Is this the only videogame series with 0 bad games?
Is this the only videogame series with 0 bad games?
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Someone hasn't played Monsters 2
not a mainline game, nobody cares.
DQ2 would like a word
The Elder Scrolls
Who has time for a 100 hour jrpg?
If you only mean mainline games, then Mario too.
Whoa hold on there. Why do you think Monsters 2 is bad? Also Monsters 3 aka Caravan Heart is the worst Monsters game. I thought 2 was pretty good.
only DQ7 and above are stupidly long
People who enjoy video games
The first two games are pretty bad.
Its also the series that has no realy outstanding games.
Its by the numbers mediocre JRPGs.
They're not bad but they're not good either. They just exist in a vacuum of mediocrity.
no, you mean NEETs who enjoy video games
based fucking retard
good job ousting your unfamiliarity with any of the games.
its hard not to be by the numbers when you are genre-defining like dragon quest
Max Payne
It's the same game 11 times.
mainline 2 and 6 are pretty bad. 9 is mediocre, and we will never ever get 10. other than that all of the rest are fantastic
why do people making statements like this about games they never played?
6 isnt bad at all
nigga every single jrpg is the same game with different sprites. even the stories are basically the same "kill god" cringe shit
7 sucks
coming off of 3,4, and 5 it is a massive step down and utterly forgettable
based retard
unbased retard
the biggest problem of 6 is the lack of direction or hints after you beat Murdraw
give it the same treatment with 7 and the frag locator and it would be atleast more bearable
star allies, robo bot, squeek squad, yarn shit, canvas shit
Shut your whore mouth, Kobi's Journey is kino
I played DQ11 and was blown away by how painfully mediocre it was. Finished it with 60 hours played and I’m not really sure why I bothered. Is it just a bad game in the series? Are there better ones?
I was wondering Yea Forums, which DQ game was your 1st?
DQ2 is bad? Cuz I loved that game through and through.
I tried to play DQ7 and after an entire hour of literally nothing but exposition right at the start of the game I had to delete it.
Not worth a pirate.
the first one I touched was 8 but I didn't get it at a time
then after some years I played 5 DS and I couldn't put it down
ive only played one dragon quest game and it was a boring dynasty warriors clone
whenever i bring this up, dragon quest fans get upset and say that i'm just baiting
its almost like they haven't even played the games that they shill so hard
Madame luca literally does that and tells you exactly where to go everytime. Not that you should have much trouble since your options as to where to sail the provinence are rather limited anyway.
it's zoomer repellent.
if you dont like classic jRPGs, particularly NES era ones, you won't like any dragon quest game.
What's wrong with X?
It's basically the FFXI of Dragon Quest but has certain modern additions so you always have some idea of where to go next.
The first one but I didnt get very far or ever cared about the series before DQ5's DS port
>Madame luca literally does that and tells you exactly where to go everytime.
no she doesn't
after a point she says nothing of value and you're lost without knowing where to go
But I love early Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger
7 on the 3DS
Half of 2
All I have left now are 8 & 11
Well I started 8 a while back but wasnt really feeling it
Who has time to read a book
Who has time to plant and raise tomatos
Who has time to paint landscapes
Who has time to practice an instrument
Get some self-discipline nig
9, started and stop over and over again when I first got it. Later on had the patience to play all through it and killed the final boss in the main story.
You mean the franchise has failed to advance in any meaningful way over 30 fucking years? Literally everything has stagnated but graphics, even the music. Even the writing. They couldn't come up with any cleaver or unique ideas all this time.
Is Dragon Quest 9 worth playing?
Someone hasn't played V
Or any of them, likely
are you retarded? quite literally every Dragon Quest game introduces a new mechanic
We go through this shit every thread there comes a time when you have to stop taking the bait
>every single jrpg is the same game with different sprites
>a new mechanic
wow. such advance
1+2 on GBC. I had played FF7 when I was tiny, but playing DQ1 blew me away. It felt more like a real adventure.
VI and it's my favourite
No Dragon Quest game is really worth playing. 9 is probably one of the better ones, though, if you're really in the mood for a mediocre JRPG.
Then why have I been playing 15 hours of DQ11 and I can still only regular attack and occasionally use a super move?
DQ3 and DQ4 are outstanding as fuck. DQ3 is so neatly made it somehow triumphs over the superior tech of the Ultima and Wizardry series at the time.
i love the copy enemies
Is Builders 2 worth getting for something comfy?
II and IX beg to differ.
there's a demo, try it out
HOly shit Yes.
That game is such an improvement to the first one that isn't even funny, and the first one was already a blast.
Does the combat get more fun later? I've seen videos of early game play and it looks like it might drag the rest of the game too much. I'm not going in wanting something amazing but it looks a little too barebones
Someone redpill me on Dragon Quest Builders 2
Is it going to be fun or what? There seems to be a lot of hype for it.
>anything but kusoge
DQ 3, still haven't played 1,2 and 4 yet
I dunno about that, the NES versions of I and II exist.
