Are you doing your part?
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Is that user from the previous thread still going to make a room
We will never know.,.
Not him but I might start a room on hard.
What mission do people wanna start from?
Not him but just made a room.
Room is "Shazbot" pass is "vgtg"
Easy peasy
So let me get this straight
Rangers are just mini-Fencers
Wing Divers are just slow Fencers
Air Raiders are just Fencers, but they make other people do the work
And Fencers are godlike beings where you are a Ranger, Wing Diver and Raider all rolled into one unholy abomination of inhumane power who flies around the map at sanic speeds raining down death and destruction capable of making any xeno want to run back to its bugworld.
Im sorry, just why even bother playing anything else. Its like SnS in MH, everything else is just made redundant.
I don't think I could go back to 4.1 after playing 5.
if there are piratefags here I am willing to start a room
I just reached this mission for the first time and got my ass kicked.
>mission 43
Holy fuck
It just never ended,
Is there a hack for EDF5? I just played a few levels with this guy and the armor and weapon drops were vanishing right in front of me. The guy was not even near the stuff. I picked up like 3 armor or someshit in 4 levels we played.
was he a ranger
>backtracking from insect scum
>suddenly ass right in my face
wing divers are such sluts
Its likely just lag.
Was the other guy a Ranger?
Rangers can equip items that increase the item acquisition range
Have they fixed mouse input yet?
If anyone else is using G-Sync and getting massive stuttering try turning it off, it's been smooth as butter for me ever since.
wait isnt drops shared
i thought it didnt matter who took it except for health
God that looks terrible. Japs cant program for shit.
I tried
Dunno. I play on PS4.
Because somebody's gotta give Fencers the attack powerups
Yes he was a ranger. How much of an range increase are we talking about? This guy was picking up stuff from like 3-4 fencer boost away.
what weapons do i use to make fencers fun. I just started so i'm trying out all the classes and i'm only on mission 28 or so. Fencers are just so fucking slow and the melee weapons i have for them are ass
My Wingdiver had a long day.
There's one that increases it by 1000%
And I'm pretty sure that it also increases when Rangers are sprinting
Sprint only increases pickup range if you don't have a pickup item equipped.
I wish we had the explosions from Squad
Ah, okay. I've only played solo so far, so I'm not really experienced with its effects
>be pcfag
>never played edf before
>buy 4.1 on it's first sale
>have a great time
>play if for 30 hours
>2 years later
>buy edf 5
>don't really feel anything, not having a bad time but feel pretty bored
is it just depression? have I grown out of vidya? is it jsut because I'm playing ranger?
Low level Fencer is garbage. Once you get 3 dashes + 1 boost, then you can fly all around the map. Jackhammer/shotgun combo is OP.
You need to use a combination of dash forward and dash up weapons and use those. You can get more dashes from equipment.
Once you put that together you can get around very quickly.
Two more months before I can join in. I´m a poorfag.
>it's another shitty jap port locked at 60 FPS
Fencercucks are best for dashing behind me and picking up loot whenever I carry the shit out of missions with 100% fair and balanced PHALANX
>game doesn't freeze for three full seconds upon impact
>when the pillbugs show up
how do I not gangraped by these things
They seem to die pretty easily but if they bunch up on you, you're fucked
and good luck destroying those dropships they're spawning from
PCbros just have to work harder for it
who cares, if you are around 60fps something is wrong anyways
Hide in buildings. There are several spots you can do so. Just hope that an idiot teammate doesn't blow up your building.
newshit to edf here making a room from the very beginning
room name: Yea Forums
pass: rage
also what does the instant room setting mean?
I know right? Literally unplayable.
if you can get into a building, like one of those car parks you'll be good
pretty sure those dropships go away on their own
Are you guys playing offline or online?
Thanks, guys
>pretty sure those dropships go away on their own
That's just on the first encounter. On the next one, the dropships must die.
Cant join, am pirate.
Dopamine or serotonin receptors burned out
is he okay?
Anyone have the list of weapons and which mission to get them?
Probably. Try air raider. They got a gigantic set of buffs and are much more solo friendly. Air strikes work on a reload now, and also reload while not equipped, and also are 10times easier to aim now that they added a new God's eye view for air raids
Oh hello there
Shame you can't equip 2 of them and keep swapping.
how does weapon farming work. Im doing a Normal run but decided to cheese stage 61 INFERNO by staying in the carparks. after an hour, I ended up with weapons I cant even use in all weapons have a chance to spawn in a stage?
>lvl 82
>mfw highest lvl item I have is 17
Lysander is crap in 5.
the virgin air raider vs the chad lancer
So let me get this straight
Rangers are air raiders without combat ability who specialize in picking up items and supplying back up vehicles
Wing divers are air raiders that specialize in getting killed by frogs
And fencers are air raiders that specialize in getting caught in my airstrikes
the early mission suck major assssss
it gets way more fun when you encounter the frogs which is the hector replacement for this game
Why are helicopters so trash?
Later missions give you higher level weapons. You can use those weapons in SP since there's no level limit.
No. There is a range for each mission and each difficulty.
