How's your empire going, Yea Forums? You play grand strategy, right?
How's your empire going, Yea Forums? You play grand strategy, right?
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hello inflation
r8 my gross persiums
I got HOI4 but I just can't seem to enjoy it anywhere near as much as EU4. I enjoy the production line mechanic as well as the general customization of divisions and armies, but the actual warfare feels like a slog. Initiating a quick land-grab war that should only take months at most bogs down and drags other nations into and quickly turns it into a world war and it goes all messy real quick.
I hope there is progress done on the Cold War mods for nation variety, the WW2 theatre just feels like a slogging match between 7 huge countries.
Do people still play EU3? The massive fuckton of DLC for EU4 keeps me from making the jump.
not enough india.
EU3 complete is simpler than EU4 but fun in its own right. Aesthetically I find it more pleasing than EU4s attempt at 3D. It even has some great mods.
EU4 is more complex though, if you don't mind pirating it I would just go with EU4.
Should be Xerxes-sized nigga
Egypt, Anatolia, and the Caucasus are mandatory. So is Hejaz if you're Muslim.
Because HoI4 is dogshit, get 2 or 3. They are pretty good on their own but their mods and standalone special releases are something special.
>but the actual warfare feels like a slog. Initiating a quick land-grab war that should only take months at most bogs down and drags other nations into and quickly turns it into a world war and it goes all messy real quick.
Oh wow, its not like you are, trying to play out a world war, or anything or the largest war in human history in proper scale. You dont want a WW2 game, you want a quick and easy map painter for casuals.
>You dont want a WW2 game
You're right I want East vs West
I prefer map painters because they're more political.
map painting is fun tho.
I am a huge fucking casual who never tried Grand Strategy before but last thread some user said I made the right pick in wanting to start with Hearts of Iron 4 since it's simple compared to the other ones so I'm pirating it right now. Kinda sucks my country doesn't have it's own focus tree and was just grouped with other countries as a generic one since I wanted to start with it and see what happens. I will report back to see if the game manages to convert me to your cult of map painting simulators.
HOI IV isn't as much of a map painter as EU IV. It's a tedious game of "who fucks up first" and "who will stay Democratic"
Should I just pirate EUIV then?
and all the dlc. base game is a joke compared to what they've put in over the years.
EU3 kino
EU4 is probably the best one to start with. it is the most basic and intuitive of all the Paradox titles.
Thanks for the advice. I will start there then. It's finally time to fulfill my destiny and play as the greatest nation of South America.
>Want to play a Florence>Tuscany>Italy game with a The Knights march vassal controlling the smaller medditeranian Islands before putting them in control of Anatolia
>Want to wait for the HRE rework and big Europe update
Just biding my time.
Not off to the best start im not going to lie
>the HRE rework and big Europe update
Is that next year?
Yeah it's been pushed back to sometime early 2020 I think.
>France inheriting Scotland
I'd love to play a grand strategy game but as a Mesoameriaboo, all GS titles either
A: Don't have any Mesoamerican states
B: Have them but handle them like shit.
Like, EUIV actually has a good variety of Mesoamerican states: Beyond the obvious Aztec, they have a few Maya kingdoms and city-states, they have the Purepecha empire, the Republic of Tlaxcala, the Kingdom of Colima, a (inaccurately unified, but this is excusable) state for the Huastec, Otomi, Mixtec, Totonac, Zapotec, and other civilizations etc; but almost all of these aside from the Aztec, Purepecha, Tlaxcala are basically listed as tribes as far their goverment is treated, and ALL of them are put in the same tech tier as random north american tribes and BELOW random african tribes, not to mention they can't use half of the game's mechanics without "reforming" even though most of it is shit they had already been doing since there were formal state sociuties, not unga bunga cheifdoms.
The Mesoamerica universalis overhaul mod looks good though, see pic related.
Playing a comfy Florence game. Deliberately haven't expanded much because I wanted to from Tuscany before really going all out.
Had a massive, massive war over all of two provinces to vassalise Ferrara. They were allied with Provence, a thicc Bohemia, and Switzerland, while all I had was a OPM vassal and a Venice that had already been cucked by Milan and were near-useless.