2 is bad.
Have you been playing on Switch or PS4? I'm interested in the Switch for comfy bed time buildan, but I've seen bad things about framerate. I'm not a stickler for high framerate but if it's really bad I might have to get it on PS4
It's the only series with no bad games, but also no amazing games. Dragon Quest is the most average franchise ever.
I might be the only person who actually liked the NES version of Dragon Quest 2.
It was stupid hard yes but I really liked it. And the music was amazing.
VIII, and XI were amazing games. VII was really great too.
I thought it was decent. I actually liked it better than DQ1, which I thought was terribly boring. However, that was back when I was a kid, and so had 20+ hours I could sink into aimlessly sailing around and checking every tile in towns to find all the crests. I certainly wouldn't want to replay the game today.
It's nowhere near the best DQ game, either.
If thos are your amazing games, you must play Minesweeper for fun.
Most of the games are outstanding. Let me guess, you never actually played one, right?
Ragnar and Healie should have their own game
>implying minesweeper isn't fun
Man, you have the shittiest taste imaginable. Go back to Fortnite, kid.
6 is practically the perfect DQ game. Good pacing, fantastic sense of exploration without being so aimless that you'd pretty much have to be an idiot to get lost on where to go next. The class system is fantastic and makes you want to grind even though you never really need to, great cast of characters, recruitable monsters that can also take part in the class system, so much to explore, a wide variety of abilities that makes battles feel extremely interesting, captivating story, etc. DQ6 is peak DQ.
7 is practically the perfect DQ game. Good pacing, fantastic sense of exploration without being so aimless that you'd pretty much have to be an idiot to get lost on where to go next. The class system is fantastic and makes you want to grind even though you never really need to, great cast of characters, recruitable monsters that can also take part in the class system, so much to explore, a wide variety of abilities that makes battles feel extremely interesting, captivating story, etc. DQ7 is peak DQ.
>good pacing
holy kek this obivous bait made me laugh
I got Monsters Joker when I was younger cause it looked like Pokemon. Now I have beaten most mainline games and many of the spinoffs.
this except DQ 8
Reminder that Koichi Sugiyama will die soon and with him 1/3rd of the Dragon Quest franchise and soul will be gone.
Played DQ for the first time starting with 11, got about 2 hours in. The game put a smile on my face the entire time, I'm interested in checking out the rest of the series now. Is release order a good way to play them? After I've finished with 11?
>class system
>All these zoomers complaining about Dragon Quest despite obviously never playing any of them.
this guy is kinda right
feel free to prove him wrong, but apparently nobody can
I'd recommend just checking them out by which seems interesting to you at first. Pick and choose what you want to play, then if you become a fan of the series, go for finishing all of them.
Play 3, 4, 5 or 8 in any order, those are generally considered to be the best. 5 is personally my favorite (on the DS)
Really, only 7 is super long. The ones after that vary between 40-60 hours.
What are your thoughts on the first DQM, DQbros? How is it in terms of difficulty and length, as well as quality in general?
This except play 1 before 3. It's extremely short and greatly enhances the experience of playing 3, as well as many other games.
DQ 8 is peak dragon quest
Why do they insist on having repetitive music? It really kills the mood. 7 had so many wonderful locations that reused the same music. The dungeons too. I played 8 and 11 and they had the same problem.
Based Nippon poster.
Never played DQ but really want DQB2.
No memes, should I get it for PS4 or switch?
As far as I can tell there are no graphical or content differences between the two. I hear the switch gets hiccups in the later stages, but if its not that bad I might get it just for the portability
Even as a zoomer myself, I'll never understand this complaint.
The music is varied enough in all three of those games, you've got a few town themes, a few dungeon themes, etc. That's all you really need.
It's not even worth beginning to tackle the """argument""" because there's no intelligence in it, and any statement will be immediately followed up with brain-damaged slurring.
The first on NES. It was also the last DQ game I played until just a few years ago. In hindsight I wish I had stuck with the series instead of focusing all my attention on FF
3 on GBC back in ~2004ish
wagie wagie get in cagie
I just wish FF had taken a few more pages out of DQ and maintained some sort of quality control for the games
I want to lick femLoto
Dragon warrior 1 and 2 are dreadful for it's BS artificial difficulty (half xp gain and twice enemy damage) so that's were most of the hate comes from. The snes remakes (and any version but the us originals) are really fun puzzle jrpg hybrids
Oh no wonder, I played the GBC version
Dragon Warrior 1&2 GBC, and I will fight anyone who says 1 and 2 are bad games. You can literally beat 1 in 4-8 hours, so it's just an afternoon of fun, and 2 was just such a good continuation of the original adventure that added in using a party (who each had their own roles to play and play them well they did, even of one ended up dead more than the other two). I won't say 2 is my favorite, but it defo has a special place in my heart, and nostalgia or not, I have a blast when I replay both 1 and 2 on my Android.