"You came, but nothing can be done now. The orbital bombardment is already underway. Earth is lost. I'm sorry, brother. We will end this with our fists."
Atop a crippled and badly damaged weapons station in orbit around the now fractured moon.
>"user." "Azu? What are you going here?" >"I know why you're here. You're hoping to kill the behemoth." "Yes, I am." >"Damn it. It could've been anyone. Why... why did it have to be you?" "I'm the only one who can do this." >"I'm sorry user, but I cannot let you continue." "Why?" >"There is a balence in this world. Where there is order, there has to be something opposite of that, yes?" "..." >"We believe in this law. We cannot allow the balence to be disrupted." "That thing has nothing to do with balence! It's a monster that'll destroy the world!" >"Then so be it. If that's the natural order then who are we humans to stop it?" "You don't care?" >"I do care. However it is not my place to decide the fate of the world." "I don't believe in fate." >"user. Turn around now. One of our beliefs is not killing unless necessary. If you leave now, I'll have no reason to harm you." "I'm not backing down. I WILL stop this." >"...I see. It's ironic, isn't it? Someone who believes in order and someone who believes in chaos. With neither backing down. Which is which, I wonder." "..." >"Well user. Give me everything you've got! I'll show you our power!" *on defeat* "Stop this!" >"...Aren't you going to finish me off?" "No. There's no reason to kill without necessity, right?" >"...!" "I'll be going now." >"You realize if you don't kill me, I'll come after you again, don't you?" "I understand that. And I'll be ready when you do." >"I see. ...Good luck." Fight will take place on a ledge overlooking the past level
"I've been alone my whole life, dying by your hand means I won't die alone"
Empty house
Sounds of the wind opening and closing doors
Jonathan Peterson
Line:"you arent my father" Location: My Mom's bedroom before my so called step father violates my mom Music: Barry White love making music (idk my mom put it on for some reason)
>Quote "Oh shit, waddup" >Location My front porch >Music "Life is a Highway"
Asher Hughes
>Quote "Well...fuck. Was kinda hoping you'd die to the literal army of bodyguards I had." >Location Underground Bunker >Music Yakety sax. Because I wouldn't be a boss fight, I'd be boss 'catch the little fucker as he hightails it out of there as fast as possible'
like fuck I'm picking a fight with somebody who fought their way through an entire game's worth of enemies.
Aiden Baker
>What is a Janny? A miserable little pile of incelibacy. But enough shitposts - Fuck niggers!
>pre-battle quote nothing but someone else would scream "It's the killer, do not die!" >location In a dark wide cave >music youtube.com/watch?v=6t97aJRUFfg
Benjamin Morales
"Just like old times, huh?"
A grassy field on the outskirts of the ruins of our hometown, under a starry night sky.