Because it's EDF. The later ones do get better, though you're better off calling in Nixes.
why you should?
lobby where?
Charts for weapon levels. Use with to find what mission you need.
Ranger -
Wing Diver -
Air Raider -
Fencer -
I'll throw a pirate lobby soon up.
I'd like to be doing my part but i'm unfortunately newly unemployed at the moment and I don't want to pirate it, so i'm not gonna be helping out for a while.
lobby up
search "Yea Forums"
is this game stupid fun or should i pass
both posts are exactly at the same time, both posts are same-memeing
whats a good stage to farm for armor? Im seeing people with 6K armr popping in common roomsand my WIng Diver still hast broken 600
EDF is the most video game video game series.
Its fun like a B-movie is good fun.
Imagine the fun you had back when videogames weren't full of faggot pandering shit. EDF is like that
He didn't say samefag.
neither did I, read again.
>love the titan tank
>never find a higher ranked version of it
Very upset
Best AFK armor farm is Mission 4 on DLC 1, but I dunno if that's out on PC yet. You can AFK farm mission 39 offline with the right set up.
First of, drops are shared.
Second, Rangers can get items to increase their pickup radius by a ton.
Third, could have been descync.
both anons posted a thing with reference to virgin/chad meme. they both have the exact same timestamp.
Why does online give you worse weapon level than offline?
nice im tired of faggots
They are generally the same. It's only different because the mission numbers are different in offline and online modes.
How could you be so cruel to a fellow human?
The ass is phat
Are there online exclusive missions like in 4.1? Is there a stage like (PTSD Warning) Demon Army?
I thought you were doing the usual "only 1 (you)" response. No other reason to post a screenshot unless you're just trying to go omg I'm famous now.
Yes. 108 and 109 are exclusive to online mode. 108 is the Demon Army equivalent.
What's this EDF? I bought some EDF some time ago, forgot to play it, now there's a new EDF?
Quick rundown please.
Yea Forums
This is 5, but it just came out for pc
I wasn't him and now that I read it all again I see it makes no sense. I should go to sleep now
Shoot ant
So what are the new things in 5? So far seems to just be aesthetic and missions. Also motorbikes are radicool now.
>shield bearer + grey with laser combo
This is cancer. Pure, unadulterated cancer. there is no defending this bullshit.
Lots of QOL stuff that makes it really hard to come back to EDF 4.1
git gud
Downloading it now, my first EDF even though I've know about it for a long time. Can't wait
>engaging in guerilla warfare with the breacher against ayys in the alleyways
War has never been so much fun.
You'll use a keyboard and mouse.
It started running on my integrated graphics. Forced it onto my 1070 and now I'm getting single digit fps. Help
should I?
So in EDF 5, are the four balanced this time around or are their clear winners and losers again?
You should disable the integrated graphics in your BIOS.
first time I encountered that I was air raider and just went Dukes of Hazard with that Melter Tank since it was fast. took out the shield but I didnt make it out alive.
Then I learned about the Fencer...
Single digit fps is the way edf was meant to be played, 60 fps is soulless
Ranger is the clear loser. The other 3 can hold their own.
I miss my friend
i'll just use my racing wheel then
Wing Diver is still shit tier, Fencer and Air Raider are still on top
So what's different? Better graphics?
It's running off my 1070 now, but it's running worse on my 1070 than when it was running off integrated
are there any lobbies doing missions in the 20-40 range
First EDF game I've played, how am I suppose to loot as an air raider? All the vehicles are super slow and squishy.
QoL improvements, new weapons and gear, a bunch of missions
Did you check CPU and GPU usage?
Wait till everything's cleared out then loot
Or play online and just let your teammates do it
>Wing Diver is still shit tier
Looks like someone lacks energy management skills.
Were threads more active when it released on PS4?
From 4.1 to 5? Art style, new weapons, gameplay improvements (rangers and wing divers get new movement options), new enemies
fencer isnt as annoying to play as but also cant go as fast without late game gear
Try borderless fullscreen or windowed. D3/Sandlot had a similar issue at launch for 4.1
>if I use online crack I can't transfer save file when I buy the game
>if I use offline crack I can transfer save
fuck this I'll be patient since I'll buy the game tomorrow
Once you get a decent blacker or grape you fly across the map and it’s way safer than being on foot
lmfao wtf? Fencer was never good. The nerfs to WD and buffs to fencer are in relation to just how busted the WD was in 4.1. She was never that broken in other games they had her.
Fencer is better at maneuvering and kiting, Air Raider is better at clearing out hordes, and Ranger can do whatever
Only thing Wing Diver has going for it is high damage bursts which don't count for much
If you do humble monthly, the humble store has it for even cheaper. Instead of the 20% it is 32% off.
Jesus Christ these giants are kicking my shit in.
I'll main Wing Diver until the day I die
But Wing Diver has the best damage
Which ones?
No. Even with the severe downgrade she is still the best. Did you even play any of these games?
Just got to the frogs, did the first mission as ranger as I was worried. Got an IFV drop for air raider, roll up, blast the legs off and go to town on the body with the howitzer. All else fails call in 105mm spam attacks
The human looking ones, they're damn vicious.
