there are """"""""""""""""""people""""""""""""" on this very board that unironically used save states and rewind to """"""""""beat"""""""" mega man games
There are """"""""""""""""""people""""""""""""" on this very board that unironically used save states and rewind to...
>""""""""""people"""""""""""""" unironically use the pause trick to """"""""""""""""beat"""""""""""""""" Yellow Devil
Gonna swoop in here to defend them.
If you're new to megaman, feel free to use the rewind/state feature. They're there for a reason, to help new people get used to the challenge without making them restart areas they've already mastered 100 times on repeat.
That being said, once you beat a megaman game once with savestates/rewind, go back through without them. The amount you've improved will be very satisfying.
Keep at it new megachads, don't let the elitists tell you how to enjoy a game.
And so what? What are you gonna do about it you little bitch?
Don't worry bro, I only did it ironically
>Get Megaman Legacy Collection 2
>Boot up Megaman 10 for the first time
>"Oh wow, Protoman is my favorite character! I want to play as him"
>Get royally BTFO
It's a very fun challange, but seriously, it gets kind of ruthless.
I'm gonna kick your ass
how does he put on a suit he's a robot
>Wily machine 9 can 3 shot proto
I agree he's very fun to play with but man some stuff hits way too hard even for 2x damage.
I don't understand your question. Why would a robot be unable to put on clothes?
Stop questioning Father Yoshihiro
He's one bad hit away from blowing up like nuke. If anything, he isn't taking enough damage every hit.
Will Blues or Tango ever come back?
Is that canon to the games? I thought it was just the archie series that gave him that characteristic.
Well, he was mentioned in the description of sniper joe in mm11, so he isn't completely forgotten about. Still no idea why they removed him since he's as much of a staple as Roll is at this point.
No idea. It'd be nice but he's most likely stuck in the gb games.
Only time I ever save stated in Mega Man was to give me an extra checkpoint in Mega Man & Bass's King 2 stage.
Is this the daily Mega Man thread?
I mean with him being the prototype you can kind of imagine him being shittier than megaman
How the fuck are you supposed to beat the Wily stages in one sitting?
Indeed it is, so make it count
I think the faulty power core was canon, but the nuke was Archie.
git gud
If you game over in a Wily Stage you start from the beginning of that stage, not the first Wily stage. It's actually very forgiving.
keep trying. it’s hard but protoman can be really rewarding to play when you master the protoshield. makes me feel like i’m way better at vidya than i actually am. But also don’t be afraid to try as Bass or Rock before hand to learn the stages better, trying that as Blues can often feel like slamming your head on a brick wall over and over.
You are correct. The games only ever described him as having a bad power core.
>trying that as Blues can often feel like slamming your head on a brick wall over and over.
Which is arguably a good way to get someone used to megaman games
even in archie his core isn't an unstable nuke, wiley just told him that so he wouldn't run off and potentially hurt people
10 and 11 are legitimately the only classic Mega Man games I've ever been able to beat. Mind you I didn't use their baby easy modes but they savaged my ass significantly less than every other one I've played.
Though last time I played 8 I made it to Wily Machine 2, game overed on it, and took a break that I just never got around to coming back from.
The feeling of conquering my first mini boss once I finally made good use of the shield felt great.
If you haven't played with Protoman, he has half the health of Megaman, and it's been making the game very challenging for me
They probably didn't include him or Bass in 11 since it was a sort of soft reboot for the franchise and they were more focused on reintroducing the basics while appealing to new players mechanically.
Any tips on beating Iris and Double on the X-Challenge? Keep getting my ass kicked before I even get one of them out.
Have any of you anons tried the Megaman fan games? I gave Unlimited a shot and was very impressed, but I can't crack it. The levels seem really really long. Have I just gotten bad at Megaman games?
I actually played as Proto Man and beat it as him first. I'd wanted him to be playable for years so I jumped on that even if he was gimped. It helped that he has the slide and shield.
Unlimited is alright, though I prefer playing as Zero. I also liked MAGMML2, but that is a the result of a fan contest, so the quality of the levels varies widely.
save state and rewind use isn't bad if you use them to git gud then stomp the game in one sitting similar to says
Nah Unlimited has a boner for instadeath obstacles and the levels drag on forever.
The only reason people think 2 and 3 are the best in the NES series is because they are the easiest. the real best game in the NES series is 6, change my mind.
pro tip:you cant
I also started SFR, which I liked more than Unlimited. It's crazy with how polished it is that they left the robot master screen sprites looking so wonky tho
>Unlimited has a boner for instadeath obstacles
To the extent that an earlier version gave a fucking ROBOT MASTER an instadeath attack
>Classic thread
Thank God, a Mega Man thread that's not 80% shit taste. At least until the MM4fags show up
>destroying all of nitro man’s blades in one quick hop
>negating strike man’s bouncing balls by just getting in his face with your shield
>making blade man’s knives completely irrelevant
keep trying user. when you get even better you’ll feel incredible
>implying 6 isn't the easiest
>Not the easiest NES Mega Man
I like 3 a lot more than 2, but you're right, if only for the amazing aesthetics
I used E tanks to beat the bosses in 11.
What's with a lot of Western Mega man fan's obsession with calling him Rock man? Is it a desire to be true to the author's intentions? Not hating, I've just always thought that the name 'Mega man' was more appealing.
Rockforce and Super Fighting Robot are what I remember being the best to me.
i think the name Rock is better for the helper robot than Mega is. I don’t call him Rockman though. I think Megaman suits him better when he’s a fighting robot. Sort of like what archie did. It always works better with Roll.
