Remember when Sega wasn't the laughingstock of the entire industry? Me neither.
Remember when Sega wasn't the laughingstock of the entire industry? Me neither
>Sonic Chronicles has the highest score besides Mania
sega died with the dreamcast bro
Sonic Mania is soulless nostalgia pandering.
It's quite telling that Shadow the Hedgehog is the second lowest score when it's still better than majority of the games listed
Games really were just better in the past, little zoomer.
Sonic Manie is the first Sonic game since Adventure 2 to have any soul
I grew up during Sonic's peak on the Genesis yet SA2 is the best Sonic game. Get some taste.
Sonic Adventure 1 on the Dreamcast has no reviews on Metacritic. You explicitly chose the XBLA version, which is notoriously broken in comparison to other versions
Didn't Sonic Adventure get 9/10's when it came out? :/
Are we blaming SEGA as a whole for Sonic Team's faults?
it was a 9/10 in 2001, it's a 6/10 if you play it now.
Sonic Mania is also a 6/10
Nah, he just cherry picked the worst ratings around for the Adventure games. He didn't even need to, since it's near universally accepted that every Sonic Game between SA2 and Mania, aside from possibly generations was horrible
>implying SA1, SA2 and Heroes got that kind of drubbing at the time of release
Image is bullshit, but the problem is Sonic Team really has no idea what to do, even when shown. Even when they hit on a good idea, they'll ignore or ruin it in the very next release.
Bioware Bonus was a hell of a thing at that point.
God awful taste
Colors and Generations has a pretty nice rep in the fanbase but that's basically it.
an iOS release of Sonic CD got a literal 93 on metacritic
Yeah...three games made literal decades ago were good...
This seems to conflict with OP's statement that 100% of sonic games before Mania were bad
The vast majority were shit, though
Sonic 06 was unironically the last Sonic game to have soul.
Sonic 06 was unironically the first soulless Sonic game
Only zoomers believe this.
No you didn't. You were maybe 2 or 3 when Sonic 1 came out. You 'grew up' when SA2 came out, hence why you have nostalgia blinders for it.
Only zoomers believe this.
Zoomers had Sonic 06 as their first sonic
video games were objectively better in the past and that's why nostalgia has been "in" for the past 10 years
SA1 & 2 reviewed excellently on Dreamcast. This image is a flawed shitpost.
No love for Rush?
Get some first retard
>having a lower score than a good chunk of that shit
>Remember when Sega wasn't the laughingstock of the entire industry?
Yeah, it was before Sega of Japan decided to assfuck Sega of America, which resulted in two consoles tanking and then the company doing even worse when they needed to rely on sucking Sony dick just to survive. It's a good thing they threw all those old assholes out because the company would've been dead and bought by Sony if they hadn't.