Anything Ranger can do Wing Diver can do better.
Wing Divers cant clear waves or kite as well, but they can murder major targets faster than anyone.
Nigga Wing Diver got buffed for 5
She was in the trash can for anything but ironically cave missions
>high damage bursts which don't count for much
Don't mind me while I one-shot the Colonists and Cosmonauts. Oh and don't worry about that Anchor. I'll blow it up in a couple of seconds.
Any of you piratefags wanna play or am I playing with randoms this time
There's one slot in the room "Shazbot"
We're doing missions on hard. We're at 8 now.
Why do they have such low "armor"?
>Wing Divers cant clear waves or kite as well, but they can murder major targets faster than anyone.
Thank god the vast majority of the game isn't about killing huge hoards of enemies while kiting
Oh right the password. I'm an idiot.
It's vgtg
God damn the new dodge for Wing Diver is so fucking handy.
Hey I just started. How the fuck to I find games? to I have to finsih the tutorial missions or something? Im about to start mission 3
To reduce weight
Armor weights them down. I kinda wish they would throw in old outfits.
Final mission on easy is actually decent for farming armor.
This, the only real "nerf" is the addition of cores to the gameplay. Even then, some of the mid-late game cores are break the game even harder than before the nerfs.
You try getting those rear ends in the air and keep them there. Any heavier and they could one-shot some of the larger bipedials from landing on them, Wing-Divers are too OP.
How is ranger a loser? He strictly gained. Before the only thing he was good for was....nothing?
He is now a versatile weapon user that also is extremely mobile and can summon some helpful vehicles.
Pirate lobby, search by room name.
You have to be in online mode, if you have the tutorial you are in offline mode. Exit to profile select and you can change to online mode
Do us non pirates have a room / lobby?
Disco lives.
I can make one, I guess. One sec.
They are so OP when you can get all of them cluster in one place.
They got a fat ass, why not reduce weight there?
search Yea Forums
Party Van
pw is what it always is
pale team is cute. CUTE!
Playing with sis
No pirates online eh. I'll wait 5 more minutes before joining some pub lobby.
Give me a good fencer build. I want to get good with them but don't know wat to use.
>stealing a game that gets like 50k lifetime sales
for fucking shame
It sold 350k+ already, no problem.
How's the PC port? I got money leftover on the sale but I'm on the fence about getting it. Never played a EDF game before but it looks comfy to just gun down some oversized bugs
Thanks but there seems to be an appreciable difference in level, just gonna pug it for normal (early)
>Grim Reapers are the elite of the elite, constantly riding in to certain death with you to beat the impossible
>Sargent and Ranger Squad are always there for you, always holding the line along side you no matter what
>Damn near every mission with the Spriggans have them immediately eating shit and needing rescued
Even the writers of this game knew Wing Divers are shit tier
Post yfw command gives you the code name Storm 1 after realizing how much of a slaughter machine you are
Is there a room up right now?
If you're on the fence just pirate it to try before you buy. It's a barebones port that doesn't even have graphic settings. It runs snooth on my rig though.
60 FPS cap and no widescreen.
WDs are only good for celebratory gang-bangs.
What's your rig? I'm still running a 970 and I5 so I doubt it'll run smoothly.
Fast shooty weapon with pointy stick, double big shooty weapon on second set
i5 2500k + HD 7950
Generally you'll want to use a shotgun and melee weapon (usually a blasthole spear for piercing) while zipping around using the biggest jump and dash cores you can equip
For your second loadout use whatever the mission calls for, generally having long range weapons is good here so you can deal with dropships or pylons
I've always wondered why there was no AR division.
So confirmed that MC is air raider right?
It's basically tradition at this point for the 'elite' Wing divers to be total jobbers, it was the same in 4.1 as well with Pale Wing always getting their shit pushed in.
Edf 4 is 5 dollars on gamivo for the complete edition, play that then 5 so if you feel like shooting ants isn't fun you wouldn't have wasted 40 dollars
I think those big armor squads that are in a bunch of missions count, but they're never really given a special designation
>Not giving 'em both barrels at once from the get-go
Like highlander there can be only one
Sergeant is so based. 5 months of research and development to take down the UFO's and Sergeant just says fuck this, let's just shoot at them.
Any rooms that aren't full?
>You alone are Storm 1
This game got so fucking hype
New lobby
Level 64 Hard
Password: rage
What the fuck is the point of limpet guns?
>doesn't do enough DPS to justify being used to defend yourself up close
>doesn't do enough burst damage to justify being used as a trap weapon
Explain this to me
Why don't you do that and post your webm user :^)
It's bait to filter out people that shouldn't be playing air raider. Guns are for lesser classes.
Does anyone have any tips for mission 20?(19 in multiplayer) it's the crimson mission from 4, with the beach and the red ants attacking from the beach, i always die at the last wave. Playing ranger on hard, this is for my solo campaign.
They were my goto for solo Air Raider in 4.1, but the gunships that reload in the background make them pretty pointless in 5. They do come in handy underground, though.
