I have a Switch but have literally never played it in public. I've played it undocked but only in Hotel rooms/guest rooms/somewhere private that isn't my house.
Something about playing it in public just reeks of virginity.
I have a Switch but have literally never played it in public. I've played it undocked but only in Hotel rooms/guest rooms/somewhere private that isn't my house.
Something about playing it in public just reeks of virginity.
I never not relax in public due to demographic factors
It depends on which country you're in and where exactly you are in that country. There is no universal "is it okay?"
In Japan, for example, no one gives a shit. But, in large part, you can do anything and no one will look if they can help it.
Which color you boys getting, piss yellow or poop blue? Greyfags fuck off.
i'm gonna wait for inevitable flux of special editions next year
As soon as it gets hacked I'm getting one
Yeah, I'm gonna wait for the Animal Crossing edition.
Nobody cares you'll be fine
I do it all the time. Nobody cares. You people need to understand that literally nobody gives a flying fuck about what you do so long as you're not being an asshole.
This. Hopefully there's some edition in a year or two that has a little cover for that screen, just something simple that flips out of the way and attaches to the backside maybe. I'm nervous about putting something with an exposed screen like that into a backpack with shoes and belts and other shit.
>tfw got a date with a girl who asked if she could play Mario Kart with me
It's worked out for me
only an actual virgin would even have something like that cross their mind
Yeah no shit. if your not autistic you should be aware that playing it in public if your past the age of 11, makes it clear you're a pathetic loser. it's just a sad sight for people to see and they'll all judge you the same.
This reeks of insecurity nobody gives a flying fk in public what you do
If it's a Switch Lite, yes.
did they fix the soulless controller?
Grey nigger, the only non-gay color.
Only virgins are scared to look like virgins
they care just enough to laugh at your stupid autistic virgin ass.
Then they dumb as fk anyway. Why you care about randoms opinion? There are idiots all over the world m8.
Depends if you're a manlet or not. Most Nincels are.
Who hurt you sweaty
The fact that this is getting made pretty much confirms that people use portability for more than taking it out the home, user
you retards really don't have any social awareness if you think you can bing bing wahoo in public without being considered next level autism. it's probably too late but if you don't learn to pick up on your social surroundings now you'll have a hard life of everyone laughing at you and end up alone. just trying to warn you.
Cool I’m not really phased by it. I’m not going to let simps dictate my life just because I like to play the switch on my free time. I’m a Male not a retarded female who has to follow the crowd.
Imagine actually believing this lmfao
>he's afraid to be alone
everyone point to the normal and laugh
Those normies will forget about you as soon as they turn their head away, as long as you have headphones in no one will say a Fking thing. Everyone too busy playing candy crush anyway.
Just get a screen protector and a case dude.
I know high school makes you think bullies will always be around, but in the real world, no one has time to care about what some rando stranger is doing unless it's impacting them in some way, so don't have the volume up, don't screech at your game and no one will care.
The Link's Awakening edition that has not been revealed yet.
Someone post that Quentin pic with the guy playing 3ds in public
Is that the first recorded use of 'bing bing wahoo'
It's only not okay if you look like shit. Or if you live in an unsafe area.
Why would you play it in public period?
Where the fuck are you going to have the time to get invested in something like Xenboblade Chronicles or BotW while out in public?
NDS worked because the games were designed around bite-sized, pick-up-and-play, the Switch is literally just "DUDE WOULDN'T HALO BE AWESOME IF I COULD PLAY IT ON THE BUS?" without thinking of the actual practicality of it.
the fact that you even fucking care shows more that you're a virgin more than playing a switch in public.
Why do we keep having these same exact shitposting threads? I see them every single fucking day and it never gets interesting, its the same regurgitated nonsense that this board is just filled with. Fucking unoriginal shitposting
God I hate you fucking zoomer fucks
It's underage posters that seriously believe there's some taboo on playing vidya in public.
I played it at my college campus before/between classes and while waiting for a ride back home, no one really said anything to me and if they did they commented on how I played. Hell I actually managed to impress a girl in one of my classes when I played BOTW during a break and even offered to help her with ot because she was stuck
Not an issue since modern games save automatically every 2 min. Plus the entire switch library consist of indie shit and bing bing casual games.
If you feel that way just mail it to my house so i can deconstruct it
>Is it ever okay to play a console designed to be played in public?
Gee user, Im not sure. I just know that im grateful that my time waiting in line to pay the bills or taking the bus is now filled with me wanting to kill myself because these darn Prof Layton's puzzles are too hard.
It’s the same autistic losers who have nothing else to do in their life but to shitpost on this trash can website.