Declared as soon as my morale got up after mil tech 9 infantry upgrade, got mercs over my limit, burned 1000 gold in reserves over the course of the war, and fucking won, rewarded with an alliance with France right afterwards. Soon as I can call them in to cripple Milan for me (who have much better allies than Ferrara did...), the world is officially my oyster.
Also, don't try and tell me the game doesn't cheat with alliances. For example Aragon has literally nothing to gain from allying some fucking OPM in Italy, yet whenever I play in Italy, you can guarantee they will ally one of the provinces I need. Same happens with Austria, and even France.
0/10 kebab exists
>Civ V
>Age of Wonders III
Can't really decide which to launch.
That happened all the time "back in the day".
It's so fucked that the Papal State can't form the Roman Empire.
Literally for what reason? None.
Yes, because France and Spain both wanted to conquer Italy. Not because they genuinely cared which shitty little city-state owned Mantua. I'm sorry but both historically and in gameplay terms it is ridiculous for OPMs to get Great Power allies.
Happened all the time.
Pretty often.
R8 my Swedish empire and gimme a long-term goal. Don't say Norway though, my son's gonna inherit it once its king dies.
Post any one time that two minor players in Italy went to war (i.e. not fucking Venice) and a major kingdom like France or Aragon joined one of them.
It literally didn't happen. The Condottieri wars between city-states were basically one on one every time.
>long term goal
You won already. By the time you reach empire tier in CK2 the game has nothing left to challenge you (unless it's a meme start like 1347 Byzantium or something).
Pretty much the main reason I have stopped playing. All my runs are over in 50 years because that's how long it takes to become an empire (very few exceptions, such as my Zunist run where it took 80 years) and if you don't play like a retard you're invincible from that position. I just can't manage to force myself to RP more either, after five minutes I get lazy and slip back into automatically playing basically optimally.
They never did because they were all puppets of either the French, Holy Roman Empire, or Spanish. War only broke out when the big boys decided to come down and play in the Italian sandbox.
>He doesn't switch to other countries and characters after he's accomplished all he's wanted in one part of the world and then play them and see how the world evolves
>he doesn't play on Ironman
I cannot do this.
I play with HIP, so there's really no point to ironman since you can't get achievements. Just don't savescum, it's that easy
i downloaded it. been thinking bout trying it soon
Had a reel fun game where I played as Tibet and exploded China and broke the Mughals back when they tried to invade through the Himalayas. Was actually surprised gown fun of a start it was, plenty of room to expand, rich provinces within mid-game reach, good chance to end up between two world powers but to defendable to ever really be threatened. The only issue is if you can’t cause a mingsplosion and they ally the Mughals or Persia if they show up.
The gringos never let me have fun.
Be prepared for at least 20 hours of intense frustration no matter how many guides you look at. Some gameplay mechanics look like complete bullshit to me even after I learned what they actually are after hundreds of hours.
That's what happens to me every time I get a new /gsg/ game. Just have to power through it.
My no. 1 anti-frustration tip for EU4: Don't go to war with anyone that has a higher military tech than you or you will get fucking mad.
>Fight another power in EU4
>Same military Tech
>Slightly outnumber them
>Go into battle
>Troops start with half morale despite being at full seconds before
>Get fucking curbstomped due to shit morale for seemingly no reason
What the fuck
Welcome to EU4.
You were at YOUR max morale, which is not the same as THEIR max morale. There are many things other than mil tech that might have given them an advantage.
If you reload the save, check the absolute value of your max morale. Go into the battle, and you can see their max morale, as well as what's causing it to be higher than yours.
It looks like your maximum morale was a lot lower than the enemy's maximum morale. Or you suffered something catastrophic in the shock phase before you noticed.
When will something be done about the new world? The only playable nations there are the Aztecs and the Inca, every other tribe is literally unplayably boring. There is no challenge, just two hundred years on waiting for Europeans, instantly stealing there tech, and auto winning because you are allowed to steamroll colonies because you spend the last couple hundred years dumping useless monarch points into creating twenty cities larger than Paris. Colonization is broken and boring, it happens way to quickly as well. Nothing interesting happens in the new world, no matter what nation you play there. Maybe the pirates are cool I haven’t tried it yet.
What the fuck
What the hell's even the point of a feature like that?
How do I counter that?
HOI4 is so alt history focused anyways I don't understand why they didn't just add a Custom Nation Designer like they gave EU4.
