I know it's a bit late, but fuck it. Banjo celebration thread.
I know it's a bit late, but fuck it. Banjo celebration thread
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I feel bad for Banjo
I mean, sure, his legacy is finally being acknowledged but the franchise is still buried and forgotten.
The series has been dead since 2008, everyone know this, Smash is just a much nicer burial site for it than Nuts and Bolts.
If it has to stay that way I'd rather it go out on the high note of a Smash appearance than the wet farts of Nuts & Bolts or Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing
I like all the new art.
>The DQ guys, Banjo, and Kazooie will all be unofficial best friends from now on thanks to the magic of fanart and dual reveals
Feels awesome, even if the only DQ game I ever played was Dairy Queen 4
One of the only two nitpicks I have about Banjo in Smash is that their trailer didn't have a nod to all the collectathon freaks in Smash
Not him, but same, and this is coming from a DQ fan who has only played Burger King 1.
Seeds aren't poop.
East and West :)
Those ones are.
Banjo Kazooie celebration playlist
I'd much rather the last game they're known for being in be Smash than Nuts and Bolts.
there is none
Think of the Smash inclusion as having your corpse be moved from a ditch to a proper grave. I'd love a revival but sadly we're well past that at this point.
God I'm a bigger Banjo autist than anyone else on this board but I'm sick and tired of all these cringey threads. They come off as Reddit refugee threads.
Yo dude I have come back from the Area 51 raid and stole this Infinty gaunlet and got me a time machine. You know I had to do it to them.
Nope. I'm just sick of Banjo "fans" making people who actually like the series look like faggots and reddit users.
Baffles me this shitter is playable while actual iconic characters like Bomberman is just an assist
>tfw autistic enough to buy a CRT and a N64 for cheap just so I can relive playing this and Tooie again
What are you trying to prove by invading threads and proceeding to shit them up that aren't even related to Bomberman?
If you actually cared about Bomberman, you would actually support the games and not antagonize a fanbase that would laugh in your face because they actually got what they want.
You're making us Bomberfags look like the Ashleycucks.
So he's making Bomberman look like Ashley?
Does that mean that Bomberman is a shit character?
What was the deleted post? I feel like it ties in with mine () so I'm just curious
Wait wtf did mods really delete my post. The mods are dumb ass niggers.
just emulate it retard
I was referring to the supporters of said characters, not the characters themselves.
Either way, I'm mostly apathetic to whatever happens to Ashley, if she ever becomes playable or not.
My computers a toaster that would shit bricks trying to emulate that and I like playing on an N64 controller anyway.
Ashleyfags deserve death, Bunch of pedos obsessing over a little girl
Never forget the Guy mad That Castlevania got in instead
These threads aren't gonna stop are they?
Not any time soon
The DQ series really wasn't the same since the fried food update
I had both Banjo games growing up, great games, loved them a lot. But then I got over it. I don't really get how 20 years later there are all these grown men, sometimes 30+ years old, who are still fanatically obsessed with this franchise. It's the level of obsession you would expect from an 8 year old and the Ninja Turtles or something. If there were Banjo-Kazooie bedsheets and Banjo-Kazooie plates you can bet they'd own and use them regularly. I started following Grant Kirkhope and Steve Mayles on twitter and it's like every week they're linking to some embarrassing thing a psychotic Banjo fanatic has done. I get being happy to see some childhood favourite character again but with Banjo the obsession seems to go so, so far beyond that.
Considering this is the first time people have seen the two of them in an art-style that didn't make them look like crackheads that just got done sucking dog dicks for drug money I severely doubt it.
Sounds like you're just a normalfag, bro
I can't help but wonder why it took Smash Bros to make them look good. It's not a complex design at all.
Banjo and Kazooie being each other's over protective siblings is about the best way to imagine them
2008 was a bad time for platformers and they've had nothing to redeem them until now. Crash had a similar fate.
Funny thing is, the art director of all 3 Banjo games is the one who went on to make Yooka Laylee which has that same angular N&B look (but improved a bit)
I'm telling you, a Crash/Sypro style remake of Banjo Kazooie and Tooie would sell like fucking hotcakes if they put it on the Switch
Preaching to the choir. Even Rare Replay Switch would be enough and everyone has been expecting it since even before E3. One of these is bound to happen now, even if it takes some time.
I love this one. More please.
Rare Replay Switch should definitely include the Rare Donkey Kong games.
It's terrifying knowing that, if it didn't already exist, there is porn of these two out there.
Welcome to the Internet.
to be honest one of favorite things about the reveal is seeing so much wholesome fanart of them again
I'm all for it, but there's a few possible hurdles like that they might not want DK bundled with M-rated Perfect Dark, Conker and such. Which I could imagine being the case.
But hey, best case scenario is Diddy Kong Racing, DK64 and Star Fox Adventures all together.
I love seeing Japanese takes on them
steve has gone mental since he was sent to hell
Y-l's design would be perfect if Yooka had some kind of Hawaiian gear or shirt. He looks kinda naked otherwise, but the angular look works for the game.
Honestly I feel like I'd be fine not having another banjo game for now at least. I know they're not the same, but we got a good handful of 3d platformers and collectathons lately, like mario odyssey, hat in time, we have psychonauts 2 coming up, etc.
Getting a port of rare replay for switch for a the banjo-kazooie/tooie love would be ideal though
very nice :)
Nintendo already owns all the rights to the DK games, they could put out their own collection without any Rare involvement. The only game that'd be tricky is Diddy Kong Racing due to Banjo, Tiptup and Conker's presence. I think it'd be more likely to see Rare-owned Nintendo console games in it.
We know. Smash is a genuine final hoorah to the rare Nintendo relationship, because 2002 went off with a wimper
>Pac Man, Rosalina, Link, and Banjo Kazooie together
Stop. My heart can’t take it
it's odd how i can tell what that comic is saying without knowing japanese or whatever that language is just by the facial expressions and imagery.
Whatever happened to all those discord’s?
I’m trying to find it, but someone in Japan redid the banjo Kazooie reveal with the Japanese versions of the DKC cartoon voices playing for the DK characters reacting
feels good to be in
Congrats from beyond the galaxies
Same with glover
Glover had an impact on us all
>despite having an appearance as a playable character in mc banjo is viewed as rivals with steve
Grotesque steve makes me look bad for wanting steve
I fucking hate any artist who draws teeth like that.