I frequently play it on my breaks and lunch at work. Every so often someone will ask me what I'm playing. That's it. No one fucking cares.
No, now grow up
Grey. Then I'll try to get some black and gold PVCs on it.
Played it on a redeye plane once. Literally no one cared except the gf because I wasn't paying attention to her
It's not a matter of insecurity, it's a case of you being fucking RUDE. If you're out you don't look at your phone. Learn to socialize.
Obviously if you're taking that image literally for some reason, yeah, don't go to a party if you're not gonna socialize, but "in public" generally means on the bus and shit and no one on the bus wants to socialize with random strangers.
Why would any one fucking care? People these days are looking into their phones nearly constant and your worried about how a portable game console is going to make you look?
That depends on your country's culture.
Here in Japan, fucking everyone plays games in public. I see middle-aged women and men playing gatcha mobile games on the train all the time.
Basically the west is full of faggots who can't into games
I want yellow so I can easily find it when I leave it around the house but I also like blue. I guess the blue wont be too hard to find either. Maybe I'll buy both so I can play some local multiplayer.
What are some good switch games with local multiplayer?
My wife is hot and I play it with her in public.
I'm married and I make more money than you. I'll bing bing wahoo where I please.
I play my Vita when I'm out and on a train or something. People aren't looking at you and judging you unless they're assholes, it's not a hard concept to grasp. I feel much more self conscious when I'm sat there doing nothing than when I am distracting myself and playing.
I prefer reading novels when I'm on the bus, but it's not because I feel classy or intellectual doing so, it's because I live in a bad area and I don't want to make myself a target by having expensive shit out and even if someone takes the book, better to lose an $8.99 novel than a 300 dollar console.
Because heaven forbid you go an hour without constant stimulation.
I don't but it's not because I care what people think, more like I don't want fags to come to talk to me about what I'm playing or something. Seems insufferable. It's why I do everything privately in public unless I'm sure it's something no one would talk to me about.
About to get the Nintendo vouchers.
Do I get gold points for it? And if so how much? Also suggestions?
I see people on my college campus playing them pretty often, and no one really seems to give a shit.
>Real world
Go around actual adults as an adult and whip out a bing bing wahoo device, "le no one really cares" is a meme and a half to trick dipshits into looking like jackasses in public.
But why should I? Because someone I don't even know might think I'm immature? So the fuck what?
When you guys finally stop caring about the opinions of strangers you will feel more free than ever before in your lives. I guarantee it.
People aren’t interested in you, they don’t care. Unless you do something weird. But playing game? That’s pretty normal, I doubt most people give a shit.
I'm pretty sure that no one really gives a shit. And even if they did, why would you care what random people who you will most likely never see again think about you?
Disregard. Already decided on fire emblem, and dragon quest builders 2.
I need some comfy in my life right now.
>buying digital games from Nintendo
I'm black and attractive so no one gives a shit if I play vidya in public.
That said I still wouldn't bring my switch because it's too damn big for me to just carry.
It's only okay to play handhelds in public if you are attractive and psychically fit. If you look like a fucking 300 pound greasy ass virgin then no.
Something about caring what other people think about what you do reeks of NPC loser mentality.
>because it's too damn big for me to just carry.
This, the thing is the size of a tablet, not even taking into account the Joycons
Also nigger
Literally the dumbest post yet. If I went an hour without stimulation I'd be dead retard. The wind blowing against me is stimulation
Well in that case, the problem isn't really playing games in public, it's being a 300 pound greasy virgin. People are going to judge you because of that no matter if you're playing a vidya game, reading a book, listening to music, discussing philosophy or Sunday night HBO, or using your phone. At that point, you're a walking joke by virtue of what you are, not what you do.
Honestly, same. I just feel like playing it in public is kinda awkward, you know? maybe I'm just weird but meh.
It's just your giant sense of faggotdom that makes you
I’m drunk anyone wanna see my dick?
I have a coworker who brings his Switch to work in his back pocket and no one says a thing, I agree that no one gives a shit
Played it on a redeye flight once and an attractive flight attendant kept asking me what I was playing and told me she cleared BotW.
When I play on the subway no one says anything, but one girl looked very distressed. I didn’t care because I am 31, handsome, popular and make 200k.
>except the gf because I wasn't paying attention to her
What a needy cunt.
i played bayonetta 2 while waiting for my haircut last week. no one said anything. why do you guys care what people think of you so much?
unless you're a kid, no.
This thing looks like the perfect PSP replacement.
>poop blue
user, do you have something you want to tell us?
