AND I KNOW IT'S 7th Stand User Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this RPG Maker?
So was Mew really under the truck?
The fourth of these 7th fag user threads in the last 12 hours, aren't you assholes sick of spamming this, just go to /vg/
I like talking about the game. Flavor of the month shit dies immediately on /vg/.
ah yes we should make room for the 5th smash thread and the 11th /pol/bait thread
this thread is videogames, die mad about it
>polnareff makes fun of you in the foggy village if you're fat
fuck you too, you french cunt
>You'll never embark on a journey with the crusaders as a little girl
At least you get that sweet +10 hp
why are there so many threads about this lately? has any big update come out or something?
>aren't you assholes sick of spamming this
Yeah new chaos update. Adds a lot of new possible events and we got someone translating it. Plus a lot of people discovering the game for the first time.
Chaosbro, status report!
well that's neat, guess i'll redownload it and give it another go. Or, since we have a new translator, perhaps should i wait a tad more?
Chaos mode, which came out like six months ago, is being translated and anons found out that you can mod an rpgmaker game 9 years after it's release
you should be able to transfer save files over and getting chaos mode requires 5 new game plus runs and the max amount money in the game
It'll probably be a few weeks. It does require 5th playthrough and 999999 gold I believe.
What's Chaos mode?
basically a randomizer, really weird shit can happen when it's on
>So I only recently found out about version 2.5. It adds yet another thing to customize your character in Japan in the form of clubs your character is a part of. Some increase stats, but the theater department increases the chance for female protagonists to equip the Bunny Suit from 10% to 50%.
>But the real reason this needs to get translated is Chaos Mode. A chest is added to the Developer Room that will take 999999 G in exchange for a Chaos Key that allows access to the mode on your next playthrough. Once it’s activated, things change up dramatically. Among other things, you can:
>Have a random chance that your family are Ripple warriors/descendants of Caesar
>Convince Rainbow to join the journey to Egypt, and she’ll show up in each town and can add some extra events
>Become a member of the Jotaro Fan Club, and have a random chance to decrease his FP with you while at an inn
>See several references to UroJoJo, like Polnareff as a waiter
>Get Jotaro to die from smoking too many times
>Reading the changes in Chaos Mode is such whiplash, because it’s like, Jotaro has a random chance to smile at Joseph’s joke! Rubber Soul can impersonate the protagonist, and if you’re the short female, he’ll turn into Pipimi when the jig is up! There’s now a hot spring in Enya’s hotel! Joey has a 1/255 chance to murder your family when you come home after the Kakyoin fight. Your character will get the ‘lolicon/pedophile’ trait if you keep talking with the little girl in Japan.
tell me about this gameu
You play through part 3 Jojo with a new character with one of eighteen new stands based on a personality quiz. You can affect the story of part 3 in minor or large ways. A lot of new events, new characters and new ways for the story to end. Made by a Japanese housewife as a passion project.
>It does require 5th playthrough and 999999 gold I believe
So if I started playing now, would my save be compatible with the new version when it's released?
other things in chaos mode according to chaos user are the steely dan fight where you actually fight him, making allies with midler and mariah and anne having a stand
it's good but a bit grindy in the begining, spoilers for parts 1-7 of jojo no kimyou na bouken
That sounds really interesting, is it translated well enough to English?
oh no... I don't really want any spoilers. I'm an anime only and I'm really enjoying the mysteries and suspense
probably, i went from this version
Just edit your save if you don't complete it in time
The translation is good. The newest update isn't translated yet but that's content for having beaten the game multiple times anyway.
God forbid someone make a thread about video games. We need to save room for more e-celeb, twitter screencap, wojak and frog threads.
*slides towards you menacingly*
You'll recruit Rainbow once the chaos update comes out, right Yea Forums?
yeah the translation's good technically speaking but Kars is cars and Hamon is ripple. well, were are you up to, cuz the spoilers for parts after 3 are all in the deeper parts of the game and require asking people for explanations in the post ending room
Have you replaced any of the songs from this game? I replaced my battle theme with this
Rolling Stones route when
*reloads save*
I'm completely up to date with the anime, I just haven't read the manga
hey chaosanon here im feeling kind of burned out finding out legitimately biological woman browse these threads, i figured those who played female characters were just all larpers, discord trannies and faggots jacking off from the romantic interaction imagining gay sex with the cast, I hate roasties so until all femoids leave these threads and stop playing this game im taking a break from translation
I found heaven in China. Is there any point to it?
Can a negro hack in all the shit you need for chaos mode when it’s ready? Like a save file?
Don't you need a MIDI version to replace songs?
based and redpilled
Do you prefer fujos instead?
well you should be alright for spoilers as long as you don't ask any questions to vins in the post game dev room
if you fight the speedwagon lookalike you get to the debug room, you can fight ult cars after fighting allessi and you can increase fp with joseph, pol and kak by fighting secret bosses
>that retard who thinks he's "saving" Yea Forums by bitching 24/7 instead of just simply hiding what he doesn't like
just kill yourself dumbass
A wav file works just fine
whoever posted the fullscreen fix last thread thank you very much it worked
>making allies with midler and mariah
Kill yourself mariahfag you brown south american monkey spic gb2 >>
>gotta beat the game 5 times and pay a crapload to unlock these wonderful things
just get King Crimson
Just debug room to Cairo a few times.
No shit, I could've replaced the entire OST with Heritage for The Future songs all this time and didn't know.
i'm a midlerfag actually
debug room is accesible anywhere and jotaro with alot of phantom bloods/ overdrive sy's can timestop creator to death
Screw the part 4 fan sequel, when are we going to get the part 8 sequel?
no thank you
>hamon is ripple
As it should be
I couldn't get it to work. Kept saying something like "couldn't open from local/temp" even though I had moved the files to my game folder.
