Why Is tron(1986) the only good video game themed movie?

Why Is tron(1986) the only good video game themed movie?

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Hardcore Henry is p. litty

Last Starfighter was good.

I thought Smash-It-Sammy was pretty good
The sequel sucked though

That sequel was a fucking travesty, especially to the original.

no it isn't you slavnigger

Why were random programs forced to fight on the Grid? It's not like on Reboot where they're playing against users. MCP was just having them play cyber-lacrosse for no reason.

Ready player one is pretty ok

I kinda liked Tron Legacy

What the fuck was that sequel? It was like The Emoji Movie, just with the Disney flair.

But that Merida though.

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Because you haven't seen Existenz

yo tron legacy is pretty cool whats with the beef against it?

If you were a fully-fledged General AI, rather than a human being, and this was the way your sphere of control was presented to you, wouldn't you do the same kind of shit? I totally would.

Looking for nonironic answers and opinions here. Take your nonsense to tv thanks

Run Lola Run is really good. Not video game themed but takes the idea of having extra lives and makes it into a really good movie premise.

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im serious. what was wrong with it?

It's far too dependent on steadfast rules of color theory, and doesn't borrow the most effective and striking elements from the original. Those being the matte painting backgrounds onto which the actors were imposed and the deliberate choice to film in black and white, adding the color to the film as a "post processing" step. Everything in Legacy had to be either light blue or orange, no exceptions. The designs had to be cohesive and unified. The original Tron had the costumes follow a sort of class structure where characters who were representative of groups of related functions wore similar patterns, but not identical. Tron was a representation of an accumulated, iterated, gestalt entity, whereas Legacy was a representation of a cohesive and engineered whole. This is a fantastic representation of the change in the public perspective on computer science. Tron needed only technobabble, where Legacy required contrivances and concessions. Both are probably among The Walt Disney Company's finest live action films. Not a high honor, given the decrepitude of their competition for that distinction. I have no problem with Song of the South. but it fucks me up that they keep picking at the "good" pieces of it, while acting like they shuffled the whole thing off into a dark cellar never to be acknowledged again.

Personally,i feel like it was a cash grab pandering to nostalgic veiwers who liked the first movie. Only reason alotnof people saw it was because it had the tron logo. Otherwize it is just another hollywood blockbuster to ignore like the newer star trek movies.

I didn't really care for the original, though.

*blocks your path*

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Well,thats you then. Not sure what else to tell yah

Wreck It Ralph 1 was good.

Scott is such a pussy piece of shit how can anyone even stand going through that whole movie? I got as far as meeting his gay brother before quiting this trash.


>gay brother

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Because it wasn't based on anything that was real, so it didn't have to pander to any existing fandom.

Also, women in skin tight body suits.

There's a new one coming out staring the girl who played A;essa in the Silent Hill film

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Probably one of the best comic movie adaptations

Fair enough.

What about wreck it ralph

one of the first movies i ever saw, the light cycle scenes kinda scared me since i was just a baby, but its rad. legacy is all right too.

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Pretty sure it was his brother. Or maybe just his roommate idk.

It was my favorite movie, but the sequel was so bad that now I want to forget the whole thing ever existed.


Yes, it's pretty good.

I liked it too


I wonder if capcom regrets handing off monster hunter to a hack director now that it has exploded in popurality.

>Scott's a self-centered jackass
>get Michael Cera to play the usual beta scaredy faggot

because games are too big to condense into a movie they need tv shows to have a bit more space also tron uprising was good

Hell yes, motherfucker. Watched Videodrome and Existenz one after the other, and listened to the commentary for both.

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I don't understand either. I liked Tron and really liked Tron Legacy too. I understand certain hardcore Tron fans disliking it for throwing out prior canon the way Disney Star Wars did to the EU, and others dismissing it because of the obvious attempt at premature franchise-building, but I liked the movie itself a lot. It had neat ideas, a fun visual identity, and was just generally enjoyable. Wish we got the sequel.

Grandma's boy

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I listen to its OST to this day.

Maybe if you stopped taking those estrogen pills, you'd be able to control your emotions better.


The best video game styled movie, and one of the greatest action movies of all time.

Sequel isn't as good.

Attached: 2006-crank-6[1].jpg (400x569, 51K)

They are both masterpieces of cinema

This movie was very much like what it's like to play a challenging game.

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Sucker Punch was like boss fights with a shit story, I recommend watching them on youtube

I'd play the shit out of a platinum or something sucker punch styled boss rush game, like furi

Vanquish is simlair

Holy shit Avalon is my fucking jam

Inb4 jumanji reboot

It’s not it’s made a dude who is concered about 80s nostalgia by a dude who sucks 80s nostalgia. It’s a outdated 80s nostalgia with shoehorn modern pop culture elements not good vidya movie at all

I just love how it embrace video game powers so well

Fuck off Crank 2 is way better.

I don't get Tron
Its cool aesthetic wise but are you seriously telling me these guys play the same two games (light cycles and discs) throughout their existence and don't get bored?

Did you even see either of the films, tv series or play the 2.0?

First Mortal Kombat movie was ok.

Crank 1 is to Crank 2 as Saints Row 2 is to Saints Row 3/4. The first is crazy, but still at least somewhat grounded so the over-the-top parts feel like a real ramp up. The second bought too hard into its idea that everything has to be bigger and crazier, and it just feels tryhard and hollow.

Gamebox 1.0 has Topanga in it.

1 is absolute kino but 2 is like they didn't really want to make it so they just turned the absurdity up to 11. 2 is still great as a spectacle but 1 is a better actual film


>that month where everyone kept making threads about how "underrated" this movie was
Did some e-celeb suddenly endorse this thing?