ITT: cliffhangers
ITT: cliffhangers
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I will never not be mad
It's not fair.
Man, would have been nice to get a conclusion to Virtue's Last Reward.
Brothers in Arms, fuck Gearbox
The Good Life looks so lame by comparison
I won't lie, Viva Pinata+TiP brings RR into god tier practically all on its own. But as someone who played VV I have a massive amount of doubt for it being in so much as low tier. Unless these tiers are "bell-curved" and rated relative to one another and not in the grand scheme of all games.
>To Be ContinueD
>mfw no news for the past 5 years
I think this is one of the only games I'm mad we didn't get a conclusion.
Patience is a virtue. Virture's Last Reward was found in the AR game of VLR.
>no news
Swery left Access and has said repeatedly--often angrily--that a follow up to D4 would never happen.
I share his frustrations. Must've been fucked by MS godawful marketing and how his IP is held hostage. Sucks but hopefully The Good Life becomes decent.
Great game, but what the fuck. They didn't even try to wrap up the story.
It really fucking hurt me that D4 never continued. It released back in the few years the Xbox One showed a ton of promise with shit like Killer Instinct, Dead Rising 3, Scalebound, and the new Phantom Dust being revealed (and we all know how the last 2 ended up). To this day I still haven't played it cause I'm worried about being disappointed by the ending.
Just play it and enjoy it for what's there. It puts most episodic adventure games to shame, aside from the last King's Quest.
>twitter people corrupted Swery
>Must've been fucked by MS godawful marketing
That's basically it, yeah. Microsoft only funded D4 as part of their big Xbox One Kinect push, requiring the developers to implement Kinect controls. Consumer pushback against the Kinect lead to D4's funding getting slashed while it was still in development, so D4's development was split into "seasons," and the first was released with hopes that it would make the money necessary to fund the next or at least prove to Microsoft that the rest of the project was worth backing. It didn't, doubtless because when Microsoft took a big step back from the Kinect, they quietly gutted advertising for games meant to promote it.
It's not difficult to understand why he's bitter.
>We'll never see the end of D4
>We'll never see Swery's proposed spinoff about the girl who can solve mysteries by masturbating in bed
One of the more infuriating cliffhangers.
The first Gears of War is among the pinnacle of third-person shooters. Why the hell is it on the low-tier bracket?
No, they didn't. Is this the part where you cry about le ess jay dabyus? Fuck off