I guess Dobson was a pirate in another life
>playing EU4
>playing HoI4
>playing CK2
what are some good space strategy games other than stellaris
>he didn't nip the ottomans in the bud
back to your pit
You may not like it, but this is Europe at peak performance.
>anglos took idaho
setting themselves up for another potato famine
>Mamelukes still powerful
>ottomans haven’t got on that russian gravy train yet
>powerful PLC
he’s fine
inflation is extremely easy to deal with in eu4, even if your income was 100% gold it wouldn't be so bad
By raising the various stats that raise the morale of your troops, playing a country with morale national ideas, choosing an idea group that increases morale and most importantly keeping track of what kind of unit types you are using. Some of the early tech ground troops, for example, can be extremely attack oriented meaning they can get wrecked defensively.
If the enemy attacks with troops of which the bulk of have 2 pips (dots) in attack morale and your guys have 0 in defence morale you can get fecked quite rudely.
looks like it's fairly early, consdering the americas
should get the indus river valley and the persian gulf imo
I prefer this kind of colonization.
max holding slots in stockholm county, oslo county and copenhagen county
Colonial pops from that game
No filthy sub-human s**th germans allowed in my republic
>potato famine
that was the irish
What the fuck is that light blue splotch in eh middle of Europe?
I tried pirating HOI4, but the game crashes when I try to start a single player mode. Any advice to help with this?
So are Troops with pure or mostly attack pips shit then?
>do byzantium game
>form sizable colonial empire
>take pretty much everything pre-justinian conquests
>richest nation, most development by far
I've finally done it boys. Any ideas what to play next?
South German Confederation.
I beat the shit out of Austria so hard that Bavaria became a GP and united them included Bohemia for a while but I had to free them to stop the SGF from thinking it had a chance in wars against me
Do the same thing but as one of the Turkish minors
t. Sir Nigel Frobisher III
distant worlds
Animist Manipur
looks like has the right idea.
>420 gold
haha nice one dude
It depends on how you are going to use them, obviously. I don't know what the super pros think about it but I feel that the human player has a crushing advantage being on the offensive, as the computer almost never seems to pick fights it can't win.
Most of the combat against AI is about luring them into fights advantageous to you by exploiting their behaviour anyway.
Finally became King of France through peaceful inheritance--except my new vassals arent too happy
>hundreds of years to teach Russians to read and write
Where are the defensible positions with mountains for forts at choke points?
North Africa is one, as is Sweden/Denmark, forcing Russians to trek around the terrible winter in the north.
I don't know, all I remember was that in the scenario I was describing I was Sweden with Quality ideas vs Great Britain, though I can't remember their ideas
No i don't, but i'am very interested...
Because Paradox makes gameplay changes based on what the minmax autists can do to break the game in interesting ways. So they had to change it so the Papal States can't form anything, because it would be too much fun.
muh clipper factories
How do I make Meiou and Taxes run somewhat smoothly? Can I get rid of half of the map Thanos style?
The point is that they have more morale than you. Potentially because of religion, ideas and national values. Morale is just one value too, and it actually falls off compared to discipline or infantry combat ability. It's the reason why France is so broken early, because they'll take defensive (which gives 15% morale) and they have 20% morale in their national values.
How does it run? Lagging as heck?
I did this last may, I was going to do sassanid persia but fuck that, too many blocks on expansion.
Is the Iron Century bookmark worth playing in?
Because Hoi4 nations without national focuses feel like shit
How did they handle krauts? Can you choose between good/bad nazis or did they do the more obvious eeebul nazis/good democratic germany?
Not sure, haven't tried it yet, actually, but from a historical/accuracy perspective it's very on point.
You can kill hitler and replace him with himmler, the kaiser, or a democratic germany.
If I want a lot more options on building up my nation, e.g. change economics policy, fight with the nobles, ect. Is there any other mod apart from M&T? A more stable one hopefully.
I fucking hate M&T, it's such a buggy unfun convoluted mess.
I've i ntegrated Khmer after this, but it's basically unchanged. I have NO IDEA how I'm supposed to get around the ungodly tech malus, I really don't want to spend so much on technology. I remember getting around this on an Africa game by spamming development on my capital until it was in the 40s or 50s development, but I don't know if that's what I should I do this time.
