Will it suck?

Will it suck?

Attached: 9616A586-F1EA-491C-B7B5-DE448BEF23BA.jpg (1280x720, 94K)


No, it'll blow.

You tell me, dude.

Attached: terrible.webm (1280x720, 1.13M)

Maybe if your not an high IQ interlecctual like me

>Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky leading

>Bug that can't be seen unless you slow video footage down to 0.25 speed

>leaving animation sync issues with low quality in a major trailer for your game shown off to millions

ebic for the win

Not even from a trailer lol

The animation looks fucking terrible too, and you'll see it and ones like it every time you kill something.

Looks like something out of New Vegas to me. Don't see the issue.

pls d-dont bully our game plsss, the things shown weren't in a scripted, specific trailer but just instead gameplay videos!!!

our lead devs need money to dilate their mutilated lopped off penis holes !!

yes, next question

>muh trannies
>Leonard Boyarsky and Tim Cain are trannies now
Lame shitposting

>Implying that guy even knows who those are

It's no surprise that the average shitposter obsessed with trannies is underage

no but tim is a FAGGOT

Attached: 1560917215771.png (1000x1000, 177K)

stop replying to yourself it's too obvious

of course
it's a game by womyn and trannies that obviously have no confidence in this shitshow actually selling since they sold out to chinks

>Doesn't even know how post timers work
Straight outta /pol/, my man?

Attached: firefox_2019-07-13_21-07-41.png (455x372, 174K)

it's ok man, your game will suck

I understand, it happens

>Hating on the creator of the original Fallout
How could we stoop this low?