Thanks homie, only legit one here :^)
Aren't you sick of coming into every single thread with the same picture to complain?
I'm in Karachi, what level should my party be?
62 at least.
I'm still at work, going to be off for the next two days, so expect some shit to get done quickly. Also found a better way to paste the shit in google translate so that'll help my speed too.
I swear to god if I have to get a trip because of some shitposting retard...
I doubt anyone thought that was you.
>can't think of a catchphrase
>don't know how to full width so i can't do some dumb engrish shit
You can gain FP with her by feeding her food. She has the same responses for every food, so maybe later on I was going to change them a little.
What's a good OraOra for sonic Youth?
Yeah, you're probably right.
You can recruit her?
I'm sorry
It's just the download link for the latest translated version negro. The game was made by a japanese couple.
I went for the good old "Ah, shit"
You can convince her to come along with you, yeah. She tags along and you can get an ending with her.
Not just Rainbow, but some of the other OCs too.
/vg/ is where games go to die, FotM titles should at least get their month before they forcibly dumped into the trash
I went full P3 and did "BABY BABY BABY BABY"
Vored by midler
Do it, after you're done, share it
>tfw third worlder
>made catchphrase something stereotypically low class or gangs would say
tee hee anglophones will never be able to do thing like that.
>he doesn't know
Fitting rushdown battlecry for a napalm death user?
sakujo, shibo
Why does this game run like shit in Fullscreen? I'm fine with it being black and white, but playing it in a tiny ass window is seriously giving me a headache
Steely Dan has more 786 HP, rip joseph
What's the name of the song that plays during side boss fights (Shocking Blue/Don Cherry)?
If I remember all of the songs are in playable format in the game files so you should be able to dig it out
Where can I find the colored version?
If I remember correctly that one is called cyberterrorist.
It took awhile but I think it's named fiercebattle.
>touch it on accident because I was being autistic and checking everything in the school
>oh neat they referenced ROLLING STONES]
>walk away
>Boulder moves
I own a small device that runs linux. What version of rpgmaker would I need to run this?
If the guy doing the translation/adding content is ITT can I suggest also adding some dialogue at least referencing if the main character is a hamon user? I always found it very strange that it isn't even mentioned by Joseph and the vampires in the course of the game.
So the game breaks and stars playing unfitting music if Jotaro kill Dan with a nuke good to know
as a sizefag who loves shrink high and got extremely butthurt from playing the witch's quest you really don't want the translator to start adding his own content
>If the guy doing the translation/adding content is ITT can I suggest also adding some dialogue at least referencing if the main character is a hamon user?
Clayman the creator of the game already added that to the game in the untranslated versions of the game
So how do I optimize my damage for the Rubber Soul fight? I have Cardigans and my idea was to just guard until he transforms at which point I try to sleep him while Jotaro spams Star Punch. Any better ideas?
It is referenced, actually, if you rest in the Inn with joseph. There's also a chaos mode change to be a Zepelli that gets a few references.if you're a zepelli and get joseph's ending, Joseph, Caesar, Dire and You nuke Dio with a combined Overdrive.
>found the song in the files, but the only upload I can find of it online is 25 seconds long and uses a weird soundfont
Hopefully the boom in attention for this game means we can get some good rips.
If you're using one of the stands that can learn a special hamon move then Joseph will comment on it when he teaches you.
For Sonic Youth he was surprised on how the MC knows it, the MC will say he learned it from reading a book and Joseph gets confused because Hamon requires hard training.
>Bricks my phone
Oh, okay
how do i ge tto the debug room?
Don't worry, you can trust me :)
If I ever do add shit in, it would be in a separate release
first you get to the ghost room which is located in every map, then you take the left door into the sanctuary and then you kill the final fantasy character then you go through the door behind him
how difficult will the fight be?
How come I am having more fun with a RPG maker game made by a bored Japanese housewife than with any game made by a studio with a budget hundreds of millions of dollars?
Is this the power of SOUL?
probably tougher than any boss that you can fight normally but is easily cheesed with time stop even though there's code that makes hime immune to it lol
I was getting different stand every time from answering honestly and none f them seemed to really fit my style or personality
So I chose Joykiller because it looked more like something I would like and because I actually enjoy punk.
Was that a bad thing?
Nah, that's cool too.
He doesn't really have any way of harming M or L range stands but he is very powerful against S range. At lv 20 he starts getting some good moves.
His best thing is that he can add corrosion, bleeding, and poison status effects.
Poison doesn't tell you how much damage is being done to your enemies but it is a large chunk of their HP and can cut through some tougher bosses with ease.
thanks stroheim for the infinite use uv laser
Can you get the extra skills for specials by cheating with cheatengine or any other equivalent?
I'm pretty sure you can add them with a save editor or by opening the game on rpgm2k
when does the stand proud midi play? i found it digging around the music folder
you cucks never told me your catchphrase wasn't something just said when attacking but they're spamming this shit all the time in every convo "do you want to go to egypt"
>Not realizing the default is literally "yareyaredaze"
You can always ask your pal Steel to change your catchphrase if you really want.
Put shit in, get shit out.
>every character that has a catchphrase uses it in specific situations, like after a battle or if something comedic happens
>expecting the PC to not do a similar thing
>fightan rubber soul after jumping into the cable car to help jotaro
>Rubber soul takes zero damage from Jotaro, it doesn't even print a value for him
>he seems to have unlimited health, I must have done 1200+ damage to him with chew to bits and he's still going
Am I missing something or is my shit fucked up? Pic related is what I get in place of damage report
Use Star Punch.
if HP damage doesn't show then it's obviously a gimmick fight user
Is the game actually good or is just fun for nostalgia? Is the music adapted from the anime? Like virtuous pope?
