What the fuck did I just play?
What the fuck did I just play?
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An awesome game.
Literally no one else has played this game, OP. So no one knows nor cares.
Many people have played this game and I am sure a kind user will arise to deliver your answer shortly.
What is that and where do I buy
It's called Chronos. You don't need to buy it.
>Literally no one else has played this game, OP.
hope you're joking, this game got bunch of threads with plenty replies not long ago
Katana Zero but that's the only boss like that and it's optional
Also I hope you guys still don't think the girl was real. The dlc/sequel is going to be all about Zero killing many people for a girl she knows isn't real deep down.
does it at least have cool rocking music when you fight it?
Fighting a fucking disgusting creepy thing with rockin' music > Fighting a fucking disgusting creepy thing with lame spooky music
you DID beat hard mode and speedrun mode, right?
maxresdefault huh? Never played it.
Why not both?
Speed run of the entire game with no or atleast very little chrono. Story stuff skipped.
it does kind of teeter into both sides a bit, but it's more of a slide into both sides. I'm just a huge fan of stuff like that and these days most people just go "muh tone" and don't realize it's a triumph to fight a horrible monster and win.
Like this giant gore creature is the last boss of this game and it has this cool theme youtube.com
Use spoilers you fucking cunt.
I love that scream mixed in the song.
Hard mode is ass but yes
>Also I hope you guys still don't think the girl was real.
it's one of the very few things that's obvious
Doesn't run on my machine, finna mad
I need more music like this bros
What is the lore of that thing?
No lore besides being a Akira reference, Zero is just strung out of his mind, and that's how he's imagining killing the psychologist
hard mode fucking sucked. I didn't do a good job, but I did it in the end
Nobody thinks she is, the bigger question is what Comedy and Tragedy are. Since they clearly exist outside of Zero's mind.
Your therapist, who had up until this point been administering you the military-grade superdrugs that let you see the future and sending you off on assassination missions, finally gets sick of your shit and injects himself with a different superdrug. It's heavily implied that this drug gives him psychic powers, and the entire fight is him mindfucking you.
When you win the fight, the scene suddenly changes back to the therapist's office, with you sitting in one chair looking exhausted and your sword pinning the therapist to the other.