This is the guy that spends his whole day on Yea Forums complaining about censorship
This is the guy that spends his whole day on Yea Forums complaining about censorship
Other urls found in this thread:
sick collection
I wish my room was that big
Seems like he's doing well for himself and knows how to keep his room clean and organized.
>his girls can't be fully represented or expressive
I'd be pissed too
What a chad
And he's right, isn't he?
he's probably an ironic weeb
He looks like a Yea Forumsirgin all right
nice collection of cartoon pedophilia, kek
Damn, OP. How do you even respond to this without seeming upset? Might as well delete this thread and try again later.
Seems like a pretty cool guy to hang out with.
It's not censorship
Who's this group with more power than multi-billion dollar companies telling them what to do
nice reddit post kek
What a cool guy
I want to be his friend and hang out with him
The only wall decoration I have in my room is a KH1 boxart wall scroll, a Roman numeral clock and a canvas portrait of starry night over the rhone
How bad does that make me look?
Seems like a cool dude.
even if it were true, he is still in the right
very clean room he’s got there, I’m impressed
Pretty based. And also he's right.
>The way fictional women are represented is a serious issue and it needs to be addressed urgently
>Sexualized fictional women hurt real life women too
Imagine believing this. Imagine being an incel and believing this, just like OP does.
he based and he redpilled
>>The way fictional women are represented is a serious issue and it needs to be addressed urgently
>>Sexualized fictional women hurt real life women too
this is true though
Imagine thinking "Media can affect peoples' opinions" is hard to understand
his room is clean and his body / face seems healthy, balding aside.
Imagine thinking "The common man is incapable of separating reality from fiction".
Wow! look all these genocides commited by people who played violent video games!
> bought several anime merchandise shit
> actually kinda comfy in my room now
Can't explain that, faggots
What a fucking chad
Literally studies have shown that people who play violent video games find it harder to recognise violence
Media can affect people, of course
But to think it is an urgent problem to fix, rather than fix IRL or mainstream representation of what men and women should be, is just a silly argument.
Trying to censor niche market weeb tiddy games is just counterproductive.
Who's censoring them
Free market baby
looks comfy as shit
I wish I had the money to afford all that anime shit.
Not that I would buy any of it.
I would save the money for a down payment on a house.
and look at all these murders commited by people who have played violent video games! mankind is near extinction now!
Post your art.
This is the guy on Yea Forums who tells you learn Japanese and exclusively play Japanese retro games on the physical hardware
this guy is rayun btw he is a rich swiss fag and joke to people like melon-pan (
this dude seems pretty based to me
Companies and shareholders under social pressure
When they see money in censoring and removing certain themes, it drives people who likes those underground and to smaller studios. Sadly those smaller studios are also pressured by people who don't play their games. It is just scary that suddenly like 100k people can start spamming your official twitter and doxxing your workers if you don't do as they say.
It is not healthy way to approach a conversation, but as we see with people who have something against anime tiddies, they rather shame those who have different opinion and shut them down rather than have a conversation.
Politics are broken
You have all these fancy gadgets and gizmos in that second pic
But you can't even afford a decent game set up just a bunch of CuckStation 4 games
Where's your Super Famicom? Your Mega Drive? Your PC Engine?
>putting figures in low shelves
heh, he's like a little kid
I remember his website from like 10(?) years ago where he posted subbed anime and shit until he suddenly shut it down for whatever reason.
>have all that shit
>"im poor =("
How I know you're a whiny white cuck.
>no woman
no one's perfect.
Not near my drawing computer to post stuff.
Only have some of the first poorly drawn stuff I did when I got into digital drawing.
I have improved from that but I still suck.
I wish my area was that clean. Having a clean area with that much stuff takes a lot of work.
Also, he can complain if he wants. It is his disposable income and does not have to buy shit if they are unhappy with company decisions. If companies want to ignore consumers and what they want (especially if you are a small company) that is their loss.
He's a fag that uses an LCD display for his arcade cabinet. He's just a reddit-tier zoomer casual.
Pretty good, what about my art? You think I can make money off my stuff?
how much does a good drawing pad cost? I’ve just been drawing in illustrator using my brothers account with a mouse
>All that loli and waifu shit
Hell, I have a lot of shounen crap on my wall like wallscrolls and anime prints. And I'm sure a girl would find both disgusting, but I'd think the girl would think it's more creep for a grown man to have his room covered in pictures of anime girls and loli stuff. Having DBZ and like Naruto stuff on your wall isn't as weird to me compared to waifu stuff.