Okay thanks. I thought some shit was fucked because it was only Jotaro that wasn't putting out damage
How much FP do you get from the cairo boss rush? I'm trying to get everyone to at least 30 fp, but everyone is around 5 fp right now.
>It doesn't even print a value for him
When this happens you're literally doing 0 damage, the game just doesn't show it. Enemies can do 0 to you too.
Anyway, he has a shitload of defense and more HP than most every other Stand user in the game, so keep doing what you're doing and also use Star Punch for a bit more damage.
That means you're doing zero damage
Use Star Punch or give up and grind
Where can I download the most current JP version? The website linked by the wiki isn't loading for me.
It's pokémon for incels and the music is default rpg maker songs which will just give you a headache no references to games or anime but it includes some stuff for manga readers and popular fan fics.
Wait for him to transform and then, if you have something, use a restrictive status ailment. I used sleep/paralysis with Cardigans. And just wail on him with Star Punch and your strongest attack.
It's good
>Is the music adapted from the anime?
it first came out in 2010 so you tell me
I think it's pretty good, but there's not really anything that's adapted music wise. It's either unique or generic RPGmaker music .
so I beat dio without escaping, got the badges of honor, then the previous cutscene played out again but with everyone in the wrong spots, is that normal
unironically an official diagnosis that you are literally pants on head retarded drooling autistic if you get this from answering the quiz honestly
>pokemon for incels
Interesting take, would you like to explain your opinion
it's a glitch put this
It's the same dude who comes into every one of these threads. Don't mind him.
I think the Dio fights are pretty glitchy, I'm on the 3rd fight where you're supposed to fight him with Protag and Polnareff, but my protag swapped genders from boy to girl and the fight itself is Jotaro solo for some reason.
Is it possible to beat T. D'Arby in the F-mega race, the dash button seems broken
It's broken.
Some versions fixed it
>my protag swapped genders from boy to girl
Turns out your actually the weedy little weird vampire everyone mocks for having a chick on his back. Absolutely kino chaos mode clayman
That's Miracles though
Why is the font so damn hard to read?
pls no bulli
Read the readme or use this.
So I got RPG maker 2000 installed and working but when I open project it only sees the folder for the 7th user and doesn't see anything else. What am I missing here?
thanks, hopefully the badges I got stayed, took a bunch of good items to win
Oh yeah you gotta like kinda move or copy it or whatever and then like when the picture appears right for an icon yknow click to play it an stuff
Select the folder that's before the 7th stand user folder
>Have Pharaoh Sanders
>Level 36 in the fishing village
>Apparently there's a special scene if you fight Joey at level 40+
The grind is real
How do you make grinding fun?
Bros how do I save Utah I miss him :(
whats the name of the battle theme file friend?
>leave restaurant
>fight freeze
>enter restaurant
Thanks, also how do I save? I'm trying to get a good stand.
plays in some cutscenes and in the title screen too
Don't fight him at the harbor if you don't want Vins to get him. There's also a chance in chaos mode that you can still fight him at the harbor but prevent him from dying to Vins.
just don't fight him in the hong kong harbour
You save after you get your stand, it's in the menu with the X key.
How do I make my character a slut?
Alternatively how do I make them a yandere?
I grinded for that event, and I have to say, even though it's just a few lines of text I loved it. It was exactly the kind of bullshit you'd expect for a fight like that, a moment that displays who you and Joey both are. No regrets.
Put on the bunny suit and never take it off
What would you describe the personality of his user?
Bunny Suit/Jock Strap + Cardigans to become the true heal slut
Plus when Chaos mode gets translated, join the Jotoro fan club
Napalm Death
>if you say yes you are jojos friend holly gives you a coat when you're in bunny suit concerned that jotaros friend is cold
That's what I'm doing, but god damn the amount of exp you need is bonkers. Good thing Kakyoin has 20 meter barrier, otherwise this would be unbearable.
Ok so is this LITERALLY a mother fucking jojo reference game or are you guys just saying it's kinda like jojo?
I'm interested on getting in on the ground floor of another quality Yea Forums meme game but i've only seen like three episodes of jojo so I aint playin this if its something i need to watch 60 anime episodes/read 10k manga chapters to appreciate
have you fought boss in the inn?he can drop a badge of honour which can give you exp
>Napalm Death
Bullshit. Go with Miracles and make sure your true love only ever sees you. Regardless of where he's looking.
Miracles' user is too much of a pushover, she's a battered housewife.
it's an adaptation of Part 3 with an OC thrown in and a meta subplot about why that's even able to be a thing. so, yeah, it'd spoil the near-entirety of part 3 for you besides certain events it skips over due to routes/perspective differences.
It's a game about part 3 except you have a self insert with a stand determined by a personality interest and can alter the events of the story in minor and major ways
It's a bit more complicated than that and is kind of a 'redo' of part 3 which is explained in universe and has spoilers up to part 7. It's good and in my view a must play for anyone who likes part 3.
Is there a description anywhere or examples of stand user's dialogue? I got quicksilver but am not sure what the character's like and suspect I won't even really know until far in the game.
Is there a way to change the MCs name? I am continuing a save from some time ago and I came up with a much better name for him
You get a literal personality description when you get the Stand.
There are some moments that change, like when telling Jotaro why you jumped on the cable car and waiting for the coffin in DIO's mansion to be opened.
The personality evaluation.
>"On the surface, you're cool-headed, indifferent, and alert. However, deep down, you're filled with curiosity and love spending time with family and friends more than anything else. Though you're wary of new people and situations, you're thick-skinned and composed, never one to sweat the small stuff. You feel that protecting your family is your duty in life."
