Age of Wonders 3 is free

It's free, you can literary just download it and see for yourself. To answer your question, it's a solid game, though I don't know how it compares to its predecessors as I haven't played them. I spent almost a year playing through the campaign, scenarios and random maps (the maps can be randomly generated, just like in Heroes III) before dropping it, so you're at least getting a few hundred hours of fun from it. Also, it's fucking free.

Paradox does the same thing with every game they put out. Never buy a Paradox game until the sequel comes out. That way you can buy the old one with over $100 in DLC for like $20.

Haven't tried AoW3, but Master of Magic > AoW2

>Problem is it's just a hook to get you to buy the DLC.
Good thing I can pirate it then like with CK2

ey ey ey time is money, user.
But seriously it's installing right now and I mainly made this thread just so other anons wouldn't miss getting free games

i will stay for potential discussion

>i will stay for potential discussion
My man, Yea Forums is not a place for discussion, just shitposting done by underage retards and /pol/tards looking to indoctrinate those underage retards into following their ideology.

Pretty sure threads dying, hoping some anons got the game though.
t. OP

>Is the Vanilla game good enough?
Its a combat only game. There's no 4X dynamic, its purely about building an army, moving it, and fighting. Expanding and developing cities is very short and basic.
The combat system is very good, the hero building is fun. It feels good to build your hero up, it feels great to get that new unit. Balance is alright.
In multiplayer, there are NO SIMULTANEOUS TURNS. When one person is fighting (and its combat like in Heroes of Might&Magic, rather than combat like in Civilization), the other person has to wait. There can be multiple fights per turn. Fights can last 10 minutes or more. This game gave me appreciation as to why Mount&Blade doesn't have co-op multiplayer with the strategic map.

tl;dr good HoMM style game, modern and good looking, well made, easy 50 hours in singleplayer if you are a fan

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Played it on release and enjoyed it. Well except for end game tier 3 spam.