Game has a dog as a companion

>game has a dog as a companion

Instant drop

Attached: anime-disgusted-face-gif-1.gif (540x376, 785K)

what is your fricking problem??

i want to get fucked by a dog too, user.

Dogs make you uncomfortable?

i can totally hear her say kimochiwarru

They're fucking useless that's my problem. With one exception. Fable 2.

Found the alien they are keeping in area 51 and we know why!

What? The dog companion is usually the best. Hell, I'd make a game where all your companions are dogs. I really hope this isn't a dogfuckers thread or I'm going to be really embarrassed.

>you can have sex with your companion

Attached: 1x.gif (28x27, 5K)

why is that?
i understand hating non combatants like children or some girl but most games ive seen use dogs as a part of the mechanic
what if it was a cat companion OP?

is a dogfuckers thread, user.

I always chose bear as my pet if I can.
Best companion.

whats with all the dog fucking threads lately?
are they the new /pol

Actually, cant argue against this. 95% of the time dog companions are just good as mules.

>game lets you be a dog
>game lets you make your entire party out of dogs
>no one except dogs understand you but tell you their problems anyway
>go around helping people as dogs

Attached: dog philosophy.png (1024x510, 69K)

They're useless.
I'd rather have a gang of delinquent Cassowaries Donny bidding

this is the first thread i see in a while, i don't know whar you're talking about.

Doing my *

Do you mean dogs are so bad you'd take even cassowaries or that you really wish you had game with cassowaries?

The first part. At least they could fuck shit up if need be.
Would you fuck with a guy with a gang of about 6-8 Cassowaries following him around?

therve been quite a few ive seen at least one a day
not that they all are explicitly about fucking dogs but it either is implied or the someone will lead up to it

this show was cute and great
also everytime I look at this bitch I'm reminded of that time an user found out that a nip was using a thread on Yea Forums to practice his english on stream and got himself raided