Shonen rival
you can go to the wiki and it gives a description of your personality, and some stands like Specials have further explanations on their personality and what kind of person they are straight from the dev's own words.
no just the nickname
every stand also has unique reactions to geb, steely dan killing enya and polnareffs toliet mouth
The true yandere Stand is Mr. Big. You can make all their pain go away, and if they try to run you kneecap them.
>Protecting your family is your duty in life
If there isn't some special dialogue with chaos mode Joey if he kills your family I will be surprised and disappointed
Isn't Napalm Death super reserved and cold? Doesn't sound too yandere to me.
Thanks man
Speaking of dialogues I know you give one to Dio if you have no sense of love/compassion in chaos mode, and depending on how the Joey situation goes you give Dio some special dialogue too
napalm death
Personality Type You're not very good with people, but you're very frank and sincere - what you see is what you get. Level-headed and patient, you don't like to boast or put yourself on display. Reserved and temperate, you can restrain yourself under any circumstance. You don't like to waste your breath, so when you do speak up, people usually listen. (Personality Evaluation)
Author's Notes Hino is too serious. Napalm Death's represents Hino's firm and incommunicative personality, manifested as a stylish pen. The daily struggle with others is represented by a literal explosion.
"Sensitive, deeply trusting, and easily wounded. Though you avoid people a whenever possible, you would never abandon someone in a time of need. Naturally skeptical, you're a truth-seeker who desires to get to the bottom of everything. You spend much of your time alone, pondering the universe." (Personality Evaluation)
You are antisocial and have trouble fitting in. However, you are honest and don't put on a show of yourself for others. You have a lot of self-loathing and a bit of a persecution complex. You hate the things you don't understand, and take things as fact without looking into them. However, when it comes to protecting your loved ones, you can accomplish tremendous feats of strength
Chaos mode can't come soon enough
Delete this
I want Joseph to get Small-chan's cunny
I want rule 63 lolibaba joseph
Can I play on mobile please
There needs to be a 1/1000 chaos mode event where Kakyoin lays an egg overnight and Jouta becomes a party member
Now THIS is degeneracy people, take note
This made me think what theme would you give your stand?
Howlin' Wolf with the Japanese
oh yeah and N'doul is N'dour
So I downloaded the files from the readme, how do I actually apply them to the game?
install them like a normal font
>4 threads in 12 hours
you are like little babby, here's your 20th smash thread and 8th pokemon thread in 6 hours.
I grinded to level 20 in hong kong with this guy, couldn't beat him too, give up
Welcome to the club
>Specials male
>Jotaro nagging at me after jumping in the ferry with him
>Specials female
>Same scenario
Holy shit how much dialogue do these motherfuckers have?
>Specials tells you when they learn a new ability in a hotel
I don't know if the other stands do this, but it's great nonetheless
why are these threads still up? the game's been out for years and nobody cared, why all the noise about it now?
>there's a new early game ending if you tell steel you won't call him
look at this sad radio
Bye bye... take care...
At least with Pharaoh Sanders you get some unique bits of dialogue when you talk with Joseph in the hotel overnight, and it lets you know you learned a new skill.
>Accidentally insult him by saying you're impressed he can fight so well with a Stand like Purple Hermit
Mainly because both the protag of Faiz and the MC with Howlin' Wolf share the name Inue and are somewhat similar in personality. Also because Takumi can transform into a wolf-like monster
What's the best catchphrase?
What stands can solo this piece of shit?
Sonic youth?
Red Garland?
Howlin wolf?
Any stand if you extort freu for infinite experience tablets
inukai isn't it?
All of them on a new game+ run, but i think crazy diamonds an easy solo
>Just got into JoJo recently
>Find this game
>holy shit it's just part 3 as a Game-Boy era RPG? sign me the fuck up
Just finished the personality test, and I got Caravan. Do I reroll or just run with it? Its ability seems busted in certain contexts but I have no clue how effective it is in practice
have pic related as a thank you for getting me into this game Yea Forums
You can throw nukes at lategame, that's all you need to know.
Jew stand is surprisingly useful, especially when you get free nukes, make sure to play with the fat chad
stick with it, it's pretty good
So basically just let the fire negro handle him for the time being and put my hopes on NG+?
Does Joykiller ever get any freaking good or will it always lag behind other stands?
I beat the first part after wasting alot of items but the second seems impossible even when piling on him.
i do wonder, how in 2019, can a user be this based?
They might not have a whole lot, and that sucks, but the ones they have are great. I really like the ones where they shit talk Polnareff after Enya's fight, and the propeller plane conversation.
>Protag:...I'm all for it
>Agent 5: Even if they attack from the air, we'll have the enemy trapped from all sides.
>Agent 2: Yeah, not with your huge ass in the way.
>Agent 5: I'll break your neck.
>throw nukes lategame
holy mcfucking hell, really? I don't doubt it since it's JoJo but that sounds insane. I like that Caravan talks, too. The sapient stands were really cool, do the other stands talk or is it just this one?
did a quick readup on what it does and it seems like if i sleep with certain items/meet certain conditions, Caravan becomes able to replicate it for use in combat. Which actually seems super rad given that you can supposedly make usable items into re-usable skills, I'd assume. If I'm wrong, correct me, but this seems rad as fuck.
Is there bonuses to multiple playthroughs? I'd want to, just to see what other Stands do
basd and ripplepilled
fight with avdol gives him bigger fp and exp to him if you don't brainstorm
fight him (you)rself means grinding alot probably but gives you stat boost items and fp with pol
gangin up increases your evilness and reduces fp with avdol and pol
joykiller gets good moves later on
As a Deep Purple user I can only say that you should get motivation to keep trying and try spamming knockdown.
