping they'd do something with the new lore like they promised, but they never did. All he got was a small cameo in Ryze's shitty cinematic.

Yasuo was the beginning of the end.

J4 should not have fought Fizz inside of that minion wave. When he QE'd he should've dropped aggro with the bush and then resumed the fight.

I still enjoy his kit, maybe even more -- but I wouldn't hold your breath about getting more Trundle lore until they either decide to rework him again (speaking of Ryze) or add more Frejord people.

thats the point of the post. first blood will always happen before 6 because 95% of the people that play this game are brain damaged

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>underwhelming kit
>has seen vast competitive success in the correct meta with his old kit
>new one has done nothing competitively

This is it for me, right here.
The immediate destruction of any meta that isn't "tf mid" is what makes this game suck.
Everything else wrong with the game were because of or in response to players trying to invent new ways to subvert the standard prescribed meta.

for me its them updating the game way too much, killing old characters i loved and the game being balanced by 10 year olds with a clear bias for certain characters and playstyle's.

So fucking true, they just want to fight and fight and fight. I shouldn't be able to get first blood by roaming top in 95% of my games just because they're level 3 fighting.


Yep I remember telling my friends and they all looked at me weird.

Nah, it's pretty great, imo.

Seems like the logins are just lazy now. Just a splash with some effects thrown in and no real thought given to the music.

all the music budget goes towards events/worlds now

overdesigned champion power creep
forced meta

Yeah until season 3. It was just zombie by season 6.

Seasons 1-3

Overwatch has better porn


The change was made not because people were afk and didn't care, but because a lot of people's games only started after like 12 seconds, so they were at a disadvantage. The homeguard buff makes it so you reach the same place in the same time so I don't see a reason to bitch about this change.

This, powercreeped forced meta, China-centric updates, and no new content

Push r and walk around people is lame grandpa

Both looks terrible. What the fuck are those proportions.

That it took too long for people to realize a cheap knockoff of a WC3 mod isn't fun.

Keep in mind the game has been in a steady decline since 2013 and the NA server is full of non english speakers

zoomers have grown too autistic to play demanding games like mobas anymore. League games take way too long. Battle royales take minutes while auto chess doesn't require much input and you follow a spreadsheet so even retards can play it.

The few loyal players are getting tired of the constant shifting balance and excess powercreep from new and reworked champions. For me, the NA server is filled with too many shitty gooks and chinks. I got permabanned with all champions and over 70 skins about 6 months ago and I don't regret it

The early art was heavily inspired by warcraft 3 and that's why colors were very bright and the proportions were really exaggerated. Now everything is generic dull anime trash.

Nexus Blitz was fun as hell
I'm mad too anons

My main problem with League is that I can never tell what the fuck is going on.
In Dota I can, because every spell has a very specific sound, and the cast animations are easy to tell.
For instance if I see Bane begin to throw his arms up I know he's casting Fiend's Grip.
But in League, the spells come out instantly, sometimes with no animation. So a teamfight lasts about 3 seconds in total, and it's a mess of lights and sparkles.

>Nexus Blitz was fun as hell
Yeah I loved going AP maokai and basically auto winning if my team had a brain.

Im convinced league babs are the biggest cucks in gaming, every day you hear about one of them getting banned, and I can't imagine how many league faggots got their accounts with hundreds of dollars in skins permabanned for stupid shit like trying an off meta strategy.

if it was me i'd sue the fuck out of riot for not refunding me after each ban.

too many fucking blinks/dodges/jumps
i dont understand how people can tolerate this horseshit
>enemy fucks up their positioning
>lol let me just jump to safety
absolute trash game

These threads are basically same people complaining like old men yelling at clouds. Heh.
Anyone here tried TFTA. It is pretty fun.

Season 1 and 2. Maybe 3.
S3 was the end of a fun league for me, But I still play it

I mean, you can not really get banned for going off meta. You can get banned if you bring quality of the games down constantly. And even those are rare.

