will he ever come back to fix the absolute pile of shit that's been the Final Fantasy franchise for the past 20 years?
Will he ever come back to fix the absolute pile of shit that's been the Final Fantasy franchise for the past 20 years?
Give Yoshi P the reins on the next main series project, and the chick that wrote ShB as the main writer and we won't need the Guch
He fell for the mobage meme and while he'll be missed he's not coming back
ShB story wasn't good. Maybe by MMORPG standards it was good, but for a single player game it's as mediocre as they come.
They don't need him anymore. Bravely Default proved this.
To be fair, they're restricted to MMO storytelling which is by far the most restrictive genre when it comes to story outside of lore. A singleplayer game would highlight the team's strengths in that aspect.
wow that's some shit taste
Sakaguchi is overrated.
Kitase was the real talent.
>a game that has all the faults of nuFF proved they dont need him anymore
>how do we fix FF
>bring back who killed it
Name 5 faults that aren't present in any Sakaguchi FF.
Well, for starters, the characters in his game aren't faggot teenage tomboys and boring fridge teenage girls.
>bring back who killed it
>sakaguchi made XII, XIII, XV
There was an interview he had not too long ago where he said coming back to direct a mainline ff game might not be completely out of the question anymore, so it could be possible.
I hear FFXVI was going back to more fantasy. we'll see.
Give Final Fantasy to the Atlus Personachads and they will fix it.
>Kitase was the real talent.
Would be cool to have a personal conversation with Kitase to discuss everything that went wrong post FFX other than Sakaguchi leaving. Hes been the producer of all the mainline games and shit like the 3rd birthday etc. He clearly knows all the troubles that have fucked up the franchise since post X.
no need, pic related is doing a good enough job. Sakaguchi's work post square is nothing to write home about
source? he explicitly stated he wouldn't go back to AAA in an interview and again reaffirmed it some time ago..
Since when does frieza do math
shadowbringer's story is better than anything sakaguchi's worked on
that's literally what they are, squal and tidus are the epitome of faggot teenagers
Sakaguchi didnt work on FF8 or 10, retard.
it was better dead than what it is now
>As with much of the production of Final Fantasy VII, series creator and veteran Hironobu Sakaguchi served as the executive producer
same role in X
>wanting him anywhere near FF
The Last Story was unironically on par with the "modern gen" FF games of shit I really don't care about with a half baked story. If that is how he was approaching what would be considered his last big console RPG game, then I am glad the hack is gone.
>executive producer
do you know what that means? producers make sure projects are on time, that's it. he was very hands off in ff8 and 10, in 8 because he was working on 9, and during 10 because he had retired after 9.
he was a producer on 9 so I'm not sure how there's a big difference here. He only directed FF1-5 which barely had any good characters
he accumulated roles on 9. director, producer and writer. what's listed on wikipedia is the battle/gameplay director, which was Ito.
He's a rapper now
>FF abandons what made it so popular, turn based JRPG combat, for action based combat (FFXIII, FFXV) and MMO style combat (FFXII)
>meanwhile Atlus who made turn based JRPGs for 20 years remained irrelevant to westerners until SMT Nocturne and Persona 3
>Instead of changing up the formula like Square, Atlus improves and refines the formula they have made which was a success
>become a mega success
>meanwhile Square spent years trying to comb together random assets into a game that never had any real direction
>Now they are putting all their chips into a game that doesn't even need to be remade
Square used to be a humble company. Now? They only care about mass appeal and monetization. Meanwhile, Atlus continues to do what it does best - make good JRPG video games.
he's only interested in mobile games now
sakaguchi's page doesn't have him listed as director nor do the credits of FF9 (they state it's Ito) so you've got some headcanon shit going on
it's literally on the wikipedia page some traces of it you inbred
the rest is from reading interviews throughout the years because unlike you i'm not a fucking underaged retard
Just because they were sprites doesn't mean they weren't androgynous. Just look at Amano’s characters.
You're retarded and blind apparently because the screenshot you took lists ito as the director
>director hiroyuki ito
Why the fuck do people care about the brand names of a series? If Final Fantasy or Pokémon or whatever series you like is in the toilet, don't buy it and buy a suitable replacement competitor instead.
Sakaguchi nearly killed Square with The Spirits Within which led to the Enix merger and the current state of the series, brainlet.
are you really going to try and say zidane and especially fucking kuja arn't androgynous?
>the only reason zidane wasn't like the other teenage characters was because of Ito's suggestion
Can't believe people still nuthug sakaguchi, especially after mistwalker
>he says this while atlus sells a dlc at full price
>he says this while atlus sold their soul to waifufaggotry and pandering to virgins while ignoring SMT and planned to add waifufaggotry to SMT to attract the same virgins from Persona
>he says this while his brand new turn based JRPG “that sold big numbers” can't even beat Nier Automata in terms of sale
>he says this while Atlus already tried to attempt to make an action based persona game with P5s
>he says this while Atlus made a dancing game out of his beloved series
Keep seeth and cope incelus.
I'm still pissed at Square that they don't utilize this guy to make another mainline FF. What is this guy doing anyway? What's his next project? When's the last time this guy spoke to media, he wasn't even there when Square made a video about FF9 just a few months back.
I don't think this is the case of square, I feel like the guy just doesn't want to do it
Is he still pissed at Square for pushing Matsuno out and forced him to lead the project instead? That's the last time Ito had any involvement with an FF title. I legit want him to direct XVI if they are going back to classic fantasy style. Yoshi-P might be ok, but he has only done an MMO. I don't want MMO jank to be in a single player game.
But all you just said could apply to Atlus too, they actively ignore any non-Persona MegaTen game, while pandering to their newest fans who are more interested on the graphics, music and badly written characters than the core gameplay, to the point that P5R looks like it could play itself by now.
The sad state of nu-JRPG fans
I agree with the first two points but Nier ws multiplatform so of course it sold better. Also P5S is a spin off, Atlus has yet to turn mainline SMT or Persona into an action series like Sqiare did to mainline FF.
How the fuck did people like Bravely Default at all?