Pharaoh Sanders can, assuming you don't get stun-locked to death before you can do anything.
He gets some devastating attacks that cause ridiculous debuffs just take a look at them:
>Corrode reduces defence by half and takes away 1%(of max HP) +1 point per turn.
>Poison takes away 5% of max HP +1 per turn(so if enemy's M.HP is 100 then 5% is 5 so poison deals 6 damage).
>Dissolve is even better, it reduces defence by half and takes away 20% of max.HP per turn
and he gets a OHKO
Anyone with early hit-all attacks really. The Chariots only have like 50 health and get revived with even less
>do new game+
>forget to reset the team's levels
There goes half the fun. Any way I can reset it without resetting back to the Vins fight at the end of the last game?
the only way to get chaos mode- which isn't translated yet-- is 5 playthroughs and the max amount fo money in the game. also best ending is locked behind 3 playthroughs. there's just one more talking stand
It's a bug but you can farm the badges there if you feel like it
Nope, you can only reset everyones levels in the developers room.
okuyasu can reduce your levels. plus a high level team is needed to farm diavolo
Who's the 6th stand user? Iggy?
For the time being, I think it's just the different paths and endings that matter for multiple playthroughs, make sure to go book shopping in Calcutta for the ultimate experience
>that spoiler
Holy shit this game sounds more and more fun. Think I'll stick with Caravan as suggested, having a talking Stand buddy sounds really nice for a first run. Excited to do more playthroughs when I get around to it.
Is Napalm Death a good stand?
yes but if you go by order of joining in the game he's the seventh and polnareff is the 6th because (you) are the third/fourth stand user
good at short range damage but men with guns on horses will fuck you up
Can someone post the version someone made that added new moves to some stand?
Why is her left boob so much bigger than the right?
>your stand is the only one in the group not named by the tarot
why am I so bothered by that fuck
copy pasted
Howlin' wolf
20 Track scent (I just took this one from iggy just in case)
35 Air bubble
49 Who's been talkin'
Red Garland
23 User toss
26 Floor sharpnel
26 Death Curse
20 Agent parry
22 Agent snipe
24 Agent cripple
26 Agent bluff
28 Agent high five
30 Agent sand
Napalm Death
35 Ballistic ink
25 Case armor
25 Energy Barrier
"How do these stands protect kakioyin on his ending?"
if you bring rainbow along in chaos mode that won't be true
Sure i was just done fixing the specials' name mix up with their skills too
Red garland gets a donut punch on level 35 too
>Napalm Death user
>No event with Death 13 regarding the tarot card
it sucks really
What's more bothering is the fact that the group still acts surprised when they reach Egypt and Dio sends new stand users after them because they think no more tarot cards = no more Stand users, even though not only you aren't a tarot card Stand, but there's a dozen other non-tarot Stand users who work for Dio who come after you before then too
>Think I'll stick with Caravan as suggested, having a talking Stand buddy sounds really nice for a first run.
If you like talking stands, go for Specials on your next run. It's a squad of 6 agents with their own personalities.
>Decided to use Ride after ignoring it for a while
He's in Japan, isn't he? How can you get teammates when they're not even unlocked until the harbor?
Nice desu. Use the app Easyrpg for android bros
you're making it worse stop
He's on a lot of maps
diavolo shows up pretty much everywhere
how do i check fp
Is there a reason the game has had so many threads lately? I'm not really complaining but the game's been around for a while and I never saw all that much talk about it.
Talk to your good friend Steel by pressing shift
he gets lonely, you know
Ask steel
>legitimately biological woman browse these threads,
w h a t
shift > more options > current party > friendship status
it's more likely than you think
I can't believe clayman is lurking these threads
right now there's an user translating the most recent update that adds quite a bit of stuff
Apparently the new update adds an event where your stand doesn't listen to you until it's level 2.
tits or gtfo
how the fuck can iggy use a submachine gun
he makes sand hands
could his stand help him use it
I guess he used his stand to do it.
I hate women for being attention whores and I hate men for giving attention whores attention.
update: Howlin wolf pisses on your carpet
He has a stand that can transform into a near perfect copy of Dio.
>having a great time playing soldier with my bros in west bengal
>come to this town
this took me by surprise
so every time iggy uses a submachine gun, missile launcher, pistol, sniper rifle, nuke or uv ray he makes a sand dio to use it? that makes sense
I just want to play this game on the bittboy but I'm an actual retard and can't do simple things.
>please laugh at me
dont know how caught up you are with Jojo, but there is references to later parts past 3 (and before 3), sometimes it's more than just a little reference though.
Why is the movement stuttering?
>buy books with jotaro in calcutta
>mfw he buys a book about boats
wait is this user made content? doing a Specials run right now, is there a way to patch my current game or would I have to start over to play with these changes?
how many of you guys have stayed in the hospital with kakyoin as a shorty?
make sure to fix the generator with 3 scrap metals for the fp
Everything should be fine as long as you are under lvl 20, just move your save to the folder, if not maybe you could start from an older save file reset your levels with cinderella or change the level at which you learn the moves with rpg maker
Now I have just to figure out which files I should move to the color version
whats a good tactic for a caravan
yeah sorry about that, the colored version(even the fixed one) was crashing far too much and i just switched back to the regular one
uh hurr durr which doctor did it?! don't care not wasting gameplay on this and just picked a random one
You only miss out on the one FP but if you really want to know, the doctor is on the second floor behind the rubble, you have to loop around it to check out his corpse tho
It's the one that's passed out on the second floor
I'm current on Jojo up to just starting Part 8. I'm assuming the ending of part 6 has something to do with cross-part shenanigans.