My permaban was justified.
I was playing on a Saturday afternoon. First game I had a chink that spoke in broken english to gank for him from level 2 and there on. He played Talon. Fed 1v1 vs. a fucking Ezreal mid.
Second game another shitty chink feeds his ass off spouting american racist comments in his own language knowing he won't get banned because only white people can be racist and can't read chink.
Had enough of the game and went crazy in /all chat. Getting permabanned means there's no chance you'll redownload the game again once you uninstall. Good fucking riddance.

You definitely can, Riot employees have gone on record saying you can get banned if you employ strategies your teammates don't like and only backed down when it happened to a streamer. It still happens today but most people that play Lol are kowed into playing the meta.

/mute all at start

You can get banned for anything in league.

ex rioter here, they give the CM Rioters the ability to liberally swing the banhammer around to promote people buying and maintaining as many accounts as possible because it looks better to investment.

>get banned for not playing the meta

muting everyone won't get rid of all the chink and gook "boosters" from the North American server.
Also I like the social aspect of League. Being able to trash talk players (mostly in a friendly way) the probably the best part of playing the game.

A couple of weeks ago I felt like playing LoL again, I hadn't played since like 2012 and I didn't remember my account so I made a new one and holy shit I don't think I saw a player who was actually a beginner in the like 20 games I played. Literally everyone in low level games is a shitter who's stuck in silver league on their main account and wants to play against beginners to feel good, but since no one's actually getting into LoL for the first time in 2019 the entire low level playfield is populated exclusively by smurfs. There's no way this game won't die as people keep losing interest and no new players come in to replace them.

>for the first time in 2019 the entire low level playfield is populated exclusively by smurfs.
It's been like this for about 4 years

Honestly nothing except inner-company bullshit that wasn't part of the game. It's more fun now than in the past several years

Honestly I've had a ton of fun playing the game on and off for a few months now. I played quite a bit back in season 3 or something and and I think I made it to gold IV then and the community seems way less toxic than it used to, probably because you can queue with the role you want to play or have to learned to play as. It used to be first come first serve and holy shit the crying while picking was just a huge pain as opposed to now. Granted, I suck hard ass at the game and am currently Bronze I. I do kind of see what some of you have been saying about the game being over really quickly. One early double kill in my bot lane (kill or be killed) can pretty much cement the killers as the winning team unless their top and mid feed their asses off. Tbh the game is pretty fun as a casual shitter with no ambitions this season getting beyond silver III. At least more fun than it used to be. Also, no Smurfs! God I love that I see hardly any! In CS:GO now that I'm LE I had to switch playing to Faceit because half the games (or more than half) were decided by who got the Smurf/better Smurf. Nonna that in League, or at least I've yet to see hardly any that just go 1v9 and serve the whole game.

I meant that as in "since no one's actually getting into LoL for the first time in 2019, the entire low level playfield is populated exclusively by smurfs". I'm sure that 4 years ago there were plenty of new people getting into the game, but I feel like now the only people who even remember the game exists are the ones who used to play it or have been playing for years.

got too big

I think I quit playing a year ago and every single game on my level 20 account was against level 30's with thousands of hours.

Riot has always been shit.

ARAB was better until they killed it with ARAM matchmaking.

You are forgetting this had Guinsoo and Pendragon at the helm from pretty much day 1 and they are both incompetent faggots so it made sense they hired more friends.
Their lucky break was selling the game to the chink.

Funny everyone stopped playing once the one shot meta was getting big. Now they can't get people back into it due to fortnite.

True damage was a mistake and made everyone that used it way too powerful. What the fuck riot.

Removing old voice actors made it pretty shit for me


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I hate how they made Sona look like a busted up 50 year old because apparently she looked too young.


The game is balanced but not as fun because the changes since s5 got shittier as time went on. most people are just shit average players who get stuck in gold with 600+ games per season and so they complain about the meta or team mates

right here

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