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Real Soul
Not fake soul like the poor remaster
Does the PC version allow you to change the music back?
Yes but emulate it. The model change might not seem bad but the animations changes are incomprehensibly terrible.
worst ff ever
How so? I'll probably take your advice, I'm just curious
ff died at X
The entire game had to be remade, and the people remaking it were from the worst vidya company in China. So the new models are generally lower poly and shit details, but the animations is where it's just immensely inferior.
FFX was a flagship PS2 launch title with a massive budget for when it came out. They had literally the best animators of the day making the game. And then the remaster has people who couldn't even make a good phone game if they tried, trying to animate these kinds of characters. It's just a mess but it's hard to capture in webms
Well it's not hard but it would take time. So you'll have to deal with these subpar comparisons.
best ff ever
Well that's not so
>Lulu HD on right
there's one scene where Yuna puffs her cheeks in anger but in the remake she doesn't puff them and her eyes look like a psychopaths. It's so fucked
I am so fucking glad I asked GOOD GOD NO I played the remake on the PS3 but didn't think anything of it. Until now. I wanted to replay DQ8 and the two personas anyway. Might as well add it to the pile
Glad I could help user. I have some codes that you might be interested if you emulate the vanilla FFX and not the International version. Basically speeds up the game and makes it 60fps, which may or may not be a win/win.
//Both games are running double speed, but some animations are at the correct speed and sometime real-time cutscenes runs at correct speed, mostly those which involves the high lod characters(those are so nice).
//Final Fantasy X SLUS-20312 0xBB3D833A
//60 fps
//Final Fantasy X-2 SLUS-20672 0x48FE0C71
//60 fps
>HD remaster
Extremely soulless. I hate what they did to Teedus so much. It's even worse in motion. I had to turn the game off after ten seconds. Emulation is the way to go.
Yuna looks better in the remaster
And hell while I'm at it, for DQ8. The /'d lines are omitted because they speed up the day/night cycle so I turned them off since that's less comfy, but you might not care about that. It looks pretty nice at 60fps.
/patch=1,EE,203E4B20,extended,00000001 ////fps
/patch=1,EE,2016E2D4,extended,3C023F00 ////animations speed
/patch=1,EE,201DE148,extended,3C023F00 ////running animation speed
patch=1,EE,202FB1C4,extended,3C023F80 ////traverse distance if it feels slow you can try 3C023F40 instead
Which Persona games? I have a bunch of handy codes for some of them. You can also mod a few of them if you're interested.
Everything else aside, the eye color change is dumb because it's supposed to be subtle enough to not immediate notice at a distance. In the HD version it's extremely obvious.
Watch a YouTube video and form your own opinion. They’re not that different but he’s going to sperg out and say they turned the game in to a half baked abortion when it’s that different from original. If you do play remaster tho, keep in mind some changes before endgame or you’re gonna get your ass blasted trying to walk a couple certain places.
She's actually lower poly in the cutscene model, you probably have which is which mixed up.
Fucking based! Thank you. Persona 3 and 4 btw
they're both
>it's supposed to be subtle
Not really...
They are that different if you actually take a look for yourself. The youtube videos do a piss poor job of comparing the animations so people tend not to realize how bad the remaster is. Take a look at for instance, it's ridiculously amateur. They aren't even making the same expressions.
>an user from Yea Forums bought me FFX/FFX-2 HD on steam at full price two years ago because I mentioned wanting it
I wonder if he'll see this post. Love you lots user, I had a lot of fun playing through it again after so many years.
Yes really, the HD version's green eye is way brighter/more saturated.
It's a small detail but Yuna being half Al Bhed is story relevant. Of course part of it is Wakka being retarded.
The fun stops here
Only got cheat codes for those games. There's a 60fps code but it just speeds up the entire game which imo isn't any good. Feel free to google them.
There are mods though. Use the filters to organize this list here
There are model swaps on other forums but I can't find the link.
Have fun user.
I put a couple hundred hours in original and about 100 in on remaster. I thought it was fine. You might be blowing things out of proportion, man.
I've just compared them unlike you. It's significantly worse. It's not unplayable, but it's terrible compared to the original.
Terrible just because of the model changes? Because the lighting is the only thing I object to. Different doesn't necessarily mean worse in regard to the new models.
Appreciate it. I forget how nice PS2 games can look now with emulation. Amazes me how downhill and cheap everything has gotten
Source? I've seen the Cloud/Tifa one. I wanna see more.
>Man jaw
>Washed out skin
>Plastic hair
>Plastic tits
>Arms don't attach to the dress
>Better in literally every way
Is this a meme? Or just nostalgia? Jesus.
Goddamn how did the remaster fuck up their faces so badly.
You have to be a faceblind autist to think the new faces look acceptable.
Twink ladyboy garbage. Good game but those designs are fucking atrocious and they aged instantly because of the stupid hair and clothes.
rare photos of yuna at the spot...
Models, animations, inconsistent textures, additional bugs and oddities, and inferior lighting. user come on now.
Same here man.