It wouldn't be that hard to make your own focus tree ingame
the hoi4 modding community already made an inhouse tool for it
yeah, you want to develop to get the instiution. it's best to do it where you can stack dev cost reduction, so a center of trade or cloth/cotton trade good. make sure to enable the state edict that reduces dev cost and getting the merchant estate to 60 loyalty which together are 20%.
What overhaul mod would you recommend then user?
>Wallachia game
>Independant Poland, Lithuania
>Full annex Moldovia, waiting to see when Ottomenchs decide to end my game with just Hungary and Venice as allies
>Ottoman's "Threaten War".
>Just enough +rep to ally Muscovy, Poland, Lithuania and The Pope before the threat expires
>Ottomans now in an offensive war with all of Eastern Europe
>Seige down Constantinople, wait for the Ottoman deathstack to get into a battle.
>Impale the Sultan day one of the battle and watch the leaderless death stack vanish to the Order of Dragon coaltion forces lead by Skanderbeg
They never recovered.
I wouldn't mind the eebul nazis branch if they actually had Focus Trees for the Final Solution. It's pretty weird that the whole Jewish Question is completely hidden from that part of the game even though it would effect Germany's strategic capabilities what with having to manage such a resource heavy operation
Please recommend me some countries with things to do until 1800. I always get bored around 1600.
I dropped the game after institutions. It gave too much advancement to niggers and natives. It's supposed to be Europe Universalis, not Shitskin Universalis.
ill also add that the two videos I posted on the mod are also decent intros to mesoamerican states as of the mid 1400's and the religious geography of it at that time
What sucks is having all those bonus serve only to counteract the tropical development malus, so it's essentially a way of climbing back up to zero. Oh well.
Why does AI in Europe always sperg out whenever the player doesn't play in Europe?
It always struck me as a bit odd that a country suffering from fuel shortage would burn thousands of ovens nonstop over several years when some bullets (no shortage of them in a war) and mass graves would've done the same thing.
I think even with the malus it should take around 2K monarch points. it honestly might be good early on to expand specifically towards provinces you can develop.
I started a game with the CODEX release with no problems. Make sure to download the latest CODEX standalone release then apply all the patches on top, it seems to work just fine.
>playing as the Pope and conquering Italy
>allied to France who's been stomping all game, already eaten everything around them and pushing the HRE
>meanwhile Spain has formed and is also blobbing out
>suddenly lose my alliance to France
>realize that Spain now has a PU over France who's loyal to them
Well it WAS going okay.
It’s always fun when Europe is reveled. Had one game where Poland dismantled the HRE about 50 years into the game, which lead to Denmark and Brandenburg splitting the German states. France was split four ways between England, Burgundy, Castile, and Milan. The Russian heartland was annexed by the Tartars. Of course whenever you play in Europe, everyone is on their best behavior and does the same old steps.
EU3 > EU4
DH = HOI3 > HOI4
CK2 is only acceptable as a guilty pleasure
V2 literally one step away from being normalfag
Shoo, shoo, back to the Codex where ye spawned from, fel foo.
Good job locking down all the islands, you now ought to be fairly safe from direct threats to your heartland. Would recommend hitting the Chesapeake nodes next, if possible, and probably starting to make inroads into Mexico.
Dunno about the fuel part, but the nazis did think of the bullets thing. They did a bunch of studies on how the firing squad duties mess with soldier's heads, and found more than a couple of days of this work caused permanent mental damage. Conclusion was that they'd need to rotate executioners pretty damn fast to keep them sane, which would place too much burden on logistics.
>Still less depth than Smash Ultimate
You brainlets are fucking killing Yea Forums
The same guys who summarily killed and tortured jews every day suddenly had problems killing them?
golden horde
>Yea Forums trying to ruin my life by getting me back into grand strategy
Not true. Last Netherlands game I played the HRE self-dismantled in the early-mid 1500s, making expansion way easier for me.
>Ottomans still hold most of Greece and Albania
Well, this was with soldiers. The camp guard type folks or SS volunteers might've been a different story. Still, a final solution plan of "have the army shoot them all" was considered, studied, tested, and found impractical. Which I find morbidly amusing.
Eu4 has a lot of bloat and unnecessary mechanics. Eu3's economy actually had supply and demand, eu4 just has a magic money river that flows to English channel or Italy.