With Archie, Blues had an unstable solar core, but Wily replaced it with a nuclear core. But even that core was still unstable. Wily SAID Blues would eventually blow up and be a danger to those around him if he didn't keep coming back to him for maintenance, but Blues got a second opinion and found that only his systems would burn out, much like with his old core. Only now he was a danger if he took a direct hit.
In the games, I think it was only ever mentioned in The Power Battles (or was it Power Fighters? I always mix them up) that he had a faulty power core, and it was never elaborated on further.
So basically Archie just kinda made things a little more dramatic.
I just like keeping the musical references.
It always bummed me out that the whole occupation oriented focus of MM1's robot masters was lost after that game. Guts man's stage being a construction site and so on was really cool, and I wished the later games tried harder to keep that motif.
Not op, but it definitely isn't.
Is it one of the easier ones? Maybe.
But 2 is easily the easiest game even with it's bad design.
>we will never see where they were going with Mr. X, the Stardoids and the Extraterrestrial Police
it’s not fucking fair.
Here's the second opinion
All the 6 stages are easier than Quick Man's stage in my opinion
>even if another publisher get the rights, and even Flynn on board to write for it, they wouldn't be able to pick back up where Archie left off
it's not fucking fair.
>So basically Archie just kinda made things a little more dramatic.
Which is exactly what made it great. I will never forget the chills I got when rock had to confront spark man for the first time
>"Does that mean he's dying?"
>"Tsk, I've been doing that for years now"
Protoman is too good for this world
what is this, a comic for ants?
I have his name being Rock and his combat form/title being Mega Man.
Mega sounds odder as a name to for some reason, so I prefer to separate the roles.
Kind of like a super hero.
what is this an overused meme
No if i use save states dumbass
just give me a version I can read nigger
Pretty much this. Mega's a dumb name for a kid but a great name for a superhero alterego.
Lurk moar lazyass
There, is this better?
People can't beat MM2 without save states?
eat a dick nigger
You should finish 8. Do it for the sake of anime. Also ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION
get salted
I got the larger image I wanted
I won
Kind of would have been neat to see them with the gear system implemented for a bonus mode.
Maybe Bass would only get Speed Gear and Protoman would only have Power (or vice versa) but they could use it a bit differently or better than Rock could.
I'm still bummed we never had a fight with a double gear powered bass.
I was expecting that to be one of the wily castle fights and was super disappointed when it wasn't.
Man, no need to be so bitter at the other games. Classic isn't my favourite of the series but I can appreciate every series in the franchise.
The only series I'm actually bitter at is Legends for probably autistic reasons. I'm not really bitter at X series or Xfags I'm just glad to see a thread that's not full to the brim with X lorefagging when it's always been a trainwreck of a story. For what it's worth I also really like BN in addition to Classic
Speaking of the Stardroids and Extraterrestrial police, how come we never see aliens show up again in Classic>X>Zero>ZX>Legends? Aliens show up in BN and SF for some reason as well.
Aliums show up a fair few times in Classic. Shadow Man, Ra Moon, Stardroids, and Duo are all aliums.
I guess I'm just asking why they don't show up in the later parts of the timeline after the Classic series is over and done with. Seems like a weird thing to just drop.
Reminder mega man is a niche franchise that always sold like shit because the devs refused to give the player infinite continues with grades on level completion.
It is, but I guess they just wanted plots that were more down to earth.
Y'know except for X and Zero where they had orbital stations, but that's still not aliens.
Well the more explicit alien elements (at least as blatant as 8 and World 5's) were kind of thrown in after the X series was in full stride.
X's sequels were heavily tied to the events there (Zero being based on the cyber space stuff the Virus did and Zero himself, ZX just continuing off from Zero) so with the story driven nature they didn't know where to suddenly fit in the whole alien plotline.
Legends is so far into an apocalypse it doesn't really matter much anymore.
Think it's just a quirk of having several series going on at once.
Spark is too pure for this world. Sad how half of his brothers decided to shutdown.
>infinite continues with grades on level completion.
this would have been so fucking trash lmao
Hey, the Zero series called wants to remind you of it's annoying fucking ranking gimmick.
where are my mega man unlimited bros at
Not gonna lie, I just can't beat any of the classic MM games without save states. Some stages are doable without them but they're few and far between, and forget about challenging Wily without them in any of the games, I don't know how people could manage when they were new. It's funny because other platformers like Rayman 1 and Kid Icarus are piss easy as well as doing 1cc runs on shmups yet MM is the bane of my existence.
Rank only matters in 2-3. In 1 the only thing it really does is make bosses somewhat harder and unlock Ciel's room.
This. I like Megaman but shit gets retardedly redundant your first time. That's something I loathe about old platformers. You get a little further each time just to see a boss's patterns for 6 seconds on your last life before having to do everything over again, then repeat the process. Shit burns me out
a classic
Shit, man
Took you long enough
what is this?
It's a bit of a mouthful
Bit of a mouthful to explain
Was Yea Forumss flavor of the mouth like 6 years ago
Please, go on.
It's a bit hard, but someone will come, drop an info load right on ya soon enough
Forget the casuals
>there are """mega man fans""" that don't have this
He's more than a robot
No... not yet... Ummm, which classic boss do you guys have the most trouble with? Shadowman always kicks my ass
Someone updated the Wikipedia for Mega Man 11 so that it says the game sold 1,000,310 copies. Can anyone confirm that number?
Seconding this, I cannot for the life of me find the numbers that this game sold
I only did it on megaman 2 for that shitty dragon boss because i kept dying and didn't have any energy for the platform section
9 > 11 > 3 > 10 > 6 > 4 > 7 > 2 > 8 > 5 > 1
Waiting for the sequel.