Wing Divers will get a chance to shine one day
Play Fencer lol
Kill the 10 ants or spiders that surround you as Air Raider because absolutely no one else is willing to hold the front line and distract the enemies
Shoot ants
Max level limpet snipers do obscene damage.
Crimsons can't touch helicopters.
Free bike
Can you unlock a heli for ranger before mission 20?
Only have a low level version, is there a mission that drops a high level one?
No, solo ranger only.
Git gud
Shotguns pierce now so just like shoot them
Lol, that's what i told your mom last night too
Try to save as many fencers and Nyx on wave 2 and make sure you grab the WD squad when they retreat to the beach. Double up on shotguns or penetrating weapons. On the last wave, try to fight the side furthest away from the main mountain, as having more npcs alive means more diversions and more firepower.
Missions with shield dudes or underground
I still prefer 4.1 over 5. 5 has a lot of neat improvements, but I really liked the mission design in 4.1 as well as the general atmosphere.
And they're really damn close together in quality anyway.
The lowest level heli is lvl 11. It should drop from mission 16 and up on hard.
Air raider is the only new design I don't like the armor was cooler in the last one and the helmet looks dumb. Can't wait to beat the game so I can keep the mechanic outfit on all the time.
Is he right?
Kinda feeling the same.
Maybe I'm just not into EDF as much as I always thought.
I put 160hrs before I got burt out with 4.1 but right now I'm at mission 10 on 5 and it feels like the last time I played 4.1 and decided to stop.
At least I gave the devs some money to make great games.
>so I can keep the mechanic outfit on all the time
Make it orange and you get to be Dale Gribble.
This, shotguns are amazing now close combat with Ranger is a good time
Yes, the new one is complete garbage compared to 4's.
They are the only consistent meterless damage that can be done vs dropships for the AR without guided missile or rigged explosive shenanigans.
Yeah fuck the new song. It has some funny lyrics though.
I miss attack gunship Whale and Satellite Nothung's operator from 4.1, but the new air raider support staff are still pretty cool.
Is there any way to get back the civilian-based dialog for the air raider calls?
He makes a compelling argument.
Yea it is shit.
It doesnt even have proper rythm.
>To save our mother earth from any alien attack
Will forever be in my heart. The rythm, the pitch, the lyrics. And of course the finale
>The EDF deploys
I literally cannot deal with the new song being so crappy, its depressing the shit out of me.
cringe but redpilled
>user has requested a 150mm Cannon (Attack Whale) !
>user has requested a 150mm Cannon (Attack Whale) !
>user has requested a 150mm Cannon (Attack Whale) !
>frontline teammates get fragged
Wing diver doesn't have a voice line for "That's epic" anymore that was my other go to in 4.1.
Is that a nuke? pathetic
You can change skins after finishing the main storyline. Dunno if that changes the responses if you run a civilian skin on later missions.
Reminder they changed the revive method. You can revive with red HP now.
>mission 94
>3 laser cannon ayys all firing at you
Please join
Which one is worse, 5 or 4.1's deroys
In 4.1 a Limpet Shot would shred pretty much everything, but now it seems like all Limpet guns are slow and have small explosions.
>Went through the opening missions just shouting NIIIIICE! after someone says something
I love video games
I would user, but I know I aint got the gear for that. Only on mission 58 and been playing on normal the entire way.
When can I get Balam in this one?
user, I'm sorry.
I finally managed to do it by using that sniper rifle that penetrates in a straight line.
2's deroys. On Very Hard or Inferno.
Seriously, those things are hit-scanning mofos.
>you're pretty good FOR A NEWBIE HAHA
when do they find out you were at ground zero of the goddamn invasion? you are the single most experienced unit EDF has
After the intelligence agency orders surveillance on you
Dont worry, soon enough
Best Wing Diver skin?
Have a lot of the vehicles for air raider been cut that were in 4.1? I remember there being a wide variety of tanks/mechs to choose from that were more than just color/gun changes. So far I've only seen the same looking mech but different color/weapons and same with the tanks. Please tell me there's more.
Gotta up the difficulty bro. Normal's range for weapon drops is like, 1-25.
What should I equip in the Ranger's support slot, vehicles, faster dashing, or bigger item collect area?
Double blood storms on the fencer with another weapon set that lets you move around is really powerful. Trick is to keep distance from the enemy
What does wing diver pussy smell like?
Gigantus and Balam have a different name, every helicopter but bazelart and railguns got given to ranger and vegaltas are now nyx
Aside from that theyre all in
Upgrade to the Cannon Shot when?
I just go with faster dashing since I like playing ranger at the front lines and there a weapon is better than vehicles
I'm a genius.
God, fuck the new Deroys.
Just the act of having the legs come out of the bottom instead of the top makes them so much fucking harder to kill its not even funny. I've had to chase the fucking things literally all the way across the map because i couldn't get a clear goddamn shot at the core.
Those barriers save lives in some missions.
Hows the multiplayer for legit lobby? Is it easy to find room.
I'm having a blast and seriously thinking buying it now since i'm afraid pirate lobbies will dwindle up in a few weeks.