Also having figurines of girls in bikinis and the fucking breast mousepad.
You should have used a picture of a fat guy for maximum strawman.
If I had a woman I wouldn't have money in the first place.
Last relationship I was in I was broke as fuck.
She kept wanting to go out to eat and waste money on travel.
Women drain the money from you.
Everything is fine except he's skinny, has forward head gollum posture, and is a moeshitter weeb. Not looking good at the moment.
post your mouse drawings
i dont know what it is but every time i see a room decked out in anime shit i just get angry.
applies to literally all media depicting violence, yet am*ricans only go after a piece of naked tit
It doesn't cost much.
I bought a cheap off brand drawing screen that rivals wacom stuff in everything but color accuracy but the difference in colors is not large.
looks like a chad to me.
Here's some prints I have in frames hanging on the wall in my apartment. I have more as well. The Haikyuu one is probably my favorite, love how colorful the artist made it.
fucking this
Wacom Intuos cost like 80 to 100 bucks.
Don't be a Euro homo, it's that simple
I visit my family in Europe and they're living in a 500 square foot apartment with kids
I can't imagine being in such poverty I'm glad I'm Canadian
I can tell the age of that home based just on that thermostat.
I used to have one them at my place as a kid.
These posts almost make me feel nostalgic. Same posts, same filenames, same verbiage. Always the same, never changing. Still doing this after years, still the same empty responses. I don't know where you need to be in life to post something like this, how empty it must be. How concerning a life one must live for this to be the only thing one can be proud of, being slightly above middle class. But it's almost comforting to know that no matter how far I fall, I'll never be this guy.
from fashion model to generic asian girl
isn't it sad when people blindly destroy their natural beauty?
From Gook to Japanese
Why do Koreans want to look Japanese so badly?
Japs are literally the masterrace of asia.
I am below middle class wage where I live.
Also it says something about you if you keep track of my posts all this time.
That and the people who repost my stuff pretending to be me.
It's an old apartment complex. It's not terrible, but not perfect. Water pressure in the shower isn't that great, but overall it's pretty comfy.
Where can I buy that mousepad?
Note, that the Korean government used the term Comfort Women to refer to Korean Prostitutes who were consesually sexually involved with American soldiers, this practice stopped in the 1990's.
Why? So they can claim that the Korean comfort women who were employed in the psotitution trade and gave their services to men from Canada, America and other armed forces were sexually assaulted by the Japanese.
There is no evidence of any sexual assault taking place by the Japanese Army in Korea or anywhere in Asia.
The people
Huge companies fold when resetera gets mad about a fucking watermelon t shirt
>almost 40tbs of chinese cartoons on a freenas box
>not a single piece of PVC in sight
Autists who flaunt their power level should be gassed.
>average wage where I live is $125,000 a year
>I only make $30,000
Every time I see this shit I get mad, I know it's bait but I can't help to feel genuine anger.
I don't really know how to do the whole start with circles and lines shit so I just draw as I go
God I hate modern faggots
The worse part is they keep doing this until the fucking FBI has to bust them for downloading real Cheese Pizza
Actually average wage in my state is around 75k.
I make a little under that so I am technically not middle class.
Get out of your mother's basement then.
Huh, I always saw Yea Forums as looking like this
I drew Yea Forums on there since I was posting it on Yea Forums
You think this guy knows japanese
Based. OP must be jelly.
this is the best cringe thread we've ever had
lmaoing at ur life chief
How about this version of Yea Forums?
99% chance he does. Most of those games are untranslated, at least at the time when this image was first circulating.
>this guy is rayun btw he is a rich swiss fag
i've literally never met a poor swiss
every time when i travel they stay in the nicer hotels because it's basically the price range of a hostel for them
I wish I had the money to buy all that stuff myself. I'm jealous.
They used to be good friends. Rayun seems to want to disassociate himself with otaku culture now.
>tfw my room is just like his but in different layout
You're assuming a female other than his mother would ever step into that room.
>probably has a shit ton of disposable income
>doesn't give a fuck about what other people think of him, always lives true to himself
>is not morbidly obese or lives in his own filth
If that's the guy who posts on Yea Forums talking about censorship then he's already well ahead of (You) beggars and shitposters.
Oh, here's your (You).
go back to plebbit
He is still better than you
>This is the guy that spends his whole day on Yea Forums complaining about censorship
No, I think you are projecting.
Wtf did they remove part of her jaw bone?
i'd pay you to make more
i really really like this image