How's your game coming, user?

How's your game coming, user?

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Still cant draw anything

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Thinking if its worth learning Blender despite the industry not giving a shit about it cause LOL HOBBYIST software

Blender is fine
Having to pay an arm and a leg for Maya is fucking retarded

If you don't have access to anything else, yes. If you can get your hands something else, go for that. Blender's interface is absolute cock.

blenders interface is completely revamped in 2.8 launching next week so that argument is out the window

Oho? Interesting, I didn't know. Maybe I'll check it out.

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Please put in auto update, please put in auto update, please put in auto update

Why would you want your program to automatically update?

I guess its more outta laziness, maybe have a news banner to tell me of new updates like Game Maker or something. I'll admit you're right when I learned how shit can go to hell with a newer version of a software.

well games seem kinda lame I'd rather work on something else

I cant dream in code, i give up!

Have you tried wearing your programming socks in bed?

pretty good, except that I paid for a commission and the guy hasn't yet filled his end of the bargain. But other than that, should have a beta out in a few months

Pretty much. Been using 2.8 beta for months now and prefer it a lot over previous versions.

Go for it. Just keep in mind that Blender and Maya are both very powerful and will probably take you several weeks/months for you to get really accustomed and confident with.

Both of them also support scripting/addons to handle custom behaviour needs, which can be useful for gamedev if you want to export objects in your own custom model format instead of shitty fbx or gltf.

Does making a shitty text rpg count?

Of course.

I'm a competent programmer and have made some games that feel good to play to put on a portfolio since I want to ditch the backend dev crunch for game dev crunch, however these are all made using assets made by other people. I can't do anything art related at all, although I can do some hard surface modeling.

>Both of them also support scripting/addons to handle custom behaviour needs, which can be useful for gamedev if you want to export objects in your own custom model format instead of shitty fbx or gltf.
Oooh, I'll look that up, thank you

My soul is in a battle between C++ because I know it better and C# because it's less effort.

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>Want to make classicvanias
>Don't think they're worth the time and effort for little to no gain and I don't have any programming experience
I dunno anons, I keep seeing how many gamedevs fail and if they didn't succeed, then how am I supposed to do it? I keep opening Godot and looking at tutorials but I get lost and am a brainlet

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c# is better BECAUSE its less effort
you can spend 10 years as a solo dev making a perfectly optimized engine or you can get unity and actually make a game in a year

how's Godot? I heard it got C++ support. Also, is it basically entirely free use for making something you want to sell?

I assume by C# you mean for Unity since barely anyone uses MonoGame or C# for their own engines, if that's the case, the performance impact is negligible.

IL2CPP compilation can be used to compile everything to C++, you can also create your own libraries in C++ for specific heavy tasks and then link that to your project, and finally, ECS is going to be available (stable) in probably a year or so, you can use that if your game is constantly doing massive amounts of data access/transformations and get a pretty huge boost in performance because of better CPU cache line usage and better memory layout, and because Unity's current MonoBehaviour/GameObject system has pretty horrid CPU/memory implications when misused.

no royalties, but I doubt your future games would make that much money to be financially independent

iteration is key m8.
don't set out to make an entire *vania game.
start as small as you want, and build on that.
And yeah you probably shouldn't bank on gamedev for a living. That's why most to all devs do it during every second of free time they have.
As for learning, stay away from videos, especially "make x game!" ones. Learn Godot Script, and study source code of other projects.
>get a character moving
>get attacking and damage working
>implement death states
>implement room transitions and loading/un-loading etc

Making assets nonstop now.

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>And yeah you probably shouldn't bank on gamedev for a living. That's why most to all devs do it during every second of free time they have.
I guess I need to sort myself out first before game devving.

That looks amazing user.

>I don't have any programming experience
Just like program dude. The principles of programming are fairly simple and once you get that programming is just applying those principles with syntax.
Pick up a book on C, or C#, or Python, C++ or something and just make stuff. Moping about not being able to make stuff will never ever help you in finally actually making it.
And like what this user said () it's an iterative process. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither were the components to build it. Start small, start with getting a simple game, higher lower, tic-tac-toe, shit like that.
I'm mostly summarizing from this guy.
but it's really sound advice.
Most of all have fun! It's hard to make fun things if you're not having fun yourself.

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Blender will teach you everything for the most part, the only things that will be different is the development environment itself. All the actual skills you have to learn will carry over.

Wageslave for a few years, save up NEETbux, get a head start on your off days, and eventually when you have 2-3 years of bux saved, give your 2 weeks.

it's not

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I am slowly figuring out how to get basic sidescroller mechanics working in Game Maker. Got one-way platforms up and running, now gotta get moving platforms working.

Once I get those down pat, I'm starting work on a run-n-gun.

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I already work at the industry during the day, during the night I barely have the will to even play games, let alone make one

>using an engine that can't into delta time

Do I look like I know what a dalta time is?

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it's fully finished as a .txt file.
i can't do anything but i wish i could. i have too many ideas. how do i finally get started anons ? i'd love to, but i just never do. any sort of advice would be amazing

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Here Games are software with art assets sprinkled in for taste. You're better off learning to make general purpose software then you are learning game specific stuff.
Practice makes perfect, get crackin.
Also checkout and ask for a good book on whatever language you want to learn.

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Thank you user! Have another

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I'm a brainlet but it's essentially the difference between two points in time. If something can't handle delta timing then things like game speed and framerate are linked instead of being wholly independent. See literally every Bethesda game.

blessed jahy

thanks for the answers anons. i'll check out all of this. i think i'll start posting it when i finally have something working a little bit to see if people like it. it's insane how simple answers can make you feel better in an instant

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Programming is one of those things where it is comprised of really simple concepts all mushed together to make something great. While I will say it's not for everyone, the majority of people would do great learning it.

All Jahy-sama images are blessed.

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>Dense motherfucker
What did he mean by this?