This is Junichi Masuda, Gamefreak Director, say something nice to him!
This is Junichi Masuda, Gamefreak Director, say something nice to him!
Actually, Junichi Masuda is a producer at GameFreak.
fuck you
His Black and White were amazing risks.
I love him!
imagine thinking this
imagine being underageb&
Good job raising an army of actually retarded shills that will defend anything you shit out to the last breath.
congrats on making bank on retards with no self respect for what they play
i turned 18 when those games released.
5th gen had the best story, best designs, best type combinations, more interesting characters, best-looking region.
Only downsides are the routes were linear and you couldn't catch your favorite Pikachu and Zubat :^(
oh and you could argue a lot of the dex were copies of other pokemon.
Haha...I don't really know.
It was THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING THE FRANCHISE HAS EVER DONE to not include oldmons in it at all.
There was a true sense of discovery when you played them. Not just 'oh I bet there's going to be a zubat in this cave' and there is.
They activelly played with that, adding a new bat mon that was psychic instead.
BW2 ruined that because fucking nostalgiafags couldn't let their shitmons die in peace.
>best story
Every Pokemon game's story is dogshit.
>best designs
they're universally agreed to be the ugliest, busiest designs in the whole series that all just ape gen one pokemon. To this day Pokemon is cursed with having to call "Sawk" a Pokemon, or deal with the genies existing. Even when they came out I was rolling my eyes at almost every encounter
>best type combinations
what an amazing risk
>more interesting characters
>best looking region
>Only downsides are the routes were linear and you couldn't catch your favorite Pikachu and Zubat :^(
Yeah, instead you catch Emolga and Swoobat. There is nothing original in BW because gamefreak can't design a fresh region without copying Kanto. Poorly.
Your boots look squeeky clean
>Every Pokemon game's story is dogshit.
Every video game has a shit story
>they're universally agreed to be the ugliest, busiest designs in the whole series that all just ape gen one pokemon. To this day Pokemon is cursed with having to call "Sawk" a Pokemon, or deal with the genies existing. Even when they came out I was rolling my eyes at almost every encounter
You are right but I'm still right as well. there's around 150 new pokemon. Halve of those can be stupid like a trash bag and palette swap genies. The others can be great like Haxorus or Galvantula.
>what an amazing risk
The risk was removing all the old pokemon aside from Magikarp user.
What, is Hoenn the best region then? Kanto is bland, Johto had to borrow shit from Kanto, Sinnoh had annoying caves in the middle.
>Yeah, instead you catch Emolga and Swoobat. There is nothing original in BW because gamefreak can't design a fresh region without copying Kanto. Poorly.
>Every videogame has a shit story.
This is not true and a poor attempt to try to make what I said redundant. There are video games that incorporate the medium's best strengths quite well in order to create a compelling story. No POKEMON game has a good story, and if you're playing it for that your priorities are messed up.
> there's around 150 new pokemon. Halve of those can be stupid like a trash bag and palette swap genies. The others can be great like Haxorus or Galvantula.
That's the problem. the region has some good ones but they clearly weren't prepared to make another 150 because so many of them are awful looking at severely hurt the gen's popularity.
>removing pokes is risk
You'd be right if they tried to do something different other than shitty knock off Kanto Pokemon with none of the open region design of kanto
>best looking region
The best looking region is Alola. This doesn't factor in level design. also, Kanto is not bland. you have a lot of zoomer opinions formed from the cesspool known as /vp/.
Gamefreak doesnt reaIIy earn that much money
They are just hired to do the job, they dont own the games they make and dont see much of the saIes