Fuck you supid fags and this meme. If you're buff and look good you can play your switch or gameboy or shove a dildo in your ass, no one will care. If you're fat or lanky or wear a fedora and trenchcoat then YOU obviously don't care how you look so why care about playing a switch in public?
Based as fuck
It's always fine for me, because I'm not a beta that gives a shit about what other people think of me. What a sad existence most people must live.
If you worry about playing your Switch in public or look down on others who do, chances are you're a social reject.
I play mine in public, usually in transportation or airports. Don't give it a second thought. I don't really care what people think, I just want to play games and listen to podcasts.
The people who post"cringe" and shit in these threads are the same people who wish they had the confidence and self-esteem required to not give a fuck about gaming in public.
i wouldn't judge people for playing it at the airport, but beyond that's it.
>video games other than phone games in public
Just wait until you get home. What the fuck is wrong with you? Sure, you shouldn't let other people's perception of you interfere with what you want to do, but playing video games in a public space is definitely not something a functioning adult should want to do.
The guys who haven't fucked and completely lack social awareness are the ones who think it's acceptable to do this. Everyone thinks you're weird for playing a switch in public. If you're over the age of 12 or 13, you should be able to leave the house without having to take a video game console with you. It's one thing if you're on a long flight or train ride, but if you're in starbucks or sitting around on your college campus playing a nintendo switch, you're a fucking child. You should feel shame so that you'll be discouraged from doing it again.
I'm an ugly beta who played BOTW during a break in one of my college classes and an older chick in the class was actually impressed by it since she was stuck in the game
Waiting for the inevitable Zelda special edition or Animal Crossing special edition.
Also need to find out what kind of screen they're using.
I inky play my portables if I'm on extra long trip in a bus or something. These days proper bus' have usb charging ports as well so might as well use them. Other than that reading a book is also great on long distance traveling
Go to bed Quentin
The only people who look down on others adults for gaming in public are the same people who were looked down on for doing the same as kids. Some people just can't get over elementary/high school
There's no one in this world worth socializing with.
Spoken like a true autist
People saying this shit is absolute confirmation that they are fucking little dumb kids worried excessively about what their fucking stupid peers think of them all the goddamn time.
If you were really an adult, you would do what the fuck you want and not give a fucking shit what people thought.
I like to take pictures of old nerds who play video games in public and laugh at them with my friends but other than that I think it's not that much a big deal.
>you would do what the fuck you want and not give a fucking shit what people thought.
This is how people end up dead or in in prison, user.
I've almost never seen anyone with their vidya out in public, even kids. Maybe it's where I live (Ausfag) but I just don't see it. Only thing I've seen is a couple of years ago when I was at university I saw a guy playing his GBA SP though.
Countering that though, when I was in Japan when the PSP was newish I saw a few Japanese people playing their PSPs on public transport.
Is it common in other parts of the western world like America and England?
in two years, i've only seen one guy who was in his mid 20s playing ds on the bus.
na btw
Playing vidya in public is pretty normal if you don't look like this
Or this
>chances are you're a social reject.
He said rejecting society and hiding in his bing bing wahoo.
I play vidya in public
Caring about what others think, even when it's as minuscule as keeping yourself occupied in public, is pretty degenerate. True chads don't give two shits.
Only beta virgins are embarrased to be playing the best gen console in public
And If its “currently supported” then its current gen, regardless of hardware specs
Nice gut homo
Less common than it used to be. But then again, EVERYONE uses their phones in public and plenty of them are probably playing games. Think about it that way.
Thanks, it's the excess skin I still have left
over from back when I was a fat loser criticizing people on video game message boards.
What reeks of virginity is caring what people think about your game playing habits. I mean comeon, do you think Chad gives a fuck if people see him playing Animal Crossing in public?
Jesus Christ you people are pathetic. I'm married, I play videogames in public, the only people who worry about this shit are autists. If you're worried about being viewed as an autist, it's probably because you actually are one.
If people are playing shit games on their phones either way, what the fuck is the can't leave the house without having to take a game console argument.
Subtle fpbp
Protip: Don't play it in public while alone. You can offset the judgemental looks from onlookers by either having a few mostly white friends with you, at least one black friend or a kid
>poop blue
user, I have some bad news for you...
Why would YOU care about what an absolute strange thinks ?
Genuine question, I don't even understand why would anybody cares.
I’m not socializing with the old, nearly dead people in a waiting room who couldn’t hear me talking anyway.
How you present matters so much more than what you actually do.
Whats wrong
Is the 17 year old chad with a skateboard going to silently judge you on the bus?
Grow a pair, be proud of your virginity.