Also, I'm the guy who asked about keeping Caravan
>check first aid kit in house
>caravan asks to take a look
>learn healing and status recovery abilities instantly
n i c e
damn, I'm like 41, I'll try changing it in rpgmaker tho. also glad someone fixed the mistakes with the agents name
Different user here. I was just scratching my head about the generator. Where's the scrap metal, and is it a jotaro exclusive event? I've already got him to 10fp
I'm a retard, meant to respond to and clicked on wrong post sorry
Thanks it took me forfuckingever to find stranglehold
oh then you're fine. just wouldn't want some person who just started get spoiled about some villains or whatever, plus it's more fun when you recognize the references
do you have pharaoh sanders or carpenters? if so you can fix it your self. otherwise you need jotaro with you at the book mats to get him to read stuff. there's a vendor of (broken) japanese electronics gives scrap metal you need three to get jotaro to fix the generator
>Needing FP with Jotaro
Jotaro should be the one you focus on getting FP with the least since he gets a lot of story events that raise it. Trying to fight Temperance with him raises it by 3 for instance. Hell, you can even get his to 4 before you even leave Japan.
What's the recommended level againts Yellow Temperance? I've got Howlin' Wolf
So Howlin' Wolf pisses on your carpet, and Ocean Blue drips your bodily fluids all over the floor. Red Garland's user doesn't even try to mess with their stand.
What program do I use to edit saves in this game?
Okay bugger it then, I already went book shopping with Abdul
you can do book 3 times once with avdol, once with jotaro and once with polnareff
Later there is a fortuneteller. You can bring each member to her for a reading and 1FP+
Each prediction is from the mangas and confuses or pisses off the team. Its pretty funny.
There's so much to do in this game, just reading this thread has made me realize how much I'm missing.
Is there any other RPG Maker game with this much content?
I'm kinda retarded, you got a good place to get rpgmaker 2000 from? unless you bought it, of course.
Other than weird fetish b.s.? Nah
the previous threads
Why of course i ought it, what type of cheapskate you take me for?
Including "weird fetish b.s." Just asking for a friend, ha ha.
thanks for the spoon feeding, you are a blessed anons
>Ocean Blue drips your bodily fluids all over the floor
Monster Girl Quest: Paradox. Literally has over 300 party members to recruit using SMT style negotiations system, and each one has at least one porn scene, and unique quotes that they say during battle when they use different skills, as well as just as many job classes for them to use. I don't think I've seen a bigger RPG Maker game.
>sonic youth doesn't know how to play its guitar at level 1
I downloaded your file but when I loaded up the game there are a bunch of saves already. Will this change anything when I start a new game?
>Ocean blue forces you to cum indefinetively
Oh shit sorry, i'm kind of doing playthroughs to see if everything is alright, feel free to delete them
It's actually drool, but the text also said "it smells bad"
so you do the math
Short chan doesn't brush her teeth? No dignity!
Specials can talk and resting at hotels gives you a nice little cutscene where they learn new attacks
Wouldn't it be funny if ocean blue made her sweat oceans out of her armpits haha?
Does cardigans get anything new
It's one of my favorite stands but it seems like it gets shown no love in the game
so after installing it, trying to launch RPG maker says "Error: Install English RTP", is there something else to install?
Starting out and just got DEEP PURPLE as my stand. What should I know?
I decided to ignore them and just start playing. Hope nothing goes wrong. Do you know if the colored version is worth playing? Heard there were some bugs.
Go download the english rtp It's free
It even after someone fixed the problem with the combo attacks it kept crashing me out of wham's boss fight and the boss rush, other anons also had _____ not found crashes which i'm pretty sure where also caused by the colored version so i say play it at your own risk
you won't get any viable L range moves until lvl 40 technically , so consider your teammates accordingly
>pixies' tree just walks away while the MC is thinking about playing pranks
>deep purple tries to suffocate the MC
like others have said, there's a few glitches and parts where the game can crash, like the senator's car chase scene
/vg/ was not created for that purpose
When does this happens?
In the update that's being translated, when you first get your stand. I'm not sure if it's chaos mode only (I'm pretty sure it isn't) or just some flavor Clayman added in later.
Damn Deep Purple doesn't fuck around.
There's a chance that when you're level 1 with a stand that you can't control it yet.
What about Mr. Big or Quicksilver? Not sure how they could fight back.
I haven't gotten that far yet, but I'll tell you when I do. They don't always fight back, like Red Garland, whose MC just says "I can't control it so it's useless to use it" or Sonic Youth who just can't play his guitar at all.
You can find that room in every town. It's mostly for some dialogue with people that have died in the story but you can access some boss fights and new content when you're levelled enough
I think that Mr. Big could jam up, Quicksilver randomly fires off, and Napalm Death doesn't spit out any ink. But that's just speculation on my part.
Based retard
Bomb Tank (S)"Look over heeeere!"
*chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga*
How do I fix the font on EasyRPG? Some of the special characters are buggy.
yo idiot, check this out!
>Kakyoin uses Bind
Wait really? I think I only heard my catchphrase, like, 6 times total. Could be because I made it a generic 'Okay'
Why the fuck does the save editor give me the short girl portrait everytime I open the file
Fuck off dumb nigger. Go back to your threads shitting on Cyberpunk and pokemon. /vg/ is where videogames go to die
>one of the sound effects is mistranslated as "breast"
thanks don miguel
>Jotaro asks N'doul why he follows Dio blindly
>Rolling for Holy Sandstorm, savescumming like a bitch
What does cardigans specials and joykiller do
I'm confused.
Joykiller is a re-tread of Ocean Blue, but instead of body fluids it makes your room smell like a fucking rotten corpse. Haven't gotten to the other two yet.