MP is booming.
great, plenty of beginner lobbies.
Holy Christ the new EDF song fucking sucks shit.
>great set piece missions, solo squad vs many dropships, classic circling mission, destroy the touhou base
>next 20 missions devolve into continuously announcing new enemy types except for one cool foggy mission
really hoping quality picks back up again down the line
Jet fuel and salty coins
>Its a tripod fuckers keep running away so you cant kill them episode
why are wing divers such sluts on the battlefield?
Pirate lobby where? 16~
Can I play with friends if I pirate?
If they pirate as well.
I've only been playing hard, but I haven't gotten too far past mission 30.
only if theyre pirates as well
There were a few of us just playing around that level not too long ago. I might start up another server here in a few, taking a bit of a break
I'll hold one up then for the mean time, Hard, starting at Mission 17, 1/4
Wrong image, EDF is the room name, PS: letmein
>You really are...a bunch of brave idiots
This will never get old
So are the terrorists or what? I don't get it.
If you don't have a specific meme build for the level, faster passive move speed, preferably with damage speed penalty reduction. On lower difficulties or not as enemy or flyer dense levels, under assists are pretty good too. Without the speed upgrades, ranger just gets destroyed from hardest and beyond due to the scaling enemy speed and aggression. To really get the most out of using the ranger's more niche tools, you really need to be in multiplayer and have less stuff aggroing you.
The last 20 or so levels are pretty solid, barring one dumb setpiece stage. There are a few good "shit test" levels that require good execution and planning in the middle. Also, on hardest and inferno, there are additional spawns/waves that change the feel of a lot of levels. Hard and below doesn't really do the game justice.
I really like that one guy from mission 15 with the horrible Boston accent
Its called Barga now, functions identical to Balam except for having a high damage attack after the taunt function.
It also looks like shit.
They're kept in cages away from the guys until they are needed in the battlefield
I'm waiting for the inevitable Spiky-fuck mutant that's bigger and red
How does that work?
why are all of the early game weapons so shit?
Barga was meant to be a heavy loader and construction equipment given that this EDF has never faced Ayys before thus had never considered or made half the shit that they had at the very beginning of 4 like a mobile fortress. It took them 5 months just to learn how to shoot down the the transports and a few more months after that just for grindbusters. At the beginning of 4 they were able to blow up 2 motherships as they were coming out of orbit. This edf is woefully unprepared for the Primers.
I'll tell you the full story once we get to a safe place, civilian.
I have about $450 in my bank account. Should I be smart and save my money till my next paycheck or just buy it now? I'm split......
I didn't see any room with EDF in the name. Going to make another one
name: Shazbot
password: vgs
I mean if you're going to buy it anyway why not.
hard level 16
pirate lobby? or not?
Just pirate it, it'll go on sale later
I know man but it still looks like crap, the new mechs look better than Vegaltas at least.
Also still mad we never get to see the X4. Apparently it was just a bigger version of Balam but man would of been cool to fight beside it. Kinda like an opposite scenario of fighting a Mothership.
>start game
>fencer looks cool as shit, looks like a construction worker in a forklift exo-skeleton thing
>"enlist" in the edf after some missions and it changes to generic mecha design like 4.1
not a pirate lobby
But I wanna play multiplayer. Isn't it pretty boring solo?
You can use that skin after you beat the game once
Oh okay, everything is alright then.
>gets launched into space
I love you
anyone else hate how none of the single player progress transfers to multiplayer so you basically have to do every mission twice
Wait is edf 5 out for pc? what the fuck. is it selling well? Do you alll like it?
Is edf5 doing that too? Dropped.
How do I get steamfix to work? Never used it before.
selling well enough
i like it
>only twice
I can't find it, is it full?
These fuckers are too tough especially when we get encircled
Its already hard killing the initial wave, but they have to keep sending reinforcements not twice, thrice or 4x
What do?
its just the fact that its annoying to decide if you want to do an entire singleplayer run first or do multiplayer and have to backtrack all those missions again because none of the progress transfers
Try again, it should be up now.
what do i need to become an air raider chad
I tried that in 4.1 and they just fall off and float in the air.
got two people now
room name: shazbot
password: vgs
mission 16 hard mode
Just be glad that clearing hard automatically clears normal and easy. That alone makes the grind to 70% more bearable.
Shoot the legs so they can't run. Also, head shots deal double damage. Hide in alleys and take them on one at a time.
Got kicked again after waiting 10 minutes for people the finish their game. Despite the QOL improvements they made to this game it's still plagued by retards that don't know what a fucking private lobby is but they seem to be able to locate the kick button just fine.
Gunship/Spritefall/Phobos/Nyx will serve you well.
These room names are case-sensitive in case anyone can't find it.
Say greetings or something as soon as you join. If they don't reply, find a different room.
Wing Drivers are the best class in 4.1 because they have better survivability/ speed than fencers and better weapons than Rangers.
Don't know about 5.
how the fuck do yu beat level 39
>start in the middle of 2000 drones and ants
>after 30 seconds queen ants and red drones start showing up with some artillery frogs in the distance
>game comes out, out of nowhere full price
>broke as FUCK
Anyone got any leads on wtf the new song is based off. Supposedly it's Imperial japanese
Where the fuck are you getting these low-res pictures bro?
I mean seriously come on.
What is the "[PT]" that sometimes appears before a weapon's damage number?
Is sarge the guy who tried to get you to a "safe place"?
It's either Pierce Through or Penetrate. That means it will go through multiple enemies.
>Where the fuck are you getting these low-res pictures bro?
As in it goes through multiple opponents or is it armor piercing to help deal with greys?
I really fucking like mission 28 Iron Wall. Especially as an artillery Fencer.
join up
Stay the fuck back and let the tanks do the heavy lifting
Snipe the queens with your best long-range weapons because they shit out DPS
>tank with non explosive piercing projectile
This is all I ever wanted
>firing randomness instead of going in a perfect straight line like 4.1
>New hymn is fucking shit
>But the old hymn wasn't voice acted for Wing Diver
The one with the ultra short shorts does look good
>they have better survivability/ speed than fencers
Absolutely wrong
Fencer's ability to kite is far better than Wing Divers
Better weapons than Ranger is true in 4.1 but not 5 after shotguns were given piercing
Goes through multiple enemies. You still need to knock the armor off first. But you can use the corpses as shields and just shoot right through them with a [PT] weapon. That's an Inferno strat to remember.
Sargent will never stop fighting to get you there, even if he has to make a safe place himself
>Fencer's ability to kite is far better than Wing Divers
WD can cross the map super fast, so you're wrong.
Gotta get those star levels
You play Fencer and shit on everything except the few red drones
Do they help tho? I thought vehicles just got reduced credit costs
Oh you poor summer child I'm so sorry
You actually don't know
Does that ~ sign mean damage deviation? As in this gun can just do less than 10 damage if it feels like it?
Is playing on anything harder than normal pretty much impossible solo? I always end up blowing up all of the friendly npcs and get swarmed by insects 10 seconds later. That's some bullshit desu.
Depending on your play style, try to burst them down one by one close up with a solid series of attacks center mass or head with a really powerful weapon or high rof to stunlock before it rolls away. You can also try picking them off with long range weapons, since their weapons are easier to dodge at long range Keep in mind that the ayys move faster the less armor they have on. Their helmet doesn't add as much speed as the rest of their armor. If you don't keep up with reducing their numbers at a good pace, they'll surround and outgun you.
Pale Wing is the best skin for Wing Divers. It's a fucking shame we don't get a costume for it in the very least.
Stop posting your shit quality images.
Distance falloff
I know about the stupid dash canceling that destroys your fingers and requires you face the direction you want to go. It's still slower and less intuitive than glide hopping with the WD.
i did it with rifle+shotgun
That's damage fall-off. Point-blank deals 90.5 damage. At 260m, it's only 9 damage.
dash cancelling is no longer a glitch
Gee I dunno.
>requires you face the direction you want to go.
>It's still slower
Hard has the best over all balance of difficulty to weapon and armor drops. You're just bad.
I'm so glad Not-Vegaltas finally show up as ally vehicles, they were always gigantus in 4.1 and those sucked against almost everything
is edf 5 any good? been thinking about getting it.
What a based individual
Why are NCOs always the best?
give me the better ones then faggot
Your weapons are pretty shit with all the stats at level 0.
WD is still more survivable because you can fly on to buildings and also do sustained boosts.
its kino
Find them yourself loser.
She gonna be alright?
Fuck You!
yes it makes you feel like Napoleon Bonaparte in the Battle of Austerlitz
Don't worry I have airstrike up bro.
>you do eventually get double jumps
Thank god.
Do you know government times I've been killed by you chuckle fucks?
With DLC items, you get a max of 10 dashes and 8 jumps.
>government times
Watch out for the airstrike!
>He doesn't know about the decajumps
The red drones are fucks, but I could swear there was one more color past that.
>fencer vertical jump
Holy fuck it goes high
>double vertical jump
Holy fuck I can punch dropships now
When you see the ground light up red, that means it's time to gtfo.
its true, i didn't know
you can transfer the save file with the steamworks fix. The CODEX crack is what is preventing it, because it sets a random steam ID and the save is tied to that.
>fly on to buildings
>Making yourself an even easier drone target
Can't you just cope with the fact your shitty waifu class is garbage already
The only reason to pick them is that their weapons were hilariously overturned in 4.1
Sorry tablet posting and drunk
watch the fucking radar and stop getting stuck in massive clusters
Drone progression in this game is backwards. The smaller drones especially in red form are way bigger dickheads than the ones that come later in the game and the red version of those ones are pretty much just 100% loot pinatas.
Get weapons that can dash forward and boost up then just dash forward and immediately after boost to gain tremendous speed
>mission 38
This is my ultimate dream scenario I've always wanted to experience in a video game. And I can't believe it was an insect extermination game that fulfilled it. God bless EDF.
Imperial Drones get nasty in big swarms. They also shoot way longer than the little drones.
>do sustained boosts.
