Why is this game so niche? It’s too much fun to not talk about

Why is this game so niche? It’s too much fun to not talk about

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I have no idea, you would think an easy to pick up MP game like this would be more popular but its one of the deadest things on Steam

is this the game from the creators of jsr?

No but one of the tracks is

I got the switch port yesterday. from what I've seen so far it runs like ass in handheld but seems fine in docked. maybe that's just a placebo thing though I dunno, not like I was trying to eye exactly how many frames it was doing or some shit.

the devs have said that they're working on an optimization update for the switch

No but one of the tracks in the game was made by the guy who made jsrf ost

It came out at the honestly worst time possible
It got completely overshadowed by smash ultimate hype and never recovered.

For me it’s the elevator stage and the first second of a match that has slowdown, everything else has been fine, surprisingly online as well

It's fun for a little while but I just got into other games. Latch for best

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Overshadowed by smash. Not enough content for casuals. Games like these only last when people want to get gud.

My nigga

I found the game lacking in content. Unless your playing with other people and even then I find the game lacking.

Would've been cool to get target test maps.

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Personally I think the game needed an extra gimmick to give it more depth. Though at least it wasn't the bullshit that was the first game.

I played this when it first came out, but i ended up getting into sonic robo blast 2 kart instead

It made me realize how much a multiplayer game having chat actually adds to the longterm fun of it. The game's fun, but only being able to interact with 4 emotes pretty much just makes other players feel like high skill bots.

Plus, the game is so straight foward most of the time that you get everything out of it pretty quick, unless you are in it for the high end competitive scene.

>why is it so niche?
there's a surprising degree of precision. it kind of blew my mind when they introduced pivots.

But they already added the catch throw gimmick

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or another game mode
yea there isn't a lot of depth to the game and being able to grab the ball didn't add much depth to either.

I really think this games needs other kinds of game modes.

And realistically speaking how much did that add to the game?

watching some gameplay i have an extremely hard time believing that it's possible to control the ball to an extent that it ever feels like you're really in control of the outcome of a match.

You can if you have a basic understanding of pattern predicting

Jet mains smell

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Jet is for trannies
Switch chads report in

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Unless you play random in ranked, i have no respect for you

I'm a Raptorfriend myself but I respect you.

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Console version doesn't have online 1v1

Are you fuckin serious

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You can only play 1v1 with friends but not with random opponents

I hope this is because switch online is retarted and not the devs

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Has there been any confirmation yet on a physical release? All I know is that there's a Japan-exclusive one later in the year.


Quite a bit. You can steal the ball from someone that is parrying.

My friends all got sick of me dunking on them so they dropped it.

How is muh bro, Candyman?

this game is so damn great, bought it on sale and was pleasantly surprised
i know what you mean, when the ball is going fast enough i never feel the need to parry or catch. it always seems the most beneficial to just hit it

bunts let you set up for an ideal hit

All MP games are dead on Steam. There are more developers than there are quality human beings who actually enjoy playing video games.

Just like all pc fighting games after a few months the game just dies