Miracles is too shy to come out.
>carpenters brings up a master/slave relationship
woah there buddy, tone it down
cause you a bitch
I thought people were talking about it again because there was a new release?
It's being worked on.
one that is yet to be translated yes
Yes get water
why do I have to have a catchphrase with no knowledge of when context it will appear in?
Then why are there threads now?
Sorry for what?
so that chaos user can give us updates, duh. Also another user is modding the game
Because not many people had heard about it at the time of the first thread which resulted in a bunch of people playing it and enjoying it. Now it’s FotM.
Because it's fun. Why are you anti-fun, user?
If we didn't have these threads we wouldn't have a Part 6 or Part 7 version of 7SU being made.
I always lose my shit when the gang arrives to India
Who does Amber mean by "that miniskirt lady"?
how the fuck am I supposed to beat F mega
darby version or home? cuz in the darby version you cant boost so you can't beat it
Mariah, probably.
Well that took long enough, I even got the creepypasta easter egg from reloading too much
should i level joseph
I'm at home. I sperg out with games like this when there is so much to do and so much detail. I spend hours deciding to do shit with no knowledge of what it changed because I play these games blind.
Am I actually just autistic?
very nice
Goodnight anons, here's one last update for the stand skills for the day
Move list
Pharoah sanders
20 Cleopatra shape
Howlin' wolf
20 Track scent (I just took this one from iggy just in case)
35 Air bubble
49 Who's been talkin'
Red Garland
23 User toss
26 Floor sharpnel
35 Penetrating punch
26 Death Curse
20 Agent parry
22 Agent snipe
24 Agent cripple
26 Agent bluff
28 Agent high five
30 Agent sand
Napalm Death
35 Ballistic ink
25 Case armor
25 Energy Barrier
"How do these stands protect kakioyin on his ending?"
I fucked up im sorry
fucking carpenters gave me a headache
It doesn't speak anywhere else in the game, does it?
yes, even if you aren't on his route. He's great at clearing out the many zombies you'll fight in the game and his end is one of the best
Wait Carpenters can talk? I thought only Specials and Caravan did that.
Joseph becomes pretty good when you level him. At first his damage is meh but then he learns Hermit Ripple and does big damage, then he learns Cunning Hermit and is strong as fuck at that point. Only problem is that he is kind of frail.
Joseph also learns a move called Deep Pass Overdrive. When he uses it it will KO him and he will lose 30 levels, but he will fully heal you, boosts you stats permanently, and give you 30000 exp. Level him at least for that
>his route
I thought the only two playable stands that talk in this game were Caravan and Specials?
what easter egg?
Apparently so. It was going on about a master/slave relationship and then insulted the MC's body. It used a lot of slang so I had to scour the earth to figure out what the fuck it was saying.
do not open
... did Amber just blow herself up, accidentaly
getting stroheim, speedwagon and dire
Apparently Clayman decided Carpenters needed to talk for this one scene and then never speak again.
well i guess that's why they call it chaos mode huh
Clayman forgot!
>Stand: Deep Purple
>Catchphrase: 420BLAZEIT
It's something that can trigger outside of chaos mode, though. Pretty weird.
nice, i already met stroheim, but when do i meet speedwagon
Did you read what she said?
Oh, Lord Dio.
Lord Dio, it's my-
Its my turn to of use to you, I've waited forever for this, right here, all this time!
Now, get ready to die along with me.
This place will become both of our graves as that is Lord Dio's Desire!
Lord Dio said he needed me, so I will do anything for that man.
I will even give my life if he wishes it. Dio is more beautiful than anyone else, How could you ever thing of hurting him!?
I will do more for him than that nurse or that granny or that miniskirt lady or anyone ever would!
I will prove that by sacrificing my blood to him and I won't let you get in my waaaaaaay!!
yeah i have but she seems surprised by the click sound, on the wiki it seems she has two different blowing herself ups, that drop different things. so maybe one is an accident and other is on purpose?
How the fuck can de aged Polnareff and deaged (you) use guns on Alessi?
yeah a handgun fine, but show me one where a 2 year old accurately aims a submachine gun, or a sniper rifle
When I fought alessi, I used a nuke.
well given that the only man portable nuke launcher is a recoiless rifle, which is recoiless.
Yeah, but how can you expect a kid to operate one of those? In fact, it should probably have destroyed the entire building and blinded the kids, too.
it's a fucking game nigga
How could little Jotaro destroy him with his weak child fists?
but it has to be 101% realistic, just like its source material
the deaging's effect increases over time so he had his adult strength just like how polnareff had his adult strength which answers my question i guess
How the fuck do I make the window bigger
I've never not been able to make a game window bigger like this and fullscreen makes it widescreen which makes it look like shit
Why shortie a best?
>Answer the personalit quiz honestly
>Got Howlin' Wolf
I didn't want to be a furry. What am I in for?
>these are the same age
>cardigans tries to operate on the MC and says a few lines
>quicksilver and napalm death refuse to work completely
You're not a furry unless you got Wildhearts. tfw I got wildhearts
at least it's better than smash and wojak threads, seriously this board should be renamed to
>Yea Forums - smash circlejerk and wojak/pepe reposting
>the scary ass the joykiller just stinks up the room
>cardigans goes all psycho doctor on the MC
There's even a chainsaw noise for cardigans' "operation". This bitch is fucking crazy.
Don't touch that boulder! Its cursed!
>It should be fine if you save though.
>the joykiller just goes out and tries to make friends like frakenstein/ play pranks but his stank scared people away
>cardigans while uncontrolled murders kids and puppies
It’s always the one you least expect but fuck, that’s actually horrifying that she is one of the ones that tried to hurt her user like deep purple
so if the stand doesn't work till level 2, are you just forced to throw rocks at people on you first playthrough?