And then you can't shoot for shit
What's great about Fencer is that they can go faster and still do a fuckload of damage
Can buyfag join pirate servers or they are restricted to buyfag server just like how pirates are restricted to pirate server?
Pirated has multiplayer.
27$ at Hrkgame has anyone brought off here?
Anyone capable of moving must fight!
When do I get more than one extra dash? I've had 3 jumps for awhile on hard but at mission 40 I still only have the 2 dashes.
Are you a sniper? If not, go down there. Only room for 1.
The free bike is hilarious, it still sucks to drive like it did in 4.1 but at least the ragdoll is funny.
For some reason. I believe that wing divers are much more aggressive then regular women. On the battlefield and in pursuit of a man
I immediately shot that faggot in the face with my lance.
>tfw using level 20 weapons
>and level 2 upgraded Blood Storm
there is nothing better what in the fuck
Even better if you get your friendly neighborhood air raider to stick some turrets on it
Why add more when perfection already exists
the fuck. is this game just dynasty warriors with bugs?
>sees a guy they like
>swoops down and lifts them into the air
>"you're going to be my bf or I'll drop you. Which is it"
Will I ever get a higher level one, or be using this level 2 version forever?
>Try out fencer
>shitty early game boosts make me feel criminally slow
guess it's just ranger/air raider forever until I get the late game fencer boost equips
>Doesnt matter if the man is already in a relationship with another woman
>They just steal men they want
>They get away with it because the EDF needs all the bodies it can get
Thread theme
>you will never fuck a wing diver mid flight
why cant I live in the EDF universe, the giant insects and alien invaders would be worth it
There's always at least one higher level version of the beginner shit so I assume so but I'm only at mission 30 on normal so fuck if I know
>want to wait for a sale
>don't want to pirate because I enjoyed 4.1 and didn't regret buying it
>by the time I buy it, most of the fans will have moved on
It's not nearly as gloriously terrible as the 4.1 bikes. The free bike can at least drive in a straight line on flat ground.
Drop me it's not like I take fall damage in my mech wife anyway
Simple beg for it
Nah he's good. If you chill up there with him he has chats the whole mission.
Post your BEST air raider memes
Wait, really?
Now I'm gonna have to replay it.
Have you guys seen these fucking trailers
>This must be fake news!
Played it online with pirated copy yesterday and decided to buy the game via steam stoday. Turns out I can use the save file from the pirated copy. Bless those hackers.
>ranger/air raider
why not wing diver? that's what i went cause of the mobility
Wing divers eventually get rapiers that one shot the frogs and ayyys. I've killed 4 at the same time in one shot because they were all lined up.
FUCK bipedal enemies
>hoses u
>hoses u again
It's already on sale.
The Ayys have surprisingly good AI
Just stop being poor.
Just shoot them in the legs my dude.
>play fencer
>one shot 8 frogs with a single shell from 1km away
heh nothin personnel kiddo
How have I not heard of this series until this very thread?
>Dash up to froggy
>Bop him in the nose
>His head falls of and he makes squirting noises
Hell if I know, there have been plenty of threads on it through he years
And this one kek
Really? FUCK
The aliens might look like they hate the water
Actual illegal aliens
This isn't like Austerlitz at all! More like Waterloo!!
>drop a Titan
>team freaks out as golden fireballs kill everything
Best feeling.
Ayyyy lmao
doing the same with wingdiver BIG PLASMA CANON
>"We're the ones to create a new dawn for mankind!" (22 year old male (deceased))
top fucking stuff, m8
I never played Air Raider before but thanks to how loot works in 5 I now have hundreds of vehicles/strikes/weapons around mission 25.
Anything to look out for or general loadout tips?
I'll also accept Fencer ideas since I can't find a good setup to keep decent mobility and damage.
I've looked at Wing Diver's butt enough for tonight.
New to game
>Playing first few levels
>Woah a fucking cruise missile? How does this work
>Giant fucking missile smacks into pylon
>friend and I screaming at eachother and laughing maniacly
>few levels later
>get the missile barrage
>about 20 cruise missiles rain hell on the heathens
>more screaming insues
Thank you for recommending this game, I'm in love
How do you even control the camera in helicopters with M&K? Whenever I get into one, I can't see shit ahead of me, instead I'm forced to look at the ground at like 45 degrees.
I will buy this if I can play online with a ton of people to kill a ton of ants. If I can't do that I'm going to wait for the next one when they grow a fucking brain.
>from a literal walking fortress with turrets and control tower to this
>although we've take heavy casualties, we have saved several survivors
>literally everyone is dead except for me
Makes me laugh every time
I really like fighting these giant frogs.
Fencer is easy,
Dash of choice - mine is M2 Spear or Jackhammer
Jump of choice - Dexter or my choice is usually Dispersal Mortar
2x Blood Storm or High Altitude Missiles, replace with other shit if you need
I can kill drop ships by boosting and M2 + Mortar. If they're HIGH up, you could go something else but we're not super great at dropships anyways.
I use 3 boost gear + 2 boost gear, will replace with the best versions as I go.
Dude there's a million lobbies up right now
Finishing the game unlocks both hardest and inferno, neat.