I'm about to get to caravan, I can't wait to see the MC get jewed to death
If you level up once, then go back to your room, your stand will lose the "wild" status and you'll be able to control it.
bestu standu?
“Sell these photos of your sister or I’m biking your house”
Yo idiot! Check this out!
Specials for personality, Napalm Death for protagonist material
>Napalm Death for protagonist material
What does that mean?
What two stands make for the best brother/ sister combo.
I’m saying the joykiller and cardigans
how do i beat joey in calcuttea? im a caravan user with polnareffu
Howlin' Wolf and Wildhearts
but yours was good too
“I know your just a kid, but ya got to start bringing in more dosh ya hear me shortie? So you’re gonna follow those nice, tattooed men and do what ever they want or I am replacing every drop of water in your house with acid”
Anyone know?
I think if you push f4 or f5 it resizes the window
Yeah, I'm wondering if I can make it bigger than that, on my 1440p monitor even the bigger size looks small
Alt-enter, then?
So is the wiki gonna be updated after the chaos update drops? Because damn, in retrospect it feels bare bones. Some Stands have their personality-quiz descriptions missing, there is no page that explains how Karma works, and no guide how to maximize the stats of your chosen stand.
be the change you want in the world
>no guide how to maximize the stats of your chosen stand
There is, but it's on the personality quiz page.
That fullscreens and fullscreen stretches it to 16:9 and I prefer the original aspect ratio so it doesn't look stretched
Just hit Fishing Village, what level should the rest of the party be by this point? I grinded for a bit in Karachi and got them all to, like, level 25.
I dunno guys the hole in this sub seems pretty serious
nevermind i got it
very nice
i can buy a bluff skill item from this shop. Is it useful outside of battle?
What do you think?
Gimme a break.
>the joykiller meets purple haze
Pretty fucking gay
Chaos user, What do the other uncontrolled stands do?
Why are there so many of these threads now? Isn't this game pretty old?
New update user is translating, first time other anons have heard of it, Cool guys trying to make their own sequels since Fate is unbreakable seems to be shit
>5th smash thread
Since the sonyfag switched to iceborne we haven't had a lot of those.
People are adding their own stuff into it while someone's getting the new update translated
Aight then, thanks
Pixies and Adam Ant seem like they'll be fun together
fuck should i go with polpol or the gang
Do you want a fun road trip with the boys, minus the black one
Or do you want a fun filled adventure through war torn middle-eastern countries, alone
im guessing the second option is what happens if i help polnareff
Yep, you get shot instead of Avdol.
Is Adam Ant a good stand?
>E rank potential
lol, no
>RPGMaker 2000 could not be installed. Please install RTP English ver.
>Can't find the RTP
What do.?
How the fuck is Miracles faster than Howlin' Wolf?
I've been reading these threads fence sitting on this game for awhile now, I finally gave it a shot. I haven't felt so thrilled by an rpg in years.
>Deep Purple can detonate hydrogen and oxygen atoms
>Miracles is literally Aizen's zanpakuto in stand form
>Carpenters can fucking disassemble anything with carpeting tools
These would be the most broken as fuck stands if they were ever in canon.
E rank potential this *braps a horde of bugs onto you* into the cuck swarm you go
>Disassemble their nose and mouth
>They suffocate
Nut King Call can do something like that
So I was the guy who asked about keeping Caravan earlier.
Just got to the Dark Blue Moon fight and he literally just spawns in oxygen tanks to remove the 10-turn limit. Holy shit, I love this game.
Between this, the Cursed Boulder that scared the SHIT outta me the first time, and the weird Bird dude in the Harbor along with finding Stroheim with Joseph in the party and you get a little touching reunion.
This is literally a game where that weird thing 'that kid' from the neighborhood would talk about is actually real, and there's fucking tons of little scenarios. For anyone who's played it, how long is this game? I can only hope it's the length of a decent RPG, but I'd understand if it was short due to the sheer amount of detail and possibilities.
I haven't played a game with this much soul in a good while
Why is this getting so popular suddenly?
how long? one playthrough or 100% it?
Depends on how much you explore and side shit you do (Bosses and FP stuff). 20 to 25 hours at least, for your first playthought.
it has a huge replayability factor. Every stand changes dialogue as does your gender, body type...., some have overworld interactions , some do what the jew bird do for you.
And there are a fuck ton of potential endings (Which also change based on your stand), and NG+ already adds a good bit of stuff, and secrets I won't spoil
An user is translating a patch that adds CHAOS MODE which requires 5 playthroughs, AND changes the game a lot, but adding a factor of randomization
to the story/ overworld and more
I was asking how long one playthrough is, but since I hear there's stuff to do in future playthroughs, I'll be doing it anyways. Hence me being okay if the game was short, seems like the replay value is really high. Thankfully, says about 20-25 hours if you're exploring which is what I'm doing. All the little dialogue, even from the random NPCs, is pretty good. They often hint at secrets to find, so it's worth talking to them. Can't wait for Chaos Mode so I can kill Jotaro via smoking addiction.
guys, its too monotonous to farm ult. kars for the red stone of aja. should i just get the sword of saint george through an editor instead?
How do I use Miracles?
Drown your enemies in statuses
chaos mode user when you're done do you think you could include a savefile ready to go for a playthrough on chaos mode?
whats the deal with the bolder? where do i find it
nippon school 3rd floor art room.
shiet im way past that
can i just get a rundown on what it does
Wonders and riches beyond imaging
kills you
Why THE FUCK cant i play this with a controller?
agreed a smash thread died for this
one user managed to put it on a switch a couple threads back