Although I don't know if it does in normal as well, but who plays on normal anyway.
Only ultimate faggots play wing diver anyway
>but who plays on normal anyway
What's the point of the Armhound when the Blood Storm exists?
>half the Fencer's launchers are unusable in solo play
I would gladly give up my other weapon slot for a guide kit.
>but who plays on normal anyway
Can't say I'm not ultra tempted in some missions since I'm playing Ranger. Stopping at a mission I have to spend a few hours retrying is pain.
Its because this is an alternate universe and the first war the EDF takes part in. The probs thought that the worst think they would fight was a big tank or something.
they did this too in 4.1
Are any of the air raider special weapons good?
Instant lock on and dash boosting
It's literally a construction crane
great fucking game, but the first mission is so bad. it might turn people off. the last game was straight into the action. i love sandlot and i don't think they can afford to do this. they need to grab and hook players right from the start. mission 1 is a literal TLoU mandatory walking-and-talking sequence with bursts of small gameplay -- or was this their strategy to get cinematic players into the game with just the first mission? there is a lot of explaining and stuff they do
but more seriously -- PC GOTY again
I had the same thought. First level last time was a good intro, this time it’s two slogs in a row.
Why do I think that is brittany venti
The 4.1 mod gives him a laser kit.
So is the fencer improved? I liked him in 4 but he was too clunky in the later missions, while doing less damage then my coop partner as a wing diver.
Every PC game ever made has hacks.
>First mission introducing Drones is a 4-wave clusterfuck that can easily melt your armor to 0 at any point if you're starting out/don't know what you're doing even on normal.
>Mission immediately after has a large handful of nonhostile drones that tell you how they work
What the fuck were they thinking
If I play the first 20 missions or so as one class then decide to change it up will the other classes be just as strong and leveled even though I haven't played them?
>that first erginus battle that takes like 20 minutes
to finish
why do they do this every time? Looking at the thing jumping around is fun for like 3 minutes but then it gets really stale fast.
yes, he dashing exploit was removed and replace with a much better dashing mechanic. So you can faster and higher than you could in 4.1, and not be locked into weapons that force you to dash cancel.
going fast is a high level thing though so you will be a slow boy for early game
Just air raid him lol
You collect weapons and armor for all classes regardless of which one you play
>Mission immediately after has a large handful of nonhostile drones that tell you how they work
>tfw playing with Japanese voices and they start explaining shit
I finished it 5 minutes as an Air Raider just git gud weapons m8
Ok. So I just need to make sure to go into weapon selection and equip them correctly when I decide to mix things up.
I was starting to think my game was bugged, it took so fucking long.
>jp voices
why would you do this
Nereids have the camera looking downward.
>wanting to understand what's happening
Yeah, but armor and weapons are not evenly split between all the classes. Your ranger might get 10, wing diver 3, Air Raider 5, and Fencer 7. Stuff like that. Depends on how much stuff you pick up per mission.
But that isn't affected by whether I play the class or not right?
>distant enemies have 1 fps animations
is this dark souls 2?
Three fencers with double levanthian and one guy with a laser kit
Are Rangers and Air Raiders doomguys?
They can literally roll faster than a moving vehicle and they can move/destroy building rubble and buses by rolling into it
The class you are playing gets more weapons and armor, all the other classes get a fraction of it
>take the flame revolver into the caves thinking I am being smart
>it's fucking useless
>time to start the mission
>something something teleport ship something something
>something something teleport ship something something
>something something teleport ship something something
>man it sure is taking a long time to kill all these ants
I thought only Rangers break shit when they roll.
It's either that or 10 enemies max
Classes you aren't using get a smaller cut.
Wing diver and fencer need more and less armor boxes per HP respectively, too.
Has anyone here played Iron rain? Aside from "not enough ants" can someone who played it write their opinion.
Someone who played it
You know, you're right. Is it obvious to switch vocals or is that a mod?
they did that with the frogs too kinda.
first run-in with them is a couple waves of like 6 clusters from different directions all centering on you.
mission after is "hey lets take them on one-by-one."
i guess it makes sense that your first encounter with an enemy in an EDF situation is that they surprise you but it's kind of a shitshow to go through.
Language is under settings.
>it's a "hide from the ayys after being slaugthered" Mission
>hear the rescue party getting massacred live on the radio
>save a couple of soldiers
>"Our superior's plan are perfect!"
>"yeah, maybe"
The random chatter is fantastic.
>tfw too poor to afford EDF 5
I'm begging here
As silly as this post is, dropping into the chaos with no clue as to what is happening does create quite the experience.
just go to leddit
>Fencer is godly movement
>Air Raider has addictive destruction
I don't know which to stick with desu. My friends are playing ranger x 2 and diver. I've been able to salvage losses alone as fencer, but I feel like some of those 30+ missions would be easier with a raider for massive trash disposal.
this is some bullshit
How many times does the rookie get trapped behind enemy lines and just go "i'm not trapped in here with them, THEIR TRAPPED IN HERE WITH ME" i just got done with mission 47 and even i'm like "rookie slow down here i know you haven't killed an